Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 12

T - Words: 1,116 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
13,766 0 41 0 1

Fri 2 Jan (6:45pm)
I'm going to break the awkward silence now. Ready?

You know, saying that something is awkward can make it awkward, even though it wasn't even awkward in the first place.

Such wisdom.
So, are you saying that this little break wasn't awkward?


So we're good?

Yes, we are.

...Okay. Good. And here I had another speech prepared.

Damn, I keep blocking your speeches.
Note to self: Must not block Blaine's speeches.
One day, you will have to give me a proper speech.


I miss you, too. Will you be staying over tomorrow? Pleeeeease?

Uhm... Kurt?

Shit. Oh god, sorry.
That was meant for... That wasn't meant for you. Accident! Please ignore that!



When you answered your phone, you said that name.

You heard that, huh?
Yes. Yes, Ethan.

The boyfriend?


How long have you two been together?

A little over a year.

Wow. Okay.
How did you meet?

What is this, an interrogation?
At college.

Depends. Did you do something bad?
Fashion as well?

Did I?
No. Design and Management, but same school.

Can I ask you something?

You mean more than you've already asked? Sure, why not.
Apparently, it's filter-free Friday.

Does he know about me?


Why not?

That's not asking me 'something,' that's asking me 'everything.'


Never mind.
At first, I didn't tell him, because it was just something silly I did every Thursday. What was there to tell? And then, when it got more – like, with the missions, I didn't think he'd understand. And that it would be too late to tell.

Would he be jealous?


What? I'm just curious.
You don't have to answer that.

He can be a bit protective, yes.
But I like to think that there's nothing to be jealous about.

Because we're just friends?

Because we're friends, yes.

And this is just something silly.

I didn't say that.

You did.

No, I said that it was silly in the beginning.

And now it's...?

And now you're my silly little friend, who I care about quite a lot.

I am not little!

Well, I wouldn't know. But I kind of associate you with my phone, and my phone is relatively tiny. Sorry.

I am not tiny!

Deal with it.

Not. Tiny.

Oh, Blaine.

Don't 'Oh Blaine' me!

Oh, Theodore.

That's it. You've gone too far.

Whatever will you do?

...I will have to think about that.

See, that's why I can never be scared. You have to actually think about payback. Probably for days and days and even then you don't come up with anything. You're fluff and rainbows.
With tiny puppies sprinkled on top.

Bradshaw is not tiny. We're *not* tiny.

Okay, whatever you say.



'Quite a lot'?

Yes. I wouldn't send just anyone on lovely little missions.

Again with the 'little.'

It's a theme.


Mhm. I'll be waiting, my tiny friend.

You're impossible.

Thank you.


Outgoing call
“Hey, handsome!”

“Hi! How's rehearsal?”

“Good, we're about t-”

“How long till you're home?”

“Couple more hours. Why?”

“I talked to Blaine.”

“Excellent! So how many kids does he want? Would you get a second dog? Or maybe cats? Is he a dog person only? Tell me everyth-”

“Sometimes you still scare me, Berry. …About Ethan. We talked about Ethan.”


“He asked and - well, I messed up. Looks like I'm not as good at multi-texting as I thought I was. Anyway. He asked some questions. And I answered.”

“Good. Okay. … Go on.”

“What if I am leading him on, Rachel? What if he thinks we should be more than... friends, or whatever we are?”

“What if you're fooling yourself?”


“Okay, I know I keep joking about this. And I like teasing you about it. And you know that I think he's positively gorg-”

“Stop! Stop right there.”

“But he-”


“And you-”


“Why did you even call me, Kurt?”

“Because... I don't know. …I don't want to ruin this, Rachel.”

“Oh, honey... You just have to do the thing that's best for you.

“Which would be...?”

“That's what you have to find out.”

“What if I think I'm making the right choice, but then it turns out it was the wrong one?”

“And what if you spend the rest of your life asking yourself 'What if'?”


“Look, I have to get back to rehearsal. Do you wanna talk about it some more when I come home?”

“Yes. You'll be rewarded with late night snacks.”

“You're the best! Until then, take a bath, relax, and rest your pretty head for once.”


“Love you!”

“Love you, too.”


Sat 3 Jan (8:31am)
You need to get me drunk tonight.

Good morning, Mr Anderson. It's 8:36. Did you wake up with that delightful thought?

I never even went to sleep.




It's pathetic, I know. Please don't judge me.

Not judging, just worrying.

I was up all night practicing for that concert and I swear it's like every single piece was written for him or about him.

Wow, okay. We're definitely going out drinking.
We can try the wingman thing again.

I don't think that's such a good idea, Wes.

You're still mad about that one time in 2013, aren't you? You have to let it go.

Never forget The Great Disaster of 2013, Wesley. Never forget.

Fair enough. 9pm? I'll pick you up.

Sounds good.


Sun 4 Jan (1:16am)

“Kurt. Kuuuuuuurt. Kurt, are you asleep? You shouldn't be asleep - it's a beautiful Friday. No, Saturday. Sunday? It's a beautiful DAY... but it would be even more beautiful if you weren't asleep. Because you're beautiful... Kurt. I know you are. Knew it from the beginning. You sound beautiful through texts... texts! How is that even possible... You should be here with me right now. With me and n- …Hey, no! That's my phone, gimme-”


Well, well, well, Blaine Theodore. Just how drunk were you last night?

Loud. Phone. Please no.

I guess that's my answer.
Interesting voicemail, though.


The message you left me?


Oh, I see.

Oh god. No... What did I say?!


But I did.

No. It was just music and voices and a few words here and there.



Shit. Sorry.

No big deal. It happens.

Oh god, I have a dog.

That's quite a case of amnesia you have there. Impressive.

No. No, I mean... someone has to talk that dog. And I don't even feel alive right now.
Walk. Walk the dog. Oh god, what is this.

I believe it's called a hangover.


Hey! I'm not responsible for your wild night out.

Are you sure about that?
Okay, I can do this.


A dog standing on rocks in the middle of Central Park

…You went to Central Park with that hangover? You could've just walked around the block.

It's Sunday. He deserves the park. It's not his fault that his dad had a bit too much.

His dad?


That's a beautiful picture.

Isn't it though? I just told him that everything the light touches will be his one day.

...You did not just do that.

Didn't I? I thought I did.
So excuse us, we're now on our way to the waterhole aka our coffee shop.
Man, do I need coffee right now.


Yes, dear?

...You're still drunk.

No, but the sun is shining and I'm starting to feel like a human being again.


What is it?

Never mind.

Okay? Talk to you later!


Did you do it yet?


Do it.

You think?

Yes. It's the only way.





I've been thinking.

Do you want me to guess?

I think we should meet.

You... wow.
Am I still drunk?

I don't think you are.
What do you say?

Are you sure?







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Oh Eli... you WOULD be the first to comment on the re-post! ;) <3

This is still the most perfect thing in existence.

I don't intend to do that! (But I didn't want to delete it when it first happened, so...) But yes, I'll be extra careful from now on! ;)

Oh.My.God. (and I mean that in the best way possible) *insert flailing here* (also: don't ever accidently delete your LN again it's not healthy....)


OH GOD THEY'RE GOING TO MEET?!?!?!?! *flailing*

I only joined this story a few days ago, so this was the first time I've had to wait for an update- naturally it was well worth the wait! I love this fic so much you wouldn't believe. I've had 'Little Numbers' (the song) on repeat for the past 2 days and I can't keep the goofy grin off of my face every time I think about how perfectly brilliant your story is! It just makes me so happy! My only criticism would be that it also seems to have a very strong effect on one of my dogs, who threw up all over the carpet yesterday. Yesterday was Thursday.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh *_________________*

Gah! How cruel of you to stop it right here! Haha, this story is seriously amazing.. It's so simple, but so.. I don't even know how to properly describe it! It's just fantastic! I hope you can update it soon!

I LOVE this fiction! So glad you were able to update today and can't wait for the next chapter!

More more more!!! :D I was hoping they would meet soon! It's one of the best Klaine stories I have read!! Keep up the fantastic work!!!

Loving it!!! This line had me giggling (which wouldn't be so bad, but I'm at work in a very conservative setting!) "...I just told him that everything the light touches will be his one day." Thank you for a great read.

Okay... I have almost no response to the most amazing chapter to ever happen in the history of North America with the known borders. BWAHAHA! Just kidding. It was the most amazing ANYTHING to EVER happen ANYWHERE! Why? For a bunch of reasons, obviously. First, um... cuteness. All over. I love Kurt calling Blaine little. Oh gosh, that was so cute, my heart hurt. Like, actually hurt. We're talking full on clenching and heart-attack having, and... yes. So cute. And I love him calling Blaine tiny and made of rainbows. I love Blaine protesting and making empty threats. Second, the talk about Ethan. It has been determined that I HATE Ethan. Dude, my friend Alex JUST got out of a TERRIBLE relationship with a guy who would get jealous of his talking to other people on twitter. A:KB:LKASFJD:LSKDJGV! DIE PROTECTIVE BOYFRIENDS! LET YOUR MEN BREATHE! I don't know if Ethan is as bad as freaking Ryan was, but regardless, I hate him. Anyway. So I loved that whole thing with him not knowing and Blaine TOTALLY reading off as a bit hurt and a bit jealous. YAY! Third, RACHEL! I've said it before and I'll say it again. Rachel is the cutest thing ever, and people don't give her enough cred. BUT YOU DO! And I love it! I could actually hug you for how you write her. Lovely job. Fourth, (I think...) I love how Kurt doesn't know what to do with himself. All that indecisiveness and his like... not picking. WIN! I mean, duh, he should pick Blaine cause they have to get married with kids and more dogs and cats (and I love Rachel's little tangent on this... to cute. I also love Kurt interrupting her as she tried to talk...) but that was awesome and so darn realistic I could keel over. Fifth, I love how in character they are. I say this all the time I feel, but whatever. You do amazing things and it's only with, like, dialogue. It's. So. Perfect. I. Could. Cry! New goal: Be as awesome as you. Sixth (maybe...?), WES. OH MY GOSH, WES! WEEEEES! I like... I have a problem. I'm obwessed. I can't... I can't handle him. I LOVE HIM. I, like, see a story with Wes and I read it three times in a row before moving for the next one. It's bad. OBWESSED! OBWESSED! Anyway. So I love how you put him in there obviously more than you could ever know, and he was so perfect, and cute, and not judging, just worrying, and I think I may have just actually had a seizure because there was definitely some convulsing going down after just THINKING about it, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't aware of what ANYTHING was doing around me as I actually read it, so... yeah. There was probably flailing cause it was awesome, and my head hurts from loving it just so freaking hard. Seventh, I love Blaine loving him. I actually... Okay. I read that part, and I felt like crying a bit. I can't... Klaine is just so beautiful. I listen to "Little Numbers" and I practically start sobbing as I sing the chorus (my voice gets all shakey... can't handle it...) cause it's like... THEY'RE APART! I can't TAKE IT! But I love it so... Don't let this end badly! I need this to LIVE! Anyway, so Blaine crushing Kurt made me happy. And I love how Wes is worried about Blaine cause he's not sleeping cause of it, and OH MY GOSH, WES! (Okay, sorry, but really? WES!) Eighth, a;wdsvjalksdjb;laksjdf;laksdjb;alksjdf;alskdfj THE VOICE MAIL! Okay, I love drunk Blaine. I mean, it's a bit disappointing, cause I feel like he's generally a rather innocent character. Or... not even that, but that's what I like to read him as, but like... he's so cute. And he's... he's Blaine. I love him. And I love him knowing Kurt is Beautiful. ADORBS! Ninth, I Bradley. I love Disney. I love him not remembering... I love little things. I love all the little things in your story. They make me happy. Eleventh (I know this is wrong, but I don't like the number 10 in lists), THEY'RE MEETING! Okay, everyone MUST be freaking out about this for a million reasons. Ex. Now I don't have to cry to "Little Numbers" cause it's finally going to be more than that. However, I think the best part is that it's hopefully going to grow. Like... to be more. And they're gonna see each other. And it's not going to be something Ethan doesn't have to be jealous about. It's gonna GROW! I'm like... ecstatic. I could... i don't even know. I could run a couple miles. Which is saying something, as I JUST got back from boxing, which is exhausting. (Okay, RIGHT?! I was sort of doing homework that one episode, and I heard the sound of a punching bag, and I was like "No. No way. No." and I looked up, and I actually started crying cause I'm a baby, and I love Blaine, and it was awesome, and HOLY CRAP! Kay.) So, umm... yeah. I feel like reviewing this is hard, cause there's all this between lines stuff, and I feel awkward talking about it because what if I'm wrong? But what I got from it was amazing. i could like... I get emotional after reading this. So good. In the words of Sally Sparrow, "Sad is happy for deep people." Gah! Okay. I guess I'm done. But I don't FEEL done. It's like, how you write is so amazing, but I can't talk about it, and it's FRUSTRATING cause I have things I like that I can't tell you. Like... how you write the "Okay"s back and forth? "Okay." "Okay." I can't... I love that for so many reasons, but I can't put any of them into words. So yeah. GREAT JOB!

EGsfvslzhfhsfdsfdfslh;vmail;htios;ehirbtncv[ryoimshcfotiayhweR'KHNIKVHNb"FGPHVNPES BRGRFKEALNLERFTNHEIO;HFDbjfKjkdflhszdfhjwn,siwyer8uyt90otyeo98igkdflzxhozuidshyf oh my god theyre going to meet holy hell this fic and all it does to me lordy PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I LOVE YOU! YOURE PERFECT! BRB SCREAMING



HA! HA HA HA HA! YES! You have NO IDEA how happy I am right now! :D So darn flippin exicted! You made my night. I'm glad I checked this before bed. WRITE MORE QUICKLY!

I don't even know how to react. I wish I could give you a gif. This is amazing. I love you. Them meeting is all I ever wanted. Thank you.

I can't WAIT until they meet....yeah, I kind of freaked out when your story went off the grid but I got a link to it on Tumblr so I did get my fix but wasn't able to review..... this story makes me happy!

yay they're going to met

Oh my god, you had me panicking when I clicked the link to the latest chapter and there was nothing!Glad to find this story again. THEY'RE FINALLY MEETING UP SKJAGSJAFDJAGSBtw, I'm glad of all the hype that this fic is getting-- it's really great, so it deserves it all!Can't wait for more! ♥

Omg finally!!!

Holy fuck. They're gonna meet?

Hahaha, just fyi, Happy Squirrel Appreciation Day is a trending topic in the US on Twitter right now . . . and all I can think about is this story. :-P Little Numbers-verse Blaine must be so excited!

OMGOMGOMG I can't believe this, they will met. And everything is Klaine all the time. This is beautiful. So, They will see at each other eyes and fall in love or something? Don't take me wrong, I'd love it. So, I'm so happy righ now, you, they, made my day. Thank you so muuuch (:

I don't even know if I should hate you or love you right now.

*fangirl squeel* Yay! They're going to meet!

Hi! Really weird, I read chapter 13, now it's gone! Anyway, just wanted to tell you how awesome your story is!! You must already know that. I can't wait for Kurt and Blaine to meet. I'm not sure though what angst you are referring to, only on a very very subtle level could I see some angst. Anyway, love the cute adorable texts, and their connection, and the pictures, and the awesome dog! And I wish Kurt wasn't taken, but hey! that's half the fun--Kurt's unattainable, but hopefully Blaine will win him over with his charm and his good looks! :)

I made an account just so I could favorite this story and track it. This is so amazing. Just gonna re-read the story now, don't mind me.

I'm so sorry!! Scarves&Coffee hates me atm! It won't let me upload the new chapter. But it's on Livejournal!

I hear there's a chp13. Please put me out of my misery and repost it. I joined just for this story. This is just so brilliant! I love it!

Omg... I have read about how amazing this fic is on Tumblr and now I've actually read it and it's just... I love all the little treats and how they gave things to each other without actually meeting. And I love Bradshaw and all the cleverly thought out links and pictures, they are all so beautiful. And how they're falling in love (i hope) with each other just by the impression they're getting. It's so different to every other fic and it's just so amazing and beautiful.

AAAAHHHHHH!!! That was me screaming on the page since I can't really scream with all the people around and being in a school building.

THANK YOU! You have no idea how much I love this story. I should be sleeping because it's the middle of the night, but I can't stop reading your story. It's a thousand times better than "Sleepless in Seattle." You are an engaging writer! I'm taking MY dog to the park today which is Sunday. He deserves it too!

aaasaaaahhh omg finally meeting fantastic, continuing

yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.I love the dog.Is it yours?