It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Coffee Break

E - Words: 1,827 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,728 0 9 0 0

Thankfully for Kurt, he didn't see Blaine again for the rest of the day, he didn't like having to hide from yet another person in school, only this time it wasn't from fear of being beaten up, it was fear of complete and utter embarrassment. Kurt was worried that the next time he had english, Blaine would ask his name, or want to speak about what happened with Karofsky. What if he remembered his name? Or recognised his face? Kurt just couldn't live with that!

Blaine on the other hand was not so thankful that he didn't see blue eyes again. That was his nickname for the boy who he saved from Karofsky earlier in the day. He wanted to talk to him. He wanted to tell him that everything will be okay and he is there for him if he ever needs to talk to anyone, sadly he never got the chance.

After a long day in school, Kurt finally returned home, “hey kiddo” his dad shouted, Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“hey dad, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be at the shop?” Kurt asked, Burt shook his head.

“no, Finn took over, thought I'd take the day off, how was school?” he asked, Kurt rolled his eyes, “ugh, you do not want to know” Kurt responded.

“Is it that Karofsky kid again? What did he do this time?” Burt asked, Kurt held his hands up.

“nothing dad, remember your heart! Calm down” Kurt's dad had been in hospital earlier in the year from a heart attack, the doctors told him to take it easy, Burt was never one to do what he was told, but Kurt made sure he did.

“oh well then what?” Burt asked, Kurt sighed again, hoping his father would have dropped the subject, “okay you remember...Blaine?” Kurt asked, his father raised an eyebrow.

“Blaine?” he questioned.

“yeah dad, Blaine. He babysat me around when mom-” Kurt never liked to mention his mother to his father. He liked to pretend it never happened, because he knows how much it upsets his dad. Burt nodded.

“oh yes, I remember Blaine” he said, disregarding the comment about his late wife, “well...he's my teacher now” Kurt said, Burt laughed.

“your teacher? That's good, tell him I say hi” Burt said, Kurt's mouth hung open.

“tell him you say hi? No! He doesn't even know who I am! I was avoiding him, I cant let him recognise me! Do you have any idea how embarrassing that would be?” Kurt questioned, his dad slowly nodded his head and clicked his fingers.

“oh yeah! Didn't you have a crush on him?” Burt asked, whilst laughing, “oh God” Kurt groaned, burying his head into his hands, “if you remember what's the chance in him forgetting it?” Kurt groaned again.

“Oh it'll be fine, you were a kid!” Burt said, patting his son on the back in a comforting way.

“but you don't understand, dad! I'm not a kid anymore and I still have a crush on him! I cant face him! Ugh I'm just going to room to die of embarrassment!” Kurt whined, gaining a laugh from his father, “okay kiddo, dinner's at 6!” he shouted down as Kurt made his way into his basement bedroom.

“Hey sweetie, dinner's ready” Carole said, coming down the stairs a couple of hours later. Kurt was still laying down on his bed, fully dressed including shoes with his head buried in his pillow, “your dad said you were having some...boy problems?” Carole asked, Kurt just groaned.

“Not boy problems! Man problems” Kurt corrected her, she made an 'O' shape with her mouth.

“is it the same thing your father had? We still have the cream upsta-”

“Ew! No! Not that kind of man problems! Ew, gross!” Kurt complained, Carole gave a soft giggle, “It's Blaine...he's my teacher and ex-babysitter, I guess. He started babysitting me right before my mom passed away and I guess I was in a vulnerable place or whatever but...I had this huge crush on him. He was always there for me and it was when I first started to realise that I was gay and he was-”

“He was your first love” Carole finished Kurt's sentence with a soft, motherly smile. Kurt nodded slowly, “but now...he's my teacher and he probably remembers the stupid kid who loved him and it's so embarrassing!” Kurt complained, Carole nodded in understanding.

“ he gay?” she asked, Kurt's eyebrows shot to his perfectly styled hairline, “um...I don't know, why?” he asked.

“well, if he's gay, you still have a shot, right?” she asked, Kurt was still in shock. Was his step-mother telling him to go for it with his teacher?

“Carole! He's my teacher! And he's 24! And he's hot” Kurt smiled a little, Carole did too.

“Well, I'm not advising you to but if you still have these feelings for him...I think you should give it a try. But remember Kurt, like you said...he is your teacher. He could lose a lot more than you could if anything happens, so just be sure, okay sweetie?” she said, Kurt finally sat up properly and hugged her.

“thanks Carole” he said as he kissed her on the cheek, she smiled, “oh and do me a favour, Kurt. Don't tell your father about what I said” she winked and giggled again, “wash up before dinner, quick” she said finally before leaving. He sighed and thought hard about what Carole said.

Should he just give it a go with Blaine? Should he tell him who he is and go from there? Or just see if he remembers him and start anew?

This is so illegal. But hey, he'll be 18 soon, right? It's not illegal then...just really gross and weird. Is he really going to do this?

“Hi Mr Anderson” Kurt said as he walked into english the next day. Guess he was really going to do this.

Kurt still hid his face slightly just so Blaine might not recognise him.

“Hi, how are you feeling today?” Blaine asked him, Kurt shrugged whilst looking out of the window, not wanting to make full face, eye-contact with him just yet.

“I've been worse, thanks for yesterday though. It's the first time a teacher has really done something” Kurt confessed.

“Do you have any free periods today?” Blaine asked, students started to pack in the room and Kurt looked around, Kurt nodded in response, “4th period” he answered.

“okay, that's great, we'll meet in here, okay? I think we really need to talk about some stuff” Blaine said, Kurt gulped loudly and visibly.

Does he know? Does Blaine know it's Kurt? Is this the 'Kurt, I'm your teacher and any feelings you have towards me must stop now' conversation? Kurt doesn't know if he can take this!

The rest of the day couldn't drag enough, Kurt was dreading this conversation he was meant to have with Blaine. It's going to be the most embarrassing thing ever! And saying that as gay high school student is a big slot to fill!

4th period bell finally rang and Kurt started to feel really sick, “it's going to be fine, Kurt. I'm sure he just wants to talk about things, get them out in the open and stuff. You'll be fine, don't worry, okay?” Mercedes said as she squeezed Kurt's hand before darting off to Spanish with Mr Schue. As much as he hated Spanish, he would jump at the chance to be in that class right now. Instead, he made his way to his english class and little tapped on the door 3 times.

“Come in!” He heard Blaine shout, he popped his head around the door and Blaine's face broke out into a huge goofy smile. He looked 13 again, “hi! Welcome! Take a seat!” he said, far too excitedly for Kurt's taste, “would you like some coffee?” he asked, pulling out a huge thermos, Kurt laughed slightly.

“um, yeah if that's okay” he said, Blaine nodded, “sugar? Milk?” he offered. “one sugar please” Kurt replied. He watched as Blaine pulled out a sugar cube from his bottom drawer in his desk and popped it in Kurt's thermos cup. Kurt smiled and smelt the coffee as it filled the air and took it from Blaine.

“thanks” Kurt said before taking a sip. His eyes fluttered shut as he let the hot liquid run down his throat and fill his insides, wow that's good coffee!

“so...I think we need to talk” Blaine said, snapping Kurt instantly back to reality and the embarrassing task at hand, Kurt just sat still, “so tell long has this been going on?” Blaine asked Kurt.

“w-what exactly do you mean by that?” Kurt asked, seeing his cup shake from the impact of his hands.

“how long have you been bullied. It's not a nice subject to talk about I know but we need to” Blaine said, Kurt burst out into laughed, “that is what you wanted to talk to me about?” he asked, a giant smile on his face, Blaine looked confused.

“um, yes...what else would I want to talk to you about?” he asked.

“Oh I just thought that- um, nothing...I guess” Kurt said, biting his tongue as he could practically see the curiosity and confusion growing on Blaine's face.

“um...okay then. So, the bullying. I know how you feel, I was bullied myself in high school and it's not fun. At first it's painful and then you get used to it but as it continues, you feel it eating away at you little by little until you crumble. That's what happened to me until I had to transfer schools at 16 because of it” Blaine confessed. Kurt remembered Blaine transferring schools at 16 but he never knew it was because of bullies. Maybe Blaine didn't tell him everything like he thought he did, then again, would he want to tell a 10 year old about big, mean bullies? Kurt wasn't so sure...

“But this is your senior year and you can't let anything hold you back, especially not stupid, assholes like Karofsky. Those type of people are going nowhere with their's people like you who are destined for great things, don't ever forget that. And remember, I'm always here anytime you need someone to talk to who knows what you're going through, and I'm going to try my hardest to make this school a safer place for you and for all the students” Blaine smiled again, Kurt nodded and smiled too as he continued to sip his coffee.

“thank you, Mr Anderson” Kurt said, Blaine nodded.

“you're welcome- oh God, I don't even know your name! I'm sorry, what did you say it was?” Blaine asked, Kurt stood up, placing the small remainder of his coffee back on Blaine's desk.

“I didn't” he replied and left the room. So he didn't recognise him when he looked straight at him, maybe if Blaine never finds out Kurt's name then he'll never know it's him! Excellent! Now all Kurt needs to make sure is that his english/psychology teacher doesn't find out his name for the entire year. Yep, sounds pretty easy.

Oh God. He's so screwed.


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Interesting....I expected Kurt to tell him his name. I'm very curious, now, to find out why he decided not to.

Omg i am in love with your story!!! When i was a senior i fell fast and hard for my fresh-out-of-a-prestegious-university, 23 year old human bio teacher!!! And you've described that feeling perfectly!

Oh wow! I've never actually met someone who fell for their teacher! That must have been so hard, I'm sorry but I'm glad you like my story! And I'm glad that I'm obviously writing it accurately hahaha, thanks for reading! :D

To begin with I am enjoying this story. I feel for Kurt because I too had a thing for a guy that was 6 years older than me. We are still friends to this day. Anyway that is a long story. I have found one flaw with this story. On the first day of school Blaine would have a list of students in his class and more than likely done a roll call. So Blaine would know Kurt is in his class. Just sayin' there is not real way for Kurt to "hide" from Blaine.

OMGGGG This is killing me lol I want Blaine to know who he is already lol