Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Short chapter *shrugs* but this is the part of the story I wanted to write to establish the setting of the rest of it. So its kind of important in the end.
"Hey." Kurt plastered a smile on his face as Blaine met him in front of the coffee-house the next day.
"Welp, lets go get that divorce now." Blaine said without a greeting back as he turned back around to head to the courthouse.
Kurt reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him, "About that..."
"Are you turning on yourself now?" Blaine asked in a mock exasperated tone.
"I told my friends." Kurt said immediately without thought.
Blaine stepped back, "You what?" He asked furiously.
"They were asking about the trip and after I told them - keeping that part out - they noticed I was keeping something from them. And after a long fight they finally forced it out of me."
Blaine threw his arms up in the air, "How did they react!?"
"They thought it was a funny joke but as I kept serious they chose to meet you before we get a divorce."
Blaine sighed, "And thats keeping us from the divorce another day because...?"
"Theyre right inside." Kurt began in a low whisper, "You meet them over some coffee and tiny chat then well go to the courthouse. Simple as that."
"This was supposed to be kept secret for reasons."
"I know. And Im sorry." Kurt admitted. Blaine raised an eyebrow at him, "Please? Just for a few minutes? Thats all I ask for."
Blaine looked into the window of the tiny building as he thought about it. Kurt bit his lip and bounced on his toes as he anticipated the answer, "You didnt tell anybody else?" Blaine finally asked.
"Just three people." Kurt told him.
"Three." Blaine sighed in frustration, "Fine. But make it quick."
"Yes!" Kurt exclaimed as he lunged in for a hug.
"And you guys legit went to the mens bathroom of a hotels casino and got married in one of the stalls?" Santana asked the two as they sat around a table at the coffee-house.
"It was the handicapped stall." Blaine assured her.
"And the card dealer officiated it?" Mercedes asked. The two men nodded.
"He showed us the license. Hes legal." Kurt told them.
"I wouldve never expected you, out of all people, to get married to a total stranger, Kurt." Rachel told him in exasperation.
Kurt looked down at his coffee cup. His eyes scanned the table searching for an answer.
"Were you drunk?" Santana asked.
"No..." Kurt trailed off as his eyes landed and locked back onto his coffee cup.
"I got drunk afterwards." Blaine raised his hand as he said that statement proudly.
"Of course you did." Santana said bluntly.
"So, Blaine. Why dont you tell us a little bit about yourself?" Mercedes asked although she didnt sound so interested. Kurt eyed Blaine as he hesitantly looked back and forth at the three girls.
"Um... Well..." Blaine began tentatively as he tapped his foot against the floor nervously.
"You can refuse to answer that question if youre not comfortable." Kurt said reassuringly with a soft smile formed on his lips.
"Why? Is his life harsh? Is that why?" Santana snapped.
"No... I mean - I dont know. I know nothing about him!" Kurt protested.
"Absolutely nothing of his past?" Rachel asked quizzically.
"So you do know something!" Santana jumped.
"One thing. And if he doesnt feel like sharing it then he shouldnt share it!" Kurt defended.
"Wow, Hummel. Its almost like you have feelings for the man you just want to do divorce." Santana said cynically.
Kurts neck snapped to look at his friend, "I do not like him! I barely know him!"
Santana crossed her arms over her chest, "M-hm." She mocked.
"I will say, you two are a cute couple." Mercedes finally spoke up. Kurt and Blaine looked at each other for a moment then Blaine looked down at the table to hide his cheeks that were flushing a bright red.
"Yeah!" Rachel agreed brightly, "Maybe you two could keep the marriage going on until you can no longer tolerate each other!"
"Wh-what do you mean?" Kurt sputtered out.
"Move in with each other. Live like an actual married couple." Rachel began, "Do so until you learn you can not live with the other. If you cant."
"Why would we do that?" Blaine scoffed with a scornful look.
"Why not?" Mercedes shrugged.
"Yeah, Kurt. Maybe I could rent out your room?" Rachel suggested.
"That-" Kurt began to protest but stopped as he actually thought about it.
"Oh no. Kurt we are not. I repeat not going to do this!" Blaine objected as he noticed his husbands thoughtful look.
"Come on. Itll be fun!" Kurt persuaded.
Blaine sighed, "How is it that were going back and forth over who wants to get the divorce and who wants to stay married?" He asked.
"I dont know..." Kurt said as he thought about the question, "But can we try it? Im desperate for a divorce but you may never know what we might learn from this experience." Kurt pushed on.
Blaine shrugged, "I guess-"
He couldnt finish because Rachel and Mercedes began squealing with delight. Even Santana showed excitement through a twinkle in her eyes even though she tried to hide it.