It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Hello Mr Anderson

E - Words: 2,192 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,671 0 6 0 0

The class slowly started to enter and Blaine rested on the edge of his desk until everyone took their seat.

“Hello Psychology AP! Aren't you all a happy bunch,” Blaine joked. As Kurt looked around he saw a bunch of uninterested, tired-looking seniors. “Well... This is going to be fun.” Blaine looked at Kurt, who smiled back.

Blaine introduced himself to the class, just like he did in English, except this time Kurt wasn't really listening to what he was saying. Kurt was far too busy searching and studying Blaine to be receptive to anything.

He started at Blaine's hair. It was so curly when he was younger. You could still see evidence of the curls now but there was a lot of gel present too, trapping the silky curls. His hair was also a lot shorter than the small afro he used to have. Kurt always liked to play with Blaine's curls. Blaine would let him run his small hands through his hair and watch as Kurt would giggle when the curls bounced back into place.

He moved down to Blaine's face. There were evidence of small lines on his forehead, showing the slight age gap between them that Kurt very easily forgot about when having a conversation with Blaine. Then again, he never really focused on his skin, he was too busy looking at those eyes. His big, brown, glittering eyes that shone with so much emotion. You could tell Blaine was feeling every word he spoke. His eyes were situated just below a perfectly adorable pair of dark eyebrows. Kurt thought the eyebrows always defined a face but Blaine's were... unusual. He just wanted to stare at them for hours. They were big and bushy but they looked tamed in a way. They peaked with a point, making them into sort of a triangular shape, which most people would find strange but on Blaine it just... worked. Kurt never saw Blaine sing when he was younger but all Kurt was thinking now is how much emotion would come through his eyes if he ever got the chance to hear the beautiful voice that he knew Blaine must have. With that thought Kurt moved down to his lips. His lips that looked like the most perfect lips Kurt could have ever imagined. They were a light shade of pink and bright with life. He had the small sign of stubble just above them as if he was delicately balancing it on them. When he smiled they turned into a perfect bow shape that Kurt could just kiss forever. He imagined them to be soft and warm but not sloppy. By the shape of Blaine's mouth, Kurt could tell that he would be a good kisser. It was the way he spoke. He articulated so well with his lips that it was obvious he knew how to control them and knew exactly what to do. Kurt smiled at him, receiving a perfect smile back. That was Kurt's favourite. His smile.

Kurt's eyes traveled south to Blaine's neck and chest. The muscles in his neck clenched every time he turned his head and it was obvious that Blaine had done weights for a long time, you could see the shape of his jaw and could see each bone and muscle when he spoke. His chest, although quite small, looked very sturdy. His arms were small and slim yet very toned. Kurt could see the definition of his biceps through the white shirt he was wearing, which evidently was a lot tighter than the shirt he wore yesterday. His eyes traveled down Blaine's body, noticing the slight indentations of his abs through his abnormally tight shirt.

His trousers hung rather low on his hips, kept up with a small, thin black leather belt. They hugged around his hips and then went wide as normal dress pants do. Kurt tried not to focus on the part of his body just below his belt because Blaine was his teacher and he knew he was only torturing himself, but he couldn't help but notice his... um... area. The bulge that was the line between teacher and lover. There were many other lines Kurt guessed, but he thought that was pretty much the main one. Kurt had never thought anything 'dirty' in his life. He was always a good boy and tried to never think of things like that, considering he was the only gay guy he knew of in Ohio so his options were pretty much limited to his hand. Even that felt wrong to him. But as of right now, Kurt couldn't think anything but dirty. He wanted to kiss Blaine from his mouth and lick all the way down his body until he met the bulge that he was so intently staring at. He wanted to free it from it's cloth prison and see it, touch it, taste it. He could practically feel the way Blaine felt in his-

“Kurt... Heckles? Is it Heckles?” he heard Blaine say and shot back to reality.

“H. Eckles,” Kurt corrected. “It's Kurt H. Eckles, Mr. Anderson.” Blaine looked at him and smiled warmly.

“Well, it's nice to meet you Kurt,” he said and laughed a little, as did Kurt. No one else seemed to get the 'joke', which kind of made Kurt happy. It felt like it was something Kurt and Blaine could just share... alone.

“Faggot,” someone said, hiding it under a cough. Kurt's world threatened to fall apart again as his stomach flipped. He acted like it didn't bother him on the outside but on the inside, every time someone called him a name, or shoved him against or into a locker, it broke Kurt more and more each day.

“Who was that?” Blaine asked, standing up. The room fell silent and Blaine's eyes darted to the corner of football players. “I said... Who. Was. That?” Blaine repeated, more anger in his voice now. This was the first time Kurt saw Blaine act like a teacher. When he spoke to Karofsky, he was angry, clearly, but he still seemed like a friend. But now... hello Mr. Anderson.

“Who was what, sir?” he heard someone ask. He looked to see who said it and it was Karofsky. Oh great, Kurt thought. What is he doing in this class?

Kurt saw Blaine's jaw clench in a different way than before. It looked like he was grinding his teeth.

“Oh, Karofsky, I might have guessed.” Blaine said through gritted teeth. “Next time something like that happens in my class, I don't care who it is or why they said it, no one will leave until I find out who it was. You got it?” Blaine asked the class.

Some 'yes' and 'yes sir's came from the class. Blaine let go of a huge breath he was holding.

“Good, now let's carry on. Not a good start guys, not a good start at all,” he announced to the class. He looked over to the football players again. “And you know what's really weird? One failed class means no football, which means no games, which means no scholarships. I hope none of you fail my class,” Blaine said, continuing to stare at them. Kurt glanced back at the football players in the corner. They sat quietly, looking worried. Kurt shot his head back to Blaine again, not wanting to miss a second of hot, angry, teacher Blaine.

Blaine looked at Kurt quickly, a small reassuring smile planted on his lips.

“Thank you,” Kurt mouthed to him as Blaine sat back down at his desk. He just smiled in response and carried on with the register.

The lesson continued on as normal, but Kurt could feel some sort of tension coming from Blaine. Normally he wouldn't have realised it because Blaine was acting very much like a teacher, but that was the problem. Blaine doesn't act like a normal teacher. Kurt sat for the rest of the lesson trying to send smiles to Blaine across the room, but Blaine didn't look at him once, and slowly but surely the time passed and the lesson ended. Kurt sighed and left the room without a second glance at Blaine.

“Hey lady boy!” Karofsky shouted, surrounded by football players. Kurt sighed and continued on to his locker. “Where are you going?” Karofsky shouted as he and his friends caught up with Kurt. Kurt turned around.

“What do you want?” Kurt asked, his voice dripping with attitude. Karofsky shoved his hand onto Kurt's chest backing him forcefully into the lockers.

“What did you say to me, Twinkle Toes?” Karofsky snarled, pulling his fist back. Kurt closed his eyes and got ready for the incoming punch.

“Stop!” he heard a voice shout. When he opened his eyes, he saw Blaine storming over to them. “Get to the Principal's office now!” Blaine shouted. Kurt flinched at the volume from Blaine. He was so small, how could he be so loud?

“I didn't do anything,” Karofsky replied in a cheeky tone.

“Now.” Blaine stated, lowering his voice and sounding very threatening.

“Fine.” Karofsky spat out to Blaine, then turned to Kurt. “We'll get you next time, when your boyfriend isn't here.” he said before walking away to the Principal's office. Kurt felt his body relax slightly but his breathing was shallow.

“T-thank you,” Kurt stuttered out. Blaine's jaw was still clenched but his eyes were warmly searching Kurt's face.

“Are you okay?” he asked Kurt. Kurt shook his head and Blaine sighed. “Follow me, Kurt,” he said. Kurt couldn't help but smile slightly as he heard his name come from Blaine's lips. His voice sounded so right saying it. Like it was meant to be. Blaine walked away, towards his classroom and Kurt did as he asked and followed him. They walked in and Blaine closed the door after them.

“He scares me,” Kurt confessed without any prompting from Blaine. “He's big and he's scary and he's crazy.” Blaine nodded. “And... he kissed me,” Kurt confessed after hanging his head low in shame.

“Wait, what?” Blaine's head snapped up.

“I know, you're shocked right? Yeah, well so was I. It was one afternoon and I finally called him out for being an ass and we were in the locker room alone and I thought he was going to hit me but he didn't. He just grabbed my face and he- he kissed me,” Kurt explained. Blaine's face was a picture. His eyebrows shot to his hairline and his mouth was gaping.

“Have you told anyone about this?” Blaine asked, Kurt shook his head.

“He threatened to... to... kill me if I told anyone,” Kurt confessed, biting his lip to stop the tears from flowing. Blaine stood up.

“That is not okay!” he shouted. Kurt winced again from the volume.

“No! Please! Please don't say anything! Please” Kurt begged, his eyes filling with tears. Blaine sighed and sat back down.

“Shh, it's okay. I won't tell anyone if that's what you want,” Blaine said, Kurt nodded.

“You know... You're not like most teachers,” Kurt told him, Blaine smiled a little and nodded. “Why?” Kurt questioned. Blaine stared into Kurt's big, blue eyes.

“I guess it started when I was back in school myself. At about 14, I started to get bullied in school, really bad. I complained to the teachers and asked for help from them but they pretty much just do what your teachers do and shrugged and just let it go. I used to see the teachers in lessons, when my bullies and I were both in the same class, you could see the teachers didn't like the bullies but they didn't say anything. They didn't say 'hey, you're a bully. Stop being such an asshole,'” Blaine explained. Kurt giggled and Blaine smiled. “I think that's pretty much why I'm the way I am. I'm not just going to sit around and watch a student go through the hell that I went through. And I'm not going to act like the bullies don't bother me when they do. I'm going to call them out on it. I'm going to tell them straight and yeah, I guess some people think it's inappropriate but hey, so is bullying. I like to have a laugh and joke around with my students because it makes the sucky work seem less sucky but I'm also going to tell them what's on my mind if I have a problem,” Blaine finished and then stayed silent as he searched Kurt's face for a reaction.

“You're a great teacher, Bl- um, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt replied. Blaine smiled.

“Were you going to call me Blaine just then?” Blaine questioned, laughing a little. Kurt blushed deeply and he nodded sheepishly.

“Yeah, sorry. I guess I'm just used to it,” Kurt giggled.

“Used to it? What do you mean, Kurt?” Blaine asked. Kurt's face drained of the blush and of any other colour resembling life. “...Kurt. Wait, Kurt. Have we met before? Kurt... I know you, don't I? I thought you seemed familiar. Oh God! How do I know you?” Blaine mused, thinking aloud.

“I have to go!” Kurt shouted before running out of the classroom.

The plan was for Blaine to never realise we know each other for the whole year! Kurt thought frantically. It's only the second day and he's already found me out! Oh god. What am I doing?


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OMG, the long eye caress....Very nice!!!

Kurt was throughly checking out Blaine ;)

dundundun,the cat about to hit the fan.

Yesss he knows him well recognized him kinda now he just needs to remember. Great chapter