Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Nothing, it's just- Blaine and I got in a fight again,” Kurt confessed, fiddling his fingers around the lid of his coffee cup.
“I thought you two broke up. You shouldn't be fighting anymore, really. I think it's best that you two go your separate ways now,” Sebastian advised. Kurt nodded.
“We did break up but-”
“Well, since you are broken up, officially... completely. Do you- um, would- Kurt, would you go out with me this Saturday?” Sebastian asked. Kurt was shocked.
“You mean like, on a date?” he asked. Sebastian nodded. “That's really sweet of you, Sebastian but- Blaine and I have only just broke up, you know? I'm- I'm not quite ready to date yet.” Plus even if I was, I wouldn't date you! Kurt thought.
“I-I understand. Well, at least let me buy the coffee,” he said with a sweet smile and stood up to pay for their drinks. Kurt rolled his eyes when Sebastian was gone. Did Sebastian really think he was going to date him? Did he think Kurt was buying into his nice guy routine? Kurt was meeting up with him to get what he wanted, and he wasn't going to stop until he did.
- - - - -
“You. Said. Nothing. Happened.” Amy said each word with a punch to Blaine's chest –with not much force.
“Nothing did happen! I was telling the truth!” Blaine defended himself. Amy replied with an eye roll.
“Oh yeah? Well then explain the tape!” she challenged.
“That got me at first too, but when I watched it, I noticed something,” Blaine said.
“What?” Amy asked, intrigued.
“Just sit and watch and-”
“Ew! No! I'm not gonna sit here and watch a porno with you and the not-so-friendly giant!” She fought. He rolled his eyes.
“Amy, this is for Kurt. Please,” Blaine begged with extra big puppy dog eyes. She sighed and sat on the sofa.
“Fine, but you have only yourself to blame if I get turned on by this.” Blaine laughed and pressed play.
Immediately the DVD took off, all clothes already shed at the point in the recording aside from the pair of boxer briefs that covered Blaine. The shorter male was on his back which was arching with every hot touch that Sebastian placed on the smooth expanse of Blaine's chest. Lips, tongues, and teeth clashed together every other second; heavy breathing filling the silence when it wasn't punctuated by soft whimpers on Blaine's part as Sebastian's hands trailed farther and farther down olive toned skin.
"I think it's about time you loose these don't you?" Sebastian asked slyly, thumbs hooking into the waistband of the black boxers that were discarded just as quickly as they were acknowledged. Blaine groaned quietly at the new chill that was greeting his skin, body arching towards Sebastian in search of heat - the other man let a throaty moan slip, a quiet 'Fuck, Blaine.' just barely heard before the brunette dove down to capture Blaine's lips in another heated, open mouth kiss.
Limbs tangled and hands seemed to be everywhere as both men writhed against each other, Sebastian having been hovering over Blaine before he pulled the latter on top of him, hips slotting together in a perfect way that had their obvious erections now brushing against the others earning a rather lusty vocal reaction from both parties. Blaine's head fell back as he rocked his hips forward seeking more of the sweet, pleasing, stomach turning sensation, Sebastian's hands holding onto the swaying hips with a look of concentration painted on his features where as Blaine was all reckless abandon of any plans but to get to his finish. Of course, that wasn't Sebastian's plan and he groaned at a particularly hard roll of Blaine's hips before finally turning the tables, hovering over Blaine once more with his arms on either side of the dark, curly haired man's head.
"We're not even near finished yet Blaine." Sebastian said and chuckled darkly when Blaine groaned and tried to wrap his legs around Sebastian's waist for more touching, more friction, more heat. God he looked so desperate for any of that, head turning from side to side as Sebastian teased him with soft murmurs that the camera didn't pick up; not that their effect wasn't obvious as Blaine's cheeks flushed and his cock seemed to get even stiffer. "You want that baby?" Sebastian asked before taking Blaine's erection in hand, a grateful moan of the man's name rolling off his kiss swollen lips. "Well? Is it?" Sebastian questioned again as his hand slowly worked up and down Blaine's cock, his wrist twisting on each uptake just the way Blaine likes it.
"Fuck, yes. Please Bastian, please just do it already." Blaine begged, hips trying to buck up into the tight grip to no avail, Sebastian's legs on either side of his hips doing a good job of keeping him from moving up too far.
"Do what, Blaine?" Sebastian said teasingly before giving a long, slow lick up the sinful looking arch of Blaine's neck.
"Me. Do me. Finger me, please, open me up for you- f-for your cock." Blaine pleaded, stuttering only for a moment before he let his need to come take over. "Please." he said again, the smile Sebastian was giving something like villainous before it was replaced by a sly and sultry grin, emerald eyes obvious with mischief.
"Since you're so persistent." he said teasingly before letting go of Blaine's cock, the groan of frustration very audible, to reach in the bedside drawer for a bottle of lube and a condom, unceremoniously throwing both objects on the bed before moving down Blaine's figure with slow, languid kisses to every inch of flesh.
"Oh god." Blaine breathed out with each searing kiss, Sebastian's tongue and teeth coming out to tease the tender flesh every now and again; the small nip to each hip bone making Blaine cry out and fist at the sheets till his knuckles were white. "God dammit Sebastian, please! I can't take anymore. I need to come." Blaine finally said in frustration when Sebastian started to tease Blaine's inner thighs with the soft pads of his fingers.
"So eager Blaine, like always." the man said with an obvious smirk in his voice as he reached for the lube, coating two fingers liberally before slowly circling Blaine's puckered entrance for a moment, groaning lightly as he slid his middle finger into the tight heat all the way to the knuckle. "And always so damn tight." Sebastian noted with an appreciative smile before he started to work the finger in and out, not taking too long before he had a second and then third inside the writhing man. "Fuck, you want it so bad don't you baby?" Sebastian questioned as he carefully worked a forth finger inside of Blaine who moaned loudly and bucked his hips down towards the intrusion, long gone from anything considered rational thought. "You want me inside you now? Hmm?" Sebastian asked as he moved from between Blaine's legs and up towards his face, fingers still deeply rooted inside of Blaine's ass as he closed his lips around one of Blaine's earlobes, relishing in the easy give of the flesh between his teeth before he whispered harshly "You want my cock inside you?"
Blaine's cock twitched at that, and not just in the video. It was getting increasingly hard to ignore, not only his cries of 'please' and yes', but also the fact that this was definitely hot and even as much as he wanted to prove his innocence (or lack there of) to Kurt there was no denying that this would be a long and gruelling process if Sebastian's pace had anything to say about it.
Or the way he was thrashing in want on the bed, all but fucking himself onto Sebastian's fingers; meeting each thrust with a downward roll of his hips. "Seb. Please."
"Okay okay, calm down babe." Sebastian said and grabbed the condom, ripping it open with his teeth before sliding it on his length, only momentarily considering lube before deciding in favour and coating himself. Without asking Sebastian pulled Blaine up and turned him over so he fell down onto his elbows, knees bent and leaving him open and vulnerable for the other male who took full advantage of the position he'd put Blaine in as he lined up the blunt tip of his cock and pushed in slowly. "God dammit Blaine," he groaned once half way inside. "How are you so fucking tight?"
The question was rhetorical of course, but Blaine still noticeably shrugged his shoulders in answer which earned a snort from Amy next to him on the couch. He was tempted to throw a pillow at her but his attention was pulled to the screen as he all but screamed out Sebastian's name when the man in question snapped his hips forward and buried the rest of his cock deep inside of Blaine's ass. Blaine could hardly believe he was able to watch this after that, the sight of Sebastian's hips -which are pure sin... right after Kurt's if he were being honest- meeting his ass becoming unsettling without the teasing lingering fingertips and kisses that had been the whole beginning half of the video. This was just detached fucking now. How did he go long as he did with Sebastian when most all of their screwing was like this; his back to the other male while they both did their best to get off quick.
The orgasm that Blaine watched himself have was definitely real and intense if his shout of release was anything to go by, but he's pretty sure whenever this was that he didn't feel nearly as whole and loved as that first time with Kurt.
Blaine pressed stop on the DVD and the room was silent. He turned to Amy who just kind of stared in front of her.
“You can never un-see those sort of things,” she said. He rolled his eyes
“So did you notice anything?” he asked her. She finally turned towards him.
“Well I noticed that you are a big, horny, begging slut,” she said.
“I didn't mean- wait, big?” he smirked.
“Lets move on,” she said quickly.
“I didn't mean that anyway, I meant...” Blaine said, grabbing the remote control and rewinding the DVD.
“No! I don't want to see it again!” she said, covering her eyes like a child. He rolled his eyes and pressed play.
“No, look... now!” he said and pressed pause. The image on the screen was Blaine and Sebastian making out on the couch in their boxer briefs.
“What am I meant to be looking at exactly?” she asked. Blaine sighed and went over to the TV and pointed it out to her.
“Look! On my table! Its a vase and a picture!” She nodded slowly, not fully understanding. “A vase and a picture that I don't own anymore!” Blaine continued.
“You mean he stole a vase and a picture after you guys had sex?” Blaine furrowed his eyebrows.
“W-What? No! I mean that this tape is old! That picture is of me and Sebastian and that vase is the vase I threw at the wall when Sebastian broke up with me! And Look! Right there! It's a corner of a moving box! I'd just moved in to this apartment!” he explained.
“So... you really didn't cheat on Kurt?” she asked.
“No! Of course not! But now Kurt wont talk to me at all because he thinks I did and then watched it back.”
“I'll talk to him for you... I mean, if you want?” she asked.
“So you are my best friend again?” Blaine asked, shyly. She rolled her eyes.
“Like I ever wasn't.” Blaine ran over and jumped on her in a hug. “Okay broken best friend. Broken. Best. Friend.” she said, smothered under him.
That was great! Can't wait for next one! Eeee!
oh god .. I'm so glad it turned out like this :D
I definitely thought it was a fake one. I was just waiting for Blaine to say it wasn't him in the tape! But I guess it was him. I still don't forgive him though. I need them to get back together fast!
Was it a tape that Blaine knew about before or did Sebastian make it without him knowing?
Didn't see that one coming! Nice chapter, can't wait for the next one! :)
I DID I DID!!!!!! THAT ASSHOLE!!!!! Had to be fullcaps! Sorry! lol!!! Wonder what Kurt is looking for from Sebastian? hmm INTERESTING!
Im so happy it was an old tape I love this fic and I dont what them to break up :)
I honestly didn't think it would be an old tape, BUT, I still didn't think that Blaine would cheat on Kurt. Sebastian thought he was smart and he almost had them tricked, but Blaine is one smart cookie.
Wow...I didn't guess that. I really hope they can work it out. Can't wait for the next chapter.
NOT ME! I never believed Blaine cheathed. Thought it was a guy who looked like him. BUT, this is GREAT!!!!!
Oh god. I seriously had a panic attack when you had 'seblaine' and 'smut' in the same sentence. I didn't even think of it being an old tape. Okay, I am calm now. He didn't cheat on him.
omg this was awesome ! I hate the non-Klaine smut but i liked this one :O JUST PLEASE UPDATE SOON... WAITING FOR THIS KILLED ME ! :/
Arrrgh I didn't even think it could have been an old tape! I so hate Sebastian! I can't believe he made Amy sit and watch it though! Can't wait for the next chapter!
I guess it was rigged some how.
Wowwww. I was totally thinking 'uh um ok, where is Blaine going with this situation- he just watched the entire sex tape with his best friend...awkward....' but that was a great "twist". Loved the chapter x t
Awesome <3As always, update soon :-)
Please Update Soon..Pretty Please...I am Sick and I coulde really use some cheering up right now !!
i was mad at blaine i thought it was not a old tape but please make more i llove this book
I. Love. You. So. Much. You genius you. You gave us Seblaine smut. And he's still going after Kurt! And he didn't cheat! Love this update!! Thank you!
I didn't guess, but I am SO happy it was, omg. I love you right now! :D Now only to convince Kurt, I hope he doesn't have to watch the tape. o.e
I knew Blaine would not cheat! I just hope that Kurt believes him.
lmao at first I thought it was a blaine look alike
I haven't been this addicted to a fanfic for a long time! I have read all 39 chapters of this in about 3 days :') I love love love love it! It gives me so many emotions I just can't ;__; Absolutely brilliant, I can't wait until the next chapter is up!
You sneaky thing you! Gah! I'm hoooked to this story.
I knew it was old! I'm so happy it just got comfirmed :)