Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
Aug. 14, 2014, 7 p.m.
"Im in love with Kurt." Blaine announced to Jackie as the first thing he said that night when he walked into the bar.
Jackie looked at him in confusion, shock, and surprise, "What, sweetie?" She asked.
Blaine nodded as he took an empty bar stool, "You heard me."
Jackie chuckled, "When did this happen? No wait! First! I told you so!"
"Umm... Okay, let me tell you about the past two weeks for me." Blaine began.
Okay, you know when you feel really, really close with someone who you just want to spend all your time with them? Yeah, thats how Kurt and I felt. After living together and bumping into one another here and how we want to try a friendship we decided to spend as much time as possible. Things were going great the first week! We hadnt fought once!
Last Sunday we went back to the coffee shop where we first met up at when we got back to New York. Kurt brought his friends with him. We gathered at a large table. Things were going great!
Mercedes told a joke. We all laughed. I was sitting next to Kurt who had to have been laughing the hardest. I smiled at him. His laugh was as melodic as his voice which was beautiful.
My heart was thumping wildly and I felt my cheeks get hot. I immediately turned away from him. I knew I was blushing. I could feel the red on my cheeks. It really was a beautiful laugh!
I thought to myself, "Maybe I do have feelings for him?" but I shrugged it off and shook my head, "I couldnt be in love with Kurt!" I told myself.
It was Kurts friend, Santana, who pointed out my red-hot cheeks.
"Woah, Blaine! Feeling hot or something! What the hell did Hummel do to you?" She asked as a sly smile grew on her face.
I felt my cheeks, "Nothing!" I protested.
Santana pursed her lips, "Mhmm... sure..."
"It-Its true." I sputtered.
Santana rolled her eyes, "Looks like Blainey here has a wittle crush." She even used the W in replace with the L as she said "little."
I look at Kurt whose eyes were wide in shock as he stared at Santana. Santana smiled at him at did a little finger wave at him. I swear his cheeks were beginning to flush.
"Mmm... Sounds like Kurt may have a crush on you too." Jackie cut Blaine off.
"See, thats what I thought. But I asked him when we left the coffee shop and he said that Santana liked to use the word Blainey when they talked about me." Blaine said, "He said she thinks he has a crush on me but thats not true. According to him."
Jackie laughed, "People lie and hide things all the time, Blaine." She told him, "Everyone has a secret."
"Well, I trust Kurt. He doesnt seem like someone who would lie to me." Blaine tried.
"But he would keep a secret crush from you. Especially if hes crushing on you." Jackie told him.
Blaine looked down at the counter before him as a small blush showed on his cheeks, "You really think Kurt might have a crush on me?" He asked.
"Honey, I know so." She smiled. Blaine smiled lightly back, "Would you like a beer?"
"I would love that." Blaine whispered as he thought of the possible crush Kurt has on him.