It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Plenty Of Time

E - Words: 1,811 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
7,911 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Say hellooooo to my new BETA 'Aurora' (sorry I couldn't remember your penname!)
“Can you believe it?! We're finally seniors. It's here, the day has finally arrived” Mercedes says and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Yes! Finally, a whole year of AP classes and senior lunch with the slightly less cold fries” he replied sarcastically to his best friend's excitement.

“What's up your ass? We're seniors!” she emphasised, Kurt nodded.

“I know, I know and I know that I should be excited's just another year in school with Karofsky and all the other straight guys” Kurt sighed, upset that he's still the only openly gay kid in school and is yet to have a boyfriend or a real first kiss.

“but it's one year closer to New York” Rachel said, suddenly standing next to him, attached at the hand to Finn.

“one year closer to New York” Kurt repeats as a smile grows on his face.

“WELCOME BACK GLEENIORS!” they heard as 4 slushies of multiple colours and flavours were thrown right in their faces. They stayed stunned in silence with their eyes clenched shut and the icey substance dripping down their faces.

“just another year in school” Kurt said with a sigh as he, Mercedes and Rachel ran into the girls bathroom and Finn went into the boys. They washed each other off and were clean by the time the first bell rang, “thank God none of it got on my new sweater, it's Calvin Klein” he said as he smoothed down the soft pale blue item he was wearing, “I offered to get one for Finn but he is simply too attached to his bubble body-warmer abomination” Kurt informed the girls, they both laughed.

The first bell rang and they all sighed, “English” Mercedes stated, Kurt nodded, “same, you?” he asked Rachel and Finn, “Math” they both responded. With a smile and a wave, they separated into their classes. Mercedes and Kurt walked into English and were the first ones there, “let's sit here!” Kurt said, picking the two seats in the back off to the right corner. They both sat down and fellow seniors started to pile into the classroom.

“hey, did you hear about Mrs Winter?” Mercedes asked, Kurt sat forward and placed his head on his hand.

“ooh, no, what?” he asked, suddenly very curious to be filled in on the gossip.

“apparently she had a nervous breakdown and jumped out of a window! So we have a new teacher” Kurt gasped.

“a window? Is she okay?” he asked, Mercedes shrugged as the door shut and they seen the back of a head. It was a man who had short dark hair, gelled back, however Kurt could see some curls on the back of his neck. The man, who Kurt guessed was the new teacher walked over to the board and started to write something.

“right! Hello class! My name is Mr. Anderson and I'm your new english teacher” he said, finally turning around to face the class. When he did, Kurt's mouth hung open. He was the most beautiful man he had ever seen. He had dark rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, threatening to slide down any second. His hair was way too gelled but suited him a lot and made him look very dapper indeed. He had a crisp white shirt on with a coral blue bow-tie on and a grey suit with black converse on. Something Kurt wouldn't normally recommend, but on him, it looked amazing. He had olive skin and looked very italian but Kurt could tell he wasn't.

“close your mouth” Mercedes whispered to Kurt, forgetting he had his mouth open at all. He closed his mouth and attempted to swallow but his mouth was suddenly dry at the sight of this man.

“he is amazing” Kurt responded with a laugh, Mercedes nodded.

Kurt continued to study this man's beautifully carved face. He had slightly stubble on his chin and still looked very young – more like a TA than an actual teacher. And there was something very familiar about him that Kurt just couldn't put his finger on. If he had seen this man before, Kurt would have remembered!

“so before we start with the boring stuff, let me tell you about myself. Um...I just graduated from Harvard, yeah I know it's a kind of snobbish school but trust me, I'm not a snob” he laughed a little and flashed an incredible smile, “I have a degree in english, obviously, and a degree in psychology. I'm 24 years old love to sing” he smiled again, “oh, and the rules of the school is that you have to call me by my second name but Mr. A is cool if you want, but if it was up to me, you guys would just call me by my first name, Blaine” he laughed again.

“oh my God” Kurt said, a little loud. Mr Anderson looked over at him and Kurt dropped his head after seeing that Mr Anderson was confused a little by Kurt's little outburst.

“what?” Mercedes asked, Kurt shot daggers at her.

“i'll tell you later” he replied, she held her hands up in defence and dropped the matter. Kurt slumped into his chair.

It's Blaine! Kurt's He's not sure but he remembers him strongly and how much Kurt cared for Blaine, although he hadn't seen him in...eight years? Is that right?

“so...our first assignment is on Romeo and Juliet but like, I know assignments suck ass okay?” Mr Anderson said, the class laughed considering teachers weren't really supposed to talk like that but for some reason, it was okay when he did it, “so just like, get the book and read it and we'll kill as much time as we can by going through the book together in class until the sad time comes when we desperately need to do the assignment, cool?” he asked, the students nodded and there were a few 'yeah's from them. Mr Anderson smiled at them. “and obviously no one has the book right now because I just told you about it so you guys can kind of just...chill for this lesson...or leave, you know, whatever but make sure you have it for next lesson. I'm a cool teacher but I will give you detention if you don't do what I say because you know, after all, I am a teacher” he laughed and smiled, “okay...bye” he said as the students ran out of the classroom except for Kurt and Mercedes who took their time.

“you coming?” Mercedes asked, Kurt picked up his bag, “um...yeah” Kurt replied, running out of class, hiding his face from Bla- Mr Anderson.

“what was that about in there?” Mercedes asked, Kurt started to laugh.

“you are not going to believe it, if I tell you!” Kurt said, Mercedes rolled her eyes, “try me” she replied, Kurt took a deep breathe.

“Mr Anderson? He used to babysit me” Kurt told her, Mercedes shrugged, “so...?” she asked, clearly missing what the big deal here was.

“I was in love with him, like head over heels in love! He is the reason I realised I'm gay!” Kurt said, Mercedes started to laugh.

“kurt, you were like, what? 8? Everyone loves everyone when they're 8! I mean, boys still think girls have cooties at that age!” Mercedes laughed again.

“I'm pretty sure Finn still thinks they do...but no seriously! I was in looooovvvveeee! And now he's back and he's still so hot! I can't take his class! I have to transfer into another english!” Kurt said, starting to freak out, Mercedes shook him by the shoulders.

“Chillax! There is only one english AP, Kurt and you're in it. And, let's not forget you also took psychology AP” Mercedes reminded him, he shrugged.

“so what?” he asked, clearly missing the point.

“Mr Hotty said he also had a psychology degree. Psychology AP is a new course and there is only one new teacher so guess who's probably teaching that too?” Mercedes explained, Kurt's eyes went wide like he'd saw the ghost of his dead mother.

“good God, just kill me now! Think it's too late to transfer schools?” Kurt joked, Mercedes laughed and linked her arm with Kurt's, “don't worry Kurt, I got your back” Mercedes said.

“thanks, sweetie” he said, “no really, don't look back because Mr Hotty is like, right behind us, turn left, turn left!” Mercedes said and they did as they watched Blai- Mr Anderson walk right past them, his head buried in a sheet of paper which was probably his class schedule.

“I am going to die” Kurt sighed as he fell back on one of the lockers.

“hey pretty boy! Move! You're getting AIDS all over my locker” Karofsky shouted from down the hall, Kurt rolled his eyes.

“oh this is your locker? Then don't worry, it probably already has AIDS” Kurt soon realised that that was the wrong thing to say when he felt the sharp pain of the cool hard lockers against his back.

“HEY!” He heard, he opened his eyes slowly, “what the hell do you think you're doing?!” Mr Anderson shouted to Karofsky, “What's your name?” he asked.

“Karofsky” Karofsky replied gruffly.

“Well congratulations Karofsky” Mr Anderson said, spitting out his name, “it's only my first day and I already know you're an asshole. You better hope you're not in any of my classes, buddy!” Mr Anderson said, pushing his hand on the front of Karofsky's chest. It was quite a sight to see, as Blaine was quite short and Karofsky...well...wasn't. He towered over him, but with the confidence and authority Blaine held, he may as well have been 7 foot tall, “now get out of here!” He ordered and Karofsky did, after shoving his hand into a locker next to Kurt's face, making him wince.

“Are you okay?” Mr Anderson asked, Kurt nodded whilst trying to hide his face from Blaine and shuffled away quickly with Mercedes.

Blaine watched as Kurt ran away from him and admired the boys courage. He was smaller than the huge jerk ass who was beating on him but he didn't back down or cry or anything. He was strong...for now. But Blaine had been there and he knows what it's like to be broken down slowly each day by bullies and he wasn't about to let that happen to one of his students while he stood there and watched. He wasn't going to be like one of his teachers, he was going to make a difference. He was going to help.

A thought that Blaine was trying to push out of his mind was however much the boy was in pain, he looked...stunningly beautiful. He had delicate features and looked very feminine. His hair was perfectly quaffed and his outfit was...fearless to say the least. His pale skin, dark hair and bright blue eyes, little of what Blaine saw of them, reminded him of someone but he didn't know who.

Well, its only the first day of school, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to figure it out, Blaine thought, yep...plenty of time.

End Notes: Plenty of time? I'm not too sure...


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I could both hear and see Kurt saying, "Oh my God." Perfect reaction.

Oh god I'm loving this story aksdkfklsdf

another great chapter

Turn left, turn left! oh my God. I was seriously crying from laughing! At first I was hesitant to read this since it's not usually what I go for. But I am so glad I gave it a chance. It is amazing so far

well kurt crush returns

Aww Blaine helped him. greta chapter :)