You've got to hide your love away
Chapter fifteen Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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You've got to hide your love away: Chapter fifteen

E - Words: 2,993 - Last Updated: Jan 17, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Dec 01, 2015 - Updated: Dec 01, 2015
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Author's Notes:

Tell me what you think!

Kurt recovers quickly after that. Three weeks later the boy is almost in as good shape as he was before the accident. He does not suffer. Not physically or mentally. But everyone keeps going on and on about how he needs to process the whole incident, and that maybe he should talk to a therapist or the schools counselor. But Kurt does not feel like he needs to. Because he does not suffer from it, not at all. Sure, his ribs still hurt a bit, and he's got a scar on his cheek, but he does not feel any different. He is happy. Because things are alright. He does not have to lie to his father no more, and Blaine is by his side again. So why should he suffer? Because he is the happiest that he have ever been. He is happy for people's support though, and he smiles widely when his friends in Glee club sings him ”forever young”, wishing him a safe recovery, telling him how much they care about him. It's nice hearing everyone's kind words. Plus, christmas is just a few days away and even if Kurt claims to hate winter, he still enjoys christmas just as much as he did as a kid.


”And that's all for today. Have a nice Christmas break everyone!”, Blaine says in the crowded classroom as the bell rings out after English class. 

”Mr Hummel, can you stay for a minute? I need to talk to you about your essay.”, he directs his gaze towards Kurt and the boy nods. 

Because he actually did expect for Blaine to ask him to stay behind after class after one hour of longing gazes and flirty smiles during the lesson. Kurt even sat by his desk, chewing on his pencil, looking up just to see Blaine biting his lip before swallowing loudly. 

”Hey you.”, Blaine quickly pulls him in for a hug after the other students leaves the classroom, ”I just wanted to hold you for a little bit.” 

He drops his arms from Kurt with a tiny smile, and Kurt rolls his eyes because he knows that Blaine barely dares to hug him or to touch him in any way because he is afraid that it will hurt Kurt's ribs.

”So I was thinking that maybe you could invite me over to your place tonight?”, Kurt then asks him, meeting his hazel eyes again.

Blaine grins towards him before nodding a little, ”Sounds like a plan.”

”I'll see you at six o' clock.”

And with that, Kurt leaves. Smirking as he walks down the hallway towards his locker. He feels a warm feeling in his stomach and he is excited. Because after the accident he haven't gotten to spend one single night at Blaine's house. His father wanted him to stay home to recover properly, he also wanted Blaine and Kurt to be careful with their relationship. Because both Finn and Carole would get suspicious if Kurt would spend every single night away, and they would start asking questions and things could easily get complicated. Although, Kurt is sort of suspecting that his father have already told Carole, because he always tell her everything. Plus, Carole have been looking at Kurt with this understanding, weirdly happy look lately, so Kurt thinks she knows. But he also knows that she won't tell anyone. Because he trusts her too. And he just knows that things will work out fine.


”Something smells good.”, Kurt points out with a smirk as Blaine opens the door.

”Just my natural scent.”, Blaine teases, catching Kurt's lips.

Kurt laughs, ”Were you infected with some of my wittiness?”

”I wish.”, Blaine grins, kissing Kurt again with a happy sigh.

”Seriously though, I just ordered pizza, but it does smell good, doesn't it?”, the man says and Kurt smiles against his lips.

”Oh and here I was thinking you cooked me some sort of fancy dinner.”, Kurt teases.

”Pizza is perfectly fancy.”, Blaine pouts and Kurt can not help but to kiss the adorable man again. His adorable man.

”It is.”, Kurt agrees and Blaine pulls him into the apartment and to the dining table.

Just like a perfectly normal couple, they sit with legs intertwined under the table, constantly teasing and flirting. Like they always have. Since that very first day after class. This is what they've done since the beginning. And Kurt think that it was after joking with this man for the first time, making him laugh, that made Kurt's heart skip a beat in the first place. Like he fell in love with Blaine's laugh. Because he did. After falling in love with his eyes, smile and voice. And later on, his heart. Kurt smiles towards Blaine over the table, bright blue eyes meeting hazel ones, and then there's that perfect blend of colors again. The perfect blend, the perfect match. And Kurt can not remember one second during the dinner where their eyes weren't locked together, while eating, while talking, while drinking wine. Their eyes never left each other, and Kurt never wanted them to. 


”You taste like wine.”, Kurt breathes as Blaine's tongue meets his own as they lay down on the couch again after dinner, ”It's kind of hot.”

”Is that so?”, Blaine laughs against the boy's lips and pushes their bodies closer together.

Kurt moans brokenly. Exploring Blaine's neck with his lips and the man breathes into Kurt's ear, making the boy go crazy under him. 

”Touch me.”, Kurt manages to breathe out, causing Blaine to moan into his ear again.

”Bed.”, the shorter man breathes out, crawling off Kurt's body. 

The boy wants to whimper at the loss but quickly grabs Blaine's hand before walking towards the bed in the corner. The bed with the messy sheets where Kurt have gotten to wake up next to his favorite person a few times. Oh yeah, he definitely loves this bed.

”God, how do you even do this to me?”, Blaine groans into Kurt's mouth as he crawls on top of Kurt again, his hands cupping the boy's cheeks. 


And then there are hands exploring the skin under Blaine's shirt, tugging gently at the hem of it. And Kurt knows exactly what he is doing when he pulls the shirt over the mans head, meeting his tongue more eager than ever. 

”God, you should just stop me right now.”, Blaine continues to groan and it makes Kurt go crazy and his pants feeling a bit too tight over his crotch. 

”Make me.”, Kurt breathes out and pulls away just enough to see Blaine's eyes darken before crashing their lips together again.

It's a bit messy. Hands are rubbing backs and grabbing hips, tongues are licking along necks and foreheads are pressed together. Teeth are clashing and lips are smiling against each other. Kurt isn't even aware of how Blaine unbuttons his shirt and throws it away, he just suddenly notices how they're skin on skin, chests rubbing together. 

”Blaine, Kurt whines, pulling Blaine even closer, pressing their naked chests together even more. 

”Kiss me.”, Blaine begs, lips desperately searching for Kurt's mouth again as he fumbles with his hands on Kurt's zipper. 

”Why are you still wearing clothes?”, Blaine groans and his breath is hot against Kurt's mouth as he quickly pulls the boy's jeans off. 

”I could ask you the same thing.”, Kurt moans and tugs desperately at Blaine's pants, wanting them out of the way as quick as possible.

Their kisses are more desperate by now, hot and messy, exploring every inch of skin. Kurt moans right into Blaine's ear as he feels a hand cupping him over his boxer briefs. 

”I want you.”, Kurt manages to breathe out between their lips.

”Tell me what you want.”, Blaine groans into his mouth.

”I want everything.”

Blaine tilts his head up.


”Please, just, please? I want you.”, Kurt interrupts him before Blaine gets the chance to talk.

”Okay.”, Blaine then whispers and Kurt can feel his heart speed up like crazy. Because this is what he wants. With Blaine.

Kurt closes his eyes when Blaine slowly wraps his hand around his dick, and his breath is hot and jagged when he feels one of Blaine's fingers tracing down his ass.

”Are you sure you want this?”, Blaine whispers against the boy's mouth.

”Yes.”, Kurt barely manages to get out the word because his body and mind craves Blaine's touch more than ever right now, ”Please”.

Kurt isn't sure exactly what he expected when he asked Blaine for everything, but he surely doesn't regret asking him for it when he is watching Blaine coating one of his fingers with lube.

”Just try to relax, okay?”, Blaine's breath is hot against his own mouth and before Kurt can answer, his mouth shuts and he loses his breath a little as he feels a finger running over his entrance. Slowly and a little teasingly, and he can feel the slippery finger over his whole several times before Blaine finally decides to push in. 

Kurt inhales sharply and rolls his eyes into his head when Blaine slowly works one finger inside him, because he never expected this to feel so good. He can feel Blaine's erection against his thigh as the man works him open, hitting a spot inside of him that Kurt hadn't even touched himself yet. And it all feels way too good, way too fast.

”Blaine, shit, please.”, the boy breathes out, sounding more desperate than he intended to, because now Blaine is sliding two fingers inside him while slowly lowering his mouth over Kurt's dick. It's too much, the boy thinks, but in the best way possible.

He can hear the sound of Blaine's mouth working up and down his length, and his moans echoing between the walls, but other than that, the apartment is completely silent.

”Kurt, are you-”, Blaine begins but Kurt quickly shuts him up with a kiss.

”Yes. I want it, you don't have to keep asking me. I want it. I want you.”, Kurt says between slow, wet kisses and Blaine just breathes into his mouth.


Kurt holds his breath while when he is watching Blaine a few seconds later, pulling a condom on his dick, coating it with the white, slippery liquid. Kurt's eyes are wide and he can feel his mouth hanging open a bit, because he never expected that sight to be so ridiculously hot, leaving him wanting more.

”Blaine-”, Kurt can hear himself saying before Blaine is hovering over him, looking down with Kurt with warm eyes.

”I love you.”, he whispers and before Kurt can answer, he feels Blaine pushing his dick inside of him and the boy's mind goes completely blank.

His eyes rolls into his head instantly and he can't help the broken moan that escapes from his mouth. It's a strange feeling, being filled up like this, it hurts a bit but god, Kurt never want it to stop. He is probably more eager rather than ready when he meets Blaine's hazel eyes again, ”I love you too.”, he catches his breath, ”Now move, please.”

He swallows loudly when Blaine nods before placing a slow, open mouthed kiss to his parted lips. And then he starts moving. Slow and steady, wanting for Kurt to get used to the feeling before speeding up. Kurt loses count of how many times he's been moaning and whimpering into Blaine's mouth now, but he can not help himself.

”Fuck, Kurt.”, Blaine groans over him and Kurt just pulls the man closer, wrapping his legs around him. 

His heart is pounding so hard in his chest that it almost hurts, but he doesn't waste anytime thinking about that because Blaine is hitting that spot inside of him with every thrust now and Kurt can't even think clearly anymore.

”Shit-”, the man continues, his darkened hazel eyes meeting Kurt's and the boy can only manage to get one single word out, ”Faster.”

A loud moan escapes Blaine's lips before thrusting his hips faster into Kurt. The room is still completely silent except from the sound of two people chasing their breaths, skin slapping together and quiet, loving words escaping their mouths sometimes. Their hands are intertwined over Kurt's head while Blaine is placing slow, hot kisses to his lips, still thrusting into him.

Kurt always thought about sex as something hot, quick and dirty, he never expected it to be slow, beautiful and intense, like it is right now. And Kurt have never felt better, he thinks.

”Kurt, fuck-”, the boy can hear Blaine saying and he pulls him even closer, slowly stroking his hands along Blaine's sweaty back .

”Come.”, he hears himself saying and receives a loud moan from the man on top of him.

Kurt swallows loudly and shuts his eyes as he can feel the muscles in his stomach tense up in that familiar way and he drags his nails along Blaine's back. 

”Blaine.”, his voice comes out more broken and desperate than he thought was possible, and then Blaine quickly fumbles with his hand between their bodies, gripping Kurt's throbbing dick.

His mind goes completely blank and he can hear himself whining out Blaine's name before spilling himself onto his stomach, shortly after feeling Blaine grab his hips harder while coming first. 

”Shit.”, Blaine breathes out, collapsing down to Kurt's chest, and the boy can only nod in response.

”Yeah, shit.”


”I've got something for you.”, Blaine says a few hour later when they're back on the couch, drinking tea, legs tangled together.

”Huh?”, Kurt gives him a questioning look.

”I know we said that we wouldn't buy each other anything for christmas, and I haven't, but I still have something for you.”, Blaine explains with an adorable, shy look in his eyes and Kurt smiles.

His eyes follows Blaine as the man stands up and grabs something behind the couch, Kurt raises his eyebrows a little.

”Open it.”, the man grins while handing Kurt a carefully wrapped christmas gift.

Kurt laughs a little, slowly tearing the paper open as Blaine seats himself down on the couch again.

”I know it's nothing fancy or anything, and I know that we've been listening to this every time you're here, but i just wanted you to have it. And I want you to pick it up and remember me next year when you're in New York.”, Kurt just stares at the vinyl in his hands, his lips parted as he listens to Blaine speaking.

Kurt doesn't answer, instead he reads the little words that are written on the back of the cover.

Hey, I hope you will remember me. I'm your old English teacher, the one with the gel helmet and an unhealthy obsession with coffee and bowties. I hope you will remember me. And I hope you love New York, and I hope you feel more at home there than what I did when I was there. And as you can see, I circled one particular song on the cover. And I want you to listen to it, and to remember me. And remember how we had to hide our love away from others, but it was still perfect, or well, to me it was. I hope you will remember me, Kurt Hummel. Because I will surely remember you.

Blaine Anderson

Kurt realize that he is tearing up after reading the written words on the cover and tries to muffle a sob with his hand against his mouth.

”I know it's a little silly, but-”, Blaine begins but doesn't finish the sentence because Kurt is pulling the man down to capture his lips. Slow and tender.

”I love you, even if you have an unhealthy obsession with coffee and bowties.”, Kurt smiles against the warm mouth on his own.

”I love you too.”, a muffled laugh escapes Blaine's lips.

”But I don't want to think about that I'll be leaving for New York in a few months. Not tonight.”, Kurt sighs and Blaine nods, trying his best to smile.

And Kurt did too. Even though he just wanted to cry, partly because Blaine's gift was so thoughtful and sweet, and partly because this reminded him about the fact that he is leaving in a few months. And Blaine isn't coming with him. At least that what he assumes, because they haven't really talked about it yet. Even though they both know very well that it is happening. Because Kurt sent his application to NYADA, the college of his dreams, a few months ago. And if he get's in, which is the only option in his mind, he is going to New York. Kurt bites his lips. Because no, he does not want to think about it right now. Not tonight.  

”I might have something for you too, I remembered now.”, Kurt then says with a smirk on his lips

Blaine raises his dark eyebrows and Kurt laughs a little.

”Yeah? And what is that?”, Blaine asks with a calm smile when he realizes what Kurt means.

”I guess you just have to find out.”, Kurt answers, tugging on Blaine's sweater to pull him on top of himself again.

”I am crazy about you, Kurt Hummel.”, Kurt hears Blaine saying between hot, needy kisses.


”Just take of your damn clothes already.”


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