April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
April 12, 2012, 9:36 a.m.
Split into two parts, not for length (although, hey, it's the longest chapter of them all), but because it adds a nice break. There's a lot of music in this chapter (watch out for the CLICK) - I suggest you listen to the full tracks whenever they pop up and then read on, for better effect. Don't rush it. :) For more details, see the chapter end note in 19b.
Sun 1 Mar (7:15pm)
You were right about Blaine.
How so?
I just got home and I haven't seen Kurt like this since... Well, you know.
That's my boy.
Okay, things are going great so far, but let's keep an eye on them.
Always - I don't trust them yet. Stupid boys.
...Is that a generalization?
Remember, we're supposed to be on the same team.
We are, Wes. But *I* run this show.
How's it going, Blainey?
Stop it. You promised.
Okay, *Blaine.*
What's up?
You're weird, that's what's up.
I just want to know how you are.
You already saw me today. I had two arms and two legs. Nothing's changed.
Yes, but we talked. About stuff.
If you're trying to be subtle, you can stop. I can see right through it.
Come on, give me the details.
You're so gossipy, Wesley. I'm appalled.
Hey, what's wrong with being curious? After all we've been through over the last couple of months...
It's like you're willing to share the pain, but not the joy.
Share the joy, Blaine.
You're. Being. Weird.
Just let me have this, okay? For now.
Low blow.
Mon 2 Mar (7:33am)
Look at him, he's living the life.
And here *I* am, leaving the house at midnight.
The birds should be your role models. I just took Bradshaw out for his morning walk and they're exceptionally cheerful today. Spring is just around the corner.
It's the beginning of March, Blaine. You're seeing things.
Are you sure you're not some character from a Disney movie? Birds, squirrels, dogs... Are you talking to them?
No, don't answer that. Of course you're talking to them.
When you introduced me to your cat, you said he was your third roommate.
That's because he's the size of a dog.
I'll tell the birds to say hi when they see you.
Please don't.
Why not?
Do you know who Hitchcock is?
Afraid of birds. Got it.
Are you writing that down?
It's going into my Kurt Hummel file.
You're such a dork.
You're trying to come up with a snarky nickname and failing, aren't you?
Have a nice day, Blaine!
You too... Kurt.
That's it. That's the snarky nickname.
Got it? Because you're...
In class?
That feels familiar.
But it's Monday, not Thursday.
My boring class in on Mondays now, Blaine. Keep up.
Already writing it down.
What else is in that file?
Like I would tell *you.*
Do you think it's too late to switch schools?
Ran into him again?
All. The. Time. I don't know if I can take it.
You can, Kurt.
I wouldn't be so sure.
You're not having second thoughts, are you?
No, I... No. Of course not. You know this wasn't something I decided on the fly.
It's so hard. What do we do now? I keep seeing him on a daily basis and it's always awkward, and painful, and...
Do you see yourself being friends with him?
At the moment, all I want to do whenever I see him is run and I'm sure he feels the same way.
Then give it time.
And Kurt?
Remember: you've survived worse. <3
I think my Mondays are your Tuesdays.
Rainy day?
I feel like this could be another rainy week.
Rain is okay if you've got an umbrella.
Well, I seem to have forgotten mine.
You know you're just challenging me by saying that, right?
Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that. You don't have to do anything.
Well, you didn't have to do anything either, but you did.
That was different.
It was Christmas and you were sad and nobody should feel like that around Christmas, Blaine.
So you built me a basement.
From my hurricane.
My heart.
What about your heart, honey?
It's doing stuff.
I don't know, Rachel. I really don't know.
You're having quite the rollercoaster ride today, huh?
This is not a drill, Rachel.
If this is about what I think it is...
Don't you think you should do something about it?
Do what?
You know.
Rachel... I can't ask him to meet me again. Not after what happened last time.
But things are different now!
What if he says no?
What if... What if everything goes wrong again?
What if we're not...
I can't.
What about the Tuesdays then?
It didn't start with Christmas. It started with the Tuesdays.
You know I'm right.
I like making people happy.
I like making *you* happy.
That feels familiar.
Thought so.
I think mine is freaking out.
Doing fine, I guess.
Determined, maybe.
Good. That's something. We need some determination in this equation.
Let's see where this goes.
There's something I'd really like to know, but have always been afraid to ask.
Go on.
You're not allowed to laugh or judge.
Okay. ;)
I'm just wondering.
Come on, Warbler Wes. I don't bite.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how good-looking is Kurt?
Weees! Oh my god.
You said you wouldn't judge.
I'm just looking out for my bro.
You're *curious*, that's what you are.
He's a 12.
Are you speaking as his best friend or...?
I'm speaking as a human being.
Kurt is really special and anyone would be lucky to have him.
Anything else you'd like to know?
Not right now, thank you. ;)
God, how I would love to tease Blaine with that piece of information.
Oh, so *that's* what that was for.
Will you be home by 7?
God, Blaine, just call me already!
Whoa, okay.
Incoming Call
“You're bossy.”
“And you were being complicated.”
“I was not. I just didn't want to shock you.”
“By calling me?”
“Don't you think we're past that now?”
“...Okay, maybe I was being complicated. Sometimes I over-think, sorry.”
“Stop apologizing and be my umbrella, Blaine.”
“You know how to charm a guy, Kurt. I'm impressed.”
“That wasn't... I mean... I-”
“Relax. Are you comfortable?”
“That wasn't what I wanted to play for you. I got carried away.”
“Do you know how to play every song by heart?”
“Not every song.”
“Are you being modest?”
“I'm really not. Can I have a second go?”
“Okay. It's not... Maybe it's not... I hope you won't be disappointed after yesterd-”
“Stop overthinking.”
“So that was... It's just something I've been working on...”
“I... I'm here.”
“...Are you okay?”
“Oh god, I should've said something about the song before. It's not... You know the song, right? ...Of course you do. It's not about the lyrics; I didn't pick it for the lyrics. That would've been... It's not-”
“It was beautiful.”
“How did you do that?”
“How did you turn that song into something like that?”
“Oh... Well, I... I just played around with it. I lov- … I mean, I like looking at things from a different angle once in a while.”
“It worked. Can I ask you something, though?”
“I'm not going to tear you apart and break your heart, if that's what you're wondering.”
“Oh god, sorry. Sorry. See, this is why you need to be warned about me calling you. You need to prepare yourself for my outbursts. I told you that I start to ramble when I get nervous and-”
“You're nervous?”
“No, I... Yes.”
“I said you're adorable.”
“Oh... Okay, well, uhm... I guess... Are you laughing?”
“...You're enjoying this, aren't you?”
“Yes. Wasn't that the purpose of your call?”
“You're mocking me.”
“No, I'm not. Will you play for me some more?”
“Was that what you wanted to ask?”
“Sort of, yes.”
“You only get one song a day and you got almost two today.”
“Exactly, almost. Tomorrow then?”
“One song.”
“Do you pick them at random or...?”
“I never pick anything at random, Kurt.”
“But it's not about the lyrics?”
“It's not about the lyrics.”
“Good. Same time tomorrow?”
“I'll try to think of more silly Top 40 songs you could put your spin on until then.”
“So, all of them?”
“Ah, not so modest after all.”
“You gave me an ego boost.”
“...Good. Tomorrow?”
Is this supposed to make sense?
Please file this under “Things I need to text you before I send them to Blaine instead and make a fool out of myself”.
It's a safety measure.
Anything you want to tell me?
Just that.
I hate you.
I hate you, too. <3
Something is happening.
Something is happening?
Yes. Something is definitely happening.
Because it looks like you deleted in and put it up all over again, I'm going to leave my review once more! ldskfjlasdjfladsjflasdjfla Those are my emotions as of right now! Luckily, you have part B up on livejournal so I can read it there too! :D
I absolutely love those piano tracks! I never really take time to listen to the music. I always have been more into lyrics but this just makes things even better. I can't begin to describe my feelings for this chapter and story. Flailing could be used as a start...
The covers of both were AMAZING. In love more and more with this story :)
gah!!! THIS CHAPTER!!!!! whew!
And I hate you as well. Sorry, you set yourself up for that one. GAAAAAAAAAAAH. Just.... Just update ALL THE TIME. Like, a constant, 24/7 live update. Hell, even that wouldn't be enough.This story is just too...... GAH. No words.PART B SOON, PLEASE?!
this story is the best
love it!!!!!!! so freaking flipping much!!!!!!!!!!!! please just kill me now! for i am dying with happiness from the amazingness of this story!!!!!