Jan. 17, 2016, 6 p.m.
Jan. 17, 2016, 6 p.m.
Yeah.. I clearly didnt want to keep them apart for too long lol
Friday, almost two weeks since Kurt saw or even heard from Blaine, the boy is sitting on his lesson before glee club just to be told by Rachel that glee practice is canceled for today. Kurt groans. Great, so the only thing to distract him and to keep his mind from thinking about those hazel eyes, is canceled. Great. Just fucking great.
Kurt have probably read through all of his old issues of Vogue these past weeks, every single one of them. He have watched too many episodes of Sex And The City. He even helped his father in the garage a few times. Because he is willing to do anything to try to distract himself and to stop thinking about Blaine. Anything. Because these past two weeks have been two of the worst ones in his whole life. Not only because he haven't talked to Blaine, but also because Karofsky is back. And he sees those mad, angry, cold eyes on him everywhere he goes. And Kurt is scared. And he doesn't feel safe at all when Blaine isn't around. He doesn't see those comforting hazel eyes, so he just feels scared. And worried, and just, not safe at all.
So he tries his best every day to distract himself, and glee club is his best and favorite distraction. And today glee is cancelled so he wont be able to distract himself and he just really needs to figure something else out. Because he will not let himself drive home just to sit alone in his room, sobbing while watching old, romantic movies.
Kurt tries his best to focus on that last class of the day. The bell rings out and Rachel hugs him goodbye for the weekend. Kurt sees the other students making their ways out of the school with happy smiles on their face. Because the school week is over and the weekend is here, and everyone should be happy about that. But to Kurt, that just means that he'll sit alone in his room for the next two days. Crying and looking out his window, like a character straight out of a sad teenage movie. But that's just like how it's been like for the last couple of weeks, when he ran out of things to distract himself. Nobody dares to point out to Kurt how sad he looks, but he knows they see it. Because his sadness is written all over his face. He is unusually quiet and tired, and people does notice. But he is glad that nobody really dares to ask him about it because he does not want to think about it. He does not want to think about Blaine, but that's still the only thing that seems to be on his mind. Because not even in his sleep, his thoughts will let him rest. Dreams about those hazel eyes are haunting his sleep and he have been waking up crying almost every night for these past two weeks. He still haven't wrapped his head around it all. Because everything went from being so amazing, after finally being able to talk about how him and Blaine really felt, things were so good. And nobody knew. And then that stupid situations back at his house came up and, god, Kurt couldn't stop thinking about it. About how if they'd just spend the night at Blaine's apartment, like they usually did, nothing of this would be happening right now. Blaine would still be here with him, smiling towards him in the hallway and shooting not so discrete glances in class.
Kurt sighs heavily as he makes his way down the hallway, but stops. And instead of going home like everyone else, he makes his way to the choir room. Because the only thing he does at home is to cry and feel bad for himself, and he really does not feel like doing that today.
Kurt smiles as he enters the big room and lets his gaze wander. He sighs a bit when his eyes land on the piano. He places his bag on a chair and seats himself by the black, shiny piano, stretching his fingers in front of him. He looks at the clock, almost every student should have left the school by now, he thinks. He slowly lets his fingers work over the piano keys and closes his eyes.
”Here I stand head in hand. Turn my face to the wall. If hes gone I cant go on, feeling two-foot small. Everywhere people stare, each and every day. I can see them laugh at me, and I hear them say”, Kurt starts singing softly and silent in the big, empty room. He dares himself to smile a little. Even though this song is like pouring salt right into his wounds because to him, this song is his and Blaine's. It's about them. And it hurts like hell to sing it now that Blaine is gone and Kurt is more alone than ever, but he just needs to sing it. He needs to release everything he have felt.
”Hey, youve got to hide your love away. Hey, youve got to hide your love away.”, he keeps singing, still softly and silent, not lifting his eyes from his fingers working over the piano keys. And those lyrics hurts just as much as he thought they would. It feels like the words are choking him a little, and making his chest ache, but he keeps singing anyway.
”How can I even try. I can never win. Hearing them, seeing them. In the state Im in. How could he say to me, love will find a way. Gather round all you clowns. Let me hear you say”, he continues, holding back the tears pressing behind his eyelids. He takes deep breathes and lets out clear, high notes.
”Hey youve got to hide your love away. Hey youve got to hide your love away”, Kurt finishes the song, feeling like he is about to cry his eyes but he does not let himself do that.
”Your voice always amazes me.”, a soft voice echoes in the room.
Kurt freezes. Everything in his body just freezes, except from his heart that starts beating in a hurtful pace. His hands start shaking in front of him.
”I've been listening to that song a lot lately.”, the voice continues but Kurt still does not lift his head up to look at him, ”It reminds me of you.”, the voice says, ”Every song I try to listen to reminds me of you.”
Kurt slowly straightens his back and looks up. And right there Kurt can feel in his whole body exactly how much he missed those hazel eyes and that soft, kind smile.
”What are you doing here?”, Kurt doesn't really mean to snap like he just did, but it feels kind of good. Like it helps him release everything that he has been feeling these two past weeks.
”Kurt, I am really sorry.”, Blaine starts and Kurt just shakes his head, ”I really am.”
”Why did you leave?”, Kurt can't help himself from saying, looking Blaine straight in the eyes. And Kurt knows the reason why, at least he thinks he does, but he needs to hear Blaine say the words.
”Just- Why?”, Kurt interrupts him.
”I needed to stay away from you.”
There it is. Those words that Kurt has been so damn afraid to hear, because he knew that it would tear him apart if he heard them. And he was right. He lowers his head just to feel a slow tear running down his cheek.
”Kurt-”, Blaine breathes when he sees the boy crying in front of him, and because of him.
”I needed to stay away from you because i needed to think. Without any distractions what so ever. I needed to just be around myself for a while and just think of it all.”, Blaine starts, slowly walking towards Kurt, ”And I thought about how close we were to get caught that Sunday. By your father. I thought about how every minute that ! spend with you, means that we're both risking exactly that, getting caught. And how that could lead to me losing my job and to you getting harassed even worse at school.”, he sighs. Kurt looks up at his sad face.
”But then I realized. That those risks of getting caught and loosing my job and loosing everything, they don't mean anything. They're risks I am willing to take. Because if I don't, that means loosing you. And i'd much rather lose my job or anything else. Anything. But i can't lose you. And i'm sorry it took me so long to realize that. And believe me, i've cried too, and i've been screaming and felt like the worst human being ever. I wanted to call you and just drive to your house so that I could just hold you again, risking that your father or Finn saw us. But i needed to think.”, Blaine speaks and all Kurt can do is stare. Because he did not expect that sentence to leave Blaine's lips. Blaine is shaking.
”Kurt-”, he looks the boy in the eyes again after looking down at his shaking hands for a few seconds.
”I love you.”, the man then breathes out and Kurt's heart just drops.
Blaine loves him. He did not come here to tell Kurt that they can't ever see each other again or that Kurt puts his job in danger. He came here to tell Kurt that he loves him. And all Kurt can do is gasp.
”And I know I screwed up big time by just leaving without telling you, but I didn't know what else to do, and I will try my best to-”, and that's when Kurt interrupts him by walking straight towards the man and pressing his lips hard against his.
Releasing everything against Blaine's lips. Everything he's been feeling these past weeks. How much he missed the man. How much he have been longing to do this. Desperate, hungry kisses searching for comfort in each other.
Blaine's hands finds their place around Kurt's waist and Kurt's arms settles behind the man's neck. Just like how it is supposed to be.
”I love you too.”, Kurt breathes out after a few second, because he can't help himself from saying it back. Because it is true, he loves Blaine. Probably too much for his own good, but he does not care about that right now.
Blaine pulls away, and Kurt is surprised to see the man crying in his arms. Kurt opens his mouth to say something but Blaine's lips quickly presses against his own again.
”I didn't mean anything of what I said over the phone, please know that.”, he whispers, not daring to look at Kurt, so the boy places two fingers under Blaine's chin, tilting his head up to meet his watery hazel eyes.
”I know you didn't.”, Kurt says with a soft, low voice and hugs the man tightly. And then he becomes aware about the fact that they're standing in a classroom and anyone could walk in and see them any second.
”Maybe we should talk somewhere else.”, Kurt says, biting his lip and Blaine gives him a confused look before looking around in the empty classroom, ”Okay.”, he answers with a shaky voice.
And then they do what seems absurdly stupid in the moment, Blaine walks out of the classroom first, and Kurt waits five minutes until he walks out. If someone were to see them. Just in case. Because Kurt really does not feel like taking any risk right now by walking out next to Blaine. Instead the two of them meet again in Blaine's apartment, a few minutes later. And Kurt smiles at the smell of raspberry tea that hits him as he closes the door behind him in the apartment.
”Hey.”, Kurt says softly when Blaine walks up to him.
”It feels kind of weird being here again.”, Kurt admits with a soft smile.
”It feels weird for me too, being here.”, Blaine admits with a sigh.
”That was kind of why I did not want to spend those two weeks here, because everything just reminded me of you, you know. The couch, and the kitchen, the record player, every single vinyl and even the damn raspberry tea.”, Blaine tells him and Kurt laughs softly, reaching out to stroke his gelled hair.
”I guess I kind of understand why you left now.”, Kurt says, nodding towards Blaine who sighs again.
”And I'm not mad at you or anything, you know.”, Kurt tells him, because he do not feel angry anymore, or sad.
”I wouldn't blame you if you were, you know.”, Blaine looks up at him under long eyelashes and Kurt's heart just skips a beat at that sight. Because god, he had missed that gorgeous face and that soft voice so much. He have missed all of Blaine.
”But I'm not.”, Kurt repeats.
”I hope you're being honest with me. Otherwise I'd have to spoil you with tea and massage or something to make you happy again.”, Blaine jokes with a shy smile, as if he asks if it is okay for him to joke in this situation.
Kurt laughs. Because he have missed their constant teasing and flirting, too. Kurt places his hand on the back of Blaine's neck again and pulls him in for a very light, soft kiss. But still, it's probably one of those kisses that Kurt will remember forever. Because with that kiss, they both said that everything is alright now, and they will make whatever might come their way, alright too. That from now on they will figure things out, together. And with that kiss they kind of say goodbye to being scared of risking so much by just being with each other. They say goodbye to fear. Because what they have, is worth it. It is so worth it.
”I love you.”, Blaine says against Kurt's lips causing the boy to shiver all over his pale body.
”I love you too.”
And then Blaine looks up at him and Kurt thinks that he'll never forget that look on his face. So full of love and sincerity. With those hazel eyes just locking Kurt's gaze, holding it still. His lips in the softest smile and his breathing steady. This man is perfect, Kurt thinks to himself before kissing him again.
”Please don't leave me again.”, Kurt whispers, clinging onto the man and Blaine shakes his head.
”Never.”, and even though he whispers his answer, Kurt can still hear his voice crack a little.
The boy pulls Blaine along with him to the couch and Blaine lays down on his back, pulling Kurt on top of him.
”God I've missed this.”, Blaine sighs against Kurt's neck while holding him as close as possible. And Kurt simply smiles. Smiles because this is absolutely perfect. Smiles because he never thought that he would get to experience this kind of love. This intense, growing love for someone. The feeling that he might need this man more than he needs air, to survive.
And then the two of them sits on the couch like they always used to do, talking, cuddling together under a blanket while singing along to old vinyls. Drinking raspberry tea between kisses. Intertwining their hands while locking their gazes together. Just like how it is supposed to be like, Kurt thinks.
And sometime that night, Kurt finds himself curled up next to Blaine under his white sheets in the man's bed.
”Your bed is the most comfortable thing ever.”, Kurt states, nuzzling his face against a pillow.
”And your face is the most adorable thing ever.”, Blaine laughs, moving closer to Kurt's body.
Kurt smiles while caressing Blaine's cheek with the back of his hand. Feeling the man's stubble from not shaving for a few days or so. And he leans in to kiss the him again because he can not seem to get enough of it.
”I'm really sorry, Kurt. You know that, right?.”, Blaine says after pulling away, his hazel eyes looking deep and intense into Kurt's.
”You don't have to say sorry anymore, Blaine.”, Kurt sighs, slowly stroking the man's jaw.
”I never meant to make you feel bad. I never wanted that.”, Blaine looks down now, looking ashamed and Kurt shakes his head.
”You told me why you did it, alright? And I said I understand because I do. You don't have to feel sorry for it. And we're both here now, so it's okay, don't you think?”, Kurt tries to cheer the man up and feels his heart race a bit when he receives a smile from him.
”Okay.”, Blaine breathes and Kurt places his hand on the hazel eyed man's neck to pull his face towards his own,
”Goodnight, Blaine.”, Kurt whispers against his lip and can actually feel Blaine shivering beside him.
”Goodnight, love.”
Kurt heart starts pounding at that word. He smiles in the dark room, pressing his back closer to Blaine's bare chest. Shivering at the sensation of being skin on skin with this man. A wide smile appears on his face when he feels Blaine nuzzling his nose against Kurt's neck. He presses his back even more against the other man with a happy sigh. And just like that, they fall asleep. With the moon bright on the sky outside, and Blaine's arm around Kurt's waist with their fingers intertwined under the covers. Fitting together, like two puzzle pieces.