Never Look Back
Chapter 10 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Look Back: Chapter 10

E - Words: 1,953 - Last Updated: Dec 20, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Aug 22, 2014 - Updated: Aug 22, 2014
207 0 0 0 0

Blaine opened his eyes rolling over in his bed, it had been a couple of days since he had told Kurt about being stabbed and he was feeling better.

His stomach was almost cleared up but he still had to keep his bandage on, Kurt replaced it every time he had a shower as he struggled to put it on himself.

He climbed out of the bed and changed into a pair of clean clothes before making his way into the kitchen, he wanted to make Kurt some breakfast.

He was finally starting to feel comfortable though there was loads of things that made him jump or make his heart rate rise, it could be anything from a loud noise to a sudden movement that made him want to retreat back into his room and hide under the bed. He managed to control his actions constant reminders in his head that told him that Kurt wouldnt hurt him.

But there was still the small voice that told him that any day Kurt was going and turn and hit him because he was worthless and didnt deserve a master as good as Kurt.

He looked around the cupboards pulling out all the ingredients to make blueberry pancakes and began to put the all together.

It was just as he was plating them a sleepy Kurt came wandering out of his room and into the kitchen.

"Whats that smell?" Kurt asked his eyes going wide when he saw him.

"I made breakfast," he said looking to the floor. He still had a problem getting himself to look into Kurts eyes and he knew it was going to be a while for him to be comfortable to do so.

"Blaine you didnt have to do that, it smells great though," Kurt said moving closer. He moved out the way of the plate so Kurt could get to it, he took a glance up as Kurt took a bite.

"Oh my god Blaine! Theyre so good," Kurt moaned taking another bite. "Didnt you make any for yourself?" Kurt asked and he suddenly noticed that he hadnt. He never really thought of making anything for himself.

He shook his head and suddenly Kurt started to move around the kitchen.

"Kurt?" He asked a little confused of what he was doing.

"Im going to make you some pancakes and then you can taste them and tell me how to improve them because yours are so much better than mine," Kurt said and he looked down a smirk playing on his lips.

Soon there were a couple of steaming pancakes in front of him, he looked at them. They smelt really good and Kurt watched him waiting for him to take a bite.

He looked down at the plate and used the fork and knife that had been given to him to cut a small piece of pancake off and put it in his mouth. Flavours bounced off his tough and he smiled, Kurts pancakes were amazing.

"Im not sure how you could improve them Kurt, theyre really good," he said and Kurt smiled.

"You really like them?" Kurt asked and he nodded.

"But yours are better, how did you make them so light and fluffy?" Kurt asked and he looked up. He didnt know, he didnt know what to say.

"I-I dont know," he said. "Im sorry," he continued but Kurt shook his head.

"Dont worry about it, youre just naturally good at making them I guess," Kurt said putting another mouthful of pancake in his mouth, and he felt his cheeks heat up. He looked to the floor trying to hide his blush, people didnt compliment him much and he was glad that he could please Kurt.

Blaine was adorable when he blushed, he could see that Blaine was starting to come out of his shell a little bit and it made his heart race. He could see that he was starting to trust him, it was only when he took sudden movements or made too much noise that he seem to crawl back into himself.

He was starting school tomorrow so he had to remind Blaine about that, give him the options again before he dropped him into the deep end. He was excited that he was going to be able to learn performing arts.

He was sitting in the living room waiting for Blaine to walk in, Blaine had insisted on doing the dishes after breakfast even though he had said he would do it.

Blaine finally walked in and stood next to the sofa, this was another thing that he was had having a problem with, Blaine always waits for permission to do something. The breakfast this morning was one of the first things he hadnt asked to do.

"You can sit Blaine," he said patting the space next to him and Blaine nodded moving into the space. "You dont need to ask to sit down," he said and Blaine nodded again looking to the floor.

"I wanted to ask you if you still want to come with me to school, I start tomorrow so I thought Id ask just in case youve changed your mind," he asked and Blaine looked up looking into his eyes. He liked to cherish whenever he did it because it was rare that he ever did but at least Blaine was trying.

"I still want to go with you Kurt," Blaine replied and he nodded smiling.

"Are you sure? You wont be able to go into lessons with me but you could go to the library and read if you want and then meet me in-between classes and at lunch," he said and Blaines eyes lit up.

"Ill be able to read Kurt?" Blaine said and the excitement I his eyes made him smile.

"Yeah, if you want to," he smiled and Blaine nodded eagerly.

"Great," he said and stood. "Im going to go take a shower," he continued giving Blaine one more smile before walking towards the bathroom.


He couldnt sleep that night, he was terrified of going to school with Kurt but he didnt want to stay here on his own.

He didnt know what the other students will think of him, from what he had learned Kurt was one in a million and other people didnt hesitate to put him in his place.

He watched the ceiling for hours until Kurt finally knocked and entered the room as the sun started to rise.

"Hey Blaine, are you ok?" Kurt asked walking into his room.

"Im fine Kurt," he replied and Kurt gave him a small knowing smile.

"Youll be fine today I promise," Kurt assured him as though he could read his mind and he nodded.

He rolled out of bed and put on clothes that he wouldnt overly stick out in. He chose a light blue shirt and black skinny jeans and made his way out into the living room where Kurt stood waiting for him.

"Are you ready?" Kurt asked his softly and he nodded keeping his eyes towards the floor looking at Kurts shoes.

He could tell just by looking at Kurts feet that he was hesitant.

"Ok, lets go," Kurt said and they headed towards the door.

They decided to walk to the college because it was basically the same distance as the mall but in the opposite direction.

They look off down the street and he made sure that he trailed a little behind Kurt partly because he didnt know where he was going and partly because he didnt want Kurt to be embarrassed to be with him.

They turned their last corner about ten minutes later and a large building came into view. The building was huge and was caged in by a big iron fence the only entrance being the gate where students were flooding in.

He could see slaves following their masters into the school head down, awaiting order.

Kurt turned to him and made sure that he caught up to him before they carried on into the gates.

His heart was racing as the got closer to the school, he felt tiny compared to the towering school. The name of the school was spelt out in big letters NYADA.

Just before they got to the door Kurt stopped and turned to him.

"I came here about a month ago to look around, I can show you where most of my lessons will be and where I want you to wait for me and then Ill show you the library, is that ok?" Kurt asked him and he nodded looking back up at the school.

They continued on into the school and he was starting to feel a little anxious, there were so many people walking around the hall rushing around looking for their classes.

Kurt had a light hold on his arm and he didnt mind, he just knew that Kurt was safe, if he was with Kurt then he was safe.

Kurt led him through the halls and he was making a mental note of where they were going, the stopped outside big room and Kurt smiled at the room.

"This is where I want you to wait for me at lunch and if you need me just come and get me I wont be mad," Kurt said and he nodded taking the information in. Kurt went into the shoulder bag and pulled out a piece of paper handing it to him.

"This is my schedule, if you just want to see me you can come wait for me outside here in-between lessons," Kurt explained and he nodded. "Ok, now lets go to the library," Kurt said and he suddenly felt a lot more hyped.

Again Kurt held lightly onto his arm as he led him through the corridors, the library was just down the corridor, up the stairs and on the left.

He smiled when they entered it and he looked around at the shelves and shelves of books.

A bell rang around the he looked to Kurt.

"Are you going to be ok?" Kurt asked looking genuinely concerned.

"Yes Kurt, Ill be fine," he said and Kurt gave him one last smile before turning and exiting the library leaving him alone.

He suddenly felt lonely without Kurt at his side but he moved further into the library starting to scan the books. He had longed for the feeling of a book in his hand for a long time and the thought that he was going to get to do that made his heart flutter.

It was such a simple thing to want but being deprived of them for so long made him notice how special the feeling of a book gave him was.

He stopped when he saw a book that taught the basics of pianos and he plucked it from the shelf and walked to the back corner of the library. There was a lonesome chair sitting there and he sat on it opening the book and began to read.


He was worried about leaving Blaine on his own but he couldnt be late for his first class.

He made his way back to the room and walked in, he dumped his bag on the side where other people had seemed to leave theirs and looked around.

He noticed that a couple of people had actually brought their slave into the classroom, he didnt want to do that to Blaine he didnt want to drag him everywhere and Blaine had seemed excited about going to the library for some down time.

"Morning students!" A woman walked into the classroom with a scowl on her face.

Everyone walked to the front of the classroom to hear what she wanted them to do, students leaving their slaves at the back of the classroom making them kneel with their heads down. It made him feel sick, those were people and they were being treated as if they were nothing.

He sighed knowing he could do nothing about it and joined the group at the front awaiting what their lesson was going to consist of.



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