Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
“Blaine!” Kurt shouted as soon as the older boy walked into the room, Blaine swept Kurt up in his arms and threw him onto his back to give him a piggy-back.
“you're going to have back problems when you're older” Mr Hummel laughed to Blaine, Blaine shrugged in response.
“I guess he's worth it” he replied with a giant goofy smile that made Kurt's little heart melt. Mr Hummel left for the bar and Blaine knew he wouldn't be back until around midnight, as per usual.
“Blaine?” Kurt started, “can I ask you a question?” he asked, Blaine ruffled his hair – he didn't mind when Blaine did it, just not anyone else. No one can mess up his hair!
“isn't that already a question?” Blaine joked, Kurt laughed but then his laughing stopped and he became serious again, well, as serious as an 8 year old, na�ve little boy can be.
“you know the way in movies, boys and girls kiss and stuff?” Kurt started, Blaine nodded, “well...does that always have to happen?” Kurt asked, Blaine raised an eyebrow.
“you mean, do they always have to kiss in the movie? Well no, but that's what shows you they like like each other, or even love each other” Blaine told Kurt.
“no no no, I didn't mean that, silly. I meant...does it always have to be a boy and a...girl?” Kurt asked with a disgusted look on his face.
“well...it doesn't always, no” Blaine answered truthfully, “it could be a girl and a girl, or it could be...a boy and a boy” Kurt nodded slowly.
“why aren't there any movies with a boy and boy kissing in?” Kurt asked.
“because Kurt...some people don't think that it's...right” Blaine said, Kurt's face scrunched up.
“but they're kissing because they're in love, right?” Kurt asked, Blaine nodded, “so why do people think love isn't 'right'?”
“how old are you?” Blaine joked, “that's some wise thinking there, buddy. Maybe you should wait until you're a little older and then you might realise why people think different things” Blaine said, hugging Kurt.
“do you kiss Mollie?” Kurt asked. His heart and stomach sank when he or Blaine talked about Mollie. Why couldn't Kurt do the things with Blaine that Mollie does?
“um, yeah I do” Blaine answered, looking uncomfortable.
“so...you love her, then?” Kurt asked, suddenly getting very sad. Blaine gave a sad smile.
“not as much as I love you, buddy” Blaine said, Kurt's little face lit up and he hugged Blaine again.
“I'm happy you said that. I wish I could kiss you like Mollie does. Girls have cooties, Blaine! You shouldn't kiss them, or hold hands with them or any of that stuff. Have you had your cootie shot?” Kurt asked, Blaine blushed a little and laughed.
“don't worry about me, little man. I'm all set, have you had your tickle shot?” Blaine asked, Kurt's eyes went wide.
“No! What's that?” Kurt asked, sounding very worried, suddenly Blaine attacked Kurt's sides with his fingers. Tickling him until he was laughing so hard he could barely breathe.
“I love you, Blaine” Kurt said when he finally got his breath back, Blaine just smiled in response.
Blaine continued to babysit Kurt once or twice each month for the next two years. Blaine watched Kurt grow and Kurt did exactly the same. He watched as Blaine's curls grew larger and then suddenly cut short again. He saw small dark little hairs begin to grow on blaine's chin and upper lip and noticed a change in Blaine's voice. Blaine never brought Mollie over anymore which Kurt was grateful for, she never liked to play tea parties and always just wanted to watch movies so Kurt would fall asleep.
At the age of 9, Kurt realised that he liked Blaine, like, like liked him and he asked Blaine about boys liking boys again. Blaine explained to him that it's called being 'gay' and there was nothing wrong with it, but some people who really believe in God and a lot of other people in the world don't agree with people being gay.
First God takes away his mother and now God won't let him like boys? God sucks!
Kurt realised that it wasn't just Blaine he liked, he also liked the boys in movies, when he was supposed to like the girl. It was all very confusing and he didn't want to tell his dad in case he got mad and grounded him or something, so the secret was kept just between him and Blaine.
Kurt often found himself wishing Blaine was gay too so they could fall in love and get married but Blaine always had a girlfriend. Most Kurt never met and never talked about, but they were always there, in the way of his happy ending with Blaine.
When Kurt finally turned 10, Blaine went off to a different high school, further away and couldn't babysit him anymore, so Kurt convinced his dad he was old enough to stay home alone without a babysitter. His dad agreed but always asked the neighbours to check in on him every once in a while. Kurt didn't want another babysitter, none would ever compare to Blaine. Blaine was his everything and he would never forget him.
Not ever.
Awwww, poor Kurt. It's too bad he thinks it's God who disapproves of being gay instead of realizing it's His followers twisting the Bible to suit their own ignorance and fear...kind of like the Al-Qaeda twisting the Koran and Islamic Law. So, everyone thinks all Christians are fanatic haters, and everyone thinks all Muslims are terrorists. I'm a bisexual independent Christian liberal republican. Say that 3x fast. XD
"God sucks!" made me lol I front of everyone.
aha i lol at God sucks too xD
great chapter
awe 8yrd old kurt is adorable,to bad he doesnt stay that way
even my friend asked if you updated ,i said no.great chapter
yep kurt has a crush