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Camoflauge: Underneath

E - Words: 2,738 - Last Updated: Jun 23, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Jun 22, 2015 - Updated: Jun 22, 2015
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Author's Notes:

A/N: And this ends chapter 1 of my new fic. Rewrite of “I dreamed it for you dad!”

What did you all think? I'm sorry I had to start this over.. But it was needed. Too much garbage that didn't make sense because I forgot a bunch of stuff.


Please review?! New chapter up soon! Promise!



Burts Pov


After spending all of my time with Finn in the last few weeks, it's nice knowing Kurt is still reaching out to spend time with his dear old dad.

But, then again, his game notes usually say something creepy or mysterious like, ‘when dinner bites back, and you must flee, what's the one thing you must you guarantee?' ... and he hasnt done one of these mystery nights in quite a while. Why now all of the sudden.....?

This note is…… very specific…. I don't think it's the start of a murder mystery dinner……

I walked down the stairs and into Kurts room, and what I found confused the hell out of me...


Exactly what his note said, was happening…


"Whoa... Am I interrupting something?"

Kurt started sitting up, pulling a GIRL off of his lap.

A girl!?

"You sure are." he said.

Well, if this was a guy down here, I would be…. What the hell is he doing? That looks like the girl whos behind he smacked when he was blasting music down here like, 6 months ago. Or did he smack the Asian girls behind... Ok, whatever. He's making out with a girl.


I guess the sign was accurate.

But he's gay……

"Ok, Im confused. I uh... came home to find this note on your doorknob. Do not enter under any circumstances. I am making out with a girl. I thought it was just the start of one of your murder mystery dinners."

He is still dressed like a trucker, something he started about a week ago, hes got his arm around a girl. Probably a cheerleader, and she must be insane to not know that Kurt is like, flammable gay. And thats not insulting. It's fact. He says it about himself all the time.

But right now, he appears straight.

He really does.

"Dad, I really need you to respect my privacy. Brittany and I were just uh, having sexual relations."

This girl, apparently her name is Brittany, was smiling like this was normal for her to be caught in the act. I wanted to crack up laughing. Not because I doubted him, but because that just sounds absolutely ridiculous. What 15-year-old tells their father that their doing inappropriate things with their girlfriend?

And I'm sorry, this is his girlfriend now?


I'm so lost. He came out to me officially 6 months ago. I knew all along, but still. I was so proud of him for having such courage, but... ok, the girl just waved at me.

"Hi." I breathed to her. Is she taking advantage of him?

I looked at Kurt and ushered him to come chat with me across the room for a bit. I need to know what the hell is going on.

"Kurt, Ive uh. I've been sort of dealing for months with you being gay and everything... Now youre telling me thats not the case?"

He never faltered his face. His face remained somber, and he was using his lower register voice that he usually had reserved for when he was ill or making fun of me, or another male. "Dad, you and I have more in common than I wouldve thought. The flannel…… The Mellancamp..."

Ok. I get it now. I shouldve realized this last week when he started dressing like this and asking me about John Mellancamp. I thought it was just some assignment for that Glee club or something, but this seemed unrelated. Something else was going on.

"The ladieeeees" he dragged out the last word.

I followed his squinted stare to look at Brittany.


Ok. Sure. The ladies.... What the hell are you saying Kurt? He has never once been interested in girls. Not even a little. So I know he is not suddenly bisexual.

Screw it. Im just going to play along. This phase will pass.

"Ok, well. Youre free to be whoever you are. Just let me know when you make up your mind? Im gonna do the best I can. But Im good either way, Kurt."

He truly looks straight. He looks like a teenage boy who wanted to be alone with his girlfriend would look. Hes not cracking. But this boy is not Kurt at all. This isnt my son. Why is he trying to be straight? I dont understand this at all.

But I'll play along. I know they won't actually do anything. He's putting up this front for some reason I dont understand yet but, I'll play along.

I turned back to the couch and called out to his, GIRLFRIEND, "Nice to meet you."

She waved back politely with a blushing smile, and then I turned back to Kurt. "You kids be... careful?" I cant believe I am saying this. "And youve got to respect her! OK, if things get serious, use protection. And that wasn't permission, just, don't be an idiot if you decide to… to be an idiot."


Kurt seriously just smiled and looked like he was glad I was leaving.

I really feel like I kind of just gave my 15 year old son permission to have sex as long as he was safe?

No. No, theres no way he is actually going to be thinking of that. He and I hadnt even had the talk yet. But we havent because I know that he has never been interested in sex. He still rolls his eyes, and turns away when he sees Carole and I kiss each other. He wouldn't have sex with that girl would he?

I got to the top of the steps, and shut his door. I need a beer.

….. But, you know what? …… I'm not sure if this girl is taking advantage of my boy or not. Surely I'll hear if they get into any trouble. Let me actually leave this door open…….


Blaine's Pov


It seriously feels like I have been sitting on this bed for a million days.

Welcome to day 1 million and 1 Blaine!

God this sucks…… I am bored out of my mind……

Seriously, I am sitting at my desk, coloring. Coloring!

What male with an actual penis, colors? Gay or not?! Men don't color!

That's how little there is to do here at home, I'm freaking coloring!

There is NOTHING to do here.

How often do you think you'll hear a teenager say “I miss school?” Because I seriously miss education and teachers teaching me. And it's not that I just miss school, but I miss my friends, the Warblers in Glee club, and did I mention friends? I have 0 social interaction at home.

Online school sucks!! I know it's necessary for right now because my dad lost his job, but to move here? To the middle of nowhere, in a crummy apartment, but also, the most bigotry filled, judgement riddled town of Lima Ohio?

I guess it won't be that bad right? How much worse can Lima people be compared to my dad?


Dad has always had issues with me being gay. Ever since I was little, he knew it and I'd gotten so many, countless in fact, spankings and tons of flack growing up with it.

Truthfully, Im pretty sure I am desensitized to abuse.
I have a very thick skin too. Being bullied all through middle school was great prep for ignoring idiot jerks in high school, but it didnt save me from avoiding my dad.... nor did it help me in high school. My careless attitude towards bullies in my freshman year was actually my downfall. Big time.

“Aw, look guys, he thinks hes all tough!”

“Yeah with his gay bowtie.”
Everyone agreed nodding. 
"I think that cocky little shit is annoying!” The head stoner said cracking his knuckles, inching toward me.

“Yeah. Who said you can parade your gay all happy to everyone for free?”

My heart sped up now. I wasn't initially scared of these guys. They usually said a few names and went. This was going to be a fight.

The head douche came right in front of me now, ushering everyone else to back off then said, “Theres a cost for that fag.”
Aaaaaaannd punch.... It came at me from the side, along with simultaneous shouts of, “Yeah you Gaylord!”

And that wasn't the only time I got jumped for NOT crying or cowering and whining about bullies making fun of me.
I always fought back and dealt some damage myself, but this time in particular, after that first unexpected hit to the jaw, I didn't get a chance to fight back at all. I was one guy. And this was an entire crowd of stoners. 
I got lucky with being a jock myself, so I pretty much avoided getting crap from them from being a fellow. I was just in wrestling, but it was a sport nonetheless, so the other jocks in the school left me alone. For the most part. There was a snide comment or a ‘you don't belong here' remark every now and then, but those assholes were relentless.
It was the stoners and goths that were the homophobic jerks to avoid. It's just too bad that at this school, they were freaking everywhere!

Finally, in one of the rare moments that my mom was lucid, (Ill explain later), she got fed up with the fighting, and transferred me to Dalton academy.
And Dalton was like a blazer filled hallway full of peace and acceptance. 
It was nice.
The acceptance part especially, since that was something I didnt get to experience at school before, but I also never have at home either.
My mom was a flight attendant growing up, so she was never around really, and my dad is of course a total douche. Then there's Cooper. Not that my brother Coop and I got along great when he lived with us, in fact, we argued constantly, but he at least provided new drama when he came to visit.

Hed never come and visit now. With dad worse than ever, our mom having lost her mind in the midst of this new crummy apartment living space....

Coop and I are 11 years apart and right now he's a small time actor in Los Angeles.
Veeeerrrrrrry small time. 
I have yet to see him on a commercial......
Nevermind. Hes not famous.
Okay, hes the free credit commercial guy. I hate it!
Anyways, now that Im being forced to leave Dalton, Im missing everything it had to offer, including human contact.
The Warblers are for sure the worst thing Im having to leave behind, but second to that would have to be the fight club.
That club is like my baby. I started the fight club there because so many of the students there were bullied in the past. It taught so many kids how to defend themselves and it gave me a great sense of accomplishment.
But now without someone to lead it, itll likely end. All of the members were new to self-defense, so they weren't going to up and take over being the leader of it. It just sucks to know that it ended when I left.

Not being in school and Dalton academy in particular aside, I miss people in general. I used to go to the coffee shop just off campus every morning and afternoon, and I had met many people and built friendships.  Now Im stuck inside all the time! I miss fresh air, the freaking sun!
I just hope I start school soon. Im losing my mind!! It sucks big time being cooped up in this apartment all the time. 
Hehe.... Cooped up.....
Im a dork... 
GOD I miss people....


Kurt Pov


My dad doesn't think that I'm serious…… I have to try and be more convincing… I thought I was doing well though…….

“Does he mean like a burglar alarm?” Brittany said, bringing me out of my reverie.

I rolled my eyes at her... Oh Brittany is so clueless. I dont know anything about sex, and I knew what my dad meant. Use a condom if we have….sex.

I went back to the couch to sit under Brittany again, and resume kissing. I guess if this is what my dad wants, I could try and get used to kissing Brittany. It didnt necessarily feel bad. It just didnt make me feel any butterflies like I used to get when I looked at Finn. (and God I hated admitting that I ever liked Finn. That is just completely creepy to me now that we are more or less, stepbrothers. It's happening soon. My dad bought the ring.) Kissing Brittany was ok. I mean, if I imagine that this is a boy, it is okay.

Kind of.

"Do you have condoms?" She asked me biting her bottom lip, and her hand drifting back to my...

I didnt push her hand away like I did the first few times she reached there, but I stopped it at the top of my thigh not letting it travel any further. Did she seriously think that my dad really meant for us to use protection? No, she couldnt think that. She didnt even know what protection meant a few seconds ago.

"Con- Britt, Were not actually gonna have sex."

She looked extremely confused. "Why not?"

I wanted to face palm, but Brittany was special. It's not her fault. I have to be nice. "Because I dont have any protection."

Her hand started sliding towards my zipper again, as she said, "We dont need protection. We just need a condom."

I sighed, “Protection IS, a condom.”

She just looked confused, and as I was about to start shaking my head, her hand landed to rest right on top of my...

Ok, that feels nice. But no-no-no. We're not gonna do this.

"Britt." I told her moving her hand again. "Ive never done this before. And we dont have a condom anyway."

Brittany just kept coming closer until she was sitting on top of my, now growing problem since she was rubbing it a minute ago. Girl or not, it was being touched.

"We dont need a condom. You can just pull out before your Jimmy throws up. Guys do it all the time."


Did she just say my jimmy?

I was in deep thought for a minute trying to figure out what the heck she was talking about. "My Jimmy throws up?"

"Yeah you know." She said, her eyes glancing down to her hand that rested atop my groin.

….Okay, my jimmy, but that sounds ridiculous.

But when I was about to tell her that it sounded silly, I couldnt concentrate anymore, my brain was starting to go fuzzy and blank as Brittany kept rubbing me through my coveralls.

I have never really done this to myself before because I just never felt comfortable, but right now, I felt like I needed Brittany to stop because I am getting too comfortable. My eyes being closed, is making my imagination play tricks on me. Im not seeing that it's Brittany doing this. I am just feeling it being done.

"Arent I making you feel good?"

Annnnnnd theres my reality. A girl's voice.

I snapped out of it.

"Britt, I dont know what I'm doing. This isnt right. I can't do this to you."

Brittany just dipped to kiss me again, and with one of her hands, she took off my cap to twine her fingers in my hair. I really didn't like her hands in my hair. No one touches my hair! But I pushed my annoyance away for now.

"You dont have to do anything Kurt. Ill show you."

And once again, she was rubbing me through my overalls. But this time I wasnt going to push her hand away.

“Okay….. But we have to be quiet okay? Because I'm pretty sure my dad left the basement door open.”

Brittany nodded and looked at me deeply…. And I was now, with this blonde girl sitting on top of me, officially terrified…

I knew that this wasn't a good idea. But, you know, my dad wants a straight son, and if I have to be with a girl, and camouflage myself as gay to make it work, well then, that's what I need to do.



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