It's Frowned Upon
What I Go To School For Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: What I Go To School For

E - Words: 1,725 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,381 0 6 0 0

Blaine practically ran into school after parking his car. He entered his classroom and saw a few students in there already. He wasn't late, technically, but Blaine liked to be at the school super early.

“Hey guys,” he said walking in. He didn't expect a response thankfully because he definitely didn't get one. He went about his actions, setting up his bags and pouring himself a cup of coffee from his thermos.

“Yeah! But did you see what she was wearing? It practically came with knitting needles! And I was like, 'Rachel, you dress like a grandmother' and then she stormed off so I had to...” Blaine looked up and noticed Kurt talking. He continued speaking to the girl. She was in Blaine's English class too but he hadn't had a chance to learn her name yet. He knew it began with an 'M' but that was it. They were laughing and talking, not even noticing Blaine's existence.

Blaine tore his gaze away and turned around in his swivel chair so he was facing the board. He closed his eyes tight and took a deep breath.

It was only a dream, Blaine thought. Just a dream, nothing else. You don't even know if he's the same Kurt. He's probably not, Blaine lied to himself, yeah, it's probably not even him.

He took another deep breath and swivelled back around in his chair, coming face to face with Kurt. “Ah!” he shouted before taking yet another deep breath.

“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Kurt said, giggling a little. Suddenly Blaine's mouth got very dry and he took a huge gulp of coffee.

“Um, no Kurt, what's up?” he asked.

“Nothing, I just wanted to explain why I ran out on you yesterd-” Kurt started.

“Water under the bridge, don't worry about it. Is that all? Bye.” Blaine said all in one breath, and Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“Are you okay, sir?” Kurt asked and Blaine had to hide the sudden arousal he got when Kurt called him 'sir'.

This is not okay at all, Blaine thought.

“I'm fine, yep, sure, okay... bye again.” Blaine responded, taking another gulp of coffee and feeling the hot liquid burn his throat from drinking it too quickly.

“Oh, um r-right. Um, okay then, bye... I guess,” Kurt said, seeming very confused. He walked away slowly back to his seat. Blaine saw him give a small shrug to his friend before sitting down. Blaine swivelled around again and faced the board.

“Shit,” he whispered aloud. Blaine stumbled through the rest of the class period, distracted and flustered. The bell rang and Blaine automatically relaxed. Free period. No Kurt. He could just be alone with his thoughts, or rather, thought. Singular. Kurt. The students fled out of the room and he was alone at last.

“Hey buddy, got some bad news for ya,” the cheerleading coach, Sue said as she came in. Blaine hadn't really spoke much to her but he heard she wasn't the nicest of teachers.

“Hey Sue, um what is it?” Blaine asked.

“You gotta sub for Schuester now. Technically I'm supposed to do it but I told Figgins about my neighbor's cat's sudden heart attack and that I need time to grieve,” Sue told him. Blaine furrowed his eyebrows.

“You need to grieve for your neighbor's cat?” he asked, not buying a single word she was saying. She just nodded. “Fine Sue, I'll do it,” he said, giving up.

“Outstanding.” she stated and then left.

What a strange person, Blaine thought. He sighed and grabbed his bags and thermos and made his way to Spanish. The room was empty and Blaine was confused.

“Sub for Glee club, Bow-tie,” Sue corrected as she walked past him holding a huge tub of protein powder. Blaine smiled slightly. Well, at least he liked music. He made his way to the choir room and saw a few people sitting in there.

“Is this... Glee club?” he asked.

“Yes it is, hot stuff,” a girl in a Cheerio outfit responded with a slight smirk. She was very pretty and looked Latino. He flushed slightly at her comment but ignored it and walked in the room.

“Okay well, Mr. Schuester is out sick today so I've been asked to sub for you. I'm a new teacher here, my name is Mr. Anderson so hey,” Blaine said, dropping his bags and taking a seat by the piano. “So... Who here is going to sing?” Blaine asked. Everyone looked around.

“Well, we have an assignment from Mr. Schue,” a boy answered. He seemed to be very tall, Blaine could tell that even when he was sitting. Blaine nodded in response.

“An assignment? Cool, okay, what was it?” Blaine asked.

“It's kind of like, boys against the girls, singing songs we grew up with,” another guy answered. He looked pretty tough and not like someone who would be in Glee club. He had a mohawk and big arms.

“So who's first?” Blaine asked.

“Well it's the boys' turn first but I don't think we should do it without Mr. Schue here,” a girl with short blonde hair and a dress said.

“Take this as a performance rehearsal,” Blaine replied. They nodded and the boys got up. There was the very tall guy and the tough looking one, an Asian guy, a boy in a wheelchair and... Kurt.

Wait, what?! Kurt?! How had Blaine not noticed him before?

Kurt sings? Well, fuck, Blaine thought.

“Okay well, we thought this song was perfect after seeing that hot new librarian that comes in twice a week,” the tough guy said. Blaine noticed Kurt roll his eyes. All the boys faced the back and got ready to start except for the tall boy who sat at the drums. The rest of the band got into place and started when the boy in the wheelchair pointed at them.

The music from guitars started and the boys turned around to face Blaine and the girls, then the guy in the wheelchair moved out in front and started singing.

Oh yeah yeah

Her voice has echoed in my mind
I count the days till she is mine
I Can't tell my friends coz they will laugh
I love a member of the staff

The tough looking guy moved around the guy in the wheelchair and stood up front with him and then began to sing.

And I fought my way to front of class
To get the best view of her ass
I dropped a pencil on the floor
She bends down and shows me more

Suddenly all the boys joined in, in excellent harmony and sang the chorus.

That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
You can call me crazy
But I know that she craves me
That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
Girlfriends, I've had plenty
But none like Miss McKenzie
That's what I go to school for
That's what I go to school for

The tall boy moved away from the drums and let a member of the band take over as he moved out to the front with the Asian boy. The guy in the wheelchair and the tough one moved back into line now. The tall boy began to sing and Blaine was impressed by his voice, he didn't expect it but was amused at his less than excellent dance moves. The Asian boy, however, was an amazing dancer and Blaine was impressed by his ability to move so flawlessly while giving strong harmonies to the tall guy at the same time.

So she may be thirty-three
But that doesn't bother me
Her boyfriend's working out of town
I find a reason to go round

They moved back in the line and the guy in the wheelchair and the tough one stepped forward again. The tough guy sang lead as the one in the wheelchair sang harmony.

Climb a tree outside her home
To make sure that she's alone
I see her in her underwear
I can't help but stop and stare

They boys then repeated the chorus with a bit extra choreography. Blaine tried his best to keep his eyes off Kurt as he shimmied and whipped his hips side to side.

That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
You can call me crazy
But I know that she craves me
That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
Girlfriends, I've had plenty
But none like Miss McKenzie
That's what I go to school for
That's what I go to school for

This time it was Kurt's turn to stand out in front and sing the bridge.

Everyone that you teach all day
But you're looking at me in a different way
I guess, that's why
My marks are getting so high
I can see those tell-tale signs
Telling me that I was on your mind
I can see that you wanted more
When you told me that I'm what you go to school for
I'm what you go to school for

Blaine was in shock at how beautifully Kurt sang. He had a very delicate sounding voice but it was also very powerful and very high. Blaine couldn't help but smile when he looked at him, or listened to him, or was around him. At the end of the bridge, the rest of the guys joined in harmony and finished the song.

She's packed her bag it's in the trunk
Looks like she picked herself a hunk
We dropped by school to say goodbye
My friends they can't believe their eyes

That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
You can call me crazy
But I know that she craves me
That's what I go to school for
Even though it is a real bore
Girlfriends, I've had plenty
But none like Miss McKenzie
That's what I go to school for
That's what I go to school for

Blaine and the girls stood up and applauded the boys with their song.

“Wow guys! That was amazing! Seriously, well done. It looks like Mr. Schue is an awesome teacher and certainly knows what he's doing with you guys! But if you ever need another sub, just let me know,” Blaine smiled and looked at Kurt. Kurt blushed and gave a tiny grin in return. No one in the class noticed the small exchange between them.

It was the first time they felt that kind of a bond... and they liked it.

End Notes: The song is 'What I go to School for' by Busted. If you've never heard them then listen to them right now! Because they're amazzinnngg! hahaha


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Hee! I was waiting and waiting to see the words "hot for teacher" in the lyrics because I don't know that song, either! This was a fun chapter.

Just started reading this and it's amazing!! I just had to leave a review because omg Busted!!I recognized the song immediately, I loved them so much!But that's a long time ago - it's nice to have a song from them in a fic :D

So I just read this so far in one go, and I was going to wait till I caught up to leave a review, but I saw you used an old Busted song and couldn't resist! :) Seriously! I used to LOVE this song! It's like three years of my childhood right there! Anyway, lol, loving the story! :) back to reading now!

yea I went looked up the song on youtube.yea I said I doubt she would use the jonas brothers,so i pick busted.I was right too. great song choice and chapter