In the eye of the camera
Chapter 1 Story
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In the eye of the camera: Chapter 1

T - Words: 1,130 - Last Updated: Sep 22, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Sep 22, 2014 - Updated: Sep 22, 2014
199 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoy it! May turn this into a series depending on feedback! But for this story I changed Kurt and Blaine fashion sense a bit!

The warblers are a strange bunch. And if you dont know who the warblers are, then you mustve been living under a rock for the past 2 years, the warblers are youtubers. There are a total of 5 boys in the group with their ages ranging from 17- 20. The members are Wes who is considered the father of the group, David who is affectionately called the mother, nick and Jeff who are the two troublesome twins, and Blaine who is undeniably the baby of the group as he is the youngest.
The boys are all from Westerville in Ohio, but they have all moved to New York after deciding that it would be the best thing to do for their channel. Their main channel on YouTube currently has approximately 2 million subscribers, and a majority of those viewers are teenage girls despite the fact that 3/5 of them are gay. Jeff and nick have been dating for the past year and Blaine is still a single man.
Each week the boys pick a new theme of the week and must make a video and upload it depending what day they have been assigned to.

Hey guys! David says smiling to the camera

So you guys all know how it works on this channel, now a fun fact about us all, is that we hate pulling pranks but, since its prank week this week, we decided that all of us would go out onto the busy streets of New York, and tell a bunch of strangers that theyre beautiful! Wes said.
"So I hope you enjoy our video, and I humbly offer you my performance" Jeff jokes.
"Hey guys! We just got to time square and were gonna start off by daring Wes to go up to that big burly guy over there and tell him hes beautiful!" Blaine says, turning the camera to show the viewers the man in question.


"Okay, okay! Im going!"


 Wes starts to walk over to the man, and taps his shoulder. The man is at least seven foot tall and his muscles look as if theyre going to jump out of his skin and attack Wes. The 19 year old then squeaks out 

"youre beautiful!" 

and then proceeds to run back to his friends and away from the mountain of a man who looks rather pissed.

When he arrives back to his friends most of them are doubled over laughing except for Jeff who is filming. 

"Okay okay! Now" Wes says surrendering.

"Right I dare nick, to go up to that cute old lady by the subway and tell her shes beautiful" He said after a moment of thinking.

"Pshhh, okay easy!" 

Nick walked up to the woman confidently before tapping her on the shoulder and saying shes beautiful, a smile etched onto his face.
What he was not expecting is for the seemingly sweet old lady dressed in as tweed jacket and slipper looking like shoes, to whack the 18 year old in the stomach with her heavy bag and then kick him in the balls. 

When nick looked over to his friends he saw The 4 other boys were then doubled over crying laughing at how the scene had played out, they had all expected the woman to thank him and then catch her train. 

After a few moments of composing himself and recovering from his injury caused by the old lady, nick returned to the giggling boys with a look of annoyance on his face.
The other members David and Jeff were dared until it was blaines turn to be dared, and David got to choose who he would go up to.

David was looking around for about 5 minutes, trying to find somebody amidst the crowd of busy New Yorkers trying to get their lunch at 1pm
David finally spotted someone who he assumed was their age. He could only see the back of him, but the boy had chestnut brown hair styled perfectly, wearing the skinniest jeans he had ever seen and a blue v neck shirt.

He pointed him out to Blaine and the 17 year old began to walk up to the mystery boy.
Little did they know it would change their lives forever.
Once Blaine reached the boy - or should he say man - he tapped him on the shoulder and was about to say the sentence when the boy turned around and all coherent words left Blaine head. 

The boy was beautiful too say the least. His brown locks were impeccably styled, and his black combat boots went perfectly with his black jeans and v neck shirt. 

"uh, um, hi, Im uh Blaine" he stammered

"Uh hi Blaine" the boy replied confused.

"Um, I uh think your really beautiful and I was wondering" oh god what was his mouth doing.

"I was wondering if I could get your number?"

The boy looked Blaine up and down. He was cute hed admit. He was wearing a similar outfit to him. Black skinny jeans with matching black vans and a blue and white base ball tee. He had scruffy curly black hair and his eyes, oh god his eyes.
They were like a mix of golden caramel and hazel brown. 

He was gorgeous to say the least.

"Yeah um, sure" the boy said, a smile crawling onto his face.

"Wow! Uh- I mean, great yeah thanks!" Blaine said.

"Im Kurt" 

"Wow uh, hi Kurt!" Blaine replied

"Um can I ask you a question?" 

"Yeah sure what is it!?" He said a little too excited

"Are those guys over there your friends?" Kurt asked a smile erupting on his face.

Blaine turned around and looked to where the other boy was pointing, and sure enough the warblers were all laughing with joy and shouting "YES GO BLAINERS!!!" along with a few tears from David saying something along the lines of "my babys grown up so fast"
The pair of boys began laughing and Blaine then confessed that they were his friends and they had a YouTube channel called the warblers. He was in the middle of telling Kurt their names and pointing them out to home when-


From the near distance, Blaine could see a short brown haired girl running towards them.

"Okay Rach" Kurt sighed

"I have to go but call me later, Kay?"

"Yeah... yeah" Blaine whispered.

And then the beautiful Kurt left Blaine on his own with just a piece of paper with a number. 

But he knew that the second he got home he would call that number. 

He would do anything to hear beautiful kurts perfect voice again.


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