Start a War (For You)
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Start a War (For You): Chapter 2

E - Words: 5,265 - Last Updated: Aug 25, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Jul 03, 2012 - Updated: Aug 25, 2012
293 0 0 1 0

Kurt surfaces slowly, fighting the need to open his eyes. Everything feels wrong, out of place, and he can’t remember why. His stomach tightens with worry as he tries to recall what happened last night, and why he’s sleeping on the couch when he knows perfectly well it always makes his back hurt. He feels almost hungover but his brain is too fuzzy with uneasy sleep to recall the details of last night. He finally decides to move and slowly works his body into a sitting position, opening his eyes and immediately regretting it.

On the coffee table in front of him lies yesterday’s paper, still glaring at him with that big, awful headline. He quickly swats at it, sending it flying off the table and landing on the carpet with a dull thump. He groans and covers his face with his hands, rubbing his eyes until small stars appear behind his eyelids. Slowly, the events of last night come back to him; how he yelled at his boyfriend, stepbrother and best friend and bluntly threw all of them out, god they must be furious with him now. He didn’t mean to freak out like that but he was so scared… fuck, he’s still scared. He’s absolutely terrified and he threw out the three people in the world on whom he relied the most for comfort and closeness.

God, what have I done?

He has to fix this, despite the things he said (or rather yelled) yesterday he can’t go through this on his own. He won’t. He fumbles for his phone between the couch cushions and checks the time when he finds it. 7:56. That’s too early to call, isn’t it? Yeah, it probably is. He puts the phone down and takes a deep breath before picking up the paper from the floor, opening the page with the dreaded headline and slowly reads the fairly short article. He has to take breaks every now and then to calm his wildly beating heart but when he’s finished he reads it again, and again, and again until he’s lost count and knows it by heart, the black letters not striking him with fear anymore. They’re just words, words on a piece of paper, they can’t hurt him. When he’s sick of the article he reads through the entire paper, slowly and thoroughly, and when he’s done his phone shows 9:03 and he decides it’s not too early to call anymore.

“Kurt?” Rachel’s familiar voice says after five rings, making tears well up in Kurt’s eyes as the full realization of what he did last night hits him.

“Rachel,” he chokes out, completely forgetting the calm and put-together apology speech he had planned out in his mind. “Rachel, I am so, so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking and I’m –“

“Kurt, Kurt, shhh,” Rachel sooths, her voice calm. “Breathe, darling. It’s okay.”

“No it’s not, it’s not fucking okay, I don’t know how I could –“

“Kurt!” She interrupts, raising her voice. “You have to calm down and listen to me. Finn and I talked about it after we got back yesterday and we completely understand that you’re freaked out and that’s where that blow-out came from. It’s alright, Kurt, you have nothing to worry about.”

Kurt listens and tries to even out his breathing, her comforting words making some of the tension trickle out of his tightly drawn shoulders. It’s okay, they’re not furious with me, everything’s going to be okay, he repeats to himself.

“So,” he begins shakily, swallowing around the now disappearing lump in his throat before trying again. “So you’re not mad at me, at all?”

“Of course not, sweetie,” Rachel assures him, and he can hear the soft smile in her voice. “We’re still here for you, no matter what.”

“Thank you,” Kurt says in a weak voice, and he can almost hear Rachel smiling wider even though she’s not saying anything. “But… what about Chandler? Did you talk to him last night too?”

“I tried calling but it went straight to voicemail,” Rachel answers, sighing. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure out he wasn’t in a talking mood. But you should try calling him, he probably didn’t sleep well last night, if at all.”

“But what if he hates me now?” Kurt whispers, trying to keep the tremble out of his voice. “I never meant for this to happen but he probably thinks I broke up with him or something and –“

“The only way to find out is to talk to him, Kurt. Just do it, and call me after and tell me how it went. Okay?”

“Okay.” Deep breath. “Thank you Rachel, tell Finn hi and I’m sorry.”

“I will,” she says, the smile back in her voice. “Now go call your boyfriend before you think too much about it and chicken out.”

She hangs up on him before he has time to say anything else and he heaves a deep sigh, presses the speed dial for Chandler and lets his thumb hover over the call button. Kurt has no idea how to talk to him about this, they’ve never had a big fight before. Of course they’ve had disagreements but Kurt has usually just given up and agreed with Chandler in the end because arguing with that boy is absolutely exhausting. With one final deep breath he closes his eyes, presses the button and brings the phone to his ear.


“Hi,” Kurt mumbles to Chandler’s feet as his boyfriend walks through his apartment door, having jumped in a cab after their very short conversation about twenty minutes earlier. Chandler doesn’t answer him, he just walks over to the couch and sits down, patting the seat next to him. Kurt closes the door and when he turns to walk over to Chandler there’s a sudden wave of irritation rising in him. Why didn’t you fight me, he catches himself thinking. Why did you let me throw you out like that, why didn’t you take me in your arms, why didn’t you refuse to leave.

Truthfully, he knows why; Chandler doesn’t fight. He argues. Discusses. Cries, occasionally. But he never fights. Many people would see that as a good thing but right now all Kurt can see when he looks at his boyfriend is the fact that he will never truly fight for him, ever. It makes him feel hollow inside but he pushes the feeling away and sits down on the couch, doing everything he can to feel grateful for the fact that Chandler is here and not ignoring his calls or giving him the silent treatment.

“So,” Chandler begins slowly and Kurt’s eyes dart up to meet his. “I must admit I’m not really sure what to do. I guess I somewhat understand that the scene yesterday came from you being scared but honestly, sweetie, I’ve never seen you yell like that, especially not at me. It really hurt my feelings.”

“I know, Chandler, I’m so sorry,” Kurt begins, taking a few calming breaths while figuring out what to say next. “I have no idea what came over me last night and I hope you can forgive me for the way I acted. I can’t lose you.” At least not right now, Kurt finishes in his head but keeps those last words to himself. Chandler’s face softens and he takes Kurt’s hand in his, mouth curving into a soft smile.

“I forgive you, sweetie,” he says. “I’ll always be here, okay?”

Kurt nods, a small smile shaping his own lips. He wonders if it looks forced.

“Now,” Chandler continues with a bigger smile on his face, “what do you say we watch Julie Andrews movies and snuggle on the couch all day?”

“Sounds great,” Kurt says, even though they always, always do that exact thing whenever one of them is feeling down. “I just need to call Rachel really quick. Could you maybe make us some sandwiches? I’m starving,” he continues, sending Chandler another smile that feels forced. But thankfully his boyfriend seems oblivious and jumps off the couch with a nod and a big smile, heading towards the kitchen. Kurt wastes no time in getting out his phone and calling Rachel, her cheery I’ve-already-had-two-large-coffees voice answering after two rings.

“How did it go?” she asks as soon as she picks up.

“Hello to you too,” Kurt giggles. “It went great, he’s here now and we’re just going to chill out today.”

“Finn and I are going to that new restaurant tonight,” Rachel says almost before he’s finished speaking. “You should come with us! You know how much I love our double dates.”

Kurt bites his lip, hesitating for a moment and Rachel heaves a sigh at the other end.

“Kurt, it’s very important that we all stick together after the fall-out yesterday, and this is the perfect way to do that. Please, join us?” she pleads and Kurt knows she’s making puppy-eyes at the phone right now. He really doesn’t feel like going anywhere today but she does have a point, and maybe he’ll feel different come dinner time.

“Alright,” he concedes and smiles at her little exclamation of joy at the other end.

“Great! See you there at six. Now have a great day!” she says and then, as usual, hangs up before he has time to say anything else.

“Apparently we’re going on a double date tonight,” Kurt informs Chandler when he returns with the sandwiches.

“Another one?” Chandler laughs, handing Kurt the plate before crouching down to put the Sound of Music DVD in the player. “Man, Rachel sure does love them.”

“That she does,” Kurt agrees with a small smile, allowing Chandler to cuddle up close to him and swing his arm over his shoulders, even though it almost makes him feel… trapped.

This is going to be a long day, he thinks solemnly to himself as the opening credits appear on the screen.


Six hours later they’ve worked their way through not only Sound of Music, but also Marry Poppins, Thoroughly Modern Millie and more than half of Princess Diaries. Chandler is, as a result of his almost sleepless night, asleep and leaning on Kurt’s shoulder and Kurt is just thanking his lucky stars that his boyfriend isn’t a drooler. Be that as it may, his arm is asleep and he really needs to go shower and pick an outfit for the restaurant tonight. If he’s being completely honest he still doesn’t feel like going out but he can’t deal with the scene it will cause if he backs out now, plus he’s still choosing to believe that Rachel has a point about the sticking-together thing. He sighs and gently nudges Chandler away from his shoulder before getting up and shuffling over to the bathroom.

When Kurt comes back out in the living room, all clean and styled and dressed in tight black jeans and a dark navy shirt with leather details, the DVD menu is playing in front of a still sleeping Chandler. Kurt walks over, snatching his knee-high Dr. Martens from the shoe rack in the process, and nudges him on the shoulder once, twice before he wakes up.

“Up you go, sleepyhead,” Kurt says, sitting down on the couch to begin the process of putting on his boots. “We need to leave for the restaurant in half an hour.”

Chandler yawns and nods, bouncing up off the couch with a lot of energy considering that he was asleep thirty seconds ago. He presses a kiss to the top of Kurt’s head – Kurt has to bite back a disgruntled sound because really? He just did his hair – and saunters off to the bathroom, calling out “Don’t leave without me!” before the door slides shut behind him.


The restaurant isn’t very big and, seeing as it’s still quite early, most of the patrons seem to have settled at the long, metal-covered bar at the far wall. The tables and chairs spread out on the floor in front of it are a deep brown colour and everything is lit up by too-bright LED lights, white and red and blue and green, embedded in the wooden ceiling at a seemingly random pattern.

Kurt would never tell anyone but he absolutely hates the place from the moment he walks in. It’s too bright, too open and impersonal, and full of sharp edges. He’s all for mixing different types of interior designs and playing around with colours and styles, but this place should really consider toning down the whole futuristic disco-themed brothel approach. He just knows he’s going to be battling a headache all night.

Rachel loves it, of course, and Finn nods mutely along while she gushes about the place over their starters, how the design is so now and how greatly the food has been praised in the reviews. Chandler seems impressed as well, while Kurt mostly follows Finn’s example. Rachel seems determined not to touch the subject of the Anderson family because when she’s done talking about the restaurant (after their starters are long gone and replaced by their main courses) she jumps right into the subject of the hottest new show on Broadway, and Kurt is grateful because that is a conversation he can actually participate in.

In the pause between main course and dessert Kurt excuses himself to go to the bathroom, mainly because the headache he predicted has been pounding at his skull for more than an hour now and he just needs to breathe. It takes a while before he finds the door – it’s almost hidden behind the far corner of the bar – but when he steps inside his mouth falls open. The walls are covered in light-coloured bamboo sticks, there are tasteful tropical – plastic – plants in ceramic pots in the corners, and the pleasant sound of a trickling stream plays in the hidden speakers on low volume. It’s like stepping into another world, a calm, peaceful world with colours that don’t sting your eyes. Kurt briefly wonders if he can just hide in here until the others are done with their dinner, but the thought is quickly forgotten when he rounds the corner and sees… the guy from the pub. Blaine.

Blaine, dressed in deep blue suit slacks and a crisp white shirt, standing by the sinks and scrubbing at what seems to be a stain on his sleeve. He seems very focused on the task at hand and has obviously not noticed Kurt coming in. For a moment Kurt contemplates turning around and leaving but if he’s perfectly honest, going back out there so soon is definitely not a pleasant thought. So instead he clears his throat as quietly as he can and takes a couple of steps towards Blaine.


Blaine jumps at the sound of his voice and turns around, clearly surprised, and dropping the napkin he’s been scrubbing with. Kurt cocks his head to the side and smiles politely.

“I do believe we’ve met before?” he says. Blaine just looks at him, mouth slightly open. “At the pub the other day?” Kurt adds helpfully, still waiting for Blaine to say anything, but he just stands there. Suddenly Kurt’s confidence drops to his feet and he shifts his gaze to the floor, turning to leave. “Or, or maybe I have the wrong person, I’m sorry I –“

“Kurt!” Blaine suddenly exclaims, making Kurt turn back around and meet the other man’s hazel eyes. “N-no, we did meet at the pub, I’m sorry I just… I wasn’t expecting to see you here,” he continues, a smile spreading on his face as he speaks. “Geez, you surprised me.”

“Well, clearly I did,” Kurt says, nodding at the scrunched up napkin on the floor. Blaine quickly bends down to pick it up, a faint pink blush spreading on his cheeks as he straightens up and throws it in the bin.

“Sorry about that,” he says,” blushing a little harder in a way that Kurt can’t help but find endearing. “I just came in here to try and get this stain out of my sleeve and…” he brings his arm up to his face and inspects the fabric, “… I think this is as good as it’s going to get, to be honest.”

“Well, I know my fabrics,” Kurt says, “And if you just put it in the washer when you get home, your shirt will be as good as new,” he continues with a small crooked smile.

“Awesome!” Blaine says, looking up and meeting Kurt’s eyes for one second too long. Suddenly the atmosphere in the room changes and Blaine shifts his gaze to the wall, nervously scratching his neck.

“Um, you know I think, um, I think I have to… you know, get back out there, before they, um, start wondering where I’ve gone or… or something,” he mumbles, so quietly Kurt almost can’t hear him, before swiftly grabbing his suit jacket off a counter and walking out. Kurt stays where he is, a small crease forming between his eyebrows. Then he hears the creak of the door as another man walks in and Kurt realizes he must look stupid just standing there. So he does what he came for; takes a mild painkiller for the headache and thoroughly checks his hair and complexion in the mirror before walking out into the restaurant again.

On his way out he throws a glance down the stretch of the bar and stops dead when he sees Blaine about halfway down it with the arm of a tall, very handsome man around his shoulders. The man is well-dressed and grinning widely, talking animatedly to a redhead on Blaine’s other side. Blaine’s head is bent down but Kurt can still see the absent-minded smile on his lips as he slowly stirs his drink. Kurt finds himself wondering if the tall man is Blaine’s boyfriend and as soon as that thought is in his head, a faint trace of a feeling he hasn’t felt in a very long time swirls through his gut. He recognizes it immediately and wants to slap himself. Hard.

Kurt Elizabeth Hummel, you are not getting even the slightest bit jealous of some six-feet-tall beau you don’t know because he may or may not be the boyfriend of Blaine, whom you barely know! Shit, pull yourself together.

“Can I get you anything, sir?” a voice suddenly says by his right ear. He jumps a little, startled, and turns his head to find one of the bartenders smiling politely at him.

“N-no, no thank you,” Kurt says, realizing he must’ve been standing there looking at Blaine and his company for longer than would be deemed normal. Right after he’s finished speaking the man by Blaine’s side throws his head back and gives a big, genuine laugh while patting Blaine on the shoulder. Kurt bites his lip and forces down the unpleasant feeling in his gut.

“Maybe later,” he says to the bartender, looking over at Blaine and the others one last time before quickly making his way back to his table.

“Sweetie!” Chandler exclaims when he joins them again. “I was beginning to think you’d drowned in the toilet. Come, sit, we were just about to order desserts. What would you like? We can share one!”

In the end, Finn decides on some fancy chocolate cake that he can’t even pronounce the name of, Rachel chooses fruit salad with vegan ice cream and Chandler talks Kurt into splitting a big piece of apple pie with vanilla ice cream. Kurt was actually planning on not having anything at all – he gave into the temptation of a piece of lemon cake at the bakery the other day – but Chandler had insisted, in an increasingly annoying way, that it would be really romantic to share a dessert. So he’d given in and is at the moment looking for his next excuse to leave the table.

It appears sooner than he expected.

“Kurt, darling,” Rachel pouts, “Our waiter is busy and I’d really like a Cosmo, could you please, please get one for me at the bar? I’d do it myself but these shoes are killing my feet just from sitting down!”

Kurt smiles at her, patting her hand.

“Of course, anything for my shining star,” he teases, putting his napkin on the table and getting up, only to see Chandler doing the same.

“I’ll go with you!” he says, and Kurt has to bite down on the annoyed reply that’s threatening to escape his lips. He turns around and puts a light hand on Chandler’s shoulder.

“Thanks, but I think I can walk ten feet without getting assaulted. Sit down honey, I’ll be right back.”

Kurt tries to keep his expression casual and really hopes that his voice sounds normal and not layered with restraint to not sound annoyed. Fortunately, Chandler reluctantly sits back down and Kurt makes his way over to the bar, actually unsure if his feet subconsciously led him to the spot right beside the redhead on Blaine’s right side or if it was simply the nearest opening in the long line of people. In any case, right when he’s asked the bartender for a Cosmo (for Rachel) and a Tom Collins (for himself) the redhead gets up and wanders off on her high heels, putting nothing but air and an empty barstool between Kurt, Blaine and the man by his side. Kurt nervously bites his lip, caught between turning his head and acknowledging them or just forgetting about the drinks and go hide in the bathroom again. However, it seems Blaine isn’t quite as torn as he is.

“Kurt! Long time no see.”

Kurt turns to face him and isn’t very surprised to find Blaine smirking at him, eyebrows raised, as if daring him to come up with a clever answer. Kurt knows he shouldn’t, that would be flirting, but he can’t help himself.

“Well, Blaine,” he coos playfully, sliding up on the empty barstool with practiced ease. “Do you forget about all your bathroom encounters this quickly?”

A big smile of satisfaction spreads over Kurt’s face as Blaine nearly chokes on his drink, the man by his side repeatedly patting his back while shaking in silent laughter.

“Oh my, that really sounded less dirty in my head,” Kurt says, still smiling widely and not fooling anyone. Oh god, why is he doing this, why is he flirting? He’s got a boyfriend! But he really can’t stop now, he’d forgotten how much fun it was to just flirt with someone.

“You,” the man beside Blaine suddenly says, pointing at Kurt with a big smile on his face. ”I like you already. I’m Cooper, Blaine’s endlessly charming big brother.”

He holds out his hand and Kurt shakes it, while Blaine still recovers between them. Kurt can’t seem to stop smiling. Brother. It’s Blaine’s brother, not his boyfriend.

Why do you care, a voice that he probably should listen to whispers deep inside him. You have a very loving boyfriend who really cares about you.

“So,” Blaine says, wiping his eyes and coughing one last time before turning to smile at Kurt, but before he can say anything else the redhead appears by Cooper’s side, saying something to him in a low voice. He winks at her and sweeps his drink, patting Blaine on the shoulder as he gets up and slides an arm around her waist.

“You boys have fun!” he calls over his shoulder as the two of them steer their steps towards the big glass doors. Kurt turns his head to look at them and then turns back to Blaine, eyebrows raised in question.

“He always does that,” Blaine says with a fond smile and a shrug. “The women love him, I’ve never seen him leave a bar or club alone.”

Kurt’s about to respond but is interrupted by the bartender sliding the drinks he ordered to him over the counter. Kurt hands him his credit card and then looks back at Blaine, who is looking at the drink glasses with an expression that Kurt can’t quite read. The closest he gets is ‘resigned amusement”.

“I seem to be out of luck these days,” Blaine says quietly, almost to himself.

“How so?” Kurt wonders, picking up his Tom Collins and taking a sip. It’s delicious.

“Well, every time I have my mind set on buying you a drink, you wind up already having one.”

Blaine lifts his eyes to meet Kurt’s and his smile is so genuine that Kurt can’t help but smile a bit too, even though he’s somewhat taken aback by Blaine’s honesty.

“Oh, well I… sorry?” he says, finally deciding to listen to that voice inside him. He picks up Rachel’s Cosmo and slides off the stool, getting ready to leave. “You know, they’re waiting for me, I really should – “

“Is that other drink for your girlfriend?” Blaine suddenly says, looking up at Kurt with an expression that’s probably meant to be calm curiosity, but Kurt can see the worry and uncertainty in Blaine’s eyes. He looks so… sad.

“What? Oh, no not at all, Rachel’s my best friend. They’re – they’re all just my friends,” he says, turning and walking away before Blaine catches him lying. And why did he lie anyway? That was an incredibly stupid thing to do. Why couldn’t he just have told the truth, told Blaine that his boyfriend of 11 months is sitting at the table with him? Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

So much for listening to the inner voice of reason.


The dinner drags on for yet another hour but thankfully Rachel finds some interesting conversation topics, and Kurt doesn’t consider fleeing to the bathroom again. These people are after all both his friends and family and he knows he’s lucky that they still want to be seen with him after his blow-out yesterday. He squeezes Rachel’s hand on the table while she animatedly rambles on about her favourite Broadway performers, he smiles and nods at Finn when he gets a play or a musical number right (apparently Rachel has given him homework) and when Chandler takes his hand under the table it doesn’t annoy him, even if it doesn’t fill his stomach with lovey-dovey feelings either. It just feels… safe, a warm weight in his hand, simply letting him know it’s there.

When their tab is finally paid Rachel sneaks off to the bathroom and Finn is already outside, trying to get them a cab. Chandler insists on staying with Kurt while he waits in line to get his coat, standing extremely close to him all the time and holding onto his arm, as if he’s afraid he’ll trip and fall and break his skull or something. In the end, Kurt is relieved when Rachel emerges from the bathroom and calls Chandler away to talk about something. He gets his coat and hurries out, so eager to get away from the LED-lights and the sharp corners that he doesn’t pay attention to where he’s going and almost knocks someone over right outside the restaurant entrance. He quickly regains his own balance and reaches out to touch the other person’s shoulder, before even looking at them.

“Oh god I’m so sorry, I wasn’t – “

“You know, this is starting to get ridiculous.”

Kurt immediately recognizes the voice and looks up, right into Blaine’s hazel eyes. He straightens up and resists the impulse to start laughing because he knows Blaine will join him, the twinkle in his eyes isn’t lying about that. Kurt starts buttoning his coat, not because it’s cold outside but because he just needs something to do with his hands.

“You know, we really have to stop running into each other like this,” he says, a mischievous grin slipping from him for a few seconds before he gathers enough sanity to rein it in. Stop it. Stop. It.

“I actually wouldn’t mind if we didn’t,” Blaine says in an easy voice, the nervous tremor almost impossible to detect. He looks up at Kurt through his lashes and okay, Kurt wouldn’t be human if he wasn’t able to see how good-looking Blaine is.

“I – “ Kurt begins but is interrupted by Finn, shouting at him from ten feet away.

“Kurt! I got us a cab! Where’s Rachel and Chandler?”

“They’re still inside, I’m sure they’ll be out any minute!” Kurt shouts back, making sure to not look at Blaine. "I’ll be right there!”

“You’re leaving?”

There it is again, Blaine attempting to sound casual but not being able to hide the slight sadness in his voice. Kurt doesn’t want to care, doesn’t have to care. But he kind of does.

“Well yeah… I mean the others may want to go to a club or something but I’m just really tired right now, I want to go home and read until I fall asleep and… I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” he confesses with a tired smile, which Blaine responds to with another one of those big, truly genuine smiles. Kurt doesn’t have time to say anything else before Rachel and Chandler trip out of the glass door entrance, giggling and pulling him with them towards Finn and the waiting cab.

“It was nice meeting you again!” Kurt calls over his shoulder, the end of the sentence dissolving into a giggle as a tipsy Rachel tickles him. He doesn’t even notice the way Blaine is watching him leave, like he’s both gained and lost something incredible tonight.


“Blaine – “

“I’m in love with him.”

“You – what?”

“I said, I’m in love with him.”

“Blainey,” Cooper says, walking over to his bed and sitting down on it, “You’ve only met him twice, last time was three days ago.”

“Well technically, that night we met three times so that would make it a total of four times and – “

Blaine stops when he sees the look on Cooper’s face and rolls his eyes, throwing his arm over his face.

“Alright well, maybe not in love with him, but I definitely like him. A lot.”

“Well then, Squirt, you should do something about it! Ask him out.”

“Don’t call me that. And yeah right, as if he’d say yes,” Blaine scoffs, rubbing at his eyes. A pause, and then he lowers his hands and looks up at Cooper. “But I’m guessing you didn’t come in here at 8:15am to offer me relationship advice?”

“And he takes the gold!” Cooper grins and stands up, throwing Blaine’s duvet off him. “Dad asked for you, said it was important. Come on, get dressed!”

Ten minutes later Blaine is walking through the door to his father’s office, blinking against the fluorescents. His father is sitting in his desk chair, looking at something that seems to be a large print-out of a photograph.

“Sit,” he says, turning to face Blaine but with his eyes still on the photograph in his hand. Blaine does so and looks at his father, waiting expectantly.

“So, what was so important?” he asks at last.

“We found the murderer,” his father answers without missing a beat. Blaine suddenly sits up straighter, his entire body on edge.

“Really? Who is it?”

His father doesn’t answer, he just puts the photograph down on the desk and slides it over to Blaine. Blaine looks at it, and suddenly everything turns cold.

The photograph shows a man of Blaine’s own age with chestnut hair, eyes of unidentified colour and, according to Blaine, the most beautiful lips he has ever seen.

It’s Kurt.

Kurt is staring up at him from the photo and Blaine’s father is sitting opposite him, telling Blaine that Kurt is a murderer.

“F-father, are… are you sure?” Blaine asks, knowing the answer but needing to ask anyway.

“Of course I’m sure,” his father answers, opening a drawer and taking something from it. “This man killed your cousin. Now, I know you’ve been complaining about not getting to be part of the action…”

A loud thump on the desk makes Blaine jump and look up, seeing his father slide the heavy object over to him, covering the photo of Kurt.

It’s a gun.

“… so I thought I’d let you handle the only fun part of this whole mess.”


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