Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Tonight? Why would there be?” he smirked at her. She rolled her eyes playfully, causing them both to laugh.
“It's your one month anniversary with,” she looked around to see if anyone could hear their conversation and then lowered her voice. “Blaine.” Kurt smiled.
He did that a lot lately. He was smiling all the time, and when someone mentioned Blaine's name, his smile got that tiny bit bigger... if possible.
“Oh right! My one month anniversary with my beautiful, gorgeous, amazing, talented boyfriend.” Kurt smiled and Mercedes could practically see the little hearts in his eyes. “I mean, seriously! Have you heard-”
“Him sing? No Kurt, but you've told me how amazing he is a few hundred times... I get it,” Mercedes joked. Kurt blushed.
“I'm sorry, do I really talk about him that much?” he asked her. She smiled.
“Yeah you do,” she laughed. “But I haven't seen you this happy in a long time, Kurt and if Blaine is the one that makes you happy... then I'm happy too.” She squeezed his hand and Kurt pulled her in for a tight hug. “I love you,” she whispered to him.
“I love you too,” he replied.
When they pulled away they both had a slight tear in their eye which caused them to laugh... a lot. Hysterical, belly-roll laughter.
“Hey what are you two laughing at? You better hurry up, you're gonna be late for my class,” Blaine said, coming behind them. Kurt smiled wide at Blaine and he laughed a little. “Hi,” Blaine breathed out. After all this time, Kurt was still the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen and still took his breath away... literally.
“Hi,” Kurt responded.
“What's up lady boy!” Karofsky shouted, walking past Kurt. He'd learned to ignore the passing comments from Dave, but Blaine... well, Blaine hadn't.
“Man I'd love to punch that kid,” Blaine said through gritted teeth.
“Stop it! You are not getting fired because of him,” Kurt warned. Blaine nodded and let out a huge breath.
“Oh, and happy one month,” Blaine whispered. Kurt smiled again.
“You too.”
“Anderson! Come here!” Sue shouted from down the corridor. Blaine turned around and put his index finger up, meaning one minute. “Not one minute! NOW!” Sue shouted. Blaine rolled his eyes to Kurt and Mercedes.
“Don't worry guys, Shakespeare is hard! We'll get through it together. See you in class,” Blaine said a little louder than necessary so Sue could overhear him 'teaching' them. He then turned on his heel and followed Sue.
“So do you have anything planned for tonight?” Mercedes asked. Kurt stopped and turned towards her.
“Okay yes I do but it's something like, really big,” he confessed. Mercedes' eyes widened, knowing he could only be talking about one thing. “Mercedes... tonight I'm going to lose my virginity to Blaine.”
“Do you have condoms?” she asked. Kurt was a little taken back... he thought she'd have something to say about his decision like 'Kurt are you sure you're ready for this?' or 'You've only been dating a month! Don't be jumping into anything! Especially not the sack!'
“U-um...no but-”
“Well you need them,” she informed him. He nodded. “What about lube?” she asked.
“I-I... n-no,” Kurt stuttered.
“You expect to do this dry? It's gonna hurt like hell either way but lube takes some of the edge off,” she told him.
“How do you know all this? Are you secretly a gay man or something?” he asked her.
“Well... when you and Blaine seemed to be getting serious... I... um...” Kurt's eyes widened.
“You googled it! Aww, you Googled it,” Kurt was touched.
“No I didn't!” she fought.
“You totally Googled it!” She rolled her eyes.
“Fine, I Googled it, okay? I wanted to be prepared so you could be prepared.” He smiled at her and they hugged again.
Maybe she wasn't 100% sure about their relationship... but she was trying and that meant a lot to Kurt.
- - - - -
That night at 7pm Kurt and Blaine were sitting on Blaine's sofa with a tub of ice cream and curled up against each other.
“So... I know we said we weren't getting presents but...” Kurt pulled out a small box and handed it to Blaine.
“Kurt,” Blaine protested but Kurt held his hands up. Blaine rolled his eyes and opened the box. A small piece of silver shone at him and he was speechless.
“D-do you like it? It's a tie pin that says 'Worlds best teacher' on it and then... if you flip it over it says-”
“World's best boyfriend.” Blaine smiled and laughed a little. “Clever,” he commented. Kurt smiled back at him. “It's beautiful... seriously, thank you,” he said, kissing Kurt gently on the lips. “Aaaaaand... I kinda cheated too.” He smiled and pulled out a slightly bigger box with two of Kurt's favourite words on it. 'Alexander McQueen.'
Kurt's mouth dropped open and he shoved the box back at the Blaine.
“No. Thank you so much but no, I'm not accepting this, I know how expensive his stuff is.”
“Oh shut up and just open it,” Blaine said, shoving the box back at Kurt. Kurt blushed a little but really couldn't take the suspense anymore. He slowly opened the box and pulled back the paper to reveal the most amazing shirt he'd ever seen in his life! It was a crisp white shirt with a detailed grey and blue collar with a kind of moth print on it, same on the sleeves.
“This is... wow,” Kurt stammered. Blaine laughed.
“So you like it?” he asked. Kurt stared at him.
“Like it? Are you kidding?! I LOVE it! It's beautiful and amazing... just like the guy who gave it to me,” Kurt smiled, causing Blaine to blush a little.
No more words were spoken. They just stared at each other in complete silence and put their gifts to the side.
“Happy anniversary, Kurt,” Blaine whispered.
“Happy anniversary, Blaine.”
It was silent... for a while. They were perfectly content in just being with each other until Kurt took a deep breath and leaned in to whisper into Blaine's ear.
“I want you... tonight.” He kissed Blaine's temple and pulled away to look at Blaine's face. Blaine was in shock.
"Are you sure...?"
"I am completely positive."
Really?! You leave it there?! I am very happy that Mercedes is trying and being happy for Kurt.
Kurt you're so cleverr xD Love this :)
They gonna do it...!!!! :D I just love Mercedes so much though! I think their friendship should be brought back on Glee...
I was desperately looking for the next chapter and it wasn't there ;( amazing as always!
dgjfkh clifhangerrrr. great chapter!
I liked it except for one thing: It ended at a very cruel place! :-p
Ohmygod, there's finally a teacher-student fic I actually like. And Amy, the OC, she's me. I had so much fun reading this! Can't wait for an update!
such a cute chapter and a cute story!!!
DAMN. This story has reduced me into a hot mess, what with all the sexual happenings! I've always had a teacher kink though, so.. er.. That's probably a big part of it, along with the HOT DAMN-ness between Kurt and Blaine! Guh! Looking forward to the next part!
oh my god this awesome!!!
I like this so much! I can definitely understand Kurt's attraction to a teacher! Haha.
another great chapter
i had a feeling it wasnt in this chapter.cute chapter
Awww that was sooo cute. I loved it. And I love that Mercedes is so excepting now.
yay one moth