It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Blue Eyes

E - Words: 1,562 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,306 0 10 0 0

Blaine watched as Blue Eyes left the room, noticing a sway in his hips. A sway that Blaine shouldn't have noticed. Because he was his teacher! Because Blue Eyes was his student!

He thought back to when Blue Eyes laughed. His laugh reminded him of someone, he seemed so care free, so innocent. Just one laugh changed his whole expression and body language and Blaine didn't know why.

"Mr. Anderson to the principal's office please," rang out from the speakers in the wall. Blaine sighed and quickly finished the remainder of his coffee before staring at the half full cup on his desk from Blue Eyes. He smiled at it and then walked out the class and made his way to Principal Figgins' office.

He knocked on the glass door after the receptionist said it was okay to go in, but still, it's courtesy right?

"Ahhhh Blaine," Figgins said with a smile on his face, "Come in, please take a seat." Blaine nodded his head once and sat down in the plush chair in front of Figgins' desk.

"You wanted to see me?" Blaine asked. He wasn't too worried. He'd only been there a day and was pretty sure he hadn't messed up that much yet.

"Yes, how are you liking McKinley High?" Figgins asked, getting ready to take notes. Blaine guessed this was a review for the school board, or something along the lines of that. He smiled.

"I really like it. Everyone has been very welcoming and kind. I've really settled in well, except..."

"Except?" Principal Figgins questioned, his face dropped and he stopped writing Blaine's words.

“Well just except that, I'm not sure if you're aware or not but McKinley High has some pretty big football players with some pretty big tempers and it's causing quite the bullying problem," Blaine confessed. Figgins nodded.

"I'm aware, but this is a high school, Blaine. There are bound to be some bullies and there are bound to be some victims," Figgins shrugged. Blaine was in shock.

"So...that's it?" Blaine asked, Figgins nodded. He was beginning to know what Blue Eyes meant when he said that no other teachers had ever done anything to help him before.

Because the bullying was 'expected'. Blaine scoffed silently at his boss' disregard for his students.

"Is there anything else you wanted?" Blaine asked, very short and blunt towards Figgins.

"No that was it. Oh and Pat has your papers outside," Figgins told him. Blaine nodded and left, making his way back to Pat, the receptionist, who gave him all of his papers that he really should have had yesterday and actually really needed yesterday.

He balanced the huge sheet of papers in his arms as he made his way back to his classroom. When he finally arrived, he settled the papers down on his desk before noticing a note.

'Thanks for the coffee :)' was written, and lay next to the now empty cup of Blue Eyes' coffee. Blaine smiled to himself and put the note in his drawer, unable to throw it away for some reason.

He sat down and stared at the mountain of papers staring back at him.

“Right,” he said aloud to himself. “Okay, so I'll start with the- wait, no, first I'll get the- hold on, I should really find-” Blaine cut himself off. He didn't know where to start, it was all too much and far too confusing right now. His head was still reeling about his brief meeting with Figgins. Could a principal really just not care about the kids like that? Some things really haven't changed at all.

Kurt watched Blaine from outside the classroom, peeping through the small circular window in the door, smiling.

“What are you looking at?” Mercedes asked as she passed him. Kurt snapped his head towards her, trying to hide the figure through the window whilst his face went beetroot red. “It's Mr Anderson, isn't it?” she asked, sounding fairly unamused. Kurt gave half a smile to her.

“He's just so... adorable, Mercedes! You should have seen him, I ran in to finish my coffee and left a little note and then when he came back in he had this huge stack of papers and he was trying to figure out what to do and he's just so... adorable!” Kurt squeaked, Mercedes just laughed.

“You have the biggest crush on him!” she stated.

“Shh! If he hears, I might actually kill you!” Kurt shushed her and she giggled a little.

“Sorry but, I mean sooner or later he's going to figure out who you are. It's inevitable, Kurt.” He sighed.

“Well then why can't I have a couple of days of peace without major embarrassment?” he asked her. She smiled and shrugged.

“Fine, take as long as you want, but just don't get your hopes up okay? We don't want to same thing to happen here as it did with Finn... and Sam,” she reminded him. He scrunched up his face at the memory.

“Yes, okay, thank you Mercedes,” Kurt said, dismissing her. She laughed and walked away to catch up with Rachel. Kurt spun around and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. “Hi, would you like some help?” Kurt asked Blaine.

Blaine's face lit up when he saw that someone was going to help him, and lit up even more when he realised that 'someone' was Blue Eyes.

“Yes please,” Blaine smiled. “Well basically this is my... everything. It's like contracts I've got to sign for the school, syllabuses on the subjects, class registers, school calendars...” Blaine rolled his eyes at the list.

Class registers?! Kurt thought, He's going to find out my name!

“So, I was thinking if we both go through them and separate all the papers into their different categories then it will be quicker and easier,” Blaine suggested.

“I'll take the registers!” Kurt blurted out at such volume that it shocked Blaine a little.

“Um, okay. You take the registers and I'll take the contracts for now,” Kurt nodded. They split the pile of papers into two and Kurt searched through them at a fast pace, picking out every register he could find. He found four registers but none for either of his classes. Blaine had four Psychology classes and three English classes, some from Kurt's grade and others below. Blaine also had a home room class and a detention class register. Man, his job must suck! Kurt thought.

“Got all the registers from here,” Kurt said, referencing to his pile of papers. Blaine nodded.

“Whoa that was quick! Um, I'm only half done with my pile but here's the half I've already gone through, you might find some in there,” Blaine explained, passing the small pile of papers to Kurt. Kurt smiled before getting down to business and filing through the pile.

He found two registers in there and thankfully both were for his classes. He saw his name practically jumping out of the register at him, mocking him. He clearly never thought this plan through enough. Yes, he has the registers, yes they have his name on them... so... now what was he going to do with them? He couldn't get rid of them, because Kurt knew Blaine needed them and he'll just get another copy from the office anyway. A thought entered his mind. He peeked to the side and saw Blaine still filing through his papers with a cute little confused expression on his face.

Kurt slowly got a pen from his bag and crossed out the word 'Hummel' after his name – and when he says 'crossed out' he really meant scratch the paper to death with his pen so there is no trace of the old word at all. On the side of the register he drew a small arrow and wrote down 'H-Eckles', his mother's maiden name, hyphenated with an 'H' to stand for Hummel. He smiled to himself.

“Okay, done with these now,” Blaine said, with a pen hanging out of his mouth. Kurt smiled at him. “What? Do I have something on my face?” Blaine asked, pushing his glasses up from where they had slid down his nose.

“Oh, no nothing,” Kurt told him. You're perfect, he thought. He took the pile from Blaine, giving him his old pile to look through.

Quickly Kurt found the remaining register and piled the eight pieces of paper and placed them on the desk. He pulled out the small notepad from his bag and jotted down another note, like the coffee one he left earlier.

'Class registers :)' he wrote and placed it on top of the pile. Just as Kurt put the lid back on his pen, the bell rang.

“Oh, you better get going, don't want you to be late for your next class,” Blaine said, finally taking the pen out of his mouth, Kurt nodded and stood up.

“It's okay, I don't think the teacher will mind, he's pretty cool,” Kurt said. Blaine looked up.

“Oh, what do you have?” Blaine asked, Kurt smiled as a response and took a seat in the fourth row.

“Psychology,” Kurt answered. Blaine smiled and laughed a little.

“Oh yeah, that teacher's the bomb!” Blaine grinned.

“Did you really just say 'the bomb?” Kurt laughed.

“Is that not cool?” Blaine questioned. Kurt literally face palmed and continued to laugh.

“I think you might need a tutor in cool, Mr Anderson. I'd teach you myself but I might be a bit too advanced for you... baby steps, baby steps," Kurt joked- well, flirted really. Blaine laughed but didn't respond. Kurt smiled to himself. This could be easier than he thought.


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Baby steps for the babysitter. :-)

Oh, one small note: an English teacher would say, "syllabi," not "syllabuses," as that is the original language's plural form of the word.

omg I lost it when Kurt "crossed out" his name lol so funny!

Okay, *wipes brow* you didn't forget about the class rosters. Doesn't Kurt realize that Blaine will notice his little "correction" and find it a bit suspicious?

lol Kurt crossing out his last name and the bomb part too cute xD

another great chapter

Nooooooo why did Kurt do that to his lastname :/