Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sept. 27, 2014, 7 p.m.
So i thought id put this on this fic too just let you guys know, the bad news is that i start college again on Monday which means that Im not going to be able to update as much :( But i will when i can! x
Hope you enjoy this chapter! x
Kurt dropped his bag onto the floor of the hotel; he and Blaine had collected all of their stuff from the bus and had got a taxi to the nearest hotel. The sky had turned dark and it was getting late.
He knew that it would take a while to get a flat in New York so they were possibly going to be here for a while.
He looked around at the large room with the king sized bed in the middle, this had been the only room left last-minute so they had to take it.
It was beautiful though, it had a balcony with looked out into the pool below and had a flat screen tv on the wall. He bit his lip thinking of how much it must have cost.
"Im going to need to get another job if we want to be able to afford everything," he said still looking around the room.
"I have the money Kurt you dont have to get a job," Blaine said coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist.
"I dont want you to have to pay for everything Blaine," he whined and Blaine tightened his grip placing a small kiss to his neck.
"Kurt you have no idea how much I have, Im talking hundreds of millions," Blaine said and he frowned turning in Blaines arms so he was facing him.
"Wow," he said and Blaine nodded.
"Yep, but none of it made me happy, it took you to do that which shows that money most certainly does not buy happiness," Blaine said and he blushed.
"Youre adorable, but I want to feel as though Im doing my part," he said moving out of Blaines arms to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Ok, thats understandable, sorry I didnt think about that," Blaine said following him slumping down into the space next to him. "Is there anything that you want to do?" Blaine asked him and he smiled.
He had thought about this ever since he had gotten to New York and had found out Blaine wanted to live here.
"There is actually," he said quietly and Blaine perked up.
"What?" Blaine asked excitedly.
"I know Im older now but I want to audition for NYADA for next year," he said looking at the floor shyly
"Kurt thats a great idea, I bet youre amazing," Blaine said and he smiled.
"Maybe you should audition with me?" He asked and Blaines eyes widened.
"Ive never considered that, maybe I will," Blaine said and he smiled.
The both changed into something that they could sleep in and climbed into the double bed. He slept on the right side and wrapped his arms around Blaine pulling him closer.
"Is this ok?" He asked and Blaine moaned happily.
"Perfect," Blaine replied before they both fell to sleep.
He hadnt ever really thought about going back to school, it had really got him thinking.
Kurt had disappeared to have a morning shower and he pulled out his phone lying back on the bed.
They had both slept in comfortable in each others arms and it was just about noon. He had a content smile on his face.
He pulled up twitter and his smile turned into frown at the unusual amount of tweets that he had, yes he normally had quite a few but not this many.
His heart started to beat fast as he noticed that his name was trending, well isblainegay was trending.
He sat up in the bed. He had been outed on twitter; he thought hed had more time, though he should have known better.
He searched through the messages a lot of them questions to whether it was true and somewhere talking about a picture. What picture?
He pulled up a link someone had sent to him and a picture of him and Kurt kissing popped up on the screen.
"Shit!" He said running his hand through his curls.
He went to Steves twitter page and there the original photo was, with over 100,000 retweets.
I hate him, he though his hand turning to a fist.
Just then Kurt waked into the room with a towel around his waist, pausing instantly when he saw Blaine.
"Whats wrong?" Kurt asked walked towards him sitting on the side of the bed.
"He did it," he whispered trying to let that hed been outed sink in.
"Who did what honey?" Kurt asked and he looked down.
"Steve outed me on twitter, he put a photo of me and you kissing on there," he said. "Im so sorry Kurt, I didnt want to get you involved," he continued but Kurt shook his head.
"Blaine, we will get through this together and until you come out publicly not everyone will believe what Steve says," Kurt said and he looked back up into Kurt beautiful eyes.
"Youre right, thank you," he said dropping his phone onto the bed and pulling Kurt closer.
Kurt jumped at the touch but allowed him to pull him so that they were against each other.
He kissed Kurt lightly on the lips.
"I was so scared that I was going to be stuck with Steve forever and when he started pushing me around... I didnt know how it was going to escalate," he said and he felt Kurt stiffen.
"He hurt you more than once?" Kurt asked shocked and then his mouth fell open. "When I found you crying?" Kurt asked and he nodded.
"Oh Blaine... Why didnt you tell me?" Kurt said and he leaned down kissing Kurt bear collarbone.
"Didnt want to scare you away," he said between kisses. Kurt groaned and he giggled moving up Kurts neck.
"Trust me these was no scaring me away," Kurt said and he smiled starting to suck and nibble on Kurts neck. "I would have just wanted to help you," Kurt continued.
He stopped kissing and leaned back looking to Kurts eyes. "You did help me, more that youll ever know," he said and Kurt smiled softly.
"Do you know how youre going to come out?" Kurt asked and he leaned back onto the bed Kurt laying his head on his chest.
He started to runs his hands thought Kurts wet hair. "Not really, I could just tweet that the rumours are true or I could do an interview and come out then," he said dreading doing either.
"Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and just remember that whatever happens youll still have me," Kurt said.
"I love you so much Kurt," he said and Kurt looked up at him with a smile.
"I love you too, now I need to get changed," Kurt said and he made an exaggerated sigh.
"Do you have too?" he whined with a giggled and Kurt slapped him lightly on the leg.
"Yes I do," Kurt giggled sticking his tongue out at him.
He smiled and watched as Kurt jumped of the bed and grabbed some clothes before disappearing back into the bathroom.
He couldnt help think that things could be a lot worse and even if his career did turn to shit then he still had Kurt, the love of his life.