Let Sparks Fly
Remember Me Previous Chapter Story
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Let Sparks Fly: Remember Me

T - Words: 2,090 - Last Updated: Jun 08, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Mar 31, 2014 - Updated: Mar 31, 2014
191 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hahahahaha, new update! Dont forget to review, fave, and follow! Enjoy

Burt and Blaine were currently watching a baseball game Monday evening. Well, Burt was, Blaine... not so much. Today as they sat together Blaine had a sudden feeling of something being off about Burt. He felt as if he had seen Burt a million times since finding Kurt but all of a sudden something occupied his mind about this man. His memory kept on telling him he knew Burt from somewhere, but his head couldnt wrap around where.


"Are you okay, Anderson?" Burt finally asked, noticing from the corner of his eye, Blaine staring at him.


Blaine blinked twice and looked away, "Yeah, yeah, fine."


Burt looked quizzically at the boy for a moment before turning back to his game.


Yep, Blaine recognized him from somewhere. But where?


Kurt walked in just then. Blaine turned away and looked up at his soul mate. "Are you ready?" Kurt asked.


Blaine stood and approached him. "Yes I am." He gave Kurt a small peck on the cheek. They began their journey out to Kurts car. The pair decided to head out to one of Kurts favorite places in Lima, the mall. "I feel like I recognize your dad from somewhere." Blaine whispered to Kurt once they were outside.


Kurt shrugged. "Soul mate intuition?" He figured. "I couldnt imagine how, though. You two didnt meet until after we did."


"Yeah... I guess...?" Blaine scratched the temple of his forehead. That still didnt sound right.


Kurt wrapped an arm around the small of Blaines back. "Hey... dont stress over it. Its just my dad."


"Okay." Blaine tried to promise. "Okay, I wont think about it. its nothing." But still, there was something.



Kurt and Blaine strolled hand-in-hand happily along the Lima Mall, chatting about nonsense things, really trying to learn more about the other person. At first, nobody cared to notice them.


"Rachel, Mercedes, and I come here often. Sometimes Quinn, Santana, and-or Brittany joins us." Kurt was explaining to Blaine.


Blaine looked around the place, "The mall here is so much better than the one we have back at home. We dont have anything there!"


Kurt shrugged, "It gets us by. Theyre missing so many good stores though."


"At least you have good stores, though. We dont have anything near as good back in Westerville."


Kurt wrapped a comforting arm around Blaine, "Aww... poor baby..." Blaine began to fake cry, "Come on, lets sit down. I should have worn better shoes for our choice of activity."


Kurt and Blaine took a seat on the nearest bench. Blaine sighed and began shuffling through his bags as Kurt massaged his feet inside his boots.


"Looks like somebody found their soul mate. Or is this just another one of your friends?" They heard a womans voice say loudly. Both boys looked up and found the source of the voice walking toward them.


"Are you talking to us?" Blaine asked as he sat down his bags.


"Yes. Do you remember me? Last time we met you werent with your soul mate. Who is this, a friend, or more?" She asked.


"This is my soul mate, Kurt." Blaine responded, wrapping an arm around Kurts shoulder.


"Whos this?" Kurt asked suspiciously as he looked to Blaine.


Blaine looked at the woman. He was a little lost himself, "I have no idea." Blaine admitted.


"Oh.. sorry..." The woman chuckled, embarrassed, "I sometimes forget that most people dont have as good a memory as I do." She held out her hand for Blaine to shake it before continuing, "Hello, my name is Benita, my friends call me Benny."


Blaine shook her hand, "Yes, but who are you?"


"A couple weeks ago you and some of your friends were walking around a mall when I approached one. This person I addressed superior for finding her soul mate and I thought she was making fun of you for not finding yours." Benny described.


Blaine scrunched his eyebrows together as he tried to think about that time, and then he remembered, "Oh yeah! You flipped out on Tiffany!"


"Was that her name? Tell her Im sorry." Benny apologized, "I just get a little aggravated because the older I get, the more I fear Ill never find my true love."


"Ill tell her. Thank you."


"So, what are you doing criticizing Blaine and I?" Kurt asked as he and Blaine stood from the bench.


"I also apologize. I have the tendency to be a little hostile to those who have more than me. My soul mate is my everything, even though I have not met them." Benny apologized.


Kurt and Blaine looked to each other, "Thats exactly how we felt." Blaine said.


"Yeah, but we never went batshit crazy at those who have found theirs." Kurt added.


Benny blushed, "Im so sorry. Really, I am. Please forgive me." She sighed and decided to take a seat on the bench, "Im a horrible person!"


Blaine took a seat next to her on the bench and wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders, "Well figure out something. Its about time you find the person you are meant for."


Benny rested her head on Blaines shoulder, "You really want to do this?"


"Yeah, sure. We can meet up somewhere and start our investigation." Blaine confirmed.


"How bout the Lima Bean at eight tomorrow?" Benny asked, lifting her head up.


"That sounds great." Blaine replied and Kurt nodded his head in agreement, "Well be there."



As Blaine paced the floor that same night, two things crossed his mind: Who was this Burt Hummel? and Why couldnt he sleep over this? The first question being the more important one in the matter than the latter. Still, it was keeping him up, and when Blaine couldnt sleep over something, he knew it was something important to him. His mind had to remember why he recognized Burt as if they met previously. No, not previously, as in a different life, previously as in, previously. Blaines mind couldnt put it to rest as his brain tried to piece all this together. He had met Burt before.


Blaine fiddled with his thumbs and dragged his feet along the carpeting of his room as he thought about it, "I cant be staying up past-" He looked at the alarm clock real quick to check the time, "-one oclock just for a silly man. Theres nothing special about Burt. Hes just Kurts dad. Hes supposed to be somewhat special to me. But the memory of him shouldnt be like this. He should be like a complete stranger to me. Why, Blaine? Why? Why are you stressing over this? You have to meet up with your soul mate and Benny later this morning. You cant be awake thinking about this."


Blaine told himself to go lay down. Maybe if he was in a comfortable sleeping position his mind would wander away from the deafening thoughts and he would be able to get some sleep before he had to be at the Lima Bean. And that already was a two hour trip.


Still, even after Blaine was all snuggled up under the covers he stared at the ceiling and cursed at an innocent man for clouding his thoughts and keeping his sleepy ass awake. "He is just a man!" Blaine shouted in his head, "If we met before, so what? Why is this such a big deal for me!?"


Blaine restlessly slept for only three hours. Thank God he was going to a coffee shop!



When Blaine pulled up into the parking lot of the Lima Bean the next day just a little before eight he was stricken with a sense of familiarity. He had been here before. This wasnt like the situation with Burt. He remembered entirely coming here with his friends several weeks ago and the surge of energy he felt here then returned. It was making sense to him now. After a few talks with Kurt he quickly learned that the Lima Bean was a common hangout for Kurt so the electricity he felt was from being around an environment that was frequented by Kurt. And even if he had his head wrapped around this place he still couldnt figure out Burt.


Blaine stepped out of his car and found Kurt already waiting against the wall of the building. He was alone which meant that Benny hadnt arrived yet. Blaine joined Kurt and now they stood together to wait for Benny to show.


Some time had passed and suddenly it was eleven past eight. Both boys were starting to worry over this.


"I really hope she didnt mean pm." Blaine said as he rubbed his face with his hands. He was still so tired for last night and badly wanted a coffee, but he wanted to wait for Benny to arrive.


Kurt pulled out his phone from his pocket and turned it on to the home screen, "Why are we doing this anyways?" He asked Blaine as he checked the time on his phone before slipping it back into his pocket.


Blaine yawned and wiped at his sleepy eyes before he answered, "To help a roaming half of a whole who just wants some help. Weve been in her boat and it really stunk. I know that we wont be of much help but maybe this will give her a glimpse of hope."


"When will we start our own lives?" Kurt sounded a bit annoyed.


Maybe it was because he was too tired but Blaine didnt quite understand Kurts question, "Excuse me?" He asked him politely.


"I mean, look whats been going on. Our story so far has only been about the people around us. When is it just going to be about you and I?" The two boys looked at each other with the same shocked expression. Neither could believe what Kurt had said. Either because it was spontaneous, sounded nothing like Kurt, or because they both knew he was right.


"Well," Blaine straightened his posture, "until we can write our own, why dont we watch everyone elses unravel? It could be a great learning experience for us." He let out another long yawn.


"Are you tired?" Kurt asked, suddenly changing the subject.


"I didnt get much sleep last night." Blaine mumbled, playing along.


"Why dont you go in and order a coffee?" Kurt suggested.


"Ill survive." Blaine assured, and as he said that Benny pulled up into the parking lot, "Shes here, now." He pointed at her car.


Benny came jogging up to the two boys, "Im so sorry I am late." She apologized, "My car was being worked on and my friend had to pick me up and drop me off at Hummels so I could pick it up."


"Hummels? As in Tires and Lube?" Blaine asked Benny, suddenly recognizing something that could lead to his answer. He looked at his soul mate with a smile, "As in Kurt Hummel?"


"I suppose. Why?" Benny shrugged.


"Oh, nothing." Blaine replied, "Lets just go in."


Benny led the way through the doors and the trio walked into the small coffee shop, "Coffees on me, boys." She told them, "What would you like?"


Kurt waved his arm, "Oh, Benny, you dont have to do that."


"But I will. Just tell me what you want and Ill buy it for you. Its my pleasure." She insisted.


"Do you think you can remember it all?" Blaine asked her and without a second delay he reminded himself what brought them here right now, "Never mind." He shook his head, "If you could, a medium drip would be nice. Thank you."


Benny looked at Kurt, "And for you, dear?"


Kurt hesitated a second but told her anyway, "A grande non-fat mocha, please?" He took a look at Blaine standing next to him and gave him a feigned smile, "Well go find a table." He told Benny as he eyed Blaine.


Benny dismissed the two boys with a wave of her hand and the pair took a four-seated table near the back of the shop.


Blaine turned around in his chair and took a look at Benny real quick before turning back to look at Kurt, "Youre dad?" He started to ask. Kurt raised an eyebrow at him. Blaine licked his lips before continuing, "Hes the owner of Hummels Tires and Lube, right?"


Kurt nodded with a yes and asked Blaine why he had asked.


Blaine groaned and put his face in both his hands, "Thats why he seems so familiar!"


Kurt let out a confused chuckle, "What?"


"Remember how I told you that I recognize your dad? This realization had hit me recently and Ive been beating myself up trying to figure out where. Ive been to his shop once." Blaine paused as he let that last thought sink in, "I met your dad before I met you."


Benny cheerfully appeared at their table holding their coffees, interrupting Blaine, "Whos ready for a little bit of caffeine and a talk?"


Blaine and Kurt quietly took their coffees from Benny, the sleep suddenly returning to Blaine as he took the first sip.


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