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Memories: Chapter 2

K - Words: 493 - Last Updated: Apr 16, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: Apr 16, 2014 - Updated: Apr 16, 2014
116 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So how about this? Glad I could post 2 chapters at one hour, haha :)

Kurt Hummel has a break after few hours of working. While eating lunch, Kurt remembers again. Kurt kept remembering.


It was on Lima Bean, while Kurt was hanging out with his old friends (Rachel and Mercedes). Sectionals was coming, and it is the New Directions and the Warblers, with The Hipsters. They chatted about Patty LuPone while sipping their coffees.

Kurt was back at Dalton, he wanted to audition for The Warblers. He decided to sing Hey Jude by The Beatles (seriously idk what Kurt use for his Warblers audition). And Kurt got accepted. Kurt studied that the Warblers has no director, and they choose their own songs. They decided to sing Hey Soul Sister. While, the New Directions sing Loser Like Me by themselves (again idk what the ND sing for sectionals, haven't seen that episode in a while :)).

On the day itself, The Warblers won the sectionals, beating ND and The Hipsters. Although they won, Kurt felt bad for them. So after, he decided to speak to the ND.

“Hey guys,” Kurt said.

“Hey Kurt!” Rachel, Mercedes and everyone said. Everyone looks okay with Kurt coming in, except for one person, and that is Santana Lopez.

“What are you doing here, gay kid?” Santana said with a dirty look.

“What is your problem, Santana?” Kurt asked. “What did I ever do to you?”

“I don't know!” Santana shouted. The rest of ND just watched her speechlessly. “Maybe it's you, just because of Karofsky, move to the Warblers?!”

“It's not my fault, Satan!” Kurt yelled, getting aggressive. “Karofsky threatened me, for goodness sake!”

“What?” Santana asked. “What did he threat you about, or for?”

“I-I can't tell!” Kurt said, backing away.

“Coward,” Santana mumbled. With that, Kurt can't control, and he snapped.

“What did you say?” He yelled.

“You're a coward, Kurt! We're your friends. Your only friends. At least tell us!” Santana said.

“Fine! Karofskykissedmeandifitellanyonehethreatenedtokillme!” Kurt said very fast, no one understood a word.

“What?” Santana asked.

“Karofsky kisssedmeandiftellanyonehe threatened tokillme,” Kurt said fast again.

“Oh please, Lady Hummel,” Santana rolled her eyes. “Speak properly!”

“Karofsky, kissed me, and if I tell anyone, he threatened to kill me!” Kurt yelled, and cried. He then ran out of the room, going to the toilet to dry his tears. As he went, he bumped someone.

“Hey Kurt,” a Warbler said. “I'm Nick. Nick Duval.”

“Hey, Nick,” Kurt wiped his tears.

“What's wrong?” Nick said, as he walked with Kurt.

“As you probably figured, I am gay,” Kurt sobbed. “So there is this guy in my old school, who is closeted gay. He is really popular, his name is Dave Karofsky, or Karofsky. He, kissed me, and threatened to kill me if I told anyone. And now, I am probably dead.”

Nick looked sad after Kurt told him that. “Thanks for opening up to me, Kurt. I appreciate it.” Then Nick smiled.

Kurt was finished with his sandwich. He remember it so well, his fight with the ND, and Karofsky kissing him. His first friend in Dalton besides Blaine is Nick. And he appreciate Nick's kindess towards him.


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