Little Numbers
Chapter 17 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Little Numbers: Chapter 17

T - Words: 1,365 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
11,648 0 31 1 1

Author's Notes:

As always, adding the name to Ethan's texts, because colours aren't working. Don't get confused! :)

Wed 4 Feb (10:04am)
You left in quite a rush today. Got any ideas for dinner?


You've been up for a while. You should be wordier by now.

I'm sorry. This is the worst breakfast ever.
Okay, that was a little dramatic.
But this should tell you that it's not going well.

What's up?

We had a little... no, we didn't have a fight. But there's tension.


Because I got two texts from Finn while we ordered.


And I answered them.

...I'm not following.

He thinks it's Blaine. Whenever he hears my phone beeping these days, he thinks it's Blaine.
I told him he was being ridiculous.

How very understanding of you.

Are you taking his side now?

There are no sides.

He's coming back. I have to go.

This is a problem, Kurt, and not exactly one you can ignore.

I'm setting my phone on mute.


You never answered my question about dinner.

Can't we just order in?

Still not feeling better?

I don't want to talk about it right now.
School is a pain and my presentation was a nightmare. It's just not my day and I don't feel like myself right now.

Pizza Wednesday?

Yes. Please.


From Ethan (1:55pm)
Can you meet me for coffee (or tea – I know, I know) after class?


I want to apologize for the horrible morning.

What? No! You don't need to apologize - *I* do.

No, really.
Just... meet me outside, yeah?

I will.


Is it normal to get nervous when your boyfriend asks you out for coffee?

To talk?


Are you okay? The two of you, I mean.





It's a problem.

What is?

He saw me texting with you, and calling the look I got “kicked puppy” would be an understatement.

I told you.

But it's not... I've never seen him like that.

You never gave him a reason to look like that.

And I do now?

Are you really *that* stupid, Kurt Hummel?
Or do you just think that Ethan is stupid? Because that boy might be many things, but stupid is not one of them.


Figure it out so that I can stop banging my head against a wall. I need my head, Kurt.

You're so weird.


Am I still allowed to come home for pizza?

Did you figure it out?


Okay, fine. But only if I'm allowed to bang *your* head against the wall.

I will never get used to the crazy scary side of you, Rachel.

Psh, that's the thrill of living with me.


Goodnight, Kurt.

Goodnight, Blaine.
Is that your way of showing me that you're still around even though we haven't talked all day?

You're still awake.

I am.

Already said goodnight.

There's no rule about talking after you say goodnight.

Woke me up.

You *just* texted me 'goodnight'!


You're already falling asleep again, aren't you?


Sweet dreams, Blaine.


Thurs 5 Feb (3:33pm)
Lonely boy is here.

Okay, 1) I told you he'd be stopping by, and 2) you promised not to call him that anymore.

Not to his face.
I'm still upset about the fact that he doesn't live in Brooklyn. Can we move him to Brooklyn?

I knew I shouldn't have gotten you that Gossip Girl DVD box set for your birthday. My biggest regret, to this day.

Kurt, you know you love me.

I'm deleting your number as we speak.

Never. You need me. You're like a lost little lamb.


Okay, okay, back to more important things.
Lonely boy isn't so lonely today.

Nice try.

No, really. That guy is back.

Well, what's his name?

I don't know. He stayed back at their table and Blaine got the coffee.
But I can find out if you want me to. Blaine thinks I'm your spy, anyway. I might as well act like one.


I've got a break coming up. It's a slow day.

Come back.
Right now.

Well, that was pleasant.

What did you do?!

Nothing, I just had coffee with them. Lovely boys.

What did you do?

I showed them all the embarrassing pictures I've got on my phone.

You think you're funny, Rachel, but you never are.

It's cute how you want me to believe that you don't care. But Kurt... You always do.
More than you want to admit.

What did you talk about?

See? You *always* do.
We talked about college; Ohio. Did you know that both Blaine and Wes were members of the Warblers?!

Wes, huh?

Damn. I wanted to tease you with the mystery guy some more.

You would.

Come on, don't focus on that. Lonely boy was their lead soloist, too.
You could've met in high school!

But we didn't.

But you could've.

It's not important.

Of course it's important, dummy. It's all connected. Don't you think that's odd?

Are you trying to tell me that this is another sign?


Don't you think it's a 'sign' that we didn't meet, even though we were that close to each other?

Who knows? Maybe the universe thought that you both needed some more time. You needed to get out first. And now you're ready.

For what?

To find yourself.

You watch too many romcoms.
Do you really believe in that?

Don't you?


No comment about today's coffee adventures?
No “You and Rachel broke the deal!!! Traitors!!!”?
No snarky remark about blazers?
No joke about my leading man qualities?
No “Hey Blaine, how was your day?”

Hey Blaine, how was your day?

Really? That's the one you're going with?

Rachel already told me about the coffee adventures, and the deal wasn't *my *deal, if I remember correctly - *you* made the deal. I keep saying that I'm fine with it and that I don't have any spies. I also already knew about the blazer.
Snorting about your 'leading man' comment, though.

She told me that you're anything but fine with it.

That's a lie.

Is it?

...Did she really show you pictures?

She offered.

She's so dead.
Wait... So you didn't look at them?

No. I think she was just teasing or testing me, but I guess we'll never find out. I declined.


I told you I'm a gentleman.






Seeing you for the first time... I don't want that to be a picture. I want it to be in person.



From Ethan Fri 6 Feb (4:45pm)
Can you come over a little earlier? We need to talk.

Outgoing Call

“Hi! I hope you're aware that that's the worst way to ask your boyfriend over for a movie night.”

“I'm sorry...”

“...Are you... Are you crying?”

“I'm... No...”

“...You are. What happened? Is it your mom?”

“No, she's fine. Can you please just come over?”

“Yes, of course. I'll be there as soon as I can.”


Sat 7 Feb (9:03am)
Hey you! Thought you wanted to come home for the night. Lunch still happening?

Outgoing Call
“Hi! No need to call. A simple yes or no would've been enough.”




“Did you make plans with Ethan?”



“I don't know.”

“What's wrong? You sound hungover.”

“That's one way to put it.”

“Okay, honey, now you're worrying me. Did he make you watch horror movies?”

“We didn't even get to the movie.”


“We were up all night. ...Talking. And...”




“...I did it.”

“Honey, you have to speak up. I can't hear you.”

“We broke up. I... I broke up with him.”

“Oh, Kurt...”

“I'm sorry. I don't want to cry, because I know that you cry when I cry and there was enough crying last night and there'll be more when he wakes up and part of me just wants to leave, because I can't take it. I'm waiting for him to wake up; I need him to wake up. But then... He fell asleep, just for a little while and I'm glad, because I just can't take that look on his face, knowing I was the one who put it there. And I don't... I didn't think that... The way he reacted... I couldn't do this to him anymore.”

“Shhhhhhhh, take a deep breath.”

“I told myself not to cry, and I haven't. Why am I crying now?”

“It's okay to cry, sweetie.”

“Can you just not call me that right now? I feel... I feel like -”

“Hey, don't. I know what you're thinking. Don't.”


“Do you want me to come get you?”

“...No. I don't want to leave.”



“You'll have to leave eventually, Kurt.”

“I don't know how to do this.”

“There's no official breakup protocol, but you do have to leave in the end. That's kind of what a breakup means.”

“Maybe that's the thing. Leaving... That's... It sounds so final.”

“How do you feel?”

“Like shit.”

“No, but... Do you still think it was the right decision? It's not exactly a surprise, is it?”

“...My head is spinning.”

“Okay, okay, no more questions; I get it. Please just... Try to calm down, okay? And my offer still stands. I can come over.”



“I'll text you. I don't even know what's left and right anymore.”

“I wish I could hug you right now.”

“...I think he's waking up.”

“Okay. Text me.”

“I will.”



On my way.


Sun 8 Feb (5:15pm)
We need to talk.

I think we do.


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Rachel & Wes? I'm definitely liking where this might be going.

Your update just made my day! Thank you so very much for it. And I hope there'll be a next chapter soon :DBut I really missed the Blaine-Kurt-texts in this one ... only a few words -.-

Of course there will be more!! :)

WILL THERE BE MORE??? I need more. Though I can understand why this would be a good closing point. But really, if you are writing more, please post it asap. This was such a clever idea for a story, and you did brilliantly writing it out. I love that all it is is electronic dialogue, nothing more. It leaves room for imagination and humor. Wonderful. The little links and photos were perfect, too; very believable. The only thing that bothered me was in the very beginning, when the first few accidental texts were sent. I feel that the character of Kurt's writing fit my image of Blaine's personality far better, and vice versa. Eventually it evolved into what I see as canon, but at first it felt backwards.But other than that, beautiful job!

Rachel and Wes texting...? DUN DUN DUN!

Finally Kurt! I feel bad for being happy about this but i am a Klainer and nothing else. :) Good use of 'On my way' btw..

Xkgxixusfsgxffizyrs - OMG. Need more. Rachel and Wes are gonna plan something now? Rofl xD

It's getting a little hard to keep up with all the fonts. Will you put a key in your authors note or something? Much appreciated :) great chapter!

Wes and Rachel are meeting up. Oh God. This should be fun :D

Wes and Rachel interaction?! Whaaaaaaaat? I love it! Update soon, pleeeease!

SHUT UP! WES AND RACHEL?! NO, THIS HAS OFFICIALLY BECOME MY FAVORITE THING! I. HAVE. WES. PROBLEMS. I HAVE WES PROBLEMS, IKNOWITAINTEASY. THEY ARE PROBLEMS AND THEY ARE HUGE AND I CAN'T HANDLE THEM. AND WES AND RACHEL? CONSPIRING TOGETHER? FOR THE GOOD OF KLAINE? HOLY CRAP. I'M DYING FROM WES LOVE. I NEED TELLY LEUNG LIKE I NEED AIR. OH MY GOSH. Okay. So yay. Glad Kurt and Ethan broke up. Rachel was cute for the entirety of this. I love how she called Blaine 'Lonely Boy". Oh. That's so sad... I love Wes being with him. ;falksdjfa;lksdjf WES. I love Blaine wanting to see Kurt in person first. D'aaw. I died. Great job. WES!

Gah! Please update soon. This is so good I just wanna know what happens!

Brilliant. Elegant. Well written. So much character development with so few words. I hope this goes on forever!

O.O. Wes and Rachel are gonna talk! Oh my goodness! And he FINALLY did it! I feel really bad for him though. :( I wanna give him a hug too! Poor Kurtie. *sends him loves* I'm literally waiting on pins and needles for the next chapter. God I love this story! :D

Wes ans Rachel... love it! I mean... I think they'll get togather some time but they will make Kurt and Blaine get togather too!! ahahahaaUpdate soon please ♥

I'm happy and sad for Kurt broke up with Ethan but now there cud be a chance for blaine and Kurt... I really do I love this story ....

So many feels but...Wes and Rachel plotting? Love it~! Can't wait for the update.

The awkward feeling when you feel glad that a couple broke up, even if they're just fictional. Seriously though, I love this fic. It's a fun and simple idea, yet developing the story without changing the concept must be a challenge.I'm liking the direction it's going so far, the Rachel/Wes cliffhanger was really interesting. And although my heart broke a little for both Kurt and Ethan, I'm looking forward to seeing where this new little twist leads to.Oh and by the way, I want that cat. He needs to be mine.

OOOOH my GOD! Rachel and Wes talking! I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...Keep up the great work!

YOU ARE TEASING MEEE!!!! I wait alll this time and you give me this epic chapter with this suuuper cliff!?!?!?! How MEAN!!! YOU ARE A MEANER!!!

So, Wes and Rachel are pairing up? Poor Ethan, I'm sure he was an honest good guy. But I wonder how this will effect Kurt and Blaine's relationship though? Would this open Kurt up more, or not? Update soon! hpswst101



GO WES AND RACHEL!!!! I am SUPER SAD that Kurt had to break it off with Ethan, but I'ge always heard it said "If you fall in love with two people, pick the second. If you truly loved the first, you wouldn't have fallen in love with the second." I am so glad for west and Rachel though. I hope they finally get our boys together and maybe knock their heads together and knock some sense into them.

Okay. So I don't know if I have ever reviewed this before. But simply put, I am in love with this story. I have a few questions, feel free to ignore them if they will be explained in later chapters :) 1) was that last text between Rachel and wes? 2) do you own bradshaw/ James or know the people that do? 3) has anyone ever told you how awesome your writing is? Cause' it is .:) 4) how do you intend to write them meeting/ any possible relationship through texts. Or will this story turn into a first person/ narration???.... I think that's it, update soon please?!?!

curiouser and curiouser, i don't understand why but now he can go after blaine yeahthat's what we want anyway.

wow! wes and rachel are talking?? interesting!!!! im feally glad that kurt ande ethan broke up. klaine is meant to be. just saying. im sad that kurt is unhappy, but still, i need klaine to survive. lol.

i think kurts in love