Teach Me, Master
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Dec. 14, 2011, 5:40 a.m.

Teach Me, Master: Chapter 10

E - Words: 2,677 - Last Updated: Dec 14, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 08, 2011 - Updated: Dec 14, 2011
731 0 0 0 0

Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing. It really means a lot. :] And I know I said that there would potentially be Klaine sexytimes in this chapter, but Kurt and Blaine unfortunately tend to write themselves and they had other ideas for this one. But they’ll be in the very beginning of the next chapter, I promise! And I think you’ll like this chapter anyways.

Kurt leaned into Blaine’s chest, feeling warm and safe in his arms. Yet at the same time, he shivered. Blaine was holding him as he so often did, but he felt a bit uncomfortable. They were really doing this. Blaine was his Master. For real. He had always been very proud and independent despite his insecurities, and somehow calling Blaine his Master felt bizarre, and he felt slightly afraid of the older man.

Seeking to reassure himself, he leaned in to place a soft kiss on Blaine’s strong, smooth neck.

Then he hesitated.

“Um… M-master?” he asked hesitantly.

“Hmmmm?” Blaine hummed, absorbed in rubbing Kurt’s arms softly.

“Can I… I mean, um. Do I have to ask you, if I want to touch you?”

“No.” Blaine said simply, looking aloof and dominant in a way that sent shivers down Kurt’s spine. He resumed his stroking of the boy’s arms, his eyes gazing at Kurt with nothing but idle curiosity.

Kurt hesitantly brought his hand to Blaine’s cheek, feeling the light stubble and warmth of his skin. He trailed his hand down further, resting it on the shoulder opposite him. Kurt leaned closer to Blaine’s neck, inhaling the scent of spices, and gently pressed a soft, wet kiss to the man’s neck. He didn’t pull away, instead just resting his lips against the man’s neck and his head on his shoulder.

“Mmm… you feel so good, pet.”

Kurt felt the vibrations in Blaine’s throat and tightening of his muscles as he spoke. His lips curved upwards against Blaine’s skin. This was good, right? Blaine was his Master, and he was supposed to please Blaine, right? Suddenly, he felt unsure. His body stiffened beneath Blaine’s caresses. He had what he had wanted, so why did he feel like this? He felt almost afraid of Blaine, afraid and embarrassed to even talk to him about this, and ashamed of having wanted this relationship and telling Blaine so much about his deepest desires in the first place.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Blaine murmured, his hands stilling as he felt the stiffening of Kurt’s body.

Kurt froze against Blaine’s neck, feeling horribly uncomfortable.


“Are you sure?”




“There’s nothing bothering you or making you uncomfortable?”


Blaine felt Kurt’s eyes water against his neck.

“You know it’s one of your rules to tell me if you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, don’t you, pet? Please don’t make me punish you already, sweetheart. I’m trying to give you plenty of opportunities to answer me.”

Kurt said nothing.

“So are you sure you feel okay? Because you don’t sound okay.”

Kurt couldn’t tell Blaine. He couldn’t.

“I’m fine.”

“Look at me.”

The tone of Blaine’s voice scared Kurt, and he shook his head, keeping it firmly buried in Blaine’s neck.

“Kurt. That’s an order.

Kurt didn’t understand why he couldn’t meet Blaine’s gaze. For some reason following the order felt like he was giving in, and he felt vulnerable and exposed.

He felt Blaine’s strong yet gentle hand on the back of his head, pulling him away from his neck to meet his gaze.

“Pet, beautiful… I need you to look at me,” he whispered, seeing that Kurt’s eyes were beginning to tear.

Kurt did so, sniffling.

“Oh God, did I hurt you? What did I do? Is this too soon for you?” Blaine’s eyes were wide with worry.

“No, it’s just… pet feels… pet doesn’t know. It feels weird obeying you, for some reason. We haven’t even done anything yet, pet knows, but…”

“It’s going to take some getting used to, love,” Blaine said softly, his face close to Kurt’s. “I don’t expect you to get used to this right away, alright?”

“It’s just… it’s hard to understand how you can be in charge of pet and in love with him at the same time. You haven’t even ordered pet to do anything yet, except to look at you, and it still just felt so uncomfortable. It felt uncomfortable for a while, actually.”

“How?” Blaine took Kurt’s hand in his own, but somehow purposefully, not casually as he so often did.

“Pet doesn’t really know. You were holding him like you always do, and it felt wonderful like it always does, but it felt like there was something else there. Because you’re in charge of pet,, and we’re not equals, and it was just a little scary and pet can’t put his finger on it, but… don’t know.”

“Baby, I… I love you. So much, I can’t even – I don’t want you to be afraid of me. Not ever.”

Kurt just nodded.

“Are you afraid of me?” he whispered.

“Pet isn’t afraid of you… maybe of Master. It feels like Master is a different person from Blaine.” Kurt’s eyes shifted down to his lap, which Blaine allowed, but he still caressed the back of Kurt’s neck soothingly.

“I realize that this is new for you, and it’s going to take some getting used to. It’s a completely different lifestyle from what you’ve been living, and you can’t be expected to feel completely at ease with this, or even maybe me, right away…” Blaine mused, his voice full of sincerity and thought. He stroked Kurt’s back for a few minutes, just thinking. Kurt just gazed at him, and he was overwhelmed by the amount of trust in the boy’s eyes.

He finally spoke.

“Can we try something?”

“Yes. Yes, Master,” Kurt corrected quickly.

“Good boy. Just… trust me for a moment. Let me see if this will help you.”

“Of course.”

“Remember your safeword?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Very good.”

Kurt smiled slightly, still looking at Blaine and seeming much more comfortable than he had earlier.


Kurt moved off of Blaine’s lap and hesitantly knelt at his side, gazing up at him.

Blaine kept Kurt’s hand in his, resting their joined hands in his lap and running his thumb across Kurt’s hand soothingly.

“Perfect. Does this feel okay?”

“New, but okay.”

“Put your head in my lap.”

Kurt did so. Blaine’s thigh felt firm and strong beneath his cheek. He felt the man’s free hand run through his hair, and a sense of calm overwhelmed him. He allowed his eyes to drift shut.

“How do you feel, pet?”

“Safe. Comfortable.”

“Does this feel like I’m Blaine, or Master?”

“Um… well, pet thinks… both.”

Blaine didn’t say anything, just bent to kiss Kurt on the cheek.

“I love you, you know.”

“pet loves Master.”

“I know, sweetheart. You mean so much to me. I never want you to feel uncomfortable. You know that now, right?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Does it feel alright, calling me that?”

“Yes, Master. It feels… safe.”

Blaine kissed Kurt softly on the lips, and Kurt smiled, weaving a hand into his boyfriend’s curls.

“I’m glad, beautiful. Always know that I’m your boyfriend, who loves you. I’m only your Master because you gave yourself to me, and I never want to do anything to hurt you. I only want to guide you and make you happy.”

Kurt nodded. “Pet… pet knows.”

“Good. You make me so happy.”

Kurt lifted his head from Blaine’s lap, clinging to his hand and looking into his eyes dotingly and adorably.

“Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, beautiful. I owe that to you.”

Kurt nodded happily, then looked confused as Blaine slid of the couch to kneel with him, facing him and holding both of his hands.

“We agreed that we’re going to try this relationship out fully, this weekend, yes?

“Yes, Master.”

Blaine kept Kurt’s hands firmly in his own, rubbing them gently.

“Then we need to talk about something, okay?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good boy,” Blaine smiled, then looked at Kurt more seriously.

“Now… earlier, do you remember when we gave you your rules?”

“Yes, Master.”

“And what was the most important one, pet?”

“Um. To let you know if pet feels uncomfortable.”

“Good. And did you do that earlier?”

“I. I mean, pet… no.” Kurt bit his lip.

“Shhh, love, it’s okay, don’t look afraid. I love you. You know that.”

Kurt nodded, looking at their joined hands and calming.

“Would you agree that I gave you plenty of opportunities to let me know that you felt uncomfortable? That I asked you multiple times, in multiple ways, and reminded you of the rule before asking you again?”

“Yes, Master.”

“So you realize that you broke a rule?”

“Yes, Master,” Kurt said, his hand tensing despite Blaine’s reassuring stroking.

“And why was that rule important?”

“Because you wanted to know that pet feels comfortable with this relationship. You don’t want to do anything to hurt pet,” Kurt said nervously, yet feeling oddly calmed by the use of the third person and calling himself pet. It reminded him how much Blaine cared for him.

“Right. And you gave me the precious, precious gift of yourself and the wonderful responsibility of taking care of you, of meeting your needs and keeping you safe, loved, and comfortable. But I can’t do that if you don’t tell me that you’re not feeling okay. The rules are for your own good, sweetheart, you know that, right?”

“Yes, Master.” Kurt gulped.

“And I can’t take care of you the way I should, the way you deserve, the way I want to, if you don’t follow the rules.

“Yes, Master.”

“So, since we’re trying this fully this weekend, you’re going to be punished for disobeying me.”

Kurt’s eyes widened, but he nodded. “Yes, Master,” he murmured quietly.

“I want you to use your safeword if you need to, okay? This is going to hurt, because it’s meant to remind you of what you have done wrong and to prevent you from doing it again, but I want you to let me know if you’re uncomfortable. That’s what matters most.”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good boy.”

Blaine stood, keeping Kurt’s hands in his and helping him to his feet.

“I want you to bend over the table.”


“Yes, pet?”

“Can pet… can pet be over your lap, instead?”


Kurt’s eyes widened even furtherer, and Blaine’s voice softened.

“I need you to trust me with this, okay, love?’

“Yes, Master.”

Kurt bent over the table, feeling afraid until Blaine rested his hand on his back. He suddenly felt connected to the man and comfortable despite his position.

“You understand why I am punishing you, right pet?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Good. Very good. Now, I’m going to hit you just ten times, with my hand. We’ll do this just over your clothes for now.”

Kurt nodded.

“I want you to count.”

“Yes, Master.”

The first slap was right in the middle of his cheeks, and Kurt jumped slightly at the sting and force of it. He had never been spanked before, but it hurt.

“One, Master.”

Blaine’s hand came down twice more, once on each cheek. The hits were lighter, but still firm and somehow stung more. “Two, Master. Three, Master.”

Kurt’s breath caught as he counted the next two, both in the middle but lower on his bottom, towards his thighs.

“We’re halfway there. You’re doing so well, pet.” Blaine’s hand resting on his back felt warm and safe. This felt warm and safe, even though it hurt.

The next slap was lighter, and it wouldn’t have hurt if it weren’t over the middle, where Blaine had already hit him. “Six, Master.”

Seven and eight were again on each cheek, but harder this time, the hardest yet, and Kurt squirmed as Blaine paused and the sting sunk into his skin.

“Good, my love. Almost there.”

His words reached out to Kurt’s heart, and he latched onto them through the pain, knowing how much he was loved.

Nine and ten were again in the middle, where it hurt the most, quick and overlapping each other fully.

And it was over.

Kurt lay over the table, still and gasping. There were tears in his reddening eyes., and he looked up at Blaine trustingly, silently pleading for.. he didn’t know what.

At least, he didn’t know what until Blaine took him into his arms. That was what he had wanted.

“You were so good for me. I know it hurts, but I want you to learn from this. I need you to know that you always need to tell me whenever you feel uncomfortable. The last thing I want to do is hurt you.”

“I know,” Kurt choked out, and Blaine pulled him even closer, burying his face in the boy’s neck.

Kurt nuzzled into Blaine. One of the man’s hands was gently rubbing his bottom, not sexually, but just in a comforting, soothing way that calmed Kurt’s heart.

“Come here, baby,” Blaine murmured, leading Kurt to the couch and pulling him into his lap. “I didn’t want you over my lap before, when I spanked you, because I love holding you in my lap, just like this, and I never want you to associate that with being punished. I only want it to remind you of how very much I care for you and love you.”

“Thank you, Master. And… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… well, I did, but – but I should have told you. That it made me feel uncomfortable.”

“Shhh, I forgive you. It’s always okay to make mistakes. I just want to make sure you learn from them, okay? So you can feel better and know what you did wrong.”

“I know,” Kurt murmured nuzzling his face sleepily into Blaine’s shoulder.

“Do you feel okay? Was that too much, or was it alright for you?”

“It still stings, kind of a lot, but it was okay. It wasn’t too much.”

“Alright, baby. Never be afraid to let me know if it is.”

Kurt didn’t respond, just relaxing into Blaine’s arms for a few minutes and feeling at peace.

“I love the way you hold me…” he yawned, but Blaine saw a smile on his face and knew that he was okay.

“You should get to sleep, love. You’re tired, and you’ve had a long day.”

“Mmmm, okay.”

Blaine held Kurt to his chest and carried him to his bed. He knocked his head on the doorframe as he turned sideways, and Kurt giggled.

“Oh, hush,” he said playfully, nuzzling his nose against Kurt’s.

Kurt just giggled even more as he snuggled into Blaine’s chest.

Blaine set Kurt down in his bedroom, but held him for a few moments before pulling away.

“Get ready for bed, now. Let me know when you’re ready.”

“Yes, Master.”

Blaine left the room.

Kurt smiled at Blaine’s respect for his modesty and slid out of his clothes, wincing just slightly at the feel of his pants against his bottom. He tugged on a pair of silk pajamas and washed his face. His eyes were no longer red. They just looked… calm. Maybe even happy. No, definitely happy, he thought as he heard Blaine’s knock on the door.

“Are you ready?”

Kurt answered in the affirmative, and Blaine stepped into the room. Kurt held back a groan as he saw Blaine wearing black sweatpants. Only black sweatpants. His eyes, despite their sleepiness, traveled down Blaine’s torso, blushing when he saw Blaine looking at him teasingly and knowingly.

“I, um…”

“Ready for bed?”

Kurt nodded.

“Should I…”

“You can sleep in here, sweetheart. I’ll take the couch, like I said.”

Kurt looked at the ground before meeting Blaine’s eyes again. Blaine always wanted him to feel comfortable, right? And he wanted to give him what he wanted, what ne needed?

“Iwantyoutostaywithme,” he said quietly in one breath.

Blaine chuckled and Kurt’s sheer adorableness, his head cocking beautifully as he reached out to pull Kurt into his arms.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Well, I certainly can’t argue with that, can I?” he asked, bringing Kurt to the bed with him and tucking him in before joining him under the covers.

“I guess not. I can be quite compelling.”

“Oh, you most certainly can,” his boyfriend responded smoothly, wiggling his eyebrows.

Kurt leaned in to elbow Blaine, but Blaine just held him close, laughing fully and richly.

“Get some sleep, love,” he smiled, kissing Kurt sweetly on the lips. Kurt sighed into the kiss, relishing Blaine’s taste and the feel of his tongue, warm, wet, and firm against his own.

Blaine pulled away after a few minutes, looking at Kurt with eyes full of nothing but love and adoration. Kurt nuzzled against him before pulling away to cuddle into his chest, loving the feel of Blaine’s bare skin beneath his hands.

“I love you, Master.”

“I love you, too.”

And despite his still slightly sore bottom, Kurt curled into Blaine’s arms, happy and forgiven and loved.


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