Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Dec. 31, 2021, 1:27 a.m.
Kurt got out into the hall and stood still. He was wide eyed and frozen. He brought his finger up to his lips and ran it across them. They felt bigger and stung a little. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth and tried to comfort it... it didn't work. Kurt walked quickly out of the building, running his hands through his hair. He would normally care that it would get messy but Blaine pretty much sorted that out already.
Kurt practically ran out to his car and got in. He sat in the front seat but didn't start the car.
“What the fuck,” Kurt said to himself, breathing heavily. He was confused and shocked about what just happened. This was so out of character for him. Normally he's this shy, timid guy who can be sarcastic and snarky when he wants to be but mostly stays out of trouble, and now here he is, actively seducing a teacher? What was wrong with him?
He pulled out his cell phone and dialled Mercedes' number. She was his best friend, he could trust her with anything... even this.
“Hey, what's up?” she answered.
“I need to talk to you. Meet me at my house in fifteen minutes,” Kurt told her.
“Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?” she asked, sounding worried.
“I'm fine I just- I really need to talk to you. I have to go, see you soon,” he finished before hanging up and taking a few deep breaths. He finally calmed down enough to actually drive home, but all the way home he was repeating “What the fuck?!”
When Kurt arrived home he ran into the house. “Hey kiddo! You're home late,” Burt said.
“I um, I had an- um, English assignment,” Kurt answered his father, cringing at the words. Burt just nodded and Kurt ran downstairs to his bedroom. He landed on the bed face down and it soon reminded him of the conversation he had with Carole. Oh God. When she told him to 'go for it' with Blaine... Well, if she only knew now.
He heard a knock from upstairs and soon heard Burt answering it and telling Mercedes to go down to him. Mercedes came through the door and ran over to Kurt, standing next to him.
“Kurt! Are you okay?” she asked, stroking her hand down his face. He rolled over to look at her.
“I'm a bad person. Such a bad person,” he answered. She looked confused and sat down next to him on the bed.
“You're not a bad person! Why would you say that?” she asked. Kurt rolled his eyes.
“I did something bad,” he announced.
“What... What did you do?” Mercedes seem confused and worried.
“No judging, okay?” he asked and held out his pinkie finger. She nodded and linked hers around his. Kurt sighed. “Okay... I kind of...” he sighed once more. “Ugh, I made out with Blaine, okay?” he confessed before letting his head fall back in shame.
“You what?!” Mercedes asked, shocked.
“I dont know! I was acting totally weird with him all day, like not myself at all! I was being like, sexy and stuff-”
“You? Sexy?” Mercedes asked, clearly holding back a laugh. Kurt looked at her, unamused.
“Seriously! And then like... After school we... made out,” Kurt groaned.
“Kurt are you sure you didn't, like, fall asleep and dream this?” Mercedes asked him. He rolled his eyes and sat up.
“Yep Cedes, you're probably completely right, except... explain this,” he said, pulling down his collar to show her his hickey. Her mouth became an 'O' shape and she smirked.
“That's actually pretty hot,” she informed him and laughed a little. He rolled his eyes but laughed too. “So... what are you going to do?” she asked.
“That's why I invited you over! Tell me what I should do,” Kurt said quickly.
“Well, I don't know, I mean I'm pretty good at advice it's just... I've never exactly dealt with this sort of thing. Um, how do you feel about him?” she asked, Kurt smiled wide and closed his eyes.
“He's perfect,” he said simply, and Mercedes smiled.
“Well sweetie, I think you should see where it goes. I mean, you're practically an adult and he's super hot, and if you both like each other then, why not? Hey! That rhymed!” she giggled.
“That'll probably end up in our song for Nationals,” Kurt joked and they both laughed. “But seriously, I don't know if he likes me back,” Kurt confessed. Mercedes held his hand.
“Kurt, he wouldn't risk getting fired-”
“And thrown in prison,” Kurt added. Mercedes laughed a little.
“...and thrown in prison for just anybody. He must like you a lot to do that. I'm not saying get married and start a family, I'm just saying you know, see where it goes and if you get a bj out of it, everybody wins,” Mercedes joked, Kurt pushed her lightly.
“You're disgusting,” he told her. She nodded and kissed his cheek sloppily.
"That's why you love me.” she smiled wide. “Now...” she sat cross-legged on the bed and stared at Kurt. “Tell me everything!” Kurt smiled at her.
- - -
“I can't do this, I really just can't do this,” Kurt told Mercedes as they sat in his car outside of school the next morning.
“Of course you can! Look at it this way, today's Friday and you're going to have the whole weekend to get over it and to be without him. Just make today count, okay?” Kurt nodded. “And I love you but for God's sake don't act like yourself,” Mercedes warned. Kurt gave her one of his signature bitch faces.
“What's that supposed to mean?” he asked. She rolled her eyes.
“You know what I mean! Be the whole 'I'll think about it and get back to you' Kurt, not... you,” she explained. He sighed.
“I know! But it's not even intentional! It just comes out around him, it's like I want him to think I'm cool and inconspicuous," he informed her. She looked at him blankly.
“Kurt, you're wearing a bright green leopard print shirt with matching boots, I think he's going to think you're anything but inconspicuous.” He looked down at his outfit choice.
“This is designer,” he told her. She nodded.
“What's the label? 'Stealth'?” she joked, they both laughed.
“No, I can't do this,” Kurt said again, snapping back into reality.
“Look at me, you can do this, okay? Just... be cool,” she said.
“Cool,” Kurt repeated, “Yeah, I'll just be cool,” Kurt told her, she nodded.
“Oh and one more thing,” she said, handing him a small scarf. “To hide that,” she said, pointing to the big red mark Blaine's lips had left on Kurt's delicate neck. Kurt blushed.
“Thanks, what would I do without you?” he smiled.
“Be extremely sexually frustrated,” she joked. They both got out of his car and linked arms. “You're going to be fine. Well, you're going to have to be because guess what we've got first period.” Kurt gulped visibly and took a staggered deep breath.
“Ugh, English.”
Very good chapter
poor kurt,well he started it
poor kurt
well blaine not going like kurt hidig his lovebite