It's Frowned Upon
Taking Advantage Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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It's Frowned Upon: Taking Advantage

E - Words: 1,556 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 48/? - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
5,871 0 16 0 0

Author's Notes: hey guysss :D Sorry it took a while to update!
"Okay, so I know you hate me and I know you want me to leave you alone but I could really use some help right now,” Kurt said, walking straight up to Mercedes. She turned around and stared at him. “Okay, so you're giving me a bitch face. I deserve it but please?” Kurt pouted, but Mercedes kept her hard bitch face.

“What?” she asked. Kurt smiled a little. She hates me but she's still my best friend, Kurt thought.

“I know you don't want to hear about Blaine or anything like that but-”

“It's not that I don't want to hear about him, it's just that you don't know him,” she answered, Kurt took a deep breath.

“But I do now! Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that, my dad's invited Blaine over for dinner.”

"You told your dad?!” Mercedes asked in shock. Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Of course not! He's invited him to catch up but I don't know how I'm going to deal.”

“Well, just don't mention your 'relationship' and you should be fine.” Mercedes snapped. Kurt got a sharp pain in his stomach when she used finger quotations around the word 'relationship'.

“Thanks for nothing, Mercedes,” he replied before walking away.

He apologized! What more could he do?

He walked into English and sat at his regular seat with a frown on his face, not even noticing Blaine staring at him.

“What's wrong?” Blaine asked as he walked over to Kurt, his voice low, Kurt sighed.

“Girl trouble,” Kurt answered. Blaine raised his eyebrows.

Girl trouble? Do you have something to tell me, Kurt?” Blaine joked, Kurt forced a small smile.

“It's nothing, I'll tell you later.” Kurt dismissed it with a wave of his hand. Blaine sighed a little and nodded. He didn't want to push Kurt into anything, so if he said he'll tell him later... he'll wait until later. “Oh and by the way, my dad wants you to come over for dinner,” Kurt told him. Blaine's face went white.

“You t-told him?” he stuttered out.

“No, why does everyone think that? He wants to catch up and get to know you,” Kurt shrugged.

“Can I say I'm busy? I mean, it'll be a little awkward.” Blaine avoided eye contact and scratched the back of his neck.

“My dad is as stubborn as me, if you say no now, he's just going to hound you until you say yes. Might as well get it over with.” Kurt shrugged again and Blaine nodded.

There was something definitely wrong with Kurt. He didn't seem to care about anything.

Blaine couldn't wait until 'later' to find out exactly what it was!

The rest of the class poured in, including Mercedes and she sat in her regular seat and sat facing away from Kurt with a matching frown on her face. Blaine started the lesson and drabbled on about writer's techniques, which he was sure half of the class wasn't listening to.

As he continued to teach, his gaze occasionally travelled back to Kurt and Mercedes. They weren't talking. They were always talking. Blaine was concerned and aggravated that he couldn't just ask Kurt because the class was there! Damn society... and timetables.

Blaine decided to move onto Romeo and Juliet.

“So I'm guessing you have all read Romeo and Juliet... you know... what I set for homework?” Blaine asked. He looked around at the blank-faced students who were blindly nodding and rolled his eyes slightly. “Yeah, sure, of course you have. So the part when Romeo and Juliet decide to elope, what is Juliet's plan?”

Mercedes' hand shot up and Blaine raised his eyebrows, taken back. He pointed to her and perched on his desk.

“Eloping is like... marriage, right?” Mercedes asked, Blaine nodded.

“Yes, eloping is when a couple runs off and gets married without telling anyone.”

“Oh really? So... have you ever been married, Mr. Anderson?” she asked. Kurt looked at her wide eyed.

“Um, no I haven't ever been married actually. Anyway back to Romeo And Juliet?” Blaine prompted, holding up the book.

“Can anyone give me reasons why they would get married in those times?” Blaine asked. Once again Mercedes' hand shot up and Blaine regretfully pointed at her.

“Pregnancy. Speaking of which, have you ever gotten a girl pregnant, Mr. Anderson?” Mercedes asked. Blaine was in shock and saw Kurt give a small laugh.

“Mercedes, see me after class.” Blaine said, sounding very angry. Kurt looked at him but Blaine looked away. Blaine continued on teaching the lesson through gritted teeth and ignored anytime Mercedes raised her hand. He had had enough.

The bell rang and the lesson finished. The students ran out of the room except for Kurt and Mercedes. Kurt grabbed his bag .“Want me to stay?” he asked Blaine, who shook his head.

“I'll see you later, okay?” Kurt nodded and left. Blaine closed the door behind Kurt and turned around to see Mercedes standing there. She had one hand on her hip and a whole lot of attitude.

“That was inappropriate.” Blaine stated, “Calling me up like that in class.” Mercedes looked away, “Look, let's be honest here. I know you know about me and Kurt, okay? He told me that he told you.” Mercedes looked at him again.

“And I know you and Kurt are arguing-”

“He told you?” she asked, Blaine shook his head.

“No, but I'm not stupid, Mercedes. The whole lesson you and Kurt never spoke and normally you two never shut up... I notice. Now, I don't know what the argument was about-”

“It was about you.” Mercedes said, her voice dripping with attitude. Blaine was shocked. “It was about how Kurt has lived through hell and back in the past 8 years and now some 'perfect' guy has come in and sweeped him right off his feet and asked him to be his boyfriend. Someone who Kurt knows nothing about. Someone who he's only known for a week! Someone who it is illegal to be with!” Mercedes was getting angrier.

“You're Kurt's best friend and I realise that you're just looking out for him, Mercedes, but believe me... I would never hurt Kurt, okay? I really care about him and yeah it might seem crazy-”

“No! No, it is crazy! You left when he was ten! So don't come in here acting like you know every fucking thing about him, okay? Because you don't! You weren't here for the years of torment he has had- yeah maybe you've seen a little bit of it from Karofsky but guess what, that hasn't just started. It's been going on for years! Where were you when it was happening, huh? I've been here! I've been here! So don't come in here acting like this big hero because you're not! All you are is a gel-haired teacher in the right place at the right time!” Mercedes was panting after her rant.

“I won't hurt him and- I wasn't here... you're right. But I want to be. From now on. You have to believe me,” Blaine told her quietly.

“I'd love to believe you, for Kurt's sake... but I just can't.” Mercedes sighed. “I can't sit around and watch Kurt fall in love with a guy who's just going to bail as soon as he gets what he wants.” Blaine closed his eyes.

“I don't just want him for sex, Mercedes,” Blaine explained.

“Oh really? Because the way I see it is that Kurt was a hell of a lot less experienced before you came in the picture.”

“Everything we have done, we have done because he wanted to. I didn't push him into anything! I wanted to go at a speed that we're both comfortable with!” Blaine argued back.

“Well why don't you just stop! You're 24, Mr Anderson. Kurt is 17. How dare you take away his firsts. You're taking advantage of him, even if you don't know you are. But you know what, fine, stay in your 'relationship', push him into all of these things, but you know what's going to happen? You're gonna get your fill and move on and he's going to be left heart broken, and I will be damned if I have to stay here and pick up the pieces and clean the mess that you made. I hope you're happy.” Mercedes spat out before leaving the classroom with a slam.

Blaine sat on his desk and Mercedes' words floated around in his head... Was he taking advantage of Kurt?

- - -

“So... dinner?” Blaine asked after school when Kurt and Blaine were alone in his classroom. Kurt nodded.

“Yep, my dad, my step-mom, my step-brother, me and you.” Kurt smiled a little. It scared him how excited he actually was. This is how it should be, Kurt and his boyfriend having dinner with his family. Normal.

“Can I bring anything?” Blaine asked, scratching the back of his neck. Kurt smiled.

“You always do that.” Kurt smiled. Blaine looked confused and scratched his neck again, causing Kurt to giggle slightly.

“Do what?” he asked.

“Rub your neck like that when you get awkward.” Blaine blushed slightly and Kurt thought it could quite possibly be the cutest thing he had ever seen.

“Sorry, I'll stop.”

“Don't... it's cute.” Blaine blushed again. “But no, you don't have to bring anything... just you.” Blaine nodded.

“I'm kinda nervous,” Blaine said, wrapping his arms around Kurt's middle and pressing their foreheads together.

“Me too... but it'll be... fun,” Kurt lied. It was going to be awkward and terrifying.

“Yeah, sure,” Blaine replied sarcastically with a laugh.

“So... see you at six?” Kurt asked, Blaine nodded.

Blaine smiled. “Six.”

End Notes: I know you guys were expecting the dinner but I had to get Mercedes' point across and explain why she was acting the way she was acting. Next chapter will be funnier and awkward, dont worry!


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i'm looking forward to this dinner so much haha awkward timeee

Mercedes has a really good point, but I really want them to have her blessing! I can't have Kurt and Mercedes fighting. It hurts too much. Can't wait for the next chapter, its going to be so awkward! LOL

Awaiting the awkward dinner!! =) I love this story!!

Omg.. Not that I don't see what Mercedes is going at, but... Sigh, I do not hope that will end out in trouble :s... Looking very much forward to the dinner!

Can't wait for awkward Blaine at the dinner. Great chapter

Can't wait for that dinner!!!!!! It's gonna be gooood!!

i hope this doesnt make blaine slow things down with Kurt...i want smut:)

So excited for next chapter! As for Ms. Jones though, I'd have a thing or two to say back to her; still though the protector has to be somewhere in this story and it may as well be her :)

This is soooo good story! please, new chapter soon!!

I totally understand Mercedes' POV. I would do the same thing! I would also bitch to kurt and make him wait until he was eighteen but... eh its still an awesome story!

Wow. I understand where Mercedes is coming from, I would've thought she would at least have taken his "I'm not going to hurt him," with a grudging, "We'll see."

you did a great job on a sassy Mercedes

you do a great mercedes.

Ughhh Mercedes needs to stop. If they fight or breakup because of her I will be mad and want to slap even though this is just a story ;)