Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
Dec. 12, 2014, 6 p.m.
"Are you ready?" Blaine asked as he rubbed Kurt's thigh.
Kurt took a deep breath in and nodded, "Yeah," he sighed, "I think I am."
"You seem, nervous?" Blaine questioned.
"Why wouldn't I be? I'm a thirty four year old male who's about to tell his husband's and his own parents that he's pregnant with triplets!" Kurt stressed, "How could you not be nervous?" Blaine shrugged.
"I guess I might be, a little?"
"Can we just go in?" Kurt asked as he looked at the little diner sitting in front of their car.
"Yes." Blaine smiled then opened up the car door and stepped out. Kurt mirrored his movements and met him on the sidewalk in front of the door. He looked over at Blaine who looked a little anxious as he stood in front of the door.
"You do seem worried, now." Kurt chuckled.
"Now that I think about it, you've only met my parents a couple of times. This seems like a bad way to approach them."
"Well, we're gonna have to tell them sometime, before I look like a balloon. I'm already not fitting into some of my jeans as it is." Kurt said.
"Just a second ago you were nervous as hell, now you're giving me the pep talk?" Blaine laughed.
"Well-" Kurt begins, "Never mind."
Kurt opened the door and led Blaine inside of the little diner. They spotted their parents at a large booth in the corner. The two men smiled and waved at them then approached the booth. Kurt went over and hugged his dad and Carole. Blaine stood stiff as he was face to face with his parents.
"Son." His mother said bluntly. Blaine wasn't sure if it was a greeting, a statement or a question.
"Mother. Father." Blaine greeted, nodding his head at them. He sat down across from them quickly. Kurt walked back around the table and sat down beside him.
"We ordered for you two." Burt said as he picked his glass up to take a sip of his water.
"Thank you." Kurt said.
"Now, what is it you have to tell us that you couldn't do over the phone?" Carole asked.
"Big news, guys." Blaine began.
"Yes, we kind of figured that." Burt said.
"We're-" Kurt was cut off by the waitress approaching the table.
"Who ordered the Garden Salad?" She asked. Carole raised her hand, "The biscuits and gravy?" She then asked.
"That would be me." Burt said. Mister Anderson scowled at the food being placed down in front of Burt. Even Kurt had a look of disgust,knowing how unhealthy that looked.
"And who ordered the Ceasar Salads?" The waitress asked. Blaine's parents raised their hands. She then laid two burgers down in front of Kurt and Blaine and then left.
"We weren't quite sure what you men would like so I just settled for cheeseburgers." Burt said as he cut through his biscuits.
Kurt looked down at his plate, "That's fatty and totally un-" Kurt clenched his mouth and ran to the bathroom causing a small scene in the diner. Blaine got up and went in after him.
He found Kurt hacking in an open stall. Blaine slipped in with him and locked the door behind him.
"What's wrong?" Blaine asked, worried, "You were doing so fine up until now?"
"Was there any pickles on that plate?" Kurt growled.
"Yeah, I think I saw some by the fries, why?" Blaine questioned. Kurt looked up at him in disgust, "Oh." Blaine nodded, "I forgot."
"Yes." Kurt said, wiping his mouth on a piece of toilet paper. He then threw the piece in the toilet bowl and flushed it, "I can't do this anymore." He sighed and closed his eyes tight as leaned up against the stall.
"What? You've only been pregnant for ten weeks. You haven't experienced the worst of it."
"I can't stand the morning sickness. I just can't." Kurt groaned.
"It's almost over, your first trimester is almost up." Blaine encouraged.
"Yes, and then I'm gonna get fat." Kurt nodded, "I'm already growing out of my jeans, Blaine." He said as he unlocked the stall and stepped out. Blaine followed him over to the closest sink where Kurt rinsed out his mouth and washed his hands. Blaine reached into his front pocket and pulled out a piece of spearmint gum.
"I brought it just in case. And thank God I did." Blaine smiled as Kurt took the piece, unwrapped it and put it in, "Now, why don't we go back out there and tell your parents and my parents the news?" Blaine asked as he held out his hand. Kurt took it and followed as they walked back to the dining area where their parents sat waiting for them.
"We had them take back your burger and bring back a garden salad." Burt said, his voice just above a whisper.
"What was that about?" Misses Anderson asked.
"Well, that is what we have to tell you." Blaine said.
"I'm pregnant." Kurt said, his voice practically inaudible.
"What?" The four parents asked in unison.
"I'm pregnant." Kurt said slightly louder.
"Boy, you're gonna need to speak louder for any of us to hear." Mister Anderson said.
Kurt sighed and pulled out a napkin from the holder sitting in the middle of the table, "Does anyone have a pen?" He asked. Carole dug through her purse and pulled out a blue pen. Kurt took it and wrote on the napkin. He flipped for the others to read.
I'm pregnant,
with triplets
It read. The four parents sat back in disbelief.
"How, how, how, how, how?" Burt asked, rubbing his face.
"I've heard of this before. It's called the carrier gene." Carole said a bit loudly, "I Never thought I'd ever get to see it before."
"So...?" Blaine asked.
"I'm not sure what I can say. You're an adult and I'm your father. I will always love you no matter what." Burt said. Kurt smiled at Blaine.
"I'm cool, I guess. Excited! But cool." Carole said.
"Yes." Kurt laughed and turned to Blaine who was watching his parents.
"Well, Blaine, I'm still not on board with the whole being gay, but, we love you and we love Kurt so we're here for you." Misses Anderson said, "Isn't that right Donald?"
Donald said nothing for a second, he was still trying to process what was going on, "Yeah, sure. I love you, it's great that you two get a kid-triplets that are both yours biologically." He finally said. Blaine smiled in relief. The worst part was over.
"Oh, great, you're up." Kurt smiled as he found Blaine in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal.
"Of course." Blaine said, "And I see you got showered and dressed after the kids left."
Kurt looked down at his outfit. A t-shirt and some sweatpants to fit around his bump.
"I'm just gonna ignore that statement." He said as he took a seat across from Blaine, "I was hoping you could do a little grocery shopping today?" He laid a list of things he wrote this morning. Blaine read down it. There were a few regular things on it eggs, milk, sugar and there were a few Kurt cravings on it as well, but what really stuck out was the last thing on the list 'a new house'.
"Uh, Kurt, what's with this last thing on the list?" Blaine asked pointing at it.
"I only thought, since you know, Damion and Cory are already sharing a room and we're adding three more that we needed more living space." Kurt replied back. Blaine knew Kurt was right.
"I'll look into it." Blaine said staring at the list one last time before looking up at his husband who was sitting back in his chair stroking his bump, "How long are we?" Blaine smiled.
"You mean, you lost track?" Kurt wondered. Blaine looked down at his bowl. He was afraid to admit it. Kurt sighed, "Fourteen weeks." He said.
"Have you still been getting morning sickness?"
"No, I haven't thrown up in over a week." Kurt said proudly.
"Good." Blaine smiled.
Blaine reread the list over again as he waited in line at the checkout. He was sure he got everything on that list. Everything but a new house. He wasn't sure how he was going to come up with the money to buy a bigger house, let alone feed three more people. The five of them were doing just fine with Blaine working at the local music shop and Kurt working at Vogue.com, they were able to have food on the table, clothes on their back and a roof over their head with enough money to do something fun every once in a while. He could possibly dip into the kids' college funds to pay for the house, they had to get a new one.
Kurt and Blaine were lounging on the couch. Kurt was sitting in front of Blaine who had his hands wrapped around Kurt's sixteen week bump when Damion, Cory and Jesabelle came walking in.
"Daddy, father!" Jesabelle hollered as she walked in.
"What, Jessie?" Blaine asked.
"Damion and Cory want to know where babies come from. I tried telling them but they kept on getting lost." Jesabelle said.
"Didn't we have this discussion before?" Kurt asked looking back at Blaine.
"Yes, and we said we would save this for later." Blaine answered.
"Guess what?" Jesabelle said, "It's later."
"Plus, how do you know about pregnancies and why are you telling the young ones?" Kurt questioned.
"Don't worry I used the story story." Jesabelle whispered, "And Katy taught me about it."
"How did Katy find out?" Blaine asked.
"Oh, she already had 'the talk' with her parents." Jesabelle answered.
"And she's only nine?" Kurt asked, shocked.
"M-hm, only two months older than me." Jesabelle smiled, "And besides, I was going to find out sometime."
"Yes, but, not this young." Blaine said.
"Whatever." Jesabelle said as she walked away. Kurt laid his head back against Blaine's chest and groaned.
"So, where do babies come from?" Damion asked. Kurt patted the cushions next to him. Damien and Cory raced to the two empty cushions. Kurt repositioned himself on Blaine's lap.
"When two parents want a baby so bad they call up the stork." Kurt began and nudged Blaine to finish.
"Er-uh... then... the stork delivers the baby." Blaine stuttered.
"Oh, but why does father get so fat?" Cory asked, tilting his head.
Kurt pouted, "Told you I was fat."
"You're not fat, you're gorgeous." Blaine smiled, "Back to your question, Cory, it's simply because when the stork delivers the baby he plants it inside father's tummy for it to grow and nine months later the baby is born."
"How does the baby come out?" Damion asked.
"I-uh-um- I think that that question can be saved when you two are older and can understand better." Kurt said. The two boys looked at their parents in confusion but shrugged it off and left to go play.