Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
It's been awhile since I last updated this but I began writing chapter 9 on FF.net before putting 8 on here so I lost all my work on this chapter. You can't copy and paste text right from the story on FanFiction so I began rewriting it (and yes, procrastinating) but then I realized I can copy and paste it from my reading view on my Kindle so, here it is.
The reading view also made it double spaced (which I can't fix) and gave it a different text size (I did my best to match this text)
"Can I please go over to Katy's today?" Jesabelle begged her dad that morning as she was putting her
shoes on.
"For the last time Jesabelle, no." Blaine said as he took Macy's bottle out of the warmer. and put the nipple on it.
"But why?"
"Because, father and I need you to help take care of the younger ones. You have five younger siblings now, and as we take care of the triplets someone needs to watch Damion and Cory and Lucy can't be over all the time. She has to work too." Blaine said as he checked the bottle on his wrist.
"Then what about Brittany? She stays home and watches Logan and Sierra all day while Santana works. Why can't she come over?" Jesabelle asked.
"Because Brit is a last resort. She has to watch her kids while San's gone and can only come over when we are busy and Lucy can't come over." Blaine said, "Plus, you're old enough to help out around here." Jesabelle groaned, "Please Jessie, I have Macy upstairs sobbing, I know that Matthew and Mary will be waking any minute now for their bottles. I want father to sleep because he's the one that's been getting up all night to take care of them. I want Cory to sleep in a little longer because he kept on waking up from the babies and I need to get you and Damion off to school so just cooperate with me for a little bit!" Blaine yelled. Jesabelle stepped back away from her dad, "I'm sorry I raised my voice, just, please understand that I'm tired and don't need any more stress. Your bus will be here any minute, have a good day and stay out of trouble." Blaine said before heading upstairs. Jesabelle left the house and joined Damion out front as they waited for the bus to arrive to take them to school.
"Are you coming over?" Katy asked as Jesabelle dragged herself into homeroom.
"No." Jesabelle said
"What? But why?" Katy asked, disappointed.
"My parents won't let me." Jesabelle said.
"You aren't lying to me, are you Jessie? 'Cause it's almost like you are stalling. Like you don't want to hang out with me." Katy said.
"I want more than anything to hang out with you. I was begging my dad all morning." Jesabelle said.
"Then can I come over to your house?" Katy asked, "We might not be able to do all the fun things that we wanted to do at my house but we could still hang out and keep ourselves occupied."
"I'll ask them and text you when I get an answer. I'll throw a tantrum if I have to." Jesabelle chuckled.
"Yay!" Katy exclaimed, hugging Jesabelle.
"If I can't go over to Katy's then can Katy come here?" Jesabelle asked when she came home and found her parents in the living room tending to the triplets.
"What?" Kurt asked as he took a wipe out of the box.
"Yeah, you need my help and if Katy comes over she can help me. You'll have two little helpers instead of one." Jesabelle smiled.
"I don't want to do that to Katy. Unless she wants to change a poopy diaper?" Blaine said. Jesabelle frowned.
"But can she come over?" Jesabelle asked.
"No, not today. I have Lucy, Brittany and Santana coming over to learn a little about the babies. They're gonna need it when it come's to babysitting." Kurt said.
"So, it's gonna be crowded and busy and we just don't need much more then who's all gonna be here." Blaine said as he wrapped the clean diaper on Mary.
"Then we'll just stay in the room, away from it all." Jesabelle suggested.
"How are you gonna learn? We need you to learn some basic needs so you can help us as well." Blaine said.
"But I thought I'm just supposed to watch Damion and Cory?"
"But we might need more help. It's hard to take care of three babies with four arms, especially when they're in sync." Kurt said, "And although we all need to watch Cory and Damion too they can take more care of themselves."
"Maybe next week we can schedule something for just you and Katy to hang out and maybe spend the night at one's house? Would you like that?" Blaine asked. Jesabelle nodded, her head hung low.
She went to her room and laid down on her bed. She felt it to be unfair that her parents wouldn't let her go to Katy's house or for Katy to come to hers. She understood with the new babies and all but she still wanted to be a kid while she was still a kid. She wasn't even ten yet and her parents were treating her like she was beyond that age. Jesabelle felt as if her childhood was over, that she was beyond something she was supposed to be. A teenager, perhaps. She felt like a teenager. Or a mother. Either way she was being deprived of fun experiences that she could be having with Katy. She felt their friendship was tearing apart.
"Lucy?" Kurt asked once everything was over with.
"Yes?" Lucy asked.
"I know this might seem crazy but, could you possibly babysit tomorrow?"
"Sorry, I can't, I have work tomorrow. Why?"
"I know the triplets aren't quite a month yet but I was thinking about going to the gym and start working back into shape. I don't wanna be fat." Kurt said.
"You're not fat." Lucy said.
"Not now, but after having three kids and you don't try getting back into shape you're gonna gain pounds that you didn't try losing after the baby." Kurt said.
"Brits and I can babysit tomorrow." Santana said as she came walking into the living room, overhearing the conversation.
"How long have you been listening?" Kurt asked.
"Long enough to know that you need a babysitter and I am off work tomorrow so I'll be happy to help out with your mutants."
"They're not mutants." Kurt pouted.
"They came out of you and are biologically both yours and your husband's, there is probably something wrong with them." Santana said.
"I think they're perfectly normal. They act it.' Lucy said.
"For now." Santana said, "So, you gonna let me do it?"
"God, Hummel."
"Anderson-Hummel." Kurt corrected.
"Fine, Anderson-Hummel, will you, I will stop calling your spawns mutants."
"But now you're calling them spawns."
Santana rolled her eyes, "I'll stop calling your children mutants and spawns. Besides, you wanted me to learn how to take care of your kids, I'm willing to do it."
"Fine, tomorrow, eight o'clock, don't be late." Kurt said. Santana smiled pleasantly.