It's Frowned Upon
Just A Lesson Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Just A Lesson

E - Words: 2,772 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
5,921 0 14 0 0

Author's Notes: So it's a long one guys and believe me you will NOT be disappointed! It's a smut one, yes, finally! Once again you have the amazing 'The Siren' to thank for this lovely bit of smut :D Hope you like it! Leave lovely reviews for her! And you're all so amazing with your reviews, I read them all!
"Kurt," Blaine said in shock when he opened his apartment door on Friday. "I didn't expect you to still come tonight," Blaine confessed. After what happened on Wednesday Kurt hadn't spoken to him. He'd ignored every text Blaine sent and hung up on every call.

"First thing's first," Kurt said, barging his way into the apartment. He raised his hand and collided it hard with Blaine's cheek in a loud slap. Blaine clutched his cheek.


"That was for being a complete and utter ass! And it was also to tell you that I don't forgive you yet." Kurt explained.

Blaine's cheek still stung like a motherfucker but he was trying to ignore the pain and focus on Kurt.

"Well if you don't forgive me then... why are you here? I mean, it's not like I don't love you being here and all, it's just that I didn't think you'd still want to go out," Blaine told Kurt, who scoffed in response.

"I don't want to go out. I don't even want to be here, but after all you are my teacher and I want to learn," Kurt announced. Blaine was confused.

"So you want to do... English? Or... Psychology?" Kurt rolled his eyes.

"No Blaine, you said you'd teach me about sex. Now I want to learn how to give a blowjob." Blaine had to almost pick his jaw up from the floor.

"Um... okay then but as I remember... you did pretty fine in that department." Blaine smiled slightly, thinking back to when Kurt gave him head in his classroom. Damn. That really happened!

"No. I didn't know what I was doing. I want to learn, so are you going to teach me or what?" Kurt asked, being very short towards Blaine. Blaine sighed and nodded slowly.

“Good,” Kurt said, ramming his lips onto Blaine's in a forceful kiss. Forceful... but with no emotion whatsoever. Blaine put his hands on Kurt's chest and pushed him away gently.

“Kurt... are you sure, I mean-”

“Teach. Me. Now.” Kurt said, eyes dark. Blaine gulped and felt slightly intimidated and nodded once again.

"S-so... uh, how did you want to do this?" Blaine asked as he did his best not to feel uncomfortable in his own apartment.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" Kurt asked in a clipped tone. He unravelled his black and grey scarf from around his neck and gave Blaine a sly smirk as he made his way to the couch, boots thudding softly on the hard wood floors.

"I just didn't know how you wanted to be, figured I'd give you the option of being comfortable." Blaine said, doing his best not to sound as pissed off as he was slowly getting. Kurt rolled his eyes though, and that was the last straw. If Kurt didn't want to accept his apology, fine, but he didn't have to act like a little shit just cause Blaine's sense of humour wasn't the brand the younger male was used to.

So, with a haughty look shining in his eyes, he took on the role his age gave him the upper hand in: the dominant adult. "Perhaps though, since you don't appreciate my giving you the choice, I should treat you like the disobedient little prick you're acting like and just give you a lesson you won't forget." Blaine all but growled, grabbing Kurt by the wrist and spinning him around, pushing down on the boy's shoulders with his free hand. Kurt's knees thudded slightly against the hard wood floor.


"You wanted a lesson. You'll call me Mr. Anderson unless instructed otherwise," Blaine said, the sentence sending a rush through both of them. Blaine smirked when Kurt shivered a little as the jolt rocketed through his spine. "Couch. Now." Blaine said. Kurt picked himself up off the floor quickly to make his way over as Blaine followed leisurely behind him, laying against one end of the couch and nodding for Kurt to get between his legs, which the brunette did quickly, their lips meeting shortly after their chests did.

Kurt moaned briefly when Blaine's tongue was quick to brush over Kurt's soft lips, his mouth opening quickly after so that his own could tangle with his teacher's. It was hot, and intense, but it lacked any passion or basic emotion other than pure lust.

Right, Blaine thought with an internal grimace, because this isn't anything but a 'lesson' to him.

He did his best to push that thought from his mind as Kurt moaned again and rutted down against Blaine's jeans. Kurt's usual skinny jeans --white ones adorning his perfect legs today-- not leaving much to the imagination as the boy writhed on top of him. Blaine didn't know how Kurt could wear those pants every day. But that wasn't part of the lesson, so with a smirk Blaine brought his hand down hard on Kurt's ass, making him yelp and pull away from the wet kiss. "Who's supposed to be getting off here?" Blaine asked with an arched eyebrow and rolled his hips up as if to emphasize his point.

Kurt's eyes seemed to focus as he said this and he nodded briefly before slinking down so that he was further down on the couch, bent slightly as he reached to get Blaine's pants off. Blaine tried his best not to notice how god damned amazing Kurt looked with his ass up in the air like that as he unbuttoned and unzipped Blaine's pants... with his teeth.

God fucking damn it all, Blaine thought as he felt his cock twitch when Kurt looked up at him through full lashes with the scrap of material still between his teeth.

"Wanna help me out here a little Mr. Anderson?" Kurt said with that smart ass tone, obviously still only interested in the 'lesson'.

He did his best to hold back a glare as he shimmied his pants and briefs down to just below his knees, Kurt looking taken back as Blaine's fully hard cock was once again in the younger male's sights. Blaine couldn't help but grin. "You gonna stare at it or are you just waiting for me to give you instructions?" he questioned, earning an icy glare from Kurt that somehow only made his grin widen, faltering only momentarily when Kurt took hold at the base of his dick.

Kurt pumped Blaine a few times before finding a good position to settle into, deciding that having his ass up in the air worked best and, at a quick glance, seemed to get Blaine's attention just fine. He did his best not to think too much as he licked his lips unconsciously; tried not to think how pissed he was at Blaine for that little stunt, how much easier it would be just to forgive him and cuddle for the day, how much he was probably going to regret doing this with no emotion, and especially how quickly this could go down hill if he pushed Blaine too far in this. 'Cause he knew, God did he know, that one look, one word, one grunt that was taken the wrong way could make either one of them say something they'd regret even more than this.

Not exactly the time for that though, Kurt thought as he teasingly licked the tip of Blaine's cock, the muscle hard, hot, and throbbing in his hand as he licked the head and then moved to the shaft. His tongue flattened as he slowly dragged it up from base to tip while Blaine let his head fall back as Kurt repeated the action before he engulfed the head of his cock into his hot mouth.

"So far so good," Blaine murmured and did his best to keep his hips from thrusting up into Kurt's mouth as the boy continued to simply suck on the tip. "But uh, why don't we see what else you can do hmm?" he said and let one of his hands slide around the back of Kurt's neck as he guided his mouth further down his hardened length. Kurt did a good job of not gagging or letting Blaine know exactly how much this was turning him on.

Blaine let up on his pushing and soon let Kurt do it alone, doing just fine solo as he bobbed his head up and down at different paces to gauge what really got to Blaine, a speed just in the middle doing best. As he kept up the movement he made sure to work his tongue and tried to figure out exactly when to suck without the action slowing down his movements, finding a balance somewhere that had his teacher moaning out for more. He was about to reach up and stroke what he couldn't take in his mouth when Blaine stopped him. Kurt looked up at Blaine questioningly, ready to ask 'why not' when Blaine held his head down so that his mouth remained on his cock.

"No hands, not this time. We're gonna see what you can do with just your mouth." he said with a stern look that, though he'd never admit it while still upset with Blaine, turned Kurt on a little more. "Now, do you think you could take the rest of me in your mouth?" Blaine questioned and nearly choked Kurt on his cock when the boy tried to pull away to answer. "No talking. Nod or shake your head." Blaine muttered as he did his best not to moan at the nearly fearful look in Kurt's eyes.

Kurt shook his head no.

"Well we'll have to change that." Blaine said and took his hand off of Kurt's head. Kurt pulled up defiantly, coughing lightly as he regained his composure a little. "You ready?" Blaine asked, his expression that of boredom. Kurt did his best not to glare as the phrase 'two can play at this game' crossed through his mind. He nodded and Blaine simply grinned a little before Kurt took his position back between Blaine's legs, readily taking the older mans cock into his mouth without hesitation. A moment or two passed before Blaine finally spoke again, a reassuring hand cupped behind Kurt's head as he gave instruction.

"Okay, now take a deep breath, good, now go down slowly as you exhale and remember to breath through your nose." Blaine said and moaned out in satisfaction as Kurt successfully went down completely on Blaine's stiff member. "Fuck yes, just like that." Blaine moaned out with a shaky breath.

If Kurt weren't already rock hard in his skinny jeans, he would've been now. After successfully deep throating Blaine once, just once, he easily did it again... and again, and again, and Blaine's moans were not lost on deaf ears as he let them loose and writhed around on the couch like a back-ally whore. Kurt was actually quite surprised at how easily deep throating was; he'd always thought it was a skill when really it was just a state of being calm and he wondered briefly if he was somehow a slut for loving to do it. It was only a few more minutes of him doing that that Blaine stopped him with a reluctant groan escaping his lips as he lifted Kurt off his cock by his chin.

"A-alright I think that... that you got that part down." Blaine said in a shaky tone, more than happy that he was laying down for this.

"What next?" Kurt asked, doing his best to keep his expression dull as he grabbed hold of Blaine's cock and began to stroke it lazily.

"Finish getting me off. Like I said earlier, you seem more than experienced at sucking cock," the dark haired male said as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation Kurt's soft hands sent through him as he pumped his cock up and down, twisting his wrist every now and again.

"Well if I'm so good at it and we now both know it, why should I finish getting you off?" Kurt asked with an arched eyebrow as he continued to eye Blaine's cock and keep his gaze far away from meeting with hazel eyes.

Son of a bitch, Blaine thought as he stared in confused anger at the boy between his legs.

The way Kurt was being right now, the term 'common courtesy' would be lost on him so, he figured he'd play the roll he got a job with and let a slow smirk over take his features. "Cause, I'm your teacher and I know that you'd hate to fail this assignment." Blaine said and thrusted his hips up to emphasize his point. Kurt gave him a 'really, this clich�?' look but still readily took Blaine's cock back into his mouth.

God damn it all, what was this boy born to do? Suck cock? Blaine wondered as Kurt did his 'review' work and went over everything he'd learned and-

"Ah! Fuck!" he shouted out as Kurt's teeth grazed harshly over the tip of Blaine's cock. "Uh-a... a little less with the teeth Kurt." Blaine muttered and only shouted again when Kurt did the exact opposite of what he'd requested and all but dug his teeth into the tender flesh. "God damn it! I said less teeth Kurt!" Blaine shouted and nearly smacked Kurt on the back of his head but that train of thought derailed quickly as Kurt swallowed around his cock, which was securely in the back of Kurt's throat. "Oh god..." he moaned out, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the sensation washed over him like a tidal wave; Kurt's tongue massaging against the sore skin in a surprisingly pleasant way.

Kurt chuckled a little around Blaine, the vibrations only making the older male lose more control as he got closer and closer to the edge. Even Kurt could tell as the heated flesh throbbed under every lick. "Kurt..." Blaine muttered in warning, only making Kurt roll his eyes.

Always right, Kurt thought and wondered briefly if he should try his hand at swallowing. Well... it would be part of the lesson.

So he pushed on, ignoring when Blaine tapped his rising and falling chin and just kept thinking to breathe. Just breathe through your nose and keep calm. He was still surprised though when, after a very loud and very arousing moan, Blaine did shoot off in his mouth, the taste overwhelming. But Kurt Hummel wasn't one to back off from something he'd taken it upon himself to complete so, with a calming breath, he started to swallow down what was already built up in his mouth, more spurts of the hot, white, pleasure still going off against the roof of his mouth.

Blaine felt like he'd gone straight to heaven as Kurt swallowed his hot seed, the way he could just barely see the boys throat working to down his orgasm making him just a little hard again. This wasn't the time to get turned on again and, as Kurt finished swallowing down the last of Blaine's come, he knew that this... what? He couldn't really truthfully refer to it as a lesson, but he didn't know what else to call it aside from 'meaningless sex' and he knew that even though he was a little ticked at Kurt he could never think of any sexual experience with him as 'meaningless'. Not much he could do about it though as Kurt licked his lips and wiped at the corners of his mouth to make sure he hadn't missed a drop before he jerked Blaine's briefs and pants back up and stood before Blaine could say a word.

Blaine sat up, face red and breathing heavily. Was Kurt seriously just going to leave now? After all that? Blaine looked down and seen the prominent bulge in Kurt's pants and smirked.

“Want me to take care of that for you?” he asked him. Kurt shook his head and glared at Blaine.

“No.” he answered flatly. That was all Blaine could take! He stood up.

“What do I have to do? I'm sorry, Kurt! I've told you a million times! Please! It was just a joke!” Blaine shouted.

“A joke? Well you know what's really funny to me, Blaine? How much I thought you knew me but if you think that I would find that funny well then that is just downright hysterical.” Kurt spat out, anger burning in his eyes, his hands clenched into fists at his side. Blaine couldn't help but thank the Lord that he didn't make Kurt that angry when he was jerking him off... the teeth were enough, imagine that fist around his cock. Ouch. “I hope you enjoyed the lesson, Mr. Anderson,” Kurt said finally, picking up his scarf and making his way to the door.

“Kurt-” Blaine started. Kurt held up his hand and just left, leaving Blaine alone in his apartment and feeling empty inside.

End Notes: Sooooo what did you think? Hot, right?


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Very hot. But I do feel bad for Blaine. I mean, its like he's just been used. Kurt was definitely hot at the beginning (the smack? nice touch) but in the end up the chapter, I'm just like okay Kurt, poor Blainers is really sorry. Looking forward to more :)

geez that was some hot klaine action- but the end made me sad. I wish Kurt could take a breath and explain himself a bit more so Blaine won't unknowingly hurt him again. poor blainers :(

Hot!? More like ASDFGHJKLL!!!! :P Kinda saddy ending... :ยท(

...sad face at the end!! All I can see is Blaine all but being shoved out into the cold night on his own. It is a great chapter though, smut or not cause, I mean who doesn't like a little Blangst :)

Love it. adore it. Sometimes, you just need a little porn in your life. This was magnificent, well written and fun, made me smile and bite my lip. if i had a desk that was flipable it would have been the Sexually Frustrated Desk Flip meme all over my room.

I'm a little confused as to why Kurt would do that and then still be pissed off though...

Very hot. Two minor things: The penis isn't a muscle. It's the male version of our clitoris. There is a chamber on the underside of the penis that fills with blood when a man is aroused; that is what gives him an erection. The only muscle involved is the one that controls that bloodflow; believe it or not, it's tensed when the penis is limp. It is the muscle relaxing that allows the blood to flow into the chamber. Also, from what my last long-term boyfriend told me, it's nearly impossible to hurt the shaft of the penis when you're playing with it; a lot of woman are way too gentle because they're afraid they're going to hurt the guy. It's the head of the penis, and very much the foreskin if present, that's sensitive. And the testicles? HANDLE WITH CARE. Very gentle squeeze or sucking only.


That was HOT. But wthh nooooo fighting