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Triplets!: Chapter 5

T - Words: 1,201 - Last Updated: Dec 12, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Sep 30, 2013 - Updated: Sep 30, 2013
235 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I really didn't like writing this chapter. It didn't feel right. I bet you could even feel how uncomfortable I felt writing this chapter because I really did feel uncomfortable.

Jesabelle's heart sank as she got out of Katy's mom's car and stood in front of her house. All the decorations and lights were down. They're usually never down until after Christmas break. They wanted to move quickly. It wasn't too much of a bother for Jesabelle it's just all the hard work and the fact that they had to say goodbye to their home. The home she grew up in, the house her parents bought shortly after they married. They lived there for nearly thirteen years. She walked through the door and Cory immediatley came running towards her.
"Jessie, help!" He yelled. Jesabelle lifted him up.
"What?" She asked.
"Help me!" He exclaimed as he tried wriggling out of Jesabelle's arms. Jesabelle sat him down and he began running up the stairs. Jesabelle followed him up the stairs and to his room. Damion was in there jumping on Cory's bed reaching for a framed picture with Winnie and Piglet on it.
"We can not get it down! Help!" Cory yelled.
"Yeah, yeah, sure. Just, stop yelling." Jesabelle said calmly. She then made her way to the bed and stood on it. She reached and stood on her tip-toes in order to get the picture down from the wall.
"Why do you want the picture down?" Jesabelle asked as she handed over to Cory who took it, shrugging.
"Daddy and father wanted it." Damion answered.
"Well, why does daddy and father want it?"
Cory shrugged again, "Ask them?" Cory suggested in a question. Jesabelle tolled her eyes and exited the room, picture in hand. She poked her head back into the room.
"Uh, do any of you know where daddy or father is?" She asked.
"I think father's in his bedroom?" Damion replied.
"Thanks." Jesabelle said then left after her parents' room. Just like Damion said her father was sitting on the edge of his bed looking down at a little framed picture in his hands. His smile was soft and warm, he almost looked ready to cry.
"Father?" Jesabelle asked quietly at the door, hoping she wasn't disturbing anything. Kurt jumped slightly and placed the picture up to his chest, picture side facing in towards him.
"Jessie, you scared me!" Kurt exclaimed. He sat the picture face down beside him and patted the spot on the other side of him, offering Jesabelle to sit. Jesabelle did.
"So, what do you want?" Kurt asked, fixing himself on the bed, holding his bump as he did.
"I was wondering what to do with this picture?" Jesabelle responded, showing her father the picture she took off of Cory's wall.
"Yes, you can find newspapers and boxes down in the kitchen, wrap it up in a piece of newspaper and put it in an open box." Kurt answered. Jesabelle nodded.
"Thank you, father." She said as she skipped out of the bedroom, looking behind her to see her father looking back at the picture.
She made her way down to the kitchen which really didn't look like a kitchen anymore. Boxes and old newspapers flooded the room to the point where he had to look down at the ground and try to find a place to place your foot every step you took. She found a stack in the corner and pulled out a sheet she wrapped it up and put it in a nearly full box on the kitchen table. She then went to her room and began taking her photos down. The painting of the flowers above her bed. the family portrait across from her bed, she had to stand on her chair for that. Her school picture on her one bedside table. The other picture of her family on the other table. She took them down and wrapped them up one at a time. After she was done she helped Damion and Cory collect the other pictures still sitting around the house. Her dad was back to work after Christmas so he wasn't home until around five-ish with take-out. Because of the crowded kitchen the family resorted to eating in the kitchen. It wasn't a bother for Jesabelle and her siblings but Blaine had a big mess to clean up after dinner when the kids were showering and prepping for bed. He was interrupted from picking up long noodle strands of Lo mein when Kurt came into the room.
"Taking the pictures down to the new house tonight?" He asked as he took a seat on the couch. Blaine threw the Lo mein in the garbage back he was holding and nodded.
"I know this is going to be out of the blue but we still need names for the babies," Kurt then said.
"Lucifer!" Blaine said immediately, without question.
"Who names their kid Lucifer?" Kurt said, displeased with the idea of the name.
"Some people like the name.' Blaine mumbled to himself.
"Not me." Kurt shook his head.
"Let's not argue. The more we keep the stress levels down the better off you and the babies will be." Blaine said, finishing the conversation. He really did want to name his son Lucifer. He just wanted to not argue about it and harm his husband and unborn children.

Blaine sat the last box down in the new living room. The house was crowded with boxes. Th only things set up was the table and chairs in the dining room. The beds sitting in their spots in their separate rooms. The couch and arm chairs in the living room and the other big things like the wardrobes and closets and the babies' cribs. Everything was still packed away in their boxes. He looked around the house, they were all going to be living here today. He then left the home and went back to the old house to pick up his family, there was no room to take them all along with him, the boxes filled up all the space in their new old Toyota Sienna that they got just last year, so, it wasn't that new. It was a 2013 to be exact. When they got back to the new house Blaine had his kids help him unpack their items.
By the time the moon and the stars came out they had many boxes unpacked, but still much to go. It made Blaine tickled to death at their progress. The kids really worked hard and didn't complain too much. Cory surprisingly was the one to complain the least. He had fun, being lifted up to place things on high places. The first night in the new house was the toughest. Jesabelle couldn't sleep, She stayed up most of the night and looked up at the ceiling. Cory kept crying, missing the old surroundings and comfort that the old house brought. And Damion would agree with him. The new place was not the same, it would never be. They learned how to adapt to the old place. Believe it or not the traffic that went by at the old place was more comforting to the kids then the quietness of this neighborhood. It felt like a ghost a town to the kids. By the end of the third day all the boxes were unpacked and everything was placed right where Kurt wanted them at. The kids adjusted more to the new surroundings but they still woke constantly between the night.


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