Let Sparks Fly
The Wedding Chapter Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Let Sparks Fly: The Wedding Chapter

T - Words: 1,517 - Last Updated: Jun 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 31, 2014 - Updated: Mar 31, 2014
218 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Im back and happy to be back! I do hope you enjoy! This chapter will be quite short. I call it The Wedding Chapter


Kurt rested both hands reassuringly on Rachels shoulders as she sighed worriedly at her reflection in the mirror, "Youre gorgeous!" He told her, "Finns going to love you." He looked down at her dress, "Youre beautiful! I am happy for you. You know that, right?"


She began to break down in tears, "I- I dont think Im ready for this!"


Kurt pulled back. He felt like announcing that he told her so but that wouldnt solve anything right now. Being right was not always the important part.


"I want you to do whatever you think is right. I dont want you to regret anything."


Rachel sniffed, "Hes my soul mate! I should be ready to marry him..." She shook her head. Kurt gave her a tissue that she wiped her black-teared-stained cheeks and blew her nose with that she discarded on top of the vanity she was standing in front of.


They both jumped at a sudden knock on the door and turned to look at it.


"Oh gosh! What if its him?" Rachel began to worriedly smooth her dress and turned back to check herself in the mirror.


"Kurt?" The voice questioned on the other side. Kurt smiled. One day, and he already could recognize the voice of his soul mate.


He began walking to the door, "Its just Blaine." Kurt informed Rachel. Rachel turned back toward the door and a tiny smile grew visible on her face. Anybody could tell you that no matter what was going on she was still extremely happy to know that Kurt had finally found his soul mate. Kurt opened the door and Blaine pulled him into a hug.


"Hi!" He exclaimed eagerly as he held his soul mate, "Hows..." Blaine deadpanned for a second as he tried to remember the girl getting married, "Rachel...? Hows she doing?"


Kurt looked back at his friend and fauxed smiled as his eyes searched hers for answers.


"Like Im ready to get married!" Rachel announced in an obvious lie. Kurt turned back at Blaine and gave him a small peck on the lips that again let a little shock run through them.


Blaine kept one arm wrapped around Kurts waist as the two looked at the bride, "Thanks... Rachel... for letting me have Kurt for the wedding. I know you wanted him as a bridesmaid but-"


"Yeah, sure. He really wanted you here for tonight. Im so happy that he finally found you." Rachel plastered a fake smile on her face.


"Well," Blaine began, "We better find our seats." Kurt looked at his troubled friend and wished wholeheartedly that he could stay and solve all her problems. He turned back to Blaine.


"Save me a seat." And he unlatched himself from Blaine. Blaine nodded and walked out, closing the door behind him.


"No pressure, really." Kurt told her as he wrapped her into an embrace, "Everythings going to be okay. Youre going to go out there and dazzle everyone." He pulled back and really smiled at her before turning and leaving the room.


Rachel took one more look at herself in the mirror and sighed.



Kurt found Blaine uncomfortably sitting next to his dad. He almost felt guilty for dragging Blaine here when hes a stranger to everyone there, including himself. Kurt took the empty seat next him, "Hey." He smiled as he sat.


Blaine felt comfortable when Kurt joined him. He figured it might have been a soul mate thing to feel at ease in their presence, "Hello." He smiled back.


"Sorry. Rachel has been having last minute thoughts." Kurt told him.


Burt looked over at his son, "Shes having some second thoughts?" He asked Kurt a little exasperated, "She cant do that to my stepson!"


Upon hearing this Carole looked to the others and joined the conversation, "Are you saying Rachel might leave the alter!" She gasped, "I love her and I really love my son. I couldnt imagine..." She shook her head in disbelief, "No way."


They heard the doors open and saw Finn appear. The pianist began playing the familiar tune and Finn began his walk. He was smiling and looked excited as he walked down the aisle to the front.


"I really hope she doesnt hurt him." Blaine whispered to Kurt. Kurt nodded. It would be a devastation if she walked out on him.


The bridesmaids and groomsmen were finishing down the aisle. It was Mercedes, Puck, Tina, Sam Quinn, Mike, Santana, Brittany, and Artie. Kurt was the only one of his friends not up there. They all understood why and he was happy to be spending the day with his soul mate but he still slightly regretted dropping from the bridesmaids. Then in came the little flower girl who was Rachels little cousin. Everyone stood and turned to the door. Kurt, Blaine, Burt, and Carole only had one question on their minds, is Rachel going to go through with this?


As everyone waited with bated breath Rachel appeared into the room with one of her dads linked on both arms as they walked down the aisle. Everyone cooed at the girl and the four people who were worried before relaxed.


Everyone finished walking down the aisle and now Finn and Rachel stood hand in hand, lovingly looking at each other in their eyes.


"Dearly beloved..." The priest began. The wedding was going smoothly until they got to the "I dos."


"Do you, Finn, take Rachel to be your wife, your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"


"I do"


"Do you, Rachel, take Finn to be your husband, your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?"


Rachels locked gaze on her soul mate vanished as she turned to her feet, "I..."


"Oh shit." Burt muttered as everyone now sat at the edge of their seat. Their fears came back to them.


"I..." and right after that she ran from the alter.


Finn fell to his knees and began sobbing, his soul mate left him.


Kurt stood and dragged Blaine up with him and the pair ran out of the room after Rachel. They found her sitting in front of the chapel sobbing as well. Her make-up ran down her face and she looked so torn up. Blaine stood back, unsure of what he should do of this situation but Kurt made no hesitation to sit down next to his friend and embrace her.


"Shh... honey, shh..." He ran a hand through her hair, "Dont cry. Talk to me. Please?"


"I couldnt do it." She cried as she moved her head to cry into Kurts chest, "Were too young... You know, theres this rare case where two soul mates dont want to marry each other?"


Both Kurt and Blaine knew of the multiple rare cases that happened between soul mates. But where was Rachel getting at this?


"Yes, sweetie. Some prefer to just stay friends even though they were made for each other."


"What if... in the future, Finn and I turn out like that? What if this was a big mistake and we just want to be friends. This is too soon."


"Rachel, dont be talking silly." Kurt chuckled, "You love Finn, and Finn loves you. Theres no way you two will not marry in the end."


"Yeah, now! What if in the future we dont? Were so in love with a fact that we have a soul mate but how much do we really love each other?"


From behind Blaine choked back a lump that formed in his throat. He suddenly thought about his and Kurts situation. Theyve only just met and have loved just knowing that the other exists but what if they end up like that special case? He really hoped he and Kurt didnt end up like this.


"Love is such a funny thing." The three heard someone say. They all turned their head to see Finn standing at the door. He recouped from this and found them there, "Youre never quite sure whether you truly love someone or not." Most people might have found Finn a bit stupid. That was something he wasnt. He was a bit slow but he was wise.


Rachel stood, brushed off her dress and walked up to her soul mate, "But if theres one thing I know is that Im in love with you, Rachel Berry, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I knew I wanted to at this age because I know I will I have no regrets toward it in the future. Please, Rachel?"


Rachel gave Finn a chaste kiss on the lips and nodded, "But I would like to wait."


Kurt joined Blaine at his side. Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist and Kurt leaned into the hold, "I promise you that I will be with you until my dying day." Kurt whispered to Blaine. This made Blaine feel a little better.


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