Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 16

T - Words: 2,017 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
13,541 0 29 1 1

Author's Notes:

Again, I have to use the name in front of some of the texts, because I still haven't figured out how to replace the colours here on S&C.

Sun 1 Feb (1:23pm)
“No, you're not.”

“But I am.”

“Okay. I'll go with it for now. Why?”

“I... Never mind.”

“Don't tell me you only called to say that you're a horrible person. Out with it.”

“...I hooked up with that guy from the museum last night. Go judge me now.”

“Hooked up as in...?”

“Yeah. But I just left afterwards. I didn't even wait until the morning. As soon as he fell asleep, I fled. Couldn't get out of there fast enough.”

“Did you have fun, though?”

“Wesley! Have you been listening?!”

“Yes, but you went out with him on the day you met. For drinks. And he took you home with him. Sounds like he knew what he was in for.”

“I wouldn't know; I don't do these things, ever. I don't... Do people think that's who I am when they meet me?!”

“Oh, come on. You just said it yourself – it happened, once! If it makes you feel bad, you can always call him and explain yourself.”

“It's not just about him. I... Yes, I might've been a little drunk, but I knew what I was doing. Mostly.”

“And again, he probably knew what he was doing. Stop being so hard on yourself, Blaine. Sometimes you have to take a break, especially when you look at how your year started.”


“You know I'm right. You're always so easy on other people and almost never on yourself.”

“That's not... I thought it would make me feel better. I thought I was doing it for myself. I thought I could move on and forg-... Oh god, Kurt.”


“Oh no. No no no no.”

“Blaine. What?!”

“What if he knows? What if he knows that I slept with Alex? Oh god, I bet he already knows. Of course he knows. What-”

“Blaine, stop.”

“But this is so messed up.”

“It's been messed up for a long time now, if you ask me.”



“I'm thinking.”

“No, you're overthinking.”




“How about a walk through the park?”

“I don't... Shit. Yeah, okay.”

“In 30?”

“Sure. We'll meet you outside.”



Blaine slept with Alex.

What now?
Wait... Parsons Alex or birthday party Alex?

Birthday party Alex. Parsons Alex is a girl, Rachel.

Hey, you never know.
How did that happen?

I told you, I sent him to the AMNH again, and apparently Alex couldn't keep his hands to himself.
Or Blaine couldn't keep his to himself. I don't know.

They did it at the museum???

No! God, what's wrong with you?!
They went out for drinks on Saturday.

One-time thing?

I don't know.
I don't know what to think.
And yet I can't *stop* thinking about it.

Well, can you blame him?

I guess not. I mean, you use the word 'dreamy' for Blaine all the time, and what I saw was... You know. So...

Blaine. I was talking about Blaine, not Alex.
Although yes, you can't blame Alex either. ;)

They knew each other for *one day.*
I really need to stop thinking about it.



You're jealous.

No, I'm not.

Yes, Kurt. You are.


(from Ethan) (1:58)
I can hear you texting in there.

No, you can't.
That's impossible.

Superhuman hearing.

I have a touch screen.

Your point being?

Nobody can hear that well, not even you.

Food's getting cold. Come join me.


Okay, I have to wrap this up – the boyfriend is getting a little restless. We'll talk about it once I get home.

Oh, we'll definitely talk about *it* later, yes.
I can see you rolling your eyes, you know.

Why is everything about ridiculous super powers today?




So. I thought about what you said.


I don't think I could do that.

What if I confiscated your phone?

I'd probably just buy a new one.

Your second name is Hopeless.

No, it's not!

Okay, your third name.

And yours is Smartass.

I like to think that it's Voice Of Reason.

Dream on.


*Someone's* not allowed to go to the AMNH anymore, because *someone's* been having way too much fun there.

Ben Stiller?

Does he still go there?! You'd think that his self-help group would've caught on.

Do they ever?


Here's a thought for your career: You'd make an excellent self-help book writer.


“How to Forget About a Guy You've Never Met but Can't Stop Thinking About and Find True Happiness in the Process – A Guide for Beginners”

That narrows the readership down, don't you think?

In this day and age, you might be surprised. I think it's 'New York Times' Best-seller List material.

You've been staring at the ceiling for too long, Anderson.

Take my advice. Take it!

I'm going to bed.


Okay. Let's get real.
I know that you know and you probably know that I know that you know. He talks. A lot. (Seriously, how can one person talk so much all the time?)
I'm not proud of what I did, what *we* did, but it happened and the only thing I'm going to regret is that it was someone you know and I don't even want to get into how weird that is, because we've known each other for months and I know your best friend and now I slept with one of your friends, or at least someone you know, and we still haven't met yet and I don't even know what you look like and wow, if you write it down like that it really does sound weird and messed up and damn, Wes was right, he needs to stop being right about everything. (Note to self: Find something he doesn't know the answer to and rub it in.)
So here's how this could go. a) You tell me that you're mad at me, and stop talking to me. b) You tell me that you're mad at me, but we work it out. c) You're not mad at all and we become the new Merry and Pippin. d) You're not mad, but we agree that it's best to go our separate ways anyway, no bad feelings involved.
Wow, okay.
Look, me being honest just ends in word vomit. You did this to me.
Aaand I bet you're asleep. Perfect timing.
Is there a way to delete texts once they've been sent? No? Okay.

Hey, Blaine.


So much to say. Let's see...
Yes, I know.
(He works as a guide, talking is his job.)
I'm surprised you haven't Facebook-stalked me yet.
Merry and Pippin? Really, Blaine?

Mon 2 Feb (12:01am)
Facebook stalking? Please, that's so 2011. And I'm a gentleman.
Wes is my best friend. The one with the brother and sister.
Shut up, their friendship is epic.
There is no e).

But there should be.

What's e)?

e) I'm not mad, but it took me by surprise and it showed me that I don't know everything about you. I don't have the right to be mad and you didn't do anything *wrong*. Me not expecting it doesn't make it wrong. I said I wanted to be friends with you and friends should be able to talk about these things.

My options were way shorter than yours.
So, now... Does that make you want to know less about me?

It makes me want to know more.



You should be asleep.

Don't think I can't hear your music. You're up, too.

Fine. What is it?

Do you ever think that not knowing what you want is harder than wanting something you can't have?

Come meet me for milk and cookies in the kitchen. Bring James.


Tues 3 Feb (10:01am)

Thanks. You're my very own little calendar.

Not little.
This is just a coffee reminder.

I still get coffee?


I thought that maybe I didn't deserve the coffee anymore.

What? For having too much fun at the museum?

Not *at* the museum!

Wait, so you *didn't* enjoy your time at the museum? I'm appalled. I thought it was the experience of a lifetime. Why do I even bother?

Oh god.

Winding you up is way too much fun.

Evil evil evil.




That won't get you anywhere.

You're quite feisty for someone who *just* stated his fear of coffee refusal.

Your evil ways change everything.
Now give me coffee.

Yes, sir.
Although you kind of have to get it yourself.


That won't get you anywhere.





At this point, I think we're both circling each other. I don't want to let it go, he doesn't want to let it go. And neither of us knows what we're doing, we're just stumbling our way through this... thing.
One day, it's this weight on my shoulders, and the next it's just... it's... And just for those moments, I don't want to let it go. I can't.
I've had a lot of coffee.



Can you just get your shit together already?


You can't stop thinking about this. You haven't stopped talking about it for weeks now – months, even. And it used to make you happy, but now it's this happy-unhappy-crying-happy-unhappy-happy mode and can't you see what that's doing to you? Either you cut him off right now or you decide to *do* something about it.
*Do* something. Don't wait it out and go crazy in the process. I can't watch this happen again.
You said that all you've ever been was careful, and I *told* you to be careful. But maybe it's time to stop being so careful when it comes to him, because it's clearly not working out for you.
And for heaven's sake, will you two just meet already?!


I think I just sprained my thumb.
Blaine? That was a joke.
About the thumb. I'm fine.
But the rest wasn't a joke.

Outgoing call
“Hey. Thanks for calling. I might've sprained my thumb just a little bit.”

“Do you want to set me up for heartbreak again?”

“Heartbreak, huh? You can't honestly tell me that you're happy with the situation.”

“No, but what can I do?”

“Meet him.”

“He doesn't want to see me. I think he made that pretty clear.”

“But don't you see how weird that is? Why would you even keep up a friendship, then?”

“It's complicated.”

“You're making it complicated. Both of you.”

“It's really not that easy, Wes.”

“Because he's got a boyfriend? Tell me, Blaine. Why didn't he go and meet you?”

“He said-”

“Oh, I know what he said. But do you know? Think about it.”

“I don't know what y-”


“...What do you... Do you think he's-”

“I think he's just as afraid as you are.”

“...But then, this is something he has to figure out himself. I won't. I can't do that for him.”

“All I want for you is to have some kind of closure. This... thing is just tossing you around.”

“I know.”

“And I'm sorry I was a little harsh.”

“You're my voice of reason, remember?”

“You say that quite fondly.”

“Because I mean it.”

“It wasn't too much?”

“Please. Since when are you going easy on me?”

“So will you think about it?”

“I told you, it's up to him.”

“So until he gets his shit together, will you try to be calm and reasonable?”

“You make me sound like a teenage girl.”

“That's not far off.”

“Careful. You might lose your voice of reason status.”

“Fine; can't risk that. See you on Thursday?”



(from Ethan) (9:55pm)
I miss you.

You *just* saw me!

I know, but I do anyway.


Breakfast tomorrow?

Sure. Sleep well!



You've been awfully quiet all day, Mr Anderson.

I've had a busy, busy day, Mr Hummel. Please accept my apology.

I do.
It's a shame, though. The silence.

Did you miss me?

Yes, I did.
You didn't thank me for the coffee.

I didn't get coffee.


I told you, busy day.


Can I get my coffee on Thursday?

Let me check.

Who do you need to check that with?!

My coffee people.

Say hello to Rachel for me, will you?

...You know too much.

Not enough. Never enough.
Also, how very gangsta of you.

I will ignore that.


Yes, you can get your coffee on Thursday.

Then that's what I'm going to do.

Just one more thing before I go to bed.


This is how he sleeps. I just needed to share that with you. Because you deserve all the fluffy fuzzy things in life.
A large, fluffy grey striped cat laying upside down on a sofa sleeping.

That *is* the fluffiest and fuzziest thing I've ever seen omg!!!
I can't compete with that.

Seeing that we just reduced you to 'omg,' you might be on to something there.

Meanwhile I'm sitting here with a depressed dog, that finally abandoned my bed, but chose a rather... unorthodox sleeping place instead. And it's making *me* depressed. This is not what I had in mind.
This is what I get for being strict. Heartbreak.


This isn't photoshopped.
Image of a golden retriever laying down on the ground sleeping, though his head is tucked behind a toilet. He's laying in the bathroom.


Oh yes.

No way!!!

I swear!

This is so depressing, I'm not sure if I can even sleep right now.

Sorry I dragged you over to the dark side.

Not so sure about the coffee, now...

You said there would always be coffee, Kurt.

I did, didn't I?
Maybe a tiny espresso.

That is*not* my coffee order.

What *is* your coffee order?

Ask your spy.

She doesn't tell me anything, ever.


It's true.

Goodnight, Kurt.

I'm still depressed!
I'm taking it all back. All the fluffiness you once deserved.

No, you won't. I still deserve it.

...Yes, you do. You do.




Kitchen, cookies, milk, and cat?

Oh, Kurt.


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This is perfect. Cannot wait for more!!!!

(00:23am)Thank you SO much !!! I guess checking every so often did indeed help :D(00:24)And if you're wondering: Yes, the only reason I'm still awake is to see if you're anwering my question and/or post a new chapter <3


Okay, now I need a cookie and some milk and really a cat and a dog...ahhh...I am now waiting for the next update. Pressing F5 every 2 seconds (okay, that's not true...but I look for it like 3 times a day?!).

OK, I just found this update because I have this story set on email notification as a 'Favorite' on Scarves and Coffee. BTW, I liked this chapter, especially the pictures of the cat and dog! But why does the main page say that this story has not been updated since January 23? I have to text my best friend who lives in Chicago when there is an update! You must be famous! I've seen references to this story on twitter by one of Darren Criss' StarKid friends and my daughter in college saw a comment about it in YouTube for her favorite song 'Little Numbers'!

What are they talking about?!!!!! And poor Blaine. :( Wes, be nice! Even though I would probably be preaching the same thing if I was him anyways. Update soon! It's a magnificent story! hpswst101


They make MY heart hurt. >: So Ethan's getting more insistent on having Kurt's attention now, it seems.. can't blame him, but gah. I just want them to meet already! I really enjoyed the chapter, can't wait for the next! :D

pleaseeee make Klaine get together! this is so good:)))

My. They're so inlove with each other already.

CP Coulter mentioned the update on her page. Wow to be part of the larger Klaine universe... Each line is to the point and speaks volumes! Now I really want to hug my dog. Please don't end it with just their meeting. I want at least an epilogue too. Thanks for writing this!

Oh they need to meet and really quick... love this cant wait for the day they meet

If they're not together by the next chapter, I'm gonna be upset. Lol, ok, not really, but they need to just do it already! I'm going crazy. Ugh. And yay Wes. He makes me happy. Keeping Blaine in line :)

Oh god, those two have to get together. Seriously? Just. Ugh.

So dang good.

omg i love this i check everyday to c if this updated and if it didnt i get so sad i love this i love this i love this update....soon

Oh my gosh, I didn't realise this was a WIP and I was going to try and not start any new ones until some of the ones I'm reading ended, but I don't regret a thing because this was just so amazing and is so amazing. Please keep going! Forever! Aah! I love it.

...... I just....... I love this story so much.

I swear every time I hear this song, I think he's going to sing "there will always be coffee" at 0:50 ... and I am disappointed every time he doesn't. I crazy? Well, maybe, yes ... but I'm fine with that.I guoess I just wanted to say that I love your fanfic and I can't wait for another update ... and I seriously don't know if I want them to meet or just keep texting eachother ...

<img src="" alt="" />

Oh god!! Kurt just cut the crap!! -_- is sooooo obvious y&iquest;that he likes likes LIKES Bline... Loved it!!

There were 199 reviews and it was bothering me, so yay 200 :)

this is one great story, but now i have to stop so my daughter can catch up to me, i will continue when she gets up to chapter 16 great story greast story

this is soooo funny@!!! except for bradshaw... i know hes dying... pooor puppy....

cat sdo get hot.boy was he sweatting/