It's Frowned Upon
People End Up Dead Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: People End Up Dead

E - Words: 1,568 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
4,264 0 17 0 0

Author's Notes: Here's a long one guys! Hope you aren't getting sick of this story (or me) because we're not going anywhere anytime soon! Still got lotsssss in mind for this story and Klaine!
Kurt knocked on the door. Door number 247.

“Kurt.” Blaine stated in shock, clad only in a white fluffy towel clinging low on his hips and his dark curls dripping with water.

Kurt tried his hardest not to let his eyes wander down Blaine's body. He had come here to complete a mission, but if he looked... he didn't know if he could.

“We need to talk. I hope it's okay I stopped by. No more ex-boyfriends in here are there?” Kurt said sarcastically, pushing past Blaine and entering the apartment. “Blaine, I've come here to do something very difficult,” Kurt started.

“You're breaking up with me, aren't you?” Blaine guessed. Kurt stopped. He knew. He cleared his throat and tried to keep their meeting as calm and formal as possible. Emotions just make things messy!

“Yes, I am. I think it's best for the both of us that we end this here and now. Clearly something in the stars is against us and this relationship has been doomed from day one. Maybe it's God-” Kurt doesn't even believe in God. “Showing us exactly why this is illegal in the first place. That's all it is, it's Karma. So I'm sorry and... goodbye,” Kurt finished. Blaine nodded.

“Okay, bye,” Blaine replied simply. Kurt was a little shocked. After almost two months of a very fast paced, emotional relationship... that's all he gets? Not even a tear?

I know he said emotions make things messy but... for fucks sake! One tear isn't asking much, right?!

“O-okay,” Kurt stuttered out and walked to the door.

“Kurt,” Blaine spoke. Kurt turned around and looked at him. “You can't get rid of me that easily. I'll see you tomorrow... in school.”


Blaine was Kurt's teacher. His teacher. Of course it's not 'Goodbye', it's just 'See you later'.

“See you then, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt said formally. He saw Blaine's face drop.

- - - - -

“He broke up with me,” Blaine said. He had been sitting outside of Amy's door for the past hour, with no response.

“GOOD!” Amy shouted back. Blaine closed his eyes.

“Yeah, I guess you would think that but- nothing happened between me and Sebastian, Amy.”

I think, Blaine thought.


Blaine sighed and walked into his apartment. He picked up his phone and dialled Sebastian's number. He needed an answer.

“Why, hello Blaine,” Sebastian answered, smug as ever.

“I need the truth. Did something happen?” Blaine asked through gritted teeth. He and Kurt were fine- perfect before Sebastian came along!

“Yes, Kurt broke up with you. That's something.” Blaine was silent.

“H-How did you know that?” he asked.

“Kurt told me,” Sebastian answered. Blaine scoffed.

“Kurt wouldn't tell you anything.”

“Oh really? Well, Amy didn't tell me... you definitely didn't tell me... who's left, Blaine?” Sebastian replied. Blaine could hear his smile through the phone.

“Why would he tell you? Of all people!” Blaine asked.

“Because... I'm just being a friend, Blaine.”

“To me?” Blaine asked, “Yeah nice way of showing it friend.” Sebastian laughed in response.

“Not to you, Blaine. To Kurt. You made it pretty clear that you chose him over me... I'm no one's sloppy seconds Blaine,” he answered.

“And what do you think you are to Kurt?” Blaine asked.

“Me? I'm a shoulder to cry on. A friend to rely on... oh! Look, now I'm rhyming.” Sebastian laughed through his words.

“Why are you doing this? I thought you loved me?” Blaine replied.

“Oh sweetie! You believed that? How cute. You're nothing to me, Blaine. You're just a blast from the past with a fine ass. You're just a screw, sweetie. One of a million exactly the same. You're nothing special to me. You're nothing special to your father. And now, you're nothing special to Kurt. Goodbye Blaine,” Sebastian finished before hanging up the phone.

Blaine swallowed hard. He wasn't going to let Sebastian get to him. He wasn't going to lose Kurt!

- - - - -


“We're closed!” A booming voice answered.

“I just want to ask a couple questions!” Amy replied.

“You a cop?” the voice replied. Amy rolled her eyes.

“Why? You doing something illegal? No! I'm not a cop!” she replied. The door opened.

“Sweetie, you're in the wrong place, unless you're in drag” the bald man told her. Amy chose to ignore the fact that she's just been called a man and continued with what she came here to do.

“I need to talk to the barman” she said. He nodded.

“He's in here, don't be long, okay? We're setting up." She nodded and smiled at the man.

“Thanks!” she slipped through the gap and walked over to the man behind the bar. “Hi, I'm looking for whoever was on duty two nights ago.” He nodded.

“Then you're looking for Amanda. Hey! Amanda!” he shouted. A young, blonde girl came over with a thick New York accent.

“Yeah, Mikey?” she asked.

“Hi, I'm Amy. You were working here two nights ago?” she asked. Amanda nodded. “Did you happen to see this guy?” Amy pulled out a photo of Blaine and showed it to Amanda. She seemed to think for a while and nodded.

“Yeah, um, he was with a really tall guy, knocking back tequila like he didn't want to see the sun tomorrow. Why? Is he dead?” Amy's eyebrows hit her hairline.

“What?! No! No! Why?” she asked.

“Someone comes in asking about some guy and shows me a picture. On CSI that means they're dead.” Amy shook her head.

“God! No, he's not! D-Did you happen to see what he and the tall guy were doing?” Amy asked. Amanda nodded.

“Yeah, they talked for a while and drank- a lot! They danced and then they left.”

“What were they talking about?” Amy asked.

“I could only hear snippets really but my guess would be The Sound of Music cuz they kept mentioning a guy called Kurt and in this bar... a lot of people talk about musicals, you know? It's a gaybar.” Amy nodded.

“Were they... touchy-feely?” she asked, dreading the answer.

“Yeah a little at the beginning but it didn't seem to amount to anything really.” Amy raised an eyebrow. Okay, she's listening.

“Why would you say that?” she asked.

“Well, they came back over here and got a drink and then the tall guy really started getting grabby with the short guy and that's when they started talking about Kurt or someone and then the short guy was having none of it. Pushed the tall guy off him and stumbled out of the bar. Then the tall guy went after him. Shame though, the tall guy was cute,” Amanda added.

“Yeah, he's just adorable,” Amy said sarcastically. “Well... thanks for all your help!” Amy finished, giving Amanda a 20 dollar bill and leaving. Maybe Blaine was right... nothing happened.

- - - - -


“You know what that bell means,” Mercedes chimed in. “English” she said. Kurt groaned. “Come on, it's gonna be fine! He won't say anything, you won't even have to look at him!” she told Kurt. he nodded.

Yeah, sure, it'll be fine. Kurt thought, Fuck no! No it wouldn't!

Kurt and Mercedes entered the room, walking completely past Blaine and sat in their seats. Blaine didn't look up from his coffee and Romeo and Juliet. When everyone had arrived, Blaine started the lesson.

“Hey guys, hope you all had a nice weekend! Personally, mine sucked, but lets move on.” Blaine clapped his hands once and sat on the edge of his desk. “Let's talk about Romeo and Juliet! Two star crossed lovers. Their relationship was frowned upon due to their battling families, people get killed, words get said blah blah blahhh, let's skip to the end!” Blaine said, clasping the book shut.

“Why does Juliet die?” Blaine asked the class. Mark raised his hand.

“Because she faked her own death so she and Romeo could be together but when Romeo thought she was dead, he killed himself. Then she woke up and saw Romeo dead so she killed herself.” Blaine stood up.

“Yes! Well done, Mark! That is exactly right. Basically, the moral of the story is that... When people believe things that have not happened... they... um, they die-no wait, that's not what I'm trying to say. Do not believe things that aren't true.” Blaine didn't once look at Kurt, but Kurt knew it was directed exactly towards him.

“But what if it was true?” Kurt asked, putting his hand up.

“But it wasn't,” Blaine replied.

“From Romeo's perspective it was true. 100%. However in the bigger picture, Juliet lied to Romeo, she faked her own death and didn't even bother to tell him. So I, personally, think the moral of the story is 'Don't fall in love with liars'.” Kurt finished.

“Juliet did what she did to save them, and their life together.”

“Well maybe if their relationship was so frowned upon, or illegal in their families eyes, they should have just given up in the first place,” Kurt replied.

“The course of true love never did run smoothly,” Blaine answered.

“That's from a different Shakespeare play,” Kurt stated.

“Still a valid point. The tragic ends of Romeo and Juliet show the passion in their lives, and for each other. They were willing to die to be with each other.” Blaine announced.

“Yet Juliet still wasn't willing to tell the truth. This whole mess could have been avoided if she just told Romeo her plan,” Kurt told him.

“She kept that information to try to protect Romeo.”

“And that's how people end up dead.” Kurt stated. Blaine stared at him.

“I think we should move on,” Blaine announced.

“Fine,” Kurt replied. The class was silent. Everyone was picking up on the strange atmosphere between Kurt and Blaine.

This was going to be a looonnnggg year.

End Notes: Hope you liked it! I bet all you guys who said you feel sympathy for Sebastian feel pretty darn stupid now! hahaha Unlike the real Glee, I don't just change characters from who they are (that bugs the hell outta me!)


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No... It was not supposed to end like that. Blaine was supposed to fight for Kurt!!! I know the story isn't over so Klaine can happen again but come on Blaine! Fight for Kurt!

OMG that's hilarious! That's how people end up dead. KURT quit being such a high school boy. ;) hehehehe

Well fuck!!! What a chapter!!!!! But please let them get back together soon, I don't know how much I can take!!! That was brilliant though!

lol 'sick of this story (and you)' isnt exactly how i would word my sentiments. the happy dance i do whenever i see youve updated is LAUGHABLE.

That was so low, what Seb said to Blaine over the phone. I'm hoping that Amy and Blaine make-up really soon. And Kurt, how did you expect Blaine to act when you broke up with him? He had a feeling it was coming so I'm thinking he prepared for it, even though he didn't want it to happen. Thanks for the update, really looking forward to what's to come!

...goddammit now they're making me cry. Obtuse idiots TT.TT

Im so happy you updated.very good chapter

why you take so lmuch time to upload the next??I love your story so much..!!can't wait to see the next!!when the next chapter will be upload?

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon, Klaine. Get your shit together! Love the tension between them that you portrayed so well in this chapter!


Sorry, this might seem harsh.. I'm a literature freak, so yeah. Haha. Juliet DID send a letter to Romeo via Friar to inform him of her plan.. So she wasn't lying..

Oh...hahaha I'm not good with those type of things haha well thanks for letting me know but I won't change it now, cuz it fits in with the story hahaha but now I am informed, and I thank you! hahah thanks for reading! xx

My soul is dieing. Please let them realize the truth. Blaine needs to fight for Kurt more and Kurt needs the truth.

omgomgomgomg. It's now he does something reealyy romantic because he knows Kurt loves that, and then he tells him to shut up and give him his side of the story because Kurt can be so stubborn, and then they kiss and eveything is fluff!! pft, like thats gonna happen right?

Man, this is seriously breaking my heart.

please keep going. I need an update!