June 23, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 23, 2014, 7 p.m.
The next day, Blaine was sitting under the same tree that he fell asleep under when he saw Kurt. A smile spread across he face, then he remembered yesterday and his smile fell a little. Blaine looked up at Kurt from where he was sitting. "Hi Blaine." Kurt said as he stood in front of Blaine. "Hi Kurt, would you like to sit?" Blaine asked politely. "Um... Could we go sit on the bench instead please? Its just that this outfit is not cheap and I dont really want to get any mud on it if I can avoid it." Kurt asked with an apologetic look on his face. Blaine wondered how much the clothes really cost they really dont look cheap."Ya sure." Blaine got up and walked with Kurt to the bench. "So, how are you?" Kurt asked when they were seated. " Im okay, there is really not much to do in New York anymore. How are you?" Blaine asked. " Busy, but other than that Im good, Im sorry about what happened last time we met, apparently Im not vary good at hiding." Kurt said looking truly sorry. "Im sure its not your fault. I dont think you would try to be recognized while on your own in public." Blaine said with a wink and a teasing smile. Kurt blushed. " Ya, well, Im still sorry that I had to run like that. You must think Im so rude." Kurt went on. " Kurt really its okay, relax." Blaine assured with an amused smirk.
" Okay." Kurt said relaxing a little. "So, Blaine are you busy tomorrow afternoon?"Kurt asked turning a little to face Blaine better. " No, Im free. Why?" Blaine asked with confusion. Why would it matter if Im busy? Blaine thought to himself. " Good, because I would like to take you on a date, if thats okay with you of course." Kurt said looking hopeful. Blaines eyes widened which caused Kurt to panic. "You dont need to of course but I was just thinking that I really like you and I would love to get to know you better but if it makes you uncomfortable..." " No, its not that its just...urg... I would love to go on a date with you but... I dont have much money." Blaine cut off Kurts rambling looking down ashamed. "Hey,its okay. Its on me." Kurt tried to reassure Blaine. "Really?" Blaine asked he just wanted to make sure that it wasnt a joke. " Ya of course. Look I need to start heading home now. Do you know that italian restaurant?Just a few blocks from here actually." Kurt asked. Blaines eyes widened once again."Kurt that is a vary expensive restaurant we dont need to go there. Im not worth that much." Now it was Kurts turn to have wide eyes. "Well I think you are worth that much, but if you dont want to go there we can think of someplace else."Kurt said slightly saddened that Blaine didnt think he was worth the it. "No, its okay. I was just surprised Im sorry." Blaine said with an apologetic look. " Its okay dont worry, so Ill see you there tomorrow. How about 5:30?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded. They said there goodbyes and Kurt left on his way. Blaine sat there still a little shocked but extremely excited. He was going on a date. He was going on a date with someone that is famous. He was going to eat. He was going to eat at an expensive restaurant. OMG Im going on a date to eat with a famous person at an expensive restaurant. And Kurt thinks that Im worth it. Whoa hold on just a minute. Kurt asked me on a date? What? How is that even possible? Oh god I have nothing to wear to a fancy expensive restaurant. Urg, What am I going to do now?