It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Facebook Official

E - Words: 2,053 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
2,054 0 5 0 0

“Wake up, beautiful” Kurt heard whispered into his ear, it was Blaine. He smiled wide but kept his eyes shut and groaned, “come on, it's morning, You're going to be late for school”

We're going to be late for school” Kurt corrected in a sleepy voice. He covered his head with a pillow and heard Blaine laugh.

“Okay, well I'm going to go make us breakfast” Kurt hummed in agreement whilst he began to drift off into sleep again, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the sudden loss of warmth in the bed now that Blaine was gone.

“Kurt, come on. Get up, baby” Blaine said from the door, disturbing Kurt out of his slumber, he glanced at the clock, it had been 15 minutes since Blaine started making breakfast, wow! That went quick!

“no” Kurt groaned and lay on his stomach, Blaine got on the bed and stood up.

“Don't make me do it, Kurt” he threatened, turned ignored him, “this is not an empty threat Kurt Hummel”

“Don't you dare” Kurt replied.

“I'll give you one more chance...get up” Blaine asked nicely. Silence from Kurt. Blaine sighed in defeat and suddenly started shouting and jumping high on the bed, lifting Kurt's body from the mattress, “KURT! GET UP GET UP GET UP KURT” he shouted, Kurt pulled the pillow over his head to try and block out some of the volume...then Blaine began to sing...badly!

“IT'S MORNING! SUCH A BEAUTIFUL MORNING! BUT MY BOYFRIEND IS STILL IN BED! OH NO! HE'S MISSING THE BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL MORNING!” Blaine continued to sing his original song which really had very little point and very little tune.

“I don't want to!” Kurt groaned in response, Blaine dropped to his knees beside Kurt on the bed.

“Oh come on! Don't you know what day it is?” Blaine asked.

“Yes. It's a Monday. And you know I hate Mondays more than anyone in the entire world, so go away” Kurt replied, Blaine rolled his eyes and leant in close, kissing Kurt gently on the temple.

“Nope, it's parent-teacher conference day! And we're going to have some fun!” Kurt's eyes shot open. Blaine got off the bed and whipped the bed cover off Kurt's naked body. The cool air in the apartment hit Kurt's naked ass with a slight sting, “so get that fine ass outta bed! Can't miss it!” Blaine finished by hitting Kurt swiftly on his ass cheek and skipping out of the room.

“Parent-teacher conference day. Shit” Kurt said to himself.


“Calm down, everything's going to be fine. You know, unless you or Blaine say something stupid that gives your secret relationship away to Burt and Carole” Mercedes said.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence Cedes, now I'm feeling much better” Kurt replied sarcastically, she smiled.

“So what time is your appointment with him?” she asked, Kurt looked at his watch.

“1:45” he answered, she nodded.

“Not long now then” she giggled whilst checking her phone and noticing the time was 1:23. Kurt took a deep, shaky breath and Mercedes grabbed his hand and squeezed gently, “It'll be fine. Relax” but for some reason, despite Mercedes advice...Kurt could not relax. He waited 5 minutes before getting up and speed walking to Blaine's classroom.

“Blaine, I need to-”

“Kurt. How may I help you?” Blaine asked. Kurt stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Blaine sitting and talking to Rachel Berry and her two dads.

“I-um-eh-um-well-I-um-I-I was just checking to see if my dad was here already” Kurt's throat was suddenly very dry.

“Well he's not so, you could just wait outside or something, we'll talk soon enough” Blaine said, sounding very much like his teacher and nothing like his boyfriend...which I guess is a good thing. I mean, if Blaine started calling him baby, it might raise some suspicion. Kurt just nodded in response and backed slowly out of the classroom.

That was way too close. Note to self: When I walk into a room, take a quick scan before I start talking! Kurt thought to himself.

Kurt sat outside the classroom on the plastic chairs until Rachel and the two Mr.Berry's came out. They both shook Blaine's hands and said their 'nice to meet you'-s before walking down the hall. Blaine took a quick glance and a smile at Kurt before walking back into his classroom. Kurt followed quickly and closed the door behind him.

“Okay, so that was way too close!” he repeated, this time out loud, Blaine laughed slightly, “why and how are you laughing! I was so nervous and scared! I thought I'd blown it! My ass was sweating!” Kurt told him.

“That'll make for a great lube, quick bend over” Blaine joked, Kurt laughed slightly, “calm down. I liked it! It was exhilarating! Knowing we might have been caught then and there and another gay couple! Now, if that's not irony, I really don't know what is” he joked, “plus...what's the point in being in a forbidden relationship without the thrill of knowing you might get caught. Please, you think Romeo and Juliet actually loved each other? They were both just adrenaline junkies”

“oh so that's the only reason you're with me? The thrill?” Kurt smirked.

“in more ways than one” Blaine winked and caused Kurt to laugh.

“Well, my dad's going to be here soon so I'll wait outside for him and remember, behave yourself! I don't think my dad would be too thrilled if he found out I was ploughing my teacher” Kurt told him.

“I'll be on my best behaviour, I promise” Blaine smiled, Kurt still got butterflies whenever he saw Blaine's genuine smile and his eyes crinkle up with happiness, Kurt smiled back and left the classroom.

Rachel was sitting on one of the chairs outside the classroom waiting for Kurt. He sat down next to her and smiled. “So...” Rachel started, Kurt stared at her.

“So...” he responded, taking a drink of water from the bottle he bought earlier this morning.

“How long have you and Mr Anderson been dating?” Kurt nearly choked on his water when he heard her question.

“Excuse me? Mr Anderson and I are not dating” he responded, she rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand reassuringly.

“Come on, Kurt. I'm one of your closest friends. You think I don't notice how different you've been acting lately? And how you're always at your peak of different whenever you're around Mr Anderson. And seriously, are you going to stand there and lie to my face and tell me you aren't dating?” Kurt looked away.

“No, I'm going to sit here and lie to your face”

“I knew it!” she squeaked, Kurt clamped his hand over her mouth and whispered, “you cannot tell anyone about this! If this got out Blaine would be fired and I'd be in hella trouble, okay? She nodded and metaphorically zipped her mouth and threw away the key, “so, how long have you guys been going out?” she asked.

“It's complicated...we...broke up for a while” she nodded.

“But you seem fine now” she pointed out, Kurt nodded. Better than fine. Much better, “so does anyone else know?” she asked

“Just you and Mercedes, and a couple of Blaine's friends” Kurt answered honestly. Well...almost honestly. He stretched calling Sebastian a 'friend'. He was definitely not a friend. Not to anyone but himself.

“How do you do it? I'd be so nervous in case someone found out!” Rachel giggled.

“I deal with it pretty well I guess” No I don't at all. That's a lie. A complete and utter lie, Kurt thought.

“Well I guess the point of having a forbidden relationship is the thrill of knowing you might get caught, right?” she guessed. Kurt was taken aback for a second. She said the exact same thing that Blaine did. Did everyone think this except Kurt? He hated being in a forbidden, secret relationship! He wanted to be able to hold Blaine's hand when he was walking down the street. He wanted to tell people who his boyfriend was. He wanted to be Facebook official!

“Kurt!” Kurt heard his dad shout from down the hall, breaking his train of thought, “am I late?” Burt asked, Kurt shook his head.

“Right on time. Rachel, we'll talk later, okay?” Kurt asked, she nodded and waved and Kurt and his dad walked into Blaine's classroom.

“Blaine” Burt said upon seeing him, “It still feels surreal that you're Kurt's teacher” Burt laughed and so did Blaine.

“Surreal is one way of putting it” Blaine laughed. Kurt stared at him. Why couldn't he just stay quiet? Always have to have these clever responses!

“Sorry to do this but before we start can I just run to the restroom real quick? I've come straight from the shop and was in a hurry, thought I'd be late” Burt blushed slightly, Blaine nodded.

“Yeah, sure, of course! Down the hall, third door on your right”

“I'll be right back” Burt said before leaving.

“We'll be here” Kurt replied. Blaine smiled at Kurt when they were alone, “So I think it's going well”

“Kurt, we haven't even started yet” Blaine told him, Kurt sighed.

“So there's no way it's almost over then?”

“Not even close. I need to tell him that you're a bad bad boy who needs to be severely punished” Blaine winked.

“None of that, Christian Grey” Kurt laughed.

“ long do you think he'll be?” Blaine asked, Kurt shrugged.

“Maybe a couple of minutes?” Kurt guessed, Blaine smirked mischievously.

“You know what we could do in a couple of minutes?” Blaine suggested.

“Nu-uh, no way! We are not making out when my dad could come through the door any second. No. Way.” Kurt scolded in a hushed whisper, Blaine rolled his eyes.

“Come on, think of the thrill” Blaine tempted, “unless you're too scared”

Oh no he didn't.

“Fine” Kurt said walking over to Blaine and forcing his tongue in his mouth. It was all teeth and tongues mashing together, no sense of organisation. Just clear, blazing passion...and fright, there were definitely elements of fright coming from Kurt's end.

Kurt faintly heard the clash of his fathers boots in the hallway and pushed himself off Blaine just in time for Burt to come back into the room.

“Right, let's talk Kurt” he said, sitting down, “Carole is with Finn's teacher right now so it's just going to be me” Burt explained, Blaine and Kurt nodded.

“Well, Kurt's made excellent progress in my class. I mean, I've definitely taught him a few valuable skills, right Kurt?” Blaine smirked slightly at him. Kurt hid his scowl well.

“Yeah, some skills. Right” he answered, Burt was pleased.

“He always has good things to say in class, some excellent points. He's well behaved, for the most” Blaine shared a laugh with Burt, “All in all, Burt...You've raised one heck of a son” Kurt smiled and so did Burt, “Between us, he's definitely my favourite student” They all laughed a little, “He's excellent in English, really. His paper on Romeo and Juliet left me...speechless to say the least, however he is falling behind a little in psychology”

“...I am?” Kurt asked, Blaine nodded.

“But not to worry, Burt. I do some private tutoring in my spare time and because we go way back, there's no charge. It'll be my...pleasure to show Kurt how to do more stuff” Kurt tried to hide his blush.

“Well that's really nice of you, Blaine but I wouldn't want to put you out-”

“Nonsense, really! It's nothing, we could do a couple hours a week at my place, if you're up for the challenge, Kurt?” Blaine asked.

“I guess” Kurt said, trying to sound as least interested in Blaine's offer as possible.

“Great, he'll be there! You two can work out times and stuff between you, you know, when's best and whatever” Burt suggested, Kurt and Blaine both nodded along.

“Well I think that's about it really. I don't have anything more to say, do you have any questions for me?” Blaine asked both Kurt and Burt, they both shook their heads so they all stood up and shook hands, “It was great to see you again, Burt. We'll have to do dinner again some time, on me this time” Blaine suggested, Kurt grinded his teeth. No. He doesn't like mixing his two worlds. It makes his ass sweat!

They turned to walk out the door and Blaine slapped Kurt lightly on the ass.

“See you tomorrow, Kurt” he said.

“” Kurt replied.

Well that was a success...kind of...a moderately successful know, excluding Rachel finding out they're dating, the secret make out session and the sexual innuendos. one got fired or killed. Let's call that a win.

End Notes: I tried to make it a long chapter for you guys! Hope this was worth the wait?


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Definitely worth the wait!!

we need more chapterS... more smut. KURT TOPPING !!! :D but it's perfect this far !

I LAUGHED MY ASS OFF THROUGHOUT THIS WHOLE CHAP!!!! LMAO!!!!!! Gah!!! The mature person in this relationship is the one who is a student!!! My Gosh man!!! At least he sneakily got got more time with Kurt! HAHA!!! Nice chap!

Also, Blaine can make another Facebook Profile with just close friends and they can be official there! I got the idea from my own experience of having one official profile and one profile strictly for fangirling my ass off! Needless to say which one I frequently visit!!! I also wanted to be your 500th review :-) and to say, please don't take soooo long to update again, pretty please with Klaine on top!!!