Aug. 6, 2013, 7:06 p.m.
Aug. 6, 2013, 7:06 p.m.
Blaine plopped down on the plane seat next to Kurt as they headed home from Dublin.
"Are you alright? That was like the fifth time you got up to go to the bathroom." Kurt said as he typed fiercely at his phone.
"Yeah, fine, just- the airplane food made me kind of sick to my stomach." Blaine answered. Kurt sat his phone down, stood up and pulled out his carry on. He unzipped the little bag and pulled out a roll of pepto bismol tablets and handed it to Blaine.
"Here." He smiled as he handed the roll over.
"I don't think I need pepto bismol." Blaine responded.
"You may be a macho superstar but even stars need to take medicine." Kurt said. Blaine sighed and pulled out a little pink tablet. He popped it in his mouth and hand the roll back to Kurt who put it back in his bag.
"Thanks." Blaine said as he put his ear buds in his ears and closed his eyes
About an hour later Kurt woke up an unknowingly passed out Blaine, "How you feeling?" He asked. Blaine removed his ear buds.
"What?" He asked.
"How are feeling? Are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah, thanks." Blaine said before putting his ear buds back in and closing his eyes again.
Kurt sat back and sighed. He hated his relationship between him and Blaine. It was like Blaine never cared about him. Blaine was genuinely a kind guy, very sweet and caring. Then he turns into such a diva when he's around Kurt. Was that the relationship of every star and manager or just him and Blaine? Was it because Kurt was gay? Kurt would lay awake some nights wondering if the reason Blaine treated him the way he did was because he was gay and Blaine wasn't. Maybe Blaine was unknowingly a homophobe? That was the only solution Kurt had.
"Good luck." Kurt said before Blaine left to wait for his call out on stage of his Ellen interview.
"I have all the luck I need." Blaine smiled cocky as he closed the door leaving Kurt alone his dressing room.
"Now, let's bring out my special guest. Just came back from a world tour and is working on his fourth album please help me introduce Blaine Anderson!" Ellen announced right after a commercial break. Blaine came walking out on stage as the crowd uproared in excitement, "Hello, big fan, big fan." Ellen greeted once Blaine was comfortably seated on the opposite armchair from Ellen and the crowd's cheering died down.
"Thank you, thanks for having me." Blaine said with a chuckle.
"Oh my gosh, your even more handsome in person. You know Porsha and I listen to your music everyday." Ellen then added.
"Thank you, again." Blaine smiled.
"So, I heard you just came back from a world tour?"
"Yes I did." Blaine nodded.
"How-how was it?"
"It was fun, I got to meet all my wonderful fans that I just love so much." Blaine's smile brightened as the crowd cheered again.
"And you are currently recording a fourth album?"
"Uh-huh." Blaine nodded again.
"Wow, and you're pretty new, just started last year." Ellen enthused.
"Yes, newcomer with a large fan base, already." Blaine laughed.
"Do you ever feel... pressured with all the paparazzi surrounding you?" Ellen asked.
"Well, yes, but I haven't gone into rehab yet." Blaine joked, gaining a large laughter from the crowd.
"You did good." Kurt smiled once Blaine came back to his dressing room.
"That, I know." Blaine snorted as he took a bite of an apple.
"I'm gonna let you get ready and I'll wait for you in the limo." Kurt said as he backed out of the room. Blaine closed the door and let out of breath. He was done for a while, until Kurt could find something to add. Blaine sat down at the mirror and carefully removed his makeup before he left the building.
On his way to his limo a girl bumped into him.
"Oh, I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." The girl said as she gathered the things that fell from her bag.
"It's alright, sweetie." Blaine said as he knelt down to help pick up the girl's belongings. The girl picked a tube of chapstick and looked up, meeting Blaine's gaze.
"Blaine Anderson." She said softly. Blaine smiled.
"Yes I am. And you are?" Blaine asked, stretching out his hand. She was a gorgeous girl in Blaine's eyes. Her brunette hair was long and straight. Her bangs hanged down her forehead. And she had beautiful brown eyes to match.
"Rachel Berry." She announced proudly while taking Blaine's hand in hers and shook it. They slowly stood back up still hand in hand.
"Hurry up!" Blaine heard Kurt yell from behind Rachel. Blaine let go of the girl's hand.
"Nice meeting you." Rachel said as she dropped the chapstick in her purse.
"Yeah, um, can I have your number?" Blaine asked, scratching the back of his head. Kurt became furious. He stormed up to Blaine and Rachel.
"Come on Blaine. You know I hate waiting." Kurt said. Rachel looked between the two.
"Oh, uh..." She cleared her throat.
"If you're wondering, he's my manager." Blaine smiled at a loss of words Rachel. Rachel nodded, "So, number?" Blaine asked again.
"Oh, yeah, sure." Rachel chuckled as she dug through her purse and pulled out a pen and a little notebook. She flipped to a blank page and her number on it. She handed the number over to Blaine who smiled as he folded it up and put it in his front pocket.
"Bye." Rachel said with a simple hand wave and a huge blush on her face.
"Bye." Blaine whispered back to her as he was drug off by a very annoyed Kurt.