Aug. 13, 2012, 9:39 a.m.
Aug. 13, 2012, 9:39 a.m.
“What did I do to deserve such an amazing man like you?” Blaine hooked his chin over Kurt's shoulder as they continued to lie in bed, not ready to get dressed for the day. It was still pretty early. “You were your amazing self... You also have impeccable taste in men, which doesn't hurt.” Kurt smiled fondly, rolling over in his boyfriend's arms so he could face him. “That I do” Blaine chuckled, leaning in for a kiss. “No, no, no!” Kurt placed his hand over his boyfriend's mouth at lightning speed. “Morning Breath!” He explained, noticing how Blaine had his eyebrows pulled together in confusion at the hand covering his mouth. “What are you talking about? I do not have morning breath!” Blaine protested, not being able to stop the smile on his face. “Sweetheart, everyone has morning breath.” Kurt pointed out smugly, his laugh getting harder to hide the more Blaine pouted. “So you wouldn't give your amazing sex God of a boyfriend one little kiss as a token of your appreciation?” Blaine questioned casually, making Kurt laugh cutely. “With morning breath? No,” He answered, still laughing at what Blaine had asked. “Brush your teeth, and then we'll talk... My amazing sex God of a boyfriend” Kurt continued to crack up at the look on his boyfriend's face. He looked like a kicked puppy. “But that's far and I'm comfy right here!” Blaine told him, throwing a temper tantrum like a child, recovering rather quickly with a wicked smile on his face. “Unless maybe... you make it worth my while...” He trailed off, wiggling his eyebrows playfully at Kurt, watching as he chuckled. “If I won't kiss you with morning breath, what the hell makes you think I'll have sex with you?” Kurt asked with his eyebrow raised in challenge, wondering what other excuse Blaine could have so he wouldn't have to get up. “Touch�” Blaine settled, leaning over to kiss Kurt's forehead before throwing his legs over the side of the bed to stand up. “Go brush your teeth honey” Kurt joked with a giggle, his eyes scanning Blaine's back as he stretched out. Blaine groaned dramatically. “Yes dear” He droned, hearing the bed creak behind him. “That's my boy!” Kurt yelled happily, slapping Blaine's ass before he walked away to the bathroom.
Blaine walked out with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth, watching as Kurt dug through a suitcase. “So are there any plans or are we just going to stay in bed all day, because I know the numbers of some amazing takeout places and we could watch a Lifetime movie marathon,” Kurt glanced back at his boyfriend with a smirk. “Nice try babe.” He chuckled, hearing Blaine run to the bathroom and turn on the sink. “But I'm serious.” Blaine said as he came back into the room wiping his mouth with a hand towel. “I know you are, that's why it’s cute.” Kurt told him happily, grabbing a pair of jeans and tossing them on the bed. “I wouldn't mind spending all day in bed with you, bumming out, watching that Lifetime movie with the wife stalking the husband of her best friend, or the one where all those teenagers wind up pregnant” Blaine explained further, hoping that maybe his boyfriend would cave in. He didn't give in. Kurt just laughed lightly, walking over to the closet and grabbing a few hangers of shirts and coats. “As fun as that sounds, we can do it when we get home.” Blaine pouted, taking a seat on the bed. “Today I have to go to Rachel's final dress fitting because the wedding is tomorrow... Which means...?” Kurt trailed off; giving Blaine that 'sorry you may not like this, but you’re my boyfriend so you'll do it anyways' smile. Blaine's eyes widened slightly. “Oh no” He mumbled, gulping nervously at what his plans may be for the day. “You get to spend the day with Finn!” Kurt revealed excitedly, standing in front of his boyfriend with a wide smile plastered on his face, clearly happy that his brother and boyfriend are going to hang out. “He has a final fitting for his tux and Puck couldn't make it... So I offered you up!” Blaine smiled slightly, trying to look as happy as possible. That didn't work out too well. “Kurt I doubt Finn even likes me!” Kurt gasped, slapping his boyfriend's arm gently. “Don't say that! He does like you!” He argued, the grin appearing on Blaine's face making him sigh. He loved that smile of his. “Well, okay... I'll do anything for you” Blaine caved, looking up at Kurt with a sad smile on his face; sad that he wouldn't be spending the day with him. “Cheer up. You are going to have a great time bonding with Finn, and then later I'll make it up to you...” Kurt trailed off, trailing a finger down his boyfriend's chest. “Is that a promise?” Blaine asked with a wink, standing up to take Kurt into his arms. “Maybe if you're on good behavior” Kurt bit his lip, Blaine noticing his eyes flicking to his mouth. “Well um... I'm all minty fresh now” He smirked, leaning in for a kiss. “Get dressed babe.”
Kurt looked up from his spot on the couch as Rachel stepped out of the dressing room. “Rachel, every time I see you in that dress I fall more and more in love with it” He said softly, watching as she twirled around looking like a princess. “Yeah, me too, I just… I can't believe it's here. I picked this dress almost eight months ago” Rachel told him with a dreamy smile, spreading her hands over the tulle and adjusting the skirt. She couldn't stop playing with the dress. “And here we are,” Kurt smiled widely, letting her head rest on his shoulder as she sat down next to him. “I'm so happy for you” He added quietly, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Thank you. I'm glad you're the one that's up at the altar for Finn and me.” Rachel looked up with a smirk, linking her arm with his. “You're my best friend, Kurt.” He sighed happily, thinking back on all the years they've been friends. It was crazy but definitely worth it. “Well he is my step brother, and hell, I've been in the middle of more fights and break ups with you two. I deserve to be up there!” Rachel giggled, patting Kurt's leg before she stood, gazing at her reflection in the mirror again. “Just promise I'll be there when it’s your turn” She told her friend with a wink, noticing the surprised look on his face. “Um... That's kind of what I want to talk to you about...” Kurt bit his lip nervously, letting out an uncomfortable cough. “You guys are getting married?! Since when?” Rachel yelled, getting a few glares from the workers. Kurt's eyes widened in horror. “Shh, Rachel, we are still in a store and no we are not getting married!” He yelled in a harsh whisper, tugging her hand so she would sit back down. “I don't care where I am! Marriage is a big subject and I have a right to freak out about it!” Rachel argued crossing her arms in defense as she plopped down next to Kurt, her dress huffing as it deflated under her. “Well don't... We aren't getting married but that's what I wanted to ask you about” Kurt shrunk down on the couch, his heart pounding as butterflies fluttered around in his stomach. “So you're thinking about getting married?” Rachel asked her voice lowering as she noticed how serious her friend was being. Kurt nodded shyly as an answer. “That's the same thing Kurt!” She said a little louder, her excitement and nerves getting the best of her. Marriage was a big deal to him and she knew that. “Look, I don't know what I'm thinking. Ten months ago I never thought I would get married, or find someone and then Blaine just shows up and...” Kurt trailed off, looking down at his lap in thought.
“Rachel... When did you know?” He wondered after a minute of silence, the gears in Kurt's head spinning around the same idea over and over again since last night. “When did I know what?” She asked softly, noticing that this wasn't really about marriage anymore. “That Finn was the one you wanted to marry” Kurt clarified, looking over with a small smile. She let out a breathy laugh, leaning back on the couch with a smirk. “Oh gosh... I don't know… After that whole thing in high school and having some time to myself in New York, I just realized how hard it was without him and I didn't just want him… I needed him with me” Rachel explained with a dreamy look in her eye, making Kurt sit up quickly. “I remember that, it’s like, it’s like you... You couldn't live without him” He added, his mind racing a million miles a minute. “Well I mean, I could but I knew that I didn't want to. He makes life more worth it” She said quietly, almost like it was a secret. Kurt smiled widely, realizing how much Rachel really loves his brother. “And here you are” He told her, placing his hand over hers. Rachel looked over with a giggle, nodding excitedly. “And here I am...” She gave his hand an assuring squeeze, seeing more in his eyes. “Where are you Kurt?”
Finn stood in front of the mirror adjusting his jacket. “Hey dude, thanks for coming with me to the tailor” He said with a smirk, turning around to face his brother's boyfriend who was sitting on the dressing room couch. “You're welcome. I figured since Kurt is with Rachel, I'll come hang with you and keep you company.” Blaine told him with a smile, watching as he came to take a seat. “No problem. You're practically family” Finn nudged his shoulder against Blaine's with a goofy side smile on his face. “Thanks Finn, that means a lot.” Blaine kind of felt guilty for what he said to Kurt earlier. Maybe Finn really does like him. Finn gave a shrug, unbuttoning his jacket. “So when's the date?” He asked, standing up and walking toward the dressing room to grab a hanger. “What date?” Blaine wondered, his eyebrows pulling together in confusion. “For you and Kurt's big wedding,” Finn explained with a large smile, hanging up the jacket on the dressing room door. “Come on, don't give me that look. Kurt's been planning his wedding since before high school. He spent his afternoons watching all those wedding shows on TLC” He added, chuckling at the look on his friend's face. “Umm. We aren't even engaged yet... What makes you think we have a date already?” Blaine questioned with an uncomfortable chuckle, not really ready to discuss this with Finn of all people. “I don't know... You look really happy together. Like really happy. The kind where your eyes kind of turn into hearts when you look at him... Like you can't live without him” Finn shrugged casually as if this wasn't a big deal. “I don't think it’s exactly like that... I mean... I don't know... I guess… I guess I kind of can't” Blaine stuttered, not really knowing what to say to that.
“How did you know?” He asked once he collected his thoughts, seeing Finn give him a look of confusion. “Know what?” Finn wondered, taking a seat on the arm of the couch. “That you couldn't live without Rachel… That she was the one for you.” Blaine told him, watching as Finn's face lit up, almost as if a light bulb went off. “That's easy dude. I've always known, but it took being apart from her to really realize it. At the end of our senior year she went off to New York and I went to the Army and there was not a day that went by that I didn't think about her, worry about her, dream about her. So when my time was over I booked the first flight out to New York and here we are” Finn explained with a large smile, nothing but love in his eyes. “Wow Finn... I think that's the most sincere, sweetest thing I've ever heard you say.” Blaine said truthfully, giving his boyfriend's brother a pat on the back. Finn chuckled, giving Blaine a small shrug. “Hey, I can be romantic when I want to be! Anyway dude, where is this coming from?” He questioned, looking over at Blaine with a raised eyebrow. “I just... I don't know... Something happened last night and I guess something kind of dawned on me” Blaine admitted, biting his lip. “Bro, whatever you and Kurt do is your business, but dude, that’s my brother. I don't need to know.” Finn focused his eyes on the ground, not being able to look at Blaine based on his assumptions of what could have happened last night.
After a few minutes of silence Blaine decided to drag this on and torture Finn a little, for the fun of it. “You're not curious in the least?” He wondered, Finn looking over with a wide eyed expression on his face. “About you and Kurt's kinky ass sex life? No not really” Finn deadpanned, prepared to cover his ears and start singing. “Look, don't get me wrong Blaine, I'm down with the gays but Kurt made me sit through an episode of Queer as Folk” He continued, getting up and going back into the dressing room to change back into his clothes. Maybe this conversation would be easier if they didn't see each other while talking. “Well, it isn't really a sex life yet... More like a sex night. We aren't kinky though” Blaine explained, a smirk on his face as Finn released a huge sigh. “Eww, bro, okay, okay! Jeez I get it!” He yelled as he burst through the dressing room door with his tux all bagged up. He was ready to leave now. “Queer as Folk obviously mislead you” Blaine mumbled, chuckling a little at how Finn was cringing. This talk was almost too much fun now. “Obviously… So what happened between you and Kurt?” Finn asked, trying to seem like he cared. Blaine clearly brought this up for a reason. Blaine shrugged shyly with a small smile. “We had sex for the first time. Like we've messed around before but this was full on Finn.” He said softly, thinking back on last night and how much it really affected him. “Okay... I like this vest, do you like this vest?” Blaine was listening to Finn ramble but interrupted him, trying to get it all out. “Yeah whatever, the vest is lovely but like when we were lying there, all tired and sweaty, something dawned on me” Finn's eyes popped out like a cartoon character, he didn't know how much longer he could handle this talk without going insane. “This tie would look awesome on you dude, maybe even Puck would look nice it!”
Blaine sighed, looking up at Finn who had the most uncomfortable smile on his face, holding up a hideous tie. Maybe he needed to be spared a little bit. “What was having sex with Rachel like for the first time? Were you confused?” Blaine asked, trying to break down this thing he was feeling. Finn went to open his mouth but was stopped short when Blaine held his hand up. “Not confused maybe, but like... I don't know. I felt different.” Finn sighed heavily, taking his seat on the arm of the couch again, twirling the top of the hanger around his finger. “Are we really going to talk about sex in a Men's Wear house?” He wondered, hoping maybe Blaine would have a little sympathy and shut up. “Well... I figure that may be the best location. After all it is a Men's Wear house.” Blaine joked, a goofy grin on his face as Finn stared at him blankly, not amused in the slightest. “Can we at least leave this insanely public place and get lunch or something? I'd like to be sitting down and have some food to numb the pain I'm feeling by listening to this horror story of my brother's sex life with his boyfriend.” Blaine laughed lightly, getting up and patting Finn on the back as he walked past him and out of the store. Finn shook his head and released another sigh, going out to the car.
Once Finn had his burger in front of him he was ready to talk. “Alright... So um... My first time with Rachel. What can I say? I was nervous, scared, excited, which is sort of how I'm feeling now about the wedding.” Finn explained quickly, seeing Blaine with a quirked eyebrow, chewing slowly as his mind was working. “You know I slept with Santana before, but I don't know... Being with Rachel, it made me realize why they call it making love.” Blaine smiled fondly, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Kurt's brother, who was normally all manly. Romantic was a good look on him. “Yeah... I get that. I had sex with someone before Kurt but being with Kurt felt so much... Better. I've never felt that way before” He trailed off quietly, not sure that he’s quite ready to admit it yet. “Bro. No orgasm can be that good.” Finn said seriously. He wasn’t going to tell Blaine his assumption yet. “I don't know Finn; you obviously never had sex with Kurt. It was pretty damn amazing. But I'm not talking about an orgasm either.” Blaine explained with a smirk on his face watching as Finn dropped the french fry he was holding. “Bro you're sick! Where the hell is this coming from? Why are you all of a sudden talking to me about you and Kurt and your sex night?” Finn practically yelled, not wanting to talk about this anymore. He knew way too much about his brother. Blaine shrugged as if Finn didn't have a breakdown in the middle of a restaurant. “Like I said, something just... dawned on me, something other than an earth shattering orgasm.” He said casually, as if people talk about this kind of stuff every day. “Seriously dude, if it wasn't the orgasm…” Finn visibly shuddered before continuing. “What was that 'something' that dawned on you?”
When Blaine didn't answer, looking like he was off in his own little world, Finn couldn't help but blurt it out, piecing it together. “You're in love with him, aren't you?” He asked excitedly, feeling like he solved a huge mystery. Blaine gave a shrug, looking up at Finn with uncertainty in his eyes. “I guess so, I'm not really sure.” He answered, sounding like his mind was off in the distance, throwing around the idea of being in love with Kurt. Maybe he is. “Just remember this Blaine. You don't marry someone you can live with... You marry the person that you can't live without.” Finn said, giving his brother's boyfriend a friendly pat on the back and pulling him in for a bear hug. He would realize how he feels eventually.
After Rachel tried on her dress for the last time before the wedding, they decided to go to lunch so they could continue their conversation from earlier without getting glares. “Look Kurt, you wanting to get married and thinking about getting married are the same thing” She repeated, trying to understand where Kurt was going with this. “No it’s... Look, something happened recently and I need your opinion.” He said, sitting back on his side of the booth, waiting for her to stop talking. “What happened in the time span of two weeks that could make you...? Oh my gosh! You had sex with him!” She yelled, sitting up in excitement, a wide smile on her face even though she was receiving harsh glares from the other customers. Kurt shushed her, waving his hand in front of her face just to be ignored. “Kurt you got it in! I'm so proud of you!” She continued happily, making people start to stare at them, making his cheeks turn pink. “Would you keep it down? Oh my gosh Rachel!” He whisper yelled harshly, hoping to shut her up. This was not how he wanted this talk to go. “Well I'm sorry that I'm excited for my best friend... Wait... Did Blaine get it in or did you?” She wondered, getting a strange look from the waiter as he placed their plates in front of them. “Please stop...” Kurt face palmed, hoping this was over and she'll let him speak. He needed to talk about his feelings, not his sex life. “Fine. Tell me. I want details” Rachel smiled softly, sitting in her seat quietly, waiting for Kurt to continue.
“It’s just... I don't know. After and even while it was happening, I just, I don't know. I felt something different... Something I've never felt before” Kurt explained quietly, a small smile on his face as he thought about last night. “An orgasm Kurt... Love and an orgasm are two different things.” Rachel said seriously, not understanding how he could be thinking like this. Kurt groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “No... I mean... Yes... Wait what?” He asked in confusion, not understanding where she was heading. “Love. You're obviously in love with him.” She pointed out, looking at her friend with a soft smile, putting the pieces together. “How could it be love? We just got together and it’s all so sudden and I mean... I don't know what I'm thinking. I mean I really, really, really like him but it can't be love... It’s too soon. Isn't it?” Kurt rambled, his head in a mess over something as simple as sex. Rachel shrugged, not going to give him any answers. This was something he needed to figure out on his own. “Well you've been together practically six months. It isn't that soon.” She picked at her food and watched as the gears in Kurt's head began turning. “What if he doesn't feel the same way Rach, I mean he could barely admit to his family that we were boyfriends. I just... I know what I feel but I can't put it into words.” He admitted, not ready to come to terms with him, love and Blaine mixing so soon. “Honey, have you seen the way he looks at you?” Rachel asked, after giving Kurt a few minutes to himself. He was obviously conflicted about his feelings towards Blaine. “He's like a cartoon character; with the hearts in his eyes” she continued when he didn't supply her with an answer. Kurt looked up with a slight frown on his face, eyebrows pulled together. “He's always been animated” He told her offhandedly, his mind somewhere else.
Rachel saw the look on Kurt's face change from distant to peaceful, a smile spreading from ear to ear. “You know, after 'it' happened, we were just lying there and I realized... I never wanted him to leave me.” He said softly, looking up at her with a genuinely happy expression. “It? Kurt, we are twenty two years old. It’s called sex,” Rachel told him sternly, letting a chuckle slip as she sat back in her chair, giving him a look. “And that thing you felt lying there... It’s called love.” Kurt shrugged gently, giving her a smirk as he giggled. “When Blaine showed up I just... Saw us together. Like, together, together. Waking up next to him, building a home, a family... and it’s all so... I don't know, I guess, maybe it is.”
Yay! I loved the way you went back and forth between HummelBerry and AnderHudson. They both helped them a lot.
Yay! I'm glad you liked it! I didn't want to drag on with the same situation the whole time, I needed to break it up a bit. :)
I loved Finn's reaction to Kurt n Blaine's sex life!!!
I'm so glad!!! It was really fun to write because I could just picture Finn's face. Priceless! Haha! :)