Little Numbers
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Little Numbers: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,453 - Last Updated: Apr 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Jan 19, 2012 - Updated: Apr 12, 2012
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Thurs 25 Dec (7:45am)
~Incoming Call~

“Goooood morning, lovebird!”

“Damn, Rachel. It's way too early for you to sound like that.”

“And a Merry Christmas to you, too!”

“Ugh... You don't even really celebrate Christmas, why are you up? And why are you calling me?”

“To talk about your undying love for Lonely Boy.”


“The text you sent me last night. Late at night. Laaaaate. When you should've been asleep.”

“...Crap. Oh god... So that wasn't just a bad dream?”

“No. No, it was a good dream. A dream full of warmth and-”

“Please, just stop. It's too early.”

“It's never too early for matters of the heart, Kurt.”

“No heart. No heart involved at all.”

“Well, clearly you had a revelation last night. Did he do something? He did, didn't he? Did you call him? Did he call you? Did he finally send you a picture of himself? And did you-”

“No. Nothing. Nothing happened.”

“Liar!!! Why do you keep lying to yourself?”

“I'm not lying to myself.”

“Explain Ethan, then.”

“I refuse to discuss your hatred towards my boyfriend again -”

“I don't hate him, I-”

“Shush. I love him and he loves me. It's been over a year and you should be used to it, to him, by now.”

“So what about the text?”

“A lapse of judgement -”


“ - brought to you by Christmas, rum, and lack of sleep.”

“Kurt, I just want you to be happy. You know that.”

“I am happy. Blaine and I... We're friends.”

“And are you sure that he sees that the same way?”

“Rachel. We've never even met. Of course he doesn't -”

“Since when is that a criterion?”

“Uhm, I'm pretty sure that's the usual protocol. You meet someone, you like someone, you fall in love with someone.”

“Right. Because you're known for doing things the 'usual way'.”

“Will you let me get up and take a shower now?”

“So that you can avoid this conversation again? Sure.”

“And can we not talk about this in front of my family later?”

“Okay, fine. 3pm?”


“See you then! And Kurt?”


“I really do just want you to be happy.”

“... I know, Rachel. And I am.”

“Okay... Bye!”




How can I help you?

Do you have any advice on how to get my bed back?

...Excuse me?

I got up to get some water and when I came back, this greeted me:
Dog laying in a bed taking up the whole thing

I see that you've trained him well.

He was like that when I got him. Which was a couple of days ago. I'm not to blame!

I bet your bed is super comfortable and he just couldn't resist.

So it's my fault? Because my bed is too comfortable?


Wow. You give such great advice.

So I've been told.
Do I get a Bradshaw picture every single day now?

I don't know.
This could be a thing. The Daily Bradshaw.

Like The Daily Coyote?

Only one of them is sort of a wild animal and the other one hogs pillows and falls for everyone he sees on the streets.


Fri 26 Dec (10:44am)
What are you doing on New Year's Eve?

Why? Are you asking me out? ;)

No. Just... I'm asking.

I can see that.
Actually, my parents throw a big party in NYC each year. They're friends with a couple of my friend's parents, so I'll probably attend that one.
Not probably. Definitely. It's kind of a tradition.

And is that a good tradition? I mean, do you actually want to go?

What will you be doing? Ohio or NYC?

NYC. We're flying back on the 30th.


I mean, I am.

You don't have to tell me, but you don't have to lie about it either, you know?

Rachel. I'm flying home with Rachel.

Oh! Okay.
No, wait. What?!

Promise not to get mad! Because there's nothing to be mad about.

I knew it!!!


Okay, promise.

She's a bit more than just one of my coffee people.

Go on.

We went to high school together and now she's living with me in NYC.
We're kind of best friends.
I swear she's not a spy and I never even meant for her to meet you or know who you are and she's very strict about that deal she made with you and this isn't creepy at all!!




'Chill'?! Who says that??

You need to relax. I'm not mad.
I gotta say, you freaking out about something is kind of cute. You're always so put together.

That's what I want you to believe.
So you're not mad?

No. I trust you now, remember?


'Kind of ' best friends?

It makes more sense once you get to know her better.
Not... that I want you to get to know her.
I mean, you could, if you wanted to.
You're your own person.
And I'm not telling you what to do.



You're doing it again.



I hope that my honesty won't backfire on me.

I've been shushed.

Who's the dog here? You or Bradshaw?

He's in my bed. I'm on the floor. You tell me.


All. The. Time.

Then you need to be stricter with him.

His eyes, Kurt. His eyes.

You're impossible.

Wait till you're face to face with him!
I mean. Hypothetically.

Hypothetically, sure.


No Bradshaw picture today? You've still got 22 minutes.

The Daily Bradshaw is not a thing.

I thought it could be.

No, but you might get one today if you ask nicely. I'm feeling generous.



Pretty please?


I've got eyes, Blaine. Eyes.
And I might be making what could be called 'puppy eyes.'

Okay, fine.
A dog with its tongue out and eyes squinting almost like it's laughing

What's so funny?

I don't know, but he's having a blast at my expense, I'm sure.

“You're going to sleep on the floor tonight and we both know it. Now give me something to eat.”

Yeah, that sounds like him.

Thank you. I can go to bed now.

Well, thank god. ;) Goodnight!



Mon 29 Dec (5:46pm)
How did we manage to not text each other for two days?

I have no idea.
I've been really busy. This can't be called a holiday!

Tell me about it.
My parents are in town now.

Oh. Good.
How's that going for you?

“Blaine, what is that?” - “A dog?” - “And you're holding his leash why, exactly?” - “Because he's kind of my dog?” - “Oh honey...”
I feel like a little boy who's trying to convince his parents that he can be responsible, too.

They don't approve, huh?

Oh, I don't know. And I don't care, really.
Because apart from that, it's nice. Them being here.
Of course, I'm just waiting for something bad to happen now. ;)
Okay, gotta run! Dinner.

Have fun!

Have a good flight tomorrow! Say hi to Rachel from me. :P



Wed 31 Dec (9:23pm)
And so it begins.

The party?

I need more wine.


I'm running out of excuses.
“No, sorry, I'm gay” is not enough anymore these days, is it?

Oh god, the images that's giving me!

Sure, laugh about it, why don't you?

Wait. Is this your way of telling me that you're a total... what do they call it? Chick magnet?

I can't help it, Kurt. It's beyond my control.


But I really can't!

You're ridiculous.

Is Rachel with you tonight?

She's somewhere, yes.

Ask her. Just ask her.


About my magnetic qualities. It's totally legit.

How much wine have you had?

Do you see me making any typos? No, you don't. Because I'm super focused.
I might be tipsy.

Told you so.

Did you ask her yet?

No, I haven't. And I'm not sure that I should.


She wants to know about the state of the deal.

Tell her tonight doesn't have any rules.



In general?


Never mind.


She says you're very dreamy.

Ha! Ha!!!

Calm down.

She should tell you more. More aboiut me.

Typo! It's official now. It's... 11:29 and I'm declaring you drunk!
And I seem to have lost her. It's a little crazy around here right now.


~Incoming call~

“Rachel?? Where are you? I've been looking for you for the last 20 minutes!”


“...WHERE are you?!”

“By the bar!!”

“Have you seen Ethan?”



“No. I thought he was with you!”

“This is a nightmare! I'm coming to get you, ok?”


“Just STAY where you are!”


Thurs 1 Jan (12:03am)
~Incoming Call~




“RACHEL? Shit, where are you?! I haven't even found Ethan yet and I told you to stay by the b-”


“...Who is this?”

“Blaine. It's... it's Blaine.”




“Kurt? … Kurt?? … Are you still... Kurt …?”

“Shit. Yes. Yes, I'm here. I dropped my phone.”

“I see that you've been censoring your texts.”


“I thought that you don't curse, but you obviously do and I didn't think you would and-”


“Yes. Hi.”

“Hi... Wait a second. Can you... can you wait one second?”


“Okay. I'm... I found a quiet corner... Hi.”


“You called.”

“I did.”

“You called.”

“Yes, I did. I guess I wanted to say this in person. Well... over the phone.”

“Say what?”

“Happy New Year, Kurt.”

“...Happy New Year, Blaine.”

“... I hope I didn't scare you with this.”

“No. No, you didn't. Shit, I need something to drink.”



“Are you okay?”

“Yes, just a bit out of breath. Because I... It was loud and I... I had to...”

“You had to find that quiet corner.”


“You're a bit speechless, aren't you?”

“No, I... okay, I am.”

“Thought so.”



“Your laugh...”


“Your laugh is... It's nice.”

“Thank you. Look, I know I kind of surprised you here, but I... I really wanted to call you.”

“I'm glad you did.”

“You are?”


“Good. Did you find Rachel yet?”


“Then maybe that's what you should do. I don't wanna be responsible for her getting lost. Or hurt.”

“I will.”




“It was nice to hear your voice.”

“It was nice to hear yours, too, Kurt.”





We're ouside.

Shit, Rachel.




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This was so amazing blaine finally rang .. This reminds me of my real life story was first chat then call then texting and now nothing lol.. I never meant my dream person ... I really hope they meet I think it destiny...meant to be

i so glad they talked. my daughter and i were reading this together, and now she's at work i wasn't going to read until she got back but i could not resist i had to keep reading, it's that good

yay they talked to each other