It's Frowned Upon
Trouble Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Trouble

E - Words: 1,397 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
5,988 0 22 0 0

Author's Notes: Gets a but hot and heavy in this chapter guysssss ;)
“H-Hi,” Blaine stuttered out when it was just he and Kurt in the classroom. He lifted his hand to rub the back of his neck.

“Why are you nervous? It's just me.” Kurt shrugged, sitting at his English desk near the back.

“Because it's you, and you make me nervous. And I'm worried that... the things you found out last night have changed your mind about me.” Blaine looked away. Kurt didn't smile or move towards him. He just stayed in his seat and listened.

“I shouldn't make you nervous, Blaine... and maybe the reason I do is that...this isn't... meant to be. Have you ever thought you're nervous because you feel wron-”

“No. That thought never entered my mind because I know- I know that this is right,” Blaine interrupted. Kurt sighed. He was confused... he wanted this... or at least... he thought he did. He was happy with Blaine but then Mercedes said all of those things about not knowing Blaine, which Kurt thought was ridiculous, but then he found out exactly all the things he didn't know about Blaine last night and suddenly it was all... real.

“Well maybe- maybe... ugh, I don't even know,” Kurt groaned, running his hands through his hair. Right now he couldn't care less about his hair staying perfect – he couldn't believe he was saying this but... right now there were more important things.

“I do,” Blaine said, closing the distance between them, grabbing Kurt's hands and pulling him up so they were both standing, “I know... please let me show you everything that this could be.” Kurt finally looked at Blaine. “Let's go out,” Blaine suggested. Kurt laughed a little and rolled his eyes.

“We can't 'go out' Mr. Anderson,” Kurt reminded him. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's middle.

“Sure we can! I'll drive us somewhere... far away where no one knows us and then you can come back to my place and sleep over.” Blaine smiled and eventually Kurt did too.

“Somewhere no one knows us?” Kurt asked. Blaine nodded.

“It can just be two gays out on the town,” Blaine joked, causing a laugh and a nod from Kurt. “Is that a nod and a smile?” Blaine asked. Kurt smiled wider.

“Yes. That sounds... nice,” Kurt agreed. Blaine nodded once.

“Nice? C'mon! I'm an English teacher! We hate the word 'nice'! It's so boring!” Blaine joked. “So... tomorrow? Our day?” Blaine asked. Kurt sighed.

“I don't think my dad will let me sleep over on a school night.” Blaine smiled and looked into Kurt's eyes. “But... Friday?” Kurt suggested. Blaine nodded and kissed him delicately on the lips. When he pulled away he noticed Kurt's eyes seemed a lot darker.

“Hey, you know what I've always wanted to do...? Be bent over and fucked on a teacher's desk.” Kurt raised an eyebrow and Blaine's breath got caught in his throat.

“E-excuse me?” he asked, in disbelief at what he just heard. Kurt backed him up so the bottom of Blaine's ass was pressed against his desk.

“Come on,” Kurt started. “Let's do it. Let's do it right here, right now. I want you so bad, Blaine. Please.” Kurt started to kiss Blaine harder and with more tongue. Blaine's head was swimming and he secretly pinched his forearm to check he wasn't having one of those dreams... strangely enough... he wasn't! “No, Kurt. We can't. It needs to be special... not like this.” Blaine tried to stop him but Kurt's mouth travelled down Blaine's jaw and neck to suck on his collar bone.

“You're saying no?” Kurt asked, pulling away slightly but close enough to Blaine's face so their noses were still touching. “You're saying no to bending me over...” Kurt's eyes searched Blaine's and he moved his hand to Blaine's erection, feeling him grow by each word Kurt said. “Getting so hard that it's hardly bearable.” Blaine's breathing started to get heavier. “Being... inside me. Feeling how every muscle in my body works, knowing that I am in your complete control.” Kurt started to rub Blaine's already hard cock. “And fuck me senseless until I'm screaming your name in pure ecstasy?” kurt finished. Blaine grabbed his face and kissed him hard.

Kurt pulled away and smirked. He attached his lips to Blaine's ear and sucked the lobe in between his teeth, nibbling on it slightly.

“Remember yesterday?” Kurt whispered. Blaine shuddered at the feeling of Kurt's breath on his ear and neck. He couldn't form an intellectual answer so instead just nodded. “When I said 'it's on'?” Kurt growled. “This was what I was talking about,” he finished, grabbing his bag and pulling away completely. Blaine's mouth was hung open in shock and his eyebrows shot to his hairline. Kurt laughed at Blaine's appearance... leaning against his desk, visibly rock hard through his thin black work pants, sweating, panting and begging for more.

“You knew what you got yourself into Anderson,” Kurt smirked. “I'm trouble.” He winked and left the classroom. Blaine still couldn't quite comprehend what just happened between them.

- - - - -

“I hate him!” Blaine complained, walking into his apartment.

“Who?” Amy asked, coming out of the kitchen with a box of cereal.

“Kurt!” Blaine answered, slamming his bag on the counter.

“You hate him already? What's it been... a week?” she asked, shoving a handful of lucky charms in her mouth. Blaine rolled his eyes.

“Well... I don't actually hate him,” he confessed. “But, just guess what he did!”

“He got you all aroused, saying how much he wanted to be fucked on your desk and just when things were getting hot, he bailed?” she asked. Blaine stopped dead in his tracks and stared at her like she'd grown an extra head.

“That. Is. Scary. How do you know that?” he asked. She stuffed another handful of cereal in her mouth.

“Oh, it was my idea.” She nodded and Blaine's eyes went wide.

What?!” She nodded again.

“Yeah, well he text me earlier today and asked how he should get you back, so I suggested that,” she explained.

“I can't believe you! Well, now you're going to have to help me.” Amy shook her head.

“Nuh-uh. No way. I am not jerking you off!” Amy fought. Blaine gave her a confused look and held his hands up.

“God, no! Amy, not that! I meant, you have to help me get Kurt back now.” Amy shook her head again.

“Sorry, I can't. I already pledged my loyalty to one gay.”

“Yes! And that one gay should be me! You're my best friend!” Blaine argued. Amy shrugged.

“Yeah, but he asked me first,” she explained and shrugged once more. Blaine's face went straight.

“Well if you're going to insist on eating my food still, then at least eat something I don't like, like celery!” Amy's face scrunched up in disgust.

“Celery? Oh, ew, no. That's like edible water.” Blaine rolled his eyes.

“No, actually ice is edible water, dumbass,” he replied. This time it was Amy's turn to roll her eyes.

“Wow, sorry Professor. Just because you got schooled by a virgin, don't go shooting the messenger.” Blaine stared at her.

“I'm going to take a shower,” Blaine announced and made his way towards the bathroom.

“You going to make some of your own conditioner?” she joked. Blaine turned around and stared at her with a confused expression. “Get it? Because conditioner is white?”

“Oh, ew, Amy! You're gross!” Blaine said, but he was agreeing with her in his head. He was most definitely going to make his own conditioner... twice.

“P.S. shampoo makes for a great lube!” she shouted into the bathroom. Blaine rolled his eyes before picking up the shampoo bottle.

“Huh,” he said to himself.

- - - - -

“It was awesome! He was just standing there, gagging for it! And then I was like.... NO! It was the single most amazing moment of my entire life,” Kurt joked to Mercedes. She laughed.

“Isn't that a little cruel?” she asked. He shook his head.

“It was hysterical, Cedes! You should have been there!” Kurt said and then they stared at each other. It would have actually been quite weird if she was there just... watching them.

“Aren't you worried now?” she asked, laughing and licking some Nutella from a spoon. Kurt's tamed brows knitted together.

“Worried? Why?”

“In case Blaine gets you back? I mean, if this Amy girl helped you out like that, imagine what kind of help she's going to give her best friend? Seriously, Kurt. You're totally fucked,” she joked. Kurt laughed and then started to think about what she said.

Shit. He was fucked.

End Notes: Did everyone like saucy!Kurt? How do you think Blaine is going to get him back? :D


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saucy!Kurt definitely worth seeing again. Poor Blainers lol Blaine is going to get him back twice as hard (no pun intended)

loved this chapter! It was so hot. The bit with Amy was soo funny. I love her! ^_^

I love this story!!!

This story continues to amaze me! Loved it ;)

:O holy fudge nugget that was amazing!!

jglrkghsjngksjngtjkndg I'm in love with this story! Can't wait for when they go out!

...hmm. It's a subtle payback, but using suggestive word placement in a lesson perhaps? It's not as bold or physical as Kurt's approach, but I think he'd have a hard time concentrating with the right words. Especially if Blaine were wearing tight pants...and bending over or something of that provocative nature. Like, a lot.

Oooohhhhh what will Blaine come up with?! Ah I can't wait!

This is so much fun...Hot and delicious! Can't wait for more

Aww well I'm so thankful that you made an account just for this story! (and I hope I didn't eff up your sleeping pattern staying up all night haha) but yes, i do plan on having flashbacks, i just wanted to properly get into the story first, get me? Like, i still feel like we're not properly into it, kurt doesnt know what he wants, blaine doesnt either, you'll see more of that soon, i just wanted them to be settled in first, but don't worry your pretty little head my darling! It's coming! :D Also, I LOOOVVVEEE long reviews, so don't apologise! Thanks for reading! <3<3<3

I honestly spent all of last night reading this and set up an account today so I could review. :) I really love this story, and the idea of babysitter to teacher is one I've never come across, so great job! I really, really love this fic! If there's just one thing I could suggest, it would be to occasionally bring back memories from the babysitting days, because they DO already know each other though it was years ago and that's the think that makes this fic so beautifully different from any other teacher fic. :) Apologies for the length of this review :P Keep writing, I look forward to an update!

At least I know, now, why Kurt's been so boldly playing with fire. But, now Mercedes has put the fear of God (so to speak) into him; he's going to jump at everything Blaine does or says, now, I'll bet! Blaine just might be smart enough to think of that.... Can't wait to see!

0..0 You should hear the un-human noises that came from my mouth.

lmao im glad it was a prank it was too fast

i love saucy,sassy kurt

I loved it haha I hope Blaine gets him back good

poor kurt watche out