Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Sebastian?” Kurt questioned. This wasn't the guy he was expecting. "How do you even know where I live?"
Sebastian ignored his questions. “Can I come in? I think we need to talk.”
- - - - -
“Amy, please let me in,” Blaine said, banging on her front door.
“Go away, Blaine! I wasn't kidding when I said that before!” she shouted through the door.
“Please, I need my best friend right now,” he begged. Silence. “Amy... please.” Nothing. No response.
Blaine gave up banging on the door and let his hand fall flat against the wood before lightly stroking it with his thumb.
“I'm sorry,” he whispered, too low for Amy to hear. He closed his eyes and a single tear fell before he walked back into his apartment.
He'd lost Kurt, Sebastian, and Amy all in one day. How could it get any worse?
- - - - -
“What do we have to talk about?” Kurt asked when he and Sebastian were sitting alone in the kitchen at the dining table. Finn had left to go see Rachel.
“I wanted you to hear it from me before anyone else,” Sebastian started. Kurt was unsure if he actually wanted to hear what he had to say but... he didn't stop him. “Blaine and I went to a club last night. We started dancing and talking and- and drinking.” Kurt gulped as he listened. “I escorted Blaine home to make sure he was okay and- he made a move on me.”
Hear that? That was Kurt's heart cracking.
“I tried to push him off and remind him about what you and he have and that you both care for each other very much but... last night, it seemed like you were the last thing on Blaine's mind and he just didn't care.”
Another crack.
“And, as you know, Blaine and I have history and I still care for him deeply so I'm just here to apologize for the fact that I didn't say no to him, Kurt. I couldn't. I didn't have the will power to say no, which I should have.”
Crack. Crack. Crack.
“One thing led to another and we-” Sebastian took a deep breath as though he felt remorse but Kurt could see in his eyes there was nothing but truimph. “We slept together. It was wrong, I know, but I just wanted to let you know what sort of a guy you're in a relationship with, and so you don't believe him if he comes here and tells you that nothing happened between us or that I slept on the sofa or something.” Kurt nodded slightly.
That was it. Kurt's heart was broken. Blaine broke his heart.
“I like you, Kurt. I don't want you to be involved with a liar, but if that does happen... here,” Sebastian said, giving Kurt his number. “Call me anytime to talk, or we could grab coffee or something. Whatever you want, whenever you want... I'm here for you,” he said. Kurt fought the tears.
“I think you should leave now,” he finally spoke up. Sebastian nodded and stood up at the table before being lead to the door by Kurt.
After he'd left Kurt slid down the door and cried. Cried like he'd never before... which was saying something because Kurt has had a lot to cry about.
- - - - -
“Amy! I have pizza and a movie, do you want some?” Blaine shouted through Amy's door. He'd been trying all day to get her to talk to him. He'd resorted to bribing her with food.
“Come on Ames! You can't stay mad at me forever! Nothing even happened with Sebastian! And the pizza is so cheesy and has five types of meat on it... your favourite.”
Blaine sighed and rolled his eyes. He'd suddenly lost his appetite.
“Fine. It's outside your door if you want it, I'm not hungry anymore,” he said before placing the 17 inch pizza (yes, he got a big pizza) outside of Amy's door. He knew her... she could be as mad as she wants at him but she could still eat her body weight and more.
Blaine entered his apartment and slumped on the sofa before grabbing his phone and texting Kurt.
Can we talk?
Nothing to talk about
Blaine closed his eyes and sighed.
There is SO much to talk about, Kurt. Please
Minutes passed before Kurt responded.
No one will be home for a while. Come over now and we can talk
That's all Blaine needed to know before grabbing his coat and racing over to Kurt's place.
- - - - -
Kurt thought a lot about his response before pressing the 'send' button. Did he even want to see Blaine? I mean eventually he'd have to see him in school but right now... when the wound was so open, is it really what he wanted?
He closed his eyes and pressed the send button and figured Blaine would be on his way pretty soon.
Sebastian's words played over and over in Kurt's mind...
'Don't believe him if he comes here and tells you that nothing happened between us' 'I don't want you to be involved with a liar' 'Don't believe him if he comes here and tells you that nothing happened between us' 'I don't want you to be involved with a liar'
- - - - -
Sebastian's words played over and over in Blaine's mind...
'Nothing happened last night' 'I didn't even sleep in your bed with you, I crashed on the couch' 'Make sure that you tell Kurt that.' 'Nothing happened last night' 'I didn't even sleep in your bed with you, I crashed on the couch' 'Make sure that you tell Kurt that.'
Blaine pulled up around the corner from Kurt's house, pulled his jacket hood up and ran to the door, just in case if any of the neighbours saw him. He knocked and it felt like forever before Kurt answered the door. He didn't say anything, he didn't even look at him... he just opened the door and allowed Blaine inside.
Blaine walked in and his face was met with a sharp, fast collision with Kurt's palm.
“Fuck you,” Kurt said before walking into the living room.
Blaine clenched his jaw and tried to ignore the stinging pain from the slap.
“Kurt, listen to me! Sebastian told me you came this morning and saw him there. It mustn't have looked good but I promise, it's not what you think-”
“Oh so you two didn't have sex then?” Kurt spat out.
“No! Of course we didn't!” Blaine defended, Kurt rolled his eyes.
“Then, tell me Blaine, what exactly happened last night?” Kurt asked.
“Nothing! Nothing happened last night! Me and Sebastian went to a club and I got really drunk and Sebastian helped me home! He crashed on the couch! This is all one huge misunderstanding!”
Kurt froze. Blaine said it. Sebastian said he would, and he did.
Blaine is a liar. And a cheater.
“Get out,” Kurt said, just above a whisper.
“Wh-what? Didn't you hear me?” Blaine asked. Why was Kurt still mad? He explained everything truthfully! Nothing happened!
“Didn't you hear me? I said get the fuck out of my house!” Kurt said, raising his voice. Blaine stood his ground.
“No, I won't. I want to know why you're so angry! I just told you nothing happened-”
“Yeah just like Sebastian said you would!” Kurt spat out in anger. Blaine looked confused. “Sebastian came over here this morning and explained to me exactly what happened. Sebastian doesn't even like me, Blaine but at least he gave me the respect of telling me the truth.”
“What? Sebastian told you something happened between us? No! He told me this morning that nothing did!”
“He told you? Oh, so now you weren't even there at all?” Kurt replied sarcastically.
“I was there, I just- Well, I was pretty drunk and I-”
“Oh my God,” Kurt started laughing, but not a happy laugh. It was full of pain, he may as well have been crying .“You can't even remember it, can you? YOU CHEATED ON ME AND YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING REMEMBER IT!” Kurt shouted.
Blaine was confused and hurt. Sebastian stabbed him in the back... why was he surprised? It's Sebastian, that's just who he is.
Amy hated him and wasn't talking to him and who knows if she ever will again.
But more than that... Kurt didn't believe him and Blaine might have lost him forever.
My head is spinning right now. Like I don't even know what to say. I honestly hate him. I honestly don't know why Blaine loved him in the first place. But Kurt to believe him over Blaine, I mean I understand why he would, but its just heartbreaking, Blaine just wants to love someone that loves him back with no problems, but he can't even get that. He's alone now, which breaks my heart. Thanks for the update though. I can't wait for more :)
Ohhh don't feel guilty at all! I love reading reviews and seeing how passionate the readers are about the story! Thanks for reading!! <3
I had become vested in this story, the way it was constructed and the characterizations but Blaine's stupidity and insensitivity regarding Kurt is bordering on un-redeemable. After the dirty trick of flaunting the women in Kurt's face, Kurt should have ended it then. That was just insensitive, mean and not funny. And now,even if Blaine and Sebastian didn't do anything sexual, an ex-lover needs to get a hotel room. After 36 chapters, Blaine has very little time to fix this mess that he has made. I know this sounds harsh but I HATE the character of Sebastian on "Glee" and here as well. I am already feeling guilty about this review. Please don't hate me either!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Fix it! Please! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
I dont know,Sebastian causing trouble.
Oh my god! Don't lrave it there! I cant stand blaine hurting!
I don't think they had sex. Blaine might like having his ass grabbed when he's drunk, but I think, somewhere in his head, he wouldn't go that far. Drunk or not, he knew that sleeping with Sebastian was going too far. I love that you updated so soon. I'm nervous though. I want to know if Kurt is going to find out the truth. Oh my gosh...what if Blaine did sleep with him. My head cant take all these scenarios.
Nah I don't think they had sex. At least I hope not...Then again it is Sebastian. AGH IDK!!!
WHYYYYYYYYYY?????????? I'm sobbing!!!!!!!! asdfghjklasdfgjhklljxs
I really love this story but by the end I actually felt a few tears stream down my face. Although, I've a feeling Sebastian is lying about sleeping with Blaine because he's jealous that Blaine is in love with Kurt and how he didn't just fall back into his arms when he came knocking on Blaine's door. Love this story, looking forward to the next chapter hopefully I won't cry next time. I know it's probably silly but I can't help it this story just feels so real.
oh my god. haha this story is so good but I seriously want to punch it right in the face haha. i am completely mind-fucked right now lol
ioeathiao KURT BLAINE OMG Make up :( You're really good, btw. <3xJessx
oh please....when the next chapter will come out?I'm really curious right now....they don't break up right?please....I love your story
Wow....just finished reading...can't wait for an update! :)
I think Blaine is telling the truth but Kurt obviously does not care enough if he is going to take a stranger's words over someone he supposedly loves!
If they had sex I will hunt you down and I will kill you :) Don't be mean, poor Kurt :((
My heart is in bits... I can't, I just can't...
Please update soon!This story is way to sad!KLAINE WILL SURVIVE, right?
I hate Sebatian in all universes. What a bastard!!!!
Sebastian IS an asshole he is eveil I hate him. I hope they didn't have sex. Please tell me they didn't.