It's Frowned Upon
Hand Holding Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Hand Holding

E - Words: 1,733 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
4,081 0 27 0 0

Author's Notes: Heeeerrreeeeee's the next one :D
"I'm so glad you invited me for coffee. I've really missed you.” Kurt smiled at Amy while sipping his coffee.

“I've missed you too but- I have to be honest... the real reason I invited you for coffee is to talk.”

“Okay, what do you want to talk about?” Kurt asked. Something was seriously up with Amy and boy, did Kurt love some draaaaama!


“No,” he replied bluntly. “I'd rather not talk about him. I still like you, but no.” Kurt told her. She nodded and placed her hand over his. He pulled his hand away. Hand holding was kind of his and Blaine's thing. He felt dirty doing it now. It might have been Blaine's and Sebastian's thing at one point. They probably held hands after they had dirty, sweaty sex on Blaine's sofa like on that stupid DVD!

“I know, and I completely understand but... Kurt... he didn't cheat on you.” Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Of course you would say that! You're his best friend!” he argued.

“Yes, I'm his best friend which is exactly why I wouldn't lie for him! Plus... I'm me! And you know me! I'm not like that!” Amy explained. Kurt couldnt deny that. He never thought that Amy would lie for Blaine. “He... he showed me the tape.”

“I'm leaving,” Kurt said, grabbing his bag.

“Wait! No, no please don't leave. Just hear me out! Please! Then, if you still want to leave... I won't stop you,” she bargained. He nodded and placed his bag back down.

“He showed me the tape and I was as pissed off as you were. I couldn't believe that he would cheat on you! I mean, I didn't speak to him for like a week, which is really long for me and Blaine. So, I was wondering why he wanted me to watch this DVD of him and the big fucking giant and after it finished... he showed me something.” Kurt was intrigued .“It was some things that he had on his table in the tape that weren't there anymore...”

“You mean Sebastian stole my boyfriend and actual possessions from Blaine?” Kurt guessed.

“No but that's what I thought!” Amy laughed. “No but seriously um, they were things that Blaine doesnt even own anymore... it was an old recording. Just after Blaine moved in to his apartment.” Kurt swallowed hard.

“But that still doesn't mean he didn't cheat on me. Yeah, so it's an old video, what's to say that he didnt sleep with Sebastian anyway? I mean, Sebastian answered the door practically naked,” Kurt told her. She nodded.

“There's more. Now... this I haven't even told Blaine about but, this is kind of when I first started to think that he didn't cheat on you. I went to the gay bar that he and Sebastian went to that night and talked to the girl behind the bar. She said that Blaine kept talking about some guy called 'Kurt' all night and when Sebastian tried to hit on him... Blaine pushed him off and stormed out,” Amy confessed.


“But nothing, Kurt. I mean, think about it... doesn't that sound more like the Blaine you and I know rather than some drunken whore who cheats on guys he's in love with?” Amy asked.

There's that word again. Love. L-O-V-E.

Kurt nodded slowly.

“Answer me honestly. Do you think that Blaine would cheat on you?” Amy asked. Kurt had never really been asked that by anyone... not even himself. He thought about it.

He thought about all the stupid little things Blaine would do... like play with the hair at the edge of his neck and trace his index finger around Kurt's face, finishing with a peck to his lips. The way he'd hum while he cooked or cleaned. How, even though Blaine didn't like cheesepuffs, he'd always buy them because he knew how much Amy loved them. Just stupid little things.

“No... I don't,” Kurt answered honestly. Amy smiled.

“Me neither. So why don't you just go to his place and make up... all night,” she winked. Kurt laughed.

“And that's it? I'm meant to listen to you and just go running back into his arms like nothing happened? Without him even fighting for me... just a little? I mean, maybe that's why we broke up... because we weren't meant to be,” Kurt said.

“That is utter bullshit and you know it! You and Blaine love each other! Why fight that? The course of true love never did run smooth! Didn't you learn that in English class? What's a few little bumps in the road? And he did fight for you, Kurt. Every time he called you. Talked to you in school. Gave you a ride home in the rain. Cooked for you. Sung to you. Kissed you. Cried for you. Loved you. He's always been fighting for you, Kurt. Right from the very beginning... you just didn't see it,” Amy told him. Kurt's eyes filled with tears. Damn! This girl should be a writer!

“You've got some serious talent with words.” Kurt laughed as a few tears slipped down his cheek. She shrugged and smiled.

“It's a blessing and a curse. Believe me, my dirty talk gets pretty descriptive,” she laughed. “So... you want a ride back to my place? Or are you going home?” she asked. Kurt smiled.

“Take me to your place.”

- - - - -

“Hi,” Kurt breathed out. Blaine was in shock. He didn't know what to do! Did he shake hands with Kurt? Hug him? Kiss him?

“Hhhgg,” he replied. Great, now he couldn't even speak! Kurt laughed slightly.

“Can I come in? I think, maybe, we need to talk.” Blaine nodded and moved out of the way to allow Kurt inside. Just before he closed the door he saw Amy smiling widely and putting up two thumbs. He smiled back at her and closed the door. He followed Kurt into the living room and they both sat down. “So... Amy told me about the tape,” Kurt confessed. Blaine nodded. “I'm sorry that I accused you of um, sleeping with Sebastian- b-but when I saw him here and then saw you watching that t-”

“That wasn't what it looked like. He text me and just told me about the DVD. I didn't know what was on it.” Blaine shook his head. “If it's any consolation... when I watched it, I didn't feel the way I felt with you. It was meaningless... just sex.” Blaine shrugged. Kurt took a deep breath. What Blaine was saying was sweet but he really didn't want to think about Blaine and Sebastian having sex. Even if it was meaningless.

Kurt nodded. “To be honest... I think part of me never thought you'd cheat on me but it was just- seeing you and him together made me wonder if what Mercedes warned me about- really was true,” Kurt confessed, looking down to avoid Blaine's eyes.

“What do you mean?” he asked. Kurt sighed.

“She warned me that you might- um, you might just want- for lack of a better phrase, to toot it and boot it.” Kurt laughed slightly. It wasn't a humorous laugh.

“You mean that I just wanted to get into your pants?” Blaine questioned. Kurt nodded. Blaine took Kurt's hands. He didn't care if it was too soon... he did it. “That was never what I wanted from you, Kurt. I wanted to be your boyfriend... to hold you and kiss you.... and love you.” Kurt pulled his hands away and now it was Blaine's turn to laugh the non-humorous laugh. “There you go again, flinching at the 'L' word. Come on, Kurt. Why can't you accept that I-”

“Love me? Because why would you love me? Look at you! Then... look at me.”

“I am looking at you. I see you and I wish that you could see what I do. You're perfect, Kurt. Your eyes shine like blue stars, your cheeks get the cutest blush when you're embarrassed. Your lips are.... wow, your lips!” Blaine stopped. “Thats all great but- what I really love is you. As a person, the way you are. You're kind to people, accepting, considerate. You're just a good person and- that's what I love. I love everything about you.” Blaine confessed. Kurt didn't know what to say.

Ten minutes ago they were broken up. Kurt hated Blaine! Or at least he pretended to. But now he's here, sitting next to him listening to Blaine tell him all the things he loves about him. This is crazy.

“This is crazy!” Kurt said out loud. “We were broken up and now you love me, what?” he said, trying to wrap his head around it.

“I've always loved you, Kurt. I've never stopped loving you.” Kurt stopped. He loved Blaine too, he'd always loved Blaine.

“I-I can't do this,” Kurt said, shaking his head.

You were the one who came here. You wanted to talk. And now you're the one saying you can't do this?” Blaine questioned. “There must have been some part of you that wanted this or you never would have come here. You would have hated me, still and not talked to me- just because you know how much not talking to you, not being with you kills me. That was punishment enough but now you come here and make me think there's a chance for us and then you say you can't do this?” Blaine asked, his eyes filling with tears as he spoke through gritted teeth. Kurt looked down.

“I can't get hurt again, Blaine. You don't understand... you nearly broke me. I couldn't eat, sleep, I couldn't think about anything except you- and him... together. I woke up with nightmares about it. It affected me... so badly. I ca- I won't go through that again.” Kurt said, his eyes filling with tears. Blaine grabbed Kurt's hands.

“I won't hurt you,” he whispered. He grabbed Kurt's face and kissed his lips passionately. Kurt did nothing at first and then eagerly returned the kiss. Both of their tears hitting each others and sharing the passion and love between them. The kiss wasn't sloppy... it was tender. Something both of them had wanted to do for a long time.

Kurt sighed when the kiss finished and brought his fingers up to his lips as if he was trying to touch the passion shared with Blaine. “I missed that.” Kurt laughed a little. Blaine nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, me too.” There was a silence between them. A comfortable one. Neither had to say any words yet they knew what they were thinking.

Everything's going to be alright.

End Notes: ARE YOU ALL AS HAPPY AS ME? I'm happy because now that they've made up...they have to MAKE. UP. If you know what I mean ;)


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Yay yay yay yay yay! KLAINE...ugh so awesome. Thank you!!!

Yea! I needed this like I need air!

Thank youuu :D And you are my 400th reviewer!!!! yaaayyyyy!!!! :D

The angst was well worth the wait. I'm just happy to see my boys happy again.

YAAAY of course I'm happy, they're together again!!They are right, you're not breaking them up again? Because I just love them together ;)

Yay they made up!! And smutty times ahead!!!!!!! HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!

awww....happy ending



YESSS! They're back together! And On my birthday too! BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!



Yay, I'm happy again!!How awesome is Amy!! Um looking forward to them "making up" ;)

Yay!!! They made up! I think you wrote it brilliantly, of course Kurt would still be unsure, he would not be our Kurt otherwise, he is always so guarded but I am glad he is willing to take this risk. So how will they be in school? Will others find out?

here comes more smut! yay! you have made me a really, really happy (if not perverted) girl :)

So good :)

OH GOD THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL.... I WAS MISSING THIS TOO !!!you're awesome i love this fic ! But the waiting kills me :( would you update sooner ? PLEAAAAAASE ^^

I love you again!!!!! So good, so so good.

I'M so happy!!!!

OMGOMGOMG, i soo thought it would be another chapter of them fighting and then KLISS IS MAGICAL! unicorn rainbowkiss all the way

yep time for make up sex


I sense some smut coming...LOL, unintentional pun xDMarking, maybe? All I can think of is Kurt on top.. ;)Love love LOVE this :Dxoxo

Is this the end?? Please tell me NO! Jajaj I love this fanfic

i love this fic... i just HAD to rate it!!!! XD