When two opposites come together
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When two opposites come together: Chapter 10

T - Words: 1,246 - Last Updated: Jun 23, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Feb 11, 2014 - Updated: Feb 11, 2014
129 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I hope this chapter was a little better.
Rate and reviews please :D
When they got home from the interview Kurt turned to Blaine.
"So Blaine, do you have somewhere you need to be?"
"No, I have a pretty empty calendar." Blaine replied shaking his head.
"Perfect ok, would you like to come to dinner with me and a few members from my team?" Kurt invited looking expectingly at Blaine.
"Sure, ya, I would love that... But I dont want to be a burden." Blaine said looking unsure.
" Oh, nonsense. You are not a burden at all. It would be lovely to have you with us." Kurt assured. Blaine just nodded not knowing what else to say.
"Good." Kurt walked up to Blaine and wrapped his arms around his shoulders.
"Then are you busy tomorrow?" Kurt asked leaning in to kiss Blaine.
" No, I dont think so. Why?" Blaine asked kissing back.
" I have plans for us. Call it a second date." Kurt said. Blaine face lit up.
" Yay!" Blaine said excitedly. Kurt just shook his head and laughed.
"Youre silly." Kurt laughed tapping Blaines nose with a finger. Blaine looked down and blushed.
" Oh, dont be shy. Im just as crazy as you are." Kurt said grabbing Blaines hand and leading him upstairs to change for dinner. When they got to Kurts room, Kurt looked at Blaine.
" Do you want me to drop you off at your place so you can pick up a new outfit?" Kurt asked. Blaine panicked.
" No, I think I will just go in this."Blaine said quickly.
" But you were wearing that yesterday." Kurt said confused. Blaine looked down at his feet feeling tears making their way to his eyes.
"Hey, dont cry. Whats wrong?" Kurt asked seeing Blaines tears making their way down his cheeks.
"I dont have any other clothes." Blaine whispered. Kurt gasped. But he didnt quite understand. Why wouldnt Blaine have any clothes? He said he had a job? That didnt matter right now though.
"Okay, even though I have a million questions, Ill save them for another day. Lets go out and buy you some clothes then we can go for dinner. Okay?" Kurt asked feeling proud that he was able to help Blaine.
" Are you sure? I mean... that would be lovely but...clothes are not cheap." Blaine asked. He didnt want Kurt spending all of his money on him.
" I am absolutely positive." Kurt smiled. Kurt grabbed a hat and sunglasses then grabbed Blaines hand and ran to the car. They got in and were on their way to the mall.
Once they got there Kurt jumped out of the car and ran inside with Blaine following close behind. Kurt pulled them into a store and started pulling clothes off the racks and examining them, then putting them back.
" Do you know what size you are?" Kurt asked looking at a pair of jeans.
"Umm... No." Blaine replied looking down.
" Oh Blaine, thats okay. That just means you will need to try on different sizes." Kurt squealed with excitement. Blaine smiled at Kurts excitement. He couldnt help it, Kurt was just too cute when he was all happy and excited.
Soon they were walking back into the house with arms full of bags. They put the bags on the bed and Kurt told Blaine to go take a shower while he picks out Blaines outfit. Blaine did just that and just like Kurt said, there was on outfit on the bed when he came out. He put the clothes on. The clothes felt weird when he was wearing them, like they were too big, Blaine knew that it was only because his other clothes were too small. Once dressed, Blaine went downstairs to look for Kurt. Kurt was already dressed, and ready go. Kurt turned to look at Blaine.
"You look good. Are you ready to go?" Kurt asked holding his hand out for Blaine to take.
"Yup." Blaine grabbed Kurts hand and they walked to the limousine. Once they were at the restaurant Blaine was a nervous wreak.
" Blaine, relax. There is no reason to be so nervous." Kurt said grabbing Blaines hand comfortingly.
"What if they hate me? What if they think Im just a big waste of time?" Blaine started to panic.
"They are going to love you, just be yourself."Kurt pulled Blaine into a hug. They were a bit early, therefore no one was there yet. Blaine relaxed a little in Kurts embrace.
"Hey hot stuff." Came a familiar voice. They both turned around to see Santana walking towards, them checking out a few boys on the way.
"Hi Santana." Kurt let go of Blaine and gave Santana a quick hug before wrapping his arms around Blaine again.
" How are you doing Santana?" Kurt asked. Blaine and Santana have already met so there was no need to introduce them.
"Ive been doing well." Santana said with a smirk.
"And how have you boys been doing?or better question, what have you boys been doing?" Santana said teasingly.
"What is she talking about?" Blaine whispered to Kurt.
"Dont worry." Kurt cooed into Blaines ear, then turned back to Santana.
"We are doing well Santana and nothing happened last night." Kurt said a little too sharply making Blaine flinch. Kurt tightened his arms around Blaine just as he heard some more people coming in. One of the boys ran up to Kurt and flung his arms around Kurts shoulders careful not to hit Blaine.
"Hi bestie , I missed you." Jeff screeched loudly jumping up and down.
"Hi Jeffery, how are you?" Kurt said just as excitingly.
"Oh Im doing really good. I would like you to meet my boyfriend Nick. Nick this is Kurt." Jeff introduced.
"Its lovely to meet you Nick." Kurt shook Nicks hand.
"Its wonderful to meet you too."Nick smiled.
"And I would like to introduce you guys to my boyfriend also. Jeff,Nick,this is my boyfriend Blaine."Kurt loosened his arms to let the boys look at Blaine. Blaine just gave them a small wave then hid back in Kurts shoulder.
"Aww hes so cute. Can I keep him?" Jeff asked teasingly.
"No, hes mine." Kurt said wrapping his arms around Blaine again protectively. The rest of the night followed Blaine meeting a lot of people while refusing to leave Kurts side. It was getting dark out when Kurt excused them to leave. They were silent in the limousine on the way to Kurts house. When they got to the house they went to the bedroom on got into their pajamas. It was when they both were lying in bed that Kurt final spoke.
"Whats on your mind?" Kurt asked wrapping his arms around Blaine.
"Nothing,its just...you introduced me as your boyfriend to everyone."Blaine said shyly blushing. Kurts eyes went wide with realization.
"Oh my god Blaine I am so sorry." Kurt rushed out an apology.
" No, Kurt. Its okay I was just wondering...are we boyfriends?" Blaine asked. He just had to know what Kurt thought of their relationship.
"I would like to think we are. Do you want us to be boyfriends?" Kurt asked. Although he wanted to be boyfriends he needed to make sure Blaine was okay with it too.
"I think being your boyfriend would be the best thing ever." Blaine said with a huge smile.
"Boyfriends?" Kurt asked just to confirm.
"Boyfriends." Blaine agreed. They both leaned in to kiss and met in the middle. They kissed until Blaine fell asleep. Kurt stayed up for about half of an hour after Blaine fell asleep, just watching him sleep, and thinking about how much fun their date the next day was going to be. With one last kiss one the forehead Kurt fell asleep too.


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