Aug. 18, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 18, 2014, 7 p.m.
So I asked if you wanted me to change the format but the majority of the people wanted me to keep it how it is or didnt mind so Im just going to keep writing it how Ive been writing it, Im really sorry if its hard to understand but I have to listen to the majority I hope you keep reading! Thanks for your comments though! Xx
But what I will do is if both characters are in Blaines POV for the whole chapter then I wont write a Kurts POV because it will pretty much just be the same chapter twice. Let me know what you think of that
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this chapter.
"Dont avoid my questions Blaine," Kurt said softly walking towards him.
"Fine, Im not doing anything, none of your business and I fell," he spat pushing himself to his feet. "Now answer mine," he continued moving closer to Kurt getting a better look at his face.
"Lets just say that I pissed off the wrong person," Kurt said shoving his hands into his pockets starting to shift uncomfortably.
He let out a small giggle. "Looks like you did, I dont know why youre not more careful," he said.
"Whats that supposed to mean?" Kurt said sounding hurt.
"I mean you dont leave people alone Kurt, you try to help people who dont want to be helped," he yelled.
"I know I dont know you that well but I can see that you want help, so stop trying to push it away!" Kurt yelled back.
"You dont know anything about me," he screamed back outraged. He had no idea how he felt.
He watched as Kurt sighed and sat on the floor.
"What are you doing?" He said standing over him.
"Im not going anywhere until you talk to me," Kurt said and he sighed.
"You really are stubborn arent you ?" He said moving back to where he had been laying before sitting down too.
"Yeah, my dad says I got it from my mother," Kurt said.
"He did?" Blaine said.
"Well she died when I was younger so she could hardly tell me herself," Kurt said and a pit of sadness developed in his stomach.
"Im sorry," he said probably saying the most genuine thing that he had said to Kurt.
"Not your fault, no need to apologise," Kurt muttered.
He didnt know what to do, if he waited here for too long Kurt would find out that he had nowhere to go.
He looked to Kurt. "Do you have a car?"
"No," Kurt replied running his hands through his hair and he frowned a little disappointed.
"Can I ask you a favour?" Blaine said thinking. This might not be the best thing to do right now but he didnt know what to do and he couldnt live here forever.
"Of course," Kurt said brightening up a little.
"Will you help me get this stuff home?" He asked. He just wanted to try going home and it was selfish but he didnt want to go alone.
"Ok," Kurt said pushing himself to his feet.
Blaine started to gather his stuff, nervous of what would happen.
He handed one of his bags to Kurt and they walked towards the hole in the fence.
"That must have been a chore," Kurt said starting to shove the bags to the other side of the fence.
"You have no idea," he mumbled waiting for Kurt to climb through the fence before he followed.
They walked back across the field towards the gate; it looked like all of the students were in lesson so there wasnt anyone around.
He knew that his parents would be at home, his dad worked at home and only went out when he had to and his mother barely got up unless it was to get another alcoholic beverage.
They walked out the gate and he signalled that they had to go left, Kurt followed him and they walked in silence.
When they reached his house he stopped Kurt at the gate.
"Wait here," he said and he walked to the door trying to open it but it was locked so he started knocking on it firmly.
He heard movement inside before the door swung open, his dad stood there looking down on him.
"What do you want?" His dad said.
"I want to come home," he whispered taking a step forward not wanting Kurt to hear.
"Come home? I told you that I didnt want to see you again," his dad yelled.
"I dont have anywhere else to go," he said giving his dad evils now.
"Not my problem," he sneered. He took a look over his shoulder at Kurt who was looking at him concerned. He shouldnt have brought him here; he should have been bigger than this and came on his own.
"Im your son…," he said.
"Not anymore…," he said before shoving him backwards.
He let himself tumble to the ground as his dad slammed the door shut.
"Blaine!" Kurt yelled running to his side.
"Lets just go back to the forest," he said trying not to cry. He hadnt been sure if his dad had been serious about kicking him out but apparently he was.
He got up ignoring Kurts hand as he offered to help him up. He walked past him and out of the garden picking up one of his bags on the way past them.
Kurt grabbed the rest before he heard him running up behind him.
"What was that?" Kurt said his eyes wide.
"That was my dad telling me that I wasnt his son anymore and to get lost," he said his anger rising to the surface.
"Blaine stop," Kurt grabbed his arm making him stop. He did as he was told and turned to him. "Im sorry this happened to you," Kurt said pulling him into a hug.
He couldnt remember the last time that hed had a hug and he didnt know if it was because he had just been disowned by his parents or because he really did need some help but he hugged him back, pulling him close.
He felt emotion rise within him and he started to sob into Kurts shoulder, he felt weak and vulnerable but he couldnt hold it in any longer.
He wanted to run but having someone to lean of for the first time in he didnt know how long felt good.
He felt like he had broken.