Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Shut up,” he said.
“It's so obvious that you both still like each other! And you know that I'm not his number one fan but... just... give him a chance.” Kurt stopped their movement in the hallway.
“Well it's so obvious that you and Sam like each other, so why don't you give him a chance? Huh? And you know for a fact that if you were in my position you'd do exactly the same, Cedes. I mean, wouldn't you?” he said. She was silent. “I'll take that as a yes.” He walked away.
The day continued on except it just got even more miserable... even the weather!
Kurt looked out of the window and then at the clock. The school day was coming to an end but the rain was definitely not.
“I can't believe I have to walk home in that,” Kurt whispered to Mercedes.
“Where's your car?” she asked. He rolled his eyes.
“My dad had to go out of town to get this special car part or something and he took it.”
“Well then just get the bus,” she stated. His eyes went wide.
“Mercedes. I would rather drown in that rain before I stepped foot on that yellow, disease-ridden, gum-filled bus.” She just laughed in response.
“Do you want a ride home? I'd have to ask my dad but I'm sure he wont mind.” He smiled but refused.
“No, thank you anyway but you know... the exercise will be good for me. Plus, a little rain never hurt anyone.” he smiled. She smiled back and that was that.
Kurt was just waiting for the final bell to ring before he stepped out into the floods of Ohio... literally.
The bell rang and the school emptied. Kurt decided to take his time collecting his things, hoping that the rain would subside... it didn't. He put his coat on and covered his hair with the hood. Yes, his suede shoes would be ruined but better them than his hair!
He lived about 40 minutes away at a normal walking pace so he thought he would be thoroughly soaked before reaching home. He stepped outside and began his walk. He was dealing fine with the rain until some guy from school sped up in his car and drove right through a deep puddle, soaking Kurt head to foot. He stopped and clenched his jaw.
“THANKS A LOT, ASSWIPE!” Kurt shouted after the car. He saw another car coming towards him and flinched, expecting the worst.
“Kurt. Get in the car.” Surprised, he looked over and saw Blaine cruising slowly next to him, in his nice warm car. Kurt ignored him and continued to walk.
“Come on, Kurt. You can't just ignore me! It's dry in here... and warm. I have the Wicked soundtrack,” Blaine added. Kurt hid the smile Blaine caused. “Was that a smile?” ...Or at least he tried to hide it.
“No, it wasn't. And I'm fine, thank you very much,” Kurt replied.
“I know you hate me but come on, you're gonna get sick,” Blaine argued.
“No thank you.”
“But what about your shoes? If not for me, do it for the shoes, Kurt. Dear God the humanity! Think of the suede!” Blaine replied dramatically. Kurt laughed and, for just a second, he forgot why he was mad at Blaine. He forgot to be angry at all. It was just 'them' again.
And then that second was over.
“I don't need your help, Blaine. I'm perfectly fine.”
“You're soaking! Just get in the car and I'll take you home and you can get dried off and get back to hating me in no time,” Blaine said and Kurt stopped.
He weighed the options in his head. This couldn't be a good idea... but he really wanted to.
“Fine,” he huffed, walking towards the car quickly, slipping into the passenger seat and feeling his wet pants soak into the seat around him.
“Thank you,” Blaine said formally. Blaine turned the radio on to fill the silence and they made their way home.
“You just missed the turn,” Kurt told him. Blaine nodded.
“My house is this way,” Blaine explained.
“You said you were taking me home,” Kurt argued.
“Yes, my home.”
“Take me home, Blaine. My home. Now.” Kurt ordered. Blaine ignored him. “Blaine!” Kurt said. Blaine pulled up and turned to Kurt.
“What harm is it gonna do, Kurt? I'll give you some clothes to change into, we can hang out, it'll be like... us.”
“Yeah, well we're not us anymore, Blaine. You made sure of that,” Kurt said. Blaine closed his eyes.
“Please. Nothing happened. Sebastian was lying, you know what he's like. Just... please,” Blaine begged. Kurt stared at him and sighed.
“Fine,” he agreed. Blaine smiled and continued to drive to his house. Up the elevator they went until they reached 247.
“After you,” Blaine said. Kurt rolled his eyes and trudged into the apartment. “Here, let me get you something to wear. You want to take a shower or something?” Kurt just stared at him, looking very unamused.
“Just the clothes for now, thanks,” he replied. Blaine nodded and got him some sweats. “Oh, sweats. You shouldn't have, how fancy,” Kurt added sarcastically. He went into the spare bedroom and changed. He didn't want to change in Blaine's bedroom. Just seeing Blaine's bedroom would make him... feel things. Things he didn't want to feel.
However, it was things he couldn't help but feel! Because, man, if he thought he was sexually frustrated when he was a virgin, it was even worse afterwards! When you know what the cake tastes like, you just want a slice. And heck, Blaine was one fine slice of- NO KURT! NO!
Kurt shook that idea from his head. The idea of how hot break up sex would be. The angst between them right now would make him come before they even did anything. The way Blaine would roughly kiss his lips, all teeth and tongue. The finger-shaped bruises that would be left low on his hips from Blaine's calloused, strong grip. The friction of Blaine inside of him, slamming in and out of him, hitting that oh-so-tender spot each time carelessly. The way that Bla- oh crap.
Kurt looked down and noticed... well... something.
“Is everything okay in there?” Blaine asked through the door. Kurt's face flushed beetroot red.
“Um yeah... I'll be out in a second.” Kurt took a few deep breaths and assessed the situation. The way he saw it, he had two options.
A) Go out there, Blaine would notice and they would have hot sex.
Not going to lie, this was a good option.
B) Stay in the room forever... or at least until it calmed down.
But then... what would he say to Blaine? Why was he in there so long?
“Are you sure you're okay?” Blaine asked.
“I just need... time to be alone right now.” Kurt lied.
“...In the spare bedroom? Of my apartment? While I'm out here?” Blaine asked.
“Yes! I won't be long,” Kurt told him. “Hopefully” he whispered to himself. He sat down, carefully on the bed and took a few more breaths. “Okay...” he started and closed his eyes. “Grandma, Grandma, Grandma, Grandma.”
- - - - -
Blaine was confused but accepted what Kurt said. He thought he might need some time. He sat down on the sofa and felt the vibration of his phone. It was a text. From Sebastian.
You really want to know if something happened between us? ;)
Blaine rolled his eyes, this was probably just to get a rise out of him.
Yes he replied. Short and not-so-sweet.
Well, if only someone recorded it. It would be great if there was a *DVD* of it ;) Enjoy.
Blaine was confused. It took him a while to understand what Sebastian was saying, and then he got it. He rushed over to the collection of DVDs by his tv. There was one he didn't recognise, entitled 'Just For Blaine'. He looked quickly at the door of the spare room. Kurt said he needed a while.
Blaine put the DVD in the player and muted the TV. He pressed play and saw a picture that he definitely did not remember. It was him and Sebastian making out on the sofa.
“Are you kidding me?” Kurt said, looking at the TV. Blaine jumped up and fumbled with the remote control until he finally paused it. “You tell me nothing happened and now I catch you watching a porn version of it? Seriously?!” Kurt shouted.
“Kurt, you don't understand! This wasn't me!” Blaine argued.
“Oh! It wasn't you?” Kurt asked before grabbing the remote and pressing play, accidentally un-muting it and hearing Blaine moan Sebastian's name. “Yeah, looks and sounds a hell of a lot like you, Blaine!”
“But I-”
“No. You know what? I'm fucking sick of arguing about this. I'm leaving.” Kurt said in a rather calm tone.
“Let me take you home-”
“If you move one step closer to me then I will kick you so hard in the balls that you'll have to get them surgically removed,” Kurt threatened. Okay... maybe not so calm.
Blaine stayed still and watched Kurt leave his apartment for a final time.
- - - - -
Blaine had been marking drafts of his English class' papers. He finally got to Kurt. It was good. Very heart-felt. He could tell.
However, his favourite part of Kurt's essay was the conclusion.
'Romeo and Juliet is not a love story. It's a three day relationship between a thirteen-year-old and a seventeen-year-old, that caused six deaths. Readers like to associate the play with an epic love tale that transcends time whereas, in reality, the only reason readers focus so heavily on the love between the two characters is so they can ignore the casualties surrounding the couple. The battle between the two families could be a way of foreshadowing the tragic end to both Romeo and Juliet. In conclusion, their love was frowned upon for a reason.'
can i just have another update please! this story is amazing and the chapters end too quickly ;)
Whoa nooo! It's not ending here! Calm down! hahahah thanks for reading!
Please tell me you're not ending this here? Poor Blaine! Poor Kurt! A@@hole Sebastian!!! Can't them two (Blaine and Kurt) realize they are made for each other dispite the age. I hope there is more. *Super Sad Face*
Um yes to the chapter end note!! Of course Kurt would come out right when he put it on! Blaine why the HELL would you put it on while Kurt is there in the first place?! It just keeps getting worse for them, and ugh I hate it. I want them to make up already. :(
Yes yes yes to blaine's everything!! And to be quite honest, Blaine was really stupid for going to watch that DVD while kurt was there. I mean come in, seriously blaine? Why werent you thinking?
Yes yes yes to blaine's everything!! And to be quite honest, Blaine was really stupid for going to watch that DVD while kurt was there. I mean come in, seriously blaine? Why werent you thinking?
Just when I thought things would get better :(
sobs bc i just want them to make up and this story just gets angstier and angstier with each chapter and i cant HANDLE IT
oh I was happy you up you updated. great btw.Yes you can do a blaine chapter.
"My house is this way," Blaine explained. "You said you were taking me home," Kurt argued. "Yes, my home." "Take me home, Blaine. My home. Now." Kurt ordered. Blaine ignored him. "Blaine!" Kurt said. Blaine pulled up and turned to Kurt. my thoughts to this was: he....stole kurt O.o
Why does Sebastian have to screw everything up? Apart from that, this chapter was funny as hell!!!!!!!!!! Ahhh LMMFAO!!!!!! Loved it!!!!!
Oh, and absolutely yes to the AN!
Keep going!!!!!!!
I would just like to cry my eyes out. Klaineeeeeeee :'( They were soooo buh-buh-beautifulllllllllll
Definitely! Need more Blangst!! Either that, or Blaine's sexy dreams about Kurt ;D
yes to the blaine chapter
I seriously hope that wasn't actually Blaine. Them fighting is the worst.
I would be interested in knowing MORE about THAT TAPE. That's old stuff i assume. Blaine did not make out with Sebastian. He couldn't have.... Right? :( PLEASE UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!! JUST PLEAAAASEEE pd: you're awesome !
Oh, yes, yes, yes, pleeeease! I'm DEFINITELY interested in that :D
Can I just say I kind of totally agree with Kurt's essay? And Blaine is an idiot. WHY would you choose to watch that while Kurt is still over, STILL ANGRY AT YOU! God, I thought he was smart. *grumpy face* Ughh, this story is so good, even if it is giving me angsty feels. Alice
njdkafnkdlsa;jfidojkdsnfkmdanfkds;ajfi A FINAL TIME?! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
whyyy are you teasing like that?
Less Sebastian please!!! Every time Blaine gets Kurt to listen, there is Sebastian. Stop! Klaine love PLEASE!!!!!! Oh and a chapter of Blaine would be fine ;-)
OMG. FIX IT. PLEASE. :'(I FUCKING HATE SEBASTIAN.No, seriously. Please fix it soon!
WOW i loved with please make a anothor chapter soon i love it
oh my god, so i started this like two days ago. and i've been like okay, one more chapter, no just one more, and so on. and god, right now. everything. so many emotions. i can't handle this. I like it a lot! But ANGST.
Damnn I don't even know what to say anymore