It's Frowned Upon
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It's Frowned Upon: Found his Answer

E - Words: 947 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
5,148 0 14 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry that this is only a short one guys, but I hope you like it! :D All your reviews are amazing! Keep 'em coming, I loooveee them!
Kurt walked into English class bright and early on Monday morning and looked over at the desk. It was empty. No coat. No bag. No thermos full of coffee.

Where was Blaine?

Kurt was very confused but decided to shake it off, after all he was meant to be mad at Blaine so he shouldn't care that much if he wasn't there yet.

However, when Kurt took his seat, he couldnt help but wonder where Blaine was as everyone else started piling into the room.

“Where is he?” Mercedes leaned over and asked Kurt, who snapped out of his daze and shrugged.

“I don't know, I haven't seen him all weekend,” Kurt answered truthfully. Mercedes nodded and they talked about little things until the class was half way over.

Still no Blaine.

Suddenly the door flew open and Kurt almost broke his neck at the speed he turned to look. But it wasn't Blaine... it was Principal Figgins.

“Quiet down, children,” he started. Everyone eventually silenced. “I have some important news to deliver. Your teacher, Mr. Anderson will not be in school today, he was in a car accident early this morning. Apparently it was pretty bad so we're waiting for news. We'll inform you if we hear anything.”

Kurt's chest tightened. He could feel the stinging sensation of tears behind his eyes and he was blinking very fast.

“Kurt?” Mercedes sounded worried about him. He ignored her, he could barely hear her over the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. He was starting to sweat and panic.

He couldn't breathe.

Blaine might be lying in a hospital bed dying right now and he was just meant to sit there and wait?

He felt water hit his face.

“Dude, I've been telling you for the last 30 minutes to get up!” Finn shouted after throwing the glass of water over Kurt's face. Kurt looked around. He wasn't in school. He was at home, in bed, in his pajamas.

“FINN! WHAT DAY IS IT?!” Kurt shouted at the top of his lungs. He'd kill him for the water later.

“It's Sunday, why?” Finn answered. Kurt shot up, still sweating all over his body from his nightmare. He didn't even bother getting dressed before running upstairs and out the door.

“I'M GOING TO MERCEDES' HOUSE,” he screamed before running to his car. He sped all the way over to Blaine's building and bolted up the stairs to 247. The elevator just wasn't quick enough! He slammed his fist against the door multiple times.

“Kur-” Blaine started before Kurt attacked him with passionate kiss and a hug strong enough to suffocate him. Blaine was shocked when it was over. “What's going on?” he asked. Kurt didn't answer and simply just kissed him again. And again. And again.

“You're okay,” Kurt stated. Blaine nodded slowly, not really understanding what Kurt meant.

“Um... yep, I'm fine,” Blaine answered. Kurt smiled wide and just stared at Blaine's face, trying to memorize everything about it.

“Seriously, what's going on? Are you mad at me still? Or...?” Blaine asked.

“I think I can tell you what's going on, Blaine,” Amy said, walking in from another room and smiling at them both. “I think Kurt's found his answer.” Kurt laughed a little.

“Answer? What answer? Okay, I'm officially confused.”

“Kurt'll explain it. I'll leave you guys alone,” Amy annoucned before leaving and closing the door. Kurt sighed.

“On Friday, after... well... you know, Amy and I talked about us and she invited her friend over who had a crush on her teacher when she was in college and they both really helped me figure this out,” he started. Blaine nodded. “Yeah, sure I was mad at you for the thing with the college girls but... it was about more than that... my anger was about me not being sure that this was worth it.” Blaine stared at him with his full brown eyes.

“I was confused and it seemed like it was all too much, you know? I mean, I tell Mercedes everything about my life and when I told her about us... I felt like I was being judged and I've never felt like that from her so if she acts like that, what's everyone else going to act like when they find out? I didn't know if I could deal with that.” Blaine nodded and Kurt took a deep breath.

“So Amy's friend, Alissa asked me a question, one that I really had to think about.”

“What did she ask?” Blaine wondered. Kurt closed his eyes... he knew that Blaine would ask that question.

“She asked if I could live without you. And honestly, my answer was 'I don't know'.” Blaine looked down. “But I had a dream last night and it scared me a hell of a lot and when I woke up... all I wanted was you.” Kurt's eyes filled with tears. “And that's when I knew my answer... yeah, I can live without you but... I don't want to.” Kurt finished and stared into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine swallowed and stared back. “Wh-what was your dream about?” he asked. Kurt closed his eyes.

“It was Monday and you didn't show up for class, then Figgins came in and told us that you were in a bad car accident and it felt like my whole world was falling apart around me, and then I woke up and came straight here,” Kurt told him. Blaine smiled.

“That explains the outfit then,” Blaine joked. Kurt laughed and nodded. Blaine's hands travelled down Kurt's arms and held both of his hands. “I'm sorry about the girls. And you don't have to live without me... I'm not going anywhere.” Kurt smiled and tears fell from his eyes.

“So... are we okay?” Kurt asked, playing with Blaine's fingers in between his. Blaine nodded.

“We're perfect,” he answered before kissing Kurt.

End Notes: N'aww! So i know all of you wanted Kurt and Blaine to be okay right after the argument but this needed to happen to make Kurt realise that they're right for each other. Hopeefulllyyy there's gonna be some smutttttt in the next one so stay tuned!


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Aww this chapter. The nightmare scared me so much. I was beginning to feel like Kurt. His answer, "I don't want to" swells my heart with so much joy. Oh these two will be the death of me.


I am happy and content once again :D

*sniffle* what a perfect sendoff to MY dreamland! Goodnight, and thank you! :)


guh absolute perfection

this chapter reduced me to a pathetic knot of was worth it

It took me forever to figure thatwas adream.great chapter

Yessss Thank You I couldn't take them being mad. And I thought the accident was real I was like NOOOOOOOOO lol

yay there back together

I really enjoy the romantic parts of the story and young love is so very difficult and being gay and in love is a lot harder than most people know because of the lack of acceptance in the world but to find a love story between two people who are so completely right for each other is amazing and LOVE IS LOVE and is beautiful when it happens for anyone.