I Do... But For Other Reasons
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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I Do... But For Other Reasons: Chapter 6

M - Words: 903 - Last Updated: Aug 14, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 10/? - Created: Mar 01, 2014 - Updated: Mar 01, 2014
231 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Here, another chapter less than 1000 words but a recovery chapter if you will


Kurts closed eyes face that was mere inches from him was the first thing Blaine saw when he woke up.

He smiled warmly as he watched Kurt sleep. He had his right hand up behind the pillow and hugged it close. His other hand was rested around the middle of Blaines back that was facing upwards for Blaine was laying on his stomach.

Blaine carefully pulled himself from underneath Kurts loose grip; making sure he wasnt waking up the sleeping man. Successfully breaking out Blaine made his way to the bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

He stood over the sink and watched the running water fall from the faucet for a moment; still not quite ready to get a move on. But he had to since he was already up and wasnt going back to bed. He bent down so his face was sink level and cupped his hands under the faucet. The blistering cold of the water caused Blaine to react quickly as he held it and splashed it in his face. The best way to wake up Blaine agreed to himself in his thoughts as he blinked the unwanted water out of his eyes.

Blaine heard a high-pitched voice coming from the doorway as he continued to blink, although he didnt pay attention to anything Kurt said.

"Im sorry. Could you repeat that again?" Blaine asked politely as he began rubbing at his eyes now, starting to get frustrated with the water blurring his vision.

"I asked, Are you almost done in here? Because I need to get a shower." Kurt shifted his weight on his left leg as he placed his right hand on the same side hip.

Blaine blinked a couple more times as his vision returned, "Yeah. Yeah. Im done." He nodded then squeezed past Kurt through the doorway, "Good morning, by the way. Its nice to see you up. And in a positive mood."

Kurt rolled his eyes and kicked the door shut behind him.

"So? Hows my cooking?" Blaine asked with an eyebrow wiggle as Kurt took his first bite of the cold cereal Blaine had poured for him.

"I can tell you put a lot of love in this breakfast." Kurt mocked.

"Well I threw away the pieces that never made it to the bowl. Im not letting you eat dirty cereal. That should be a plus."

Kurt covered his mouth with his hand that held the spoon trying to hide his blushing smile but sadly a loud enough giggle escaped his lips.

Blaine smiled at him satisfactorily, "I love making you smile. Laugh, more like it."

"Really?" Kurt asked quizzically.

"Yeah, especially today since we didnt do a good job at truly smiling yesterday. Its adorable."

"Youre confusing me, Anderson. When did you start liking me?"

"No, not liking you. Im - yes, youre an amazing man that Im lucky to meet but that and the smile when you laugh are little things that I enjoy about you." Blaine responded. Kurt still looked at him a little skeptically, "I may not love you in that type of way but its still a positive to meet you and marry you. I guess two people dont need to fall in love to marry. They just need to like one another enough to make it last. And Ive been looking at all your positives to keep me in the mood to see you."

"So what youre saying is..."

"That I never look at a persons negatives because looking at them gives me a reason to hate them and I dont want to hate the people that I like."

The room fell into silence after that. Everything was silent except for the clanking of the spoons as they hit the bowls.

Kurt looked over at the microwave to look at the time displayed on the timer, "Looks like I have to get going. Its been a fun vacation but sadly vacations have endings and my ending leads me back at the office." He was the first to break the silence.

"Well thats always fun!" Blaine said sarcastically.

"At least I get a one week break not counting sick days, holidays, and appointments. Although I do only have an X number of those days if I use up all five. Weekends dont count since all of us are off during the weekend anyways."

"So you used your five days?"

"Or what we call, a week. Days six and seven dont count."

"I understand that, yes. But why would you use them all at once?"

"Why bother?" Kurt shrugged, "Im hardly sick and usually its just a cold. Plus you visit the doctors and dentists twice a year so its not like Im using them carelessly. I use them for a summer vacation."

"Which is exactly why you were in Las Vegas?" Blaine clarified.

"Yes. Left Saturday and of course, came back Tuesday."

"Its been a strange week for you. Hasnt it?"

"Well, I got married to a stranger and am now living with him so..." Kurt trailed off as he pretended to think about the week, "No, thats a perfectly normal day in the life of Kurt Hummel." Kurt faked.

Blaine let out a little chuckle, "Well I dont want to keep your boss waiting so youre excused for now."

"Ill be home around three so please dont freak out if Im not back by lunch."

Blaine rolled his eyes, "I thought you wouldve been home cooling off..."

"You cant keep a tiger caged in a jungle. You have to set it free to explore its habitat." Kurt told him before he left.


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