Teacher's Pet
Chapter 1: Blaine's new job. Next Chapter Story
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Teacher's Pet: Chapter 1: Blaine's new job.

E - Words: 973 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Jul 01, 2013 - Updated: Aug 21, 2013
194 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: As always, comment if you want more!

Light seeped in from the open blinds of the bedroom window, causing Kurt to groan as he awoke from a deep sleep, eyes blinking open groggily. He rubbed his eyes before giving out a soft yawn, checking around the room as he notices a matted-haired Blaine sitting at his computer desk. He quickly checked his phone on the bedside table, noticing it was nearly noon, and decided to drag himself out of bed. He stretched his arms over his head and made his way over to Blaine at his desk. "Good morning, honey." He smiled, hugging his arms around his boyfriend's neck from behind as he peeked over the man's shoulder to the laptop he was furiously typing on. "Whatcha up to?" He placed a small kiss to his cheek.

Blaine turned his head slightly to Kurt. "Hey, good morning...." He returned a soft kiss to Kurt's lips before returning his eyes to his laptop screen. "Oh just emailing, working out something with Principal Figgins."

Kurt's brow furrowed. "Principal...Figgins?" He paused. "From Mckinley?"

Blaine hummed in response.

"Why are you emailing him?"



Blaine sighed and patted his lap. "Come here."

Kurt furrowed his brows in confusion before walking over and slipping onto Blaine's lap, resting his head on his chest as he looks up at him with a worried look. "Is something wrong?"

"No! Not at all, babe." Blaine wraps a firm arm around his waist before huffing out a breath. "I just...do you remember when I said I wanted to become a teacher, and had applied to some schools?"

"Of course..."

"Well, one of the schools I had applied to was Dalton Academy, and they said they didn't have any teacher spots open but they did send a letter of recommendation to Mckinley..."

Kurt's smile faltered completely. "Oh."

"And I just received an email from Principal Figgins explaining how he would love to have me in their English department, and asking me when I can start immediately."


"Well...what do you think?"

Kurt's eyes trailed down to his fingers as he shrugged. "I mean, I don't know honey, don't you think it would be a little weird having me as one of your students?"

Blaine bit his lip, saying nothing.

"You know, because we're dating and all.."

Still nothing.

"You don't think it would be weird?"

"That's what I need to talk to you about."

Kurt could already feel his heart thumping in his chest, he had no idea where Blaine was going with this, but it was nerve wracking. "Okay. Shoot."

"If I get this job, Kurt, you realize that as a teacher I'm not aloud to date my student, correct?"

Now it was Kurt's turn to stare blankly up at Blaine.

"It's against Mckinley's policy for any of the teacher's to have intimate affairs with their students for fear that their could be cheating in the grade system."

Kurt nodded slightly, feeling his mouth go dry.

Blaine swallowed noticing Kurt's face turn slightly paler. "You don't know what I'm about to say, please don't freak out about this."

"You're breaking up with me."


Kurt leaped off Blaine's lap as his eyes welled up with tears. "You're breaking up with me, you're choosing your job over me, how could you!"

"Kurt! Woah, woah I'm not breaking up with you!" Blaine left his chair to try and pull Kurt into his arms, immediately getting shoved away as Kurt hugged his arms around himself. "Well what were you going to say then! That we should 'take a break' because it's the same thing, Blaine, you're leaving me for a whole year!" His voice grew louder as tears splashed down his reddened cheeks.

"Oh baby..." Blaine sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I am so, so sorry."

"Well obviously you're not, or else you would have turned down that damn job!"

"You know I need this job, Kurt, it's the closest I have to home and I need the money to keep this apartment." Blaine's voice was turning more stern, matching Kurt's.

"Oh screw the apartment! I can't believe you're choosing money over me! It's not like I waited a year to turn eighteen or anything to even kiss you because you were worried you'd be charged for abuse of a minor!"

"I did that for us, Kurt! Jesus Christ you make me sound like a bad person just because I tried to fucking save our relationship which could have been broken apart by the police!"

Kurt scoffed. "Oh whatever, Blaine, whatever."

"Kurt..." Blaine grabbed the boy's arms and took his hands into his own, staring into his eyes. "I'm not ending our relationship, now listen to me. We're going to take a break, yes, but only in public. I can't get caught by anybody, and no one can find out we're dating or else I will lose my job at the school. That does not mean we can't talk or text, and you can still come over on the weekends but we have to be discreet about it. I promise to video chat you everyday and make sure you don't feel abandoned by me. Please, please understand that I need this job if I'm going to make a living and support the two of us when you leave High School. I love you so much, and I promise this isn't a goodbye." He squeezed Kurt's hands gently, eyes growing soft as they gazed into Kurt's, begging him silently. Kurt sighed as he stared back at Blaine, hands growing less tense as Blaine squeezed them and coaxed him. He suddenly fell into Blaine's arms around hugged around his neck tightly, burying his face into his neck.


Blaine wrapped Kurt in a tight embrace, smiling as he rested his face in his hair. "I promise."


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