Save Tonight
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Save Tonight: Chapter two

E - Words: 3,374 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 14, 2016 - Updated: Jan 14, 2016
152 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Tell me what you think! (because Im not 100% sure about if i should keep posting this story or not)

The morning wasn't as awkward as Kurt thought it would be. He barely dared to turn around when he woke up, afraid of meeting Blaine's face. But instead of finding another sleeping body next to him in his bed, he found a carefully folded note. 

So I guess I'm following some kind of one (five) night stand rules now, leaving with a note and all. But I really had to leave early though. I had fun. Have a nice life Kurt.


And for some reason he still have the note with him when he arrives at work. Carefully folded in his pocket. He makes his way to his office, determined to not stop and talk to anybody, he does not have time and patience for that today.

He takes a look out the window and a sip from his steaming coffee. He'll manage to get through this day even though his pounding head as a result from a bad hangover. 

”Morning, Hummel!”, Kurt groans at the sound of Santana's raspy voice and turns around in his chair.

”Thought you went home with that blue haired girl? I didn't think you'd be here today.”, he yawns, stretching his arms over his head.

”Oh believe me, I did.”, she winks, ”And you totally went home with squishy ass last night, did you?”

Kurt laughs, ”Squishy ass, really?”

”Please, his ass screamed ‘bottom' the second I saw it.”, she rolls her eyes with a grin. 

They're interrupted by Mrs Waldorf's first assistant in the door and Kurt immediately straighten his back. 

”Good morning, sir.”

”Morning Hummel. Lopez.”, the suit wearing man nods towards them and Kurt shoots Santana a nervous glance.

”So I need you to do something for me.”, the man, Mr. Bloom, continues and shoots a warning look towards Santana after a loud groan escapes her lips.

”So we have a new worker here that Mrs. Waldorf decided to hire for some damn reason, and I need you to take care of him today. Show him around, show him how the computers work and all that.”, Mr. Bloom says and rolls his eyes, earning another groan from Santana.

”You do it Kurt. I'm way too busy.”, is her excuse to avoid having to deal with the new worker.

”Fine.”, Kurt hisses between his clenched teeth and Mr. Bloom shoots him a satisfied smile.

”Great.”, he grins and Kurt sighs, ”Mr. Anderson, you can come in here. Mr Hummel will show you around today.”

Kurt lets a small gasp escape his parted lips when he turns his gaze towards the door again when another man walks in behind Mr. Bloom.


This isn't happening.

No, no, no, no. 

Shit, Shit, Shit, shit.

”Holy sweet hell.”, Santana breathes out, looking at Kurt before a huge grin takes over her face.

Kurt can feel his jaw drop before meeting the mans eyes. Hazel mixed with bright blue. 


Great. Just fucking great.

Blaine parts his lip the second he catches sight of Kurt and his eyes widens dramatically. 

”Any problem here?”, Mr. Bloom asks, eyebrows raised as Santana laughs out loud.

Blaine looks at the floor, biting back a grin and Kurt just groans.

”No. No problem. Thanks Mr. Bloom, I'll take care of him.”, Kurt forces a smile and groans when he hears another loud laugh from Santana.

”I thought you already did, Hummel.”

Mr. Bloom shakes his head, confused and annoyed, before walking out. 

”Have fun.”, Santana smirks towards Kurt before walking out after the suit wearing man.

”So, I don't think this is in the rulebook for one night stands.”, Blaine tries, biting his lip slightly and Kurt chuckles. 

”No. This is probably way more awkward than any rulebook for one night stands could ever think of.”, Kurt nods, biting back a laugh, because this is insane.

So the one time in his life he decides to have sex with a stranger, this is what happens to him?

Maybe the universe is really trying to tell him something.

He knew it would be a bad idea after all.

”We should just, uhm, I should just start showing you around then, I guess.”, Kurt bites his bottom lip, walking towards the door, feeling Blaine's gaze burning into his back.

”Really Hummel?”, Kurt bumps into Santana outside the door.

”What?”, he groans.

”You're gonna ”show him around”, really?”, she quotes, a grin on her face, ”Like that doesn't mean you're gonna have sex in the first empty room you can find.”

The girl laughs and if she wasn't one of his best friends, he'd probably hate her right now.

”Just please spare me with your comments for one day, Satan.”, he rolls his eyes, ”And to answer your question; no, because I am not constantly horny like you are.”

He can hear Blaine laugh quietly behind him and Santana grins. 

”I bet gel helmet over there is though.”, she crosses her arms and nods towards Blaine.

”Okay, that's enough. See you at lunch.”, Kurt says before the girl can say anything else and pulls Blaine with him down the hall.

”So I guess this will be the millionth time in not even twenty four hours that I have to apologize for my friend.”, Kurt sighs as the girl is out of sight.

Blaine grins.

”Don't apologize. She just have a different way of expressing herself, I suppose.”, his raspy laugh continues and Kurt swallows loudly because holy shit how can a person's damn laugh sound so hot?

”Yeah, well, you'll get used to it in a few weeks.”, Kurt shakes his head with a quiet laugh and stares into that pair of hazel eyes again.

”So we're really going to be working together, huh?”, Kurt asks, a stupid question really, but somehow he still does not believe the universe would actually to this to him.

”I think so.”, Blaine bites his lip in a crooked smile.

Why does he have to be so damn adorable with that stupid, goofy smile?

”And I also think that it will be great.”, he continues and Kurt raises his eyebrows.

”I'll just show you around then, I guess.”, Kurt bites his lip before starting to make his way down the hall.


”And here's the cafeteria.”, Kurt tells Blaine, gesturing with his arms around the big, empty space.

”And this is also the place where you'll be forced to listen to Santana's perverted comments.”, he jokes and Blaine grins. 

”I think I can live with that.”, he smiles, and it is something in his hazel eyes that twinkles as he takes one step forward towards Kurt.

”Do you think we can just stop this awkward tension sometime today?”, Kurt laughs quietly and Blaine joins him.

”I think it will be what we make it to.”, Blaine says and Kurt nods.

”We should be friends, right? We could just forget about that last night happened and try to talk to each other like any other pair of colleagues would.”, Kurt suggests and Blaine shoots his dark eyebrows up a little.

”I agree with you, Mr. Hummel.”, Blaine says, a teasing tone in his voice. 

His hazel eyes sparkle and Kurt swallows loudly.



Kurt finds himself staring at Blaine's face at lunch later that day, listening to the man talk about college and high school. He nods and smiles, enjoying how Blaine's voice changes when he talks about how much fun he had being the lead singer in the school choir. 

”And the last gay have arrived to the table.”, a voice interrupts them and Kurt glances up at Santana who sits down by the table with a smirk.

”So what did you guys do? Sex in the restroom? Blowjobs in the office?”

”Shut it!”, Kurt groans loudly, relieved when Blaine just seems to laugh at her comment.

”Oh so you two really did get it on then, I suppose?”, she grins, placing a bowl of salad in front of her.

”No, I think those five times last night were enough for a little while.”, Blaine jokes to Kurt's big surprise. His bright eyes widens and he can hear Santana laugh.

”Watch and learn Mr Gel Helmet over here, Kurt! That's how you're supposed to talk to me.”, she jokes and Blaine grins a little, lips softening to a kind smile when Kurt looks at him. 

”God, I am working with two perverts.”, he groans, voice sarcastic as he nudges his shoulder against Blaine's.

”Seriously though, the sexual tension between you two can be seen by a blind person.”, Santana points out casually.

”Quit it, Santana.”, Kurt sighs, glancing towards Blaine who is now looking at his food, a smile on his face.

”Although, you do know about Mrs. Waldorf policy when it comes to relationships between colleagues, right?”, Santana lowers her voice a little, leaning towards Kurt over the table.

Blaine raises an eyebrow.

”What?”, he asks, hazel eyes curious.

”Well, I thought she made it very clear to all new workers that relations between you and your coworkers are not allowed.”, she shrugs and Blaine tilts his head a little, looking more confused.

Adorable, Kurt thinks.

”Why?”, Blaine asks.

”I don't know, something about not wanting to have her workers distracted from work and stuff.”, Santana shrugs, eating from her salad. 

”Oh.”, Blaine leans back against the chair. 

”Well, that's not a problem for us, Santana. Since we're not in a relationship.”, Kurt shoots her a warning look, ”And besides, you're the one who had sex with that British girl who worked here a couple of weeks ago.” 

”Hey you know I only did it because I wanted her fired. Sure she was sweet but she was a pain in the ass.”, she rolls her eyes, receiving a groan from Kurt.

”And speaking of feeling pain in the ass, if I were you two, I would not get it on here at work, our outside work to be honest. Because you should know by now that it can get you fired.”, the girl continues, sounding a little more serious with her eyes on Kurt.
Blaine chuckles. 

”Good thing we do not ”get it on at work” then.”, Kurt quotes her and Santana laughs.

”Whatever you say, Hummel. Mr Bowtie over here haven't been able to walk normally the whole day.”, and with that, Santana stands up, a smirk on her face, and leaves.

”I'm not even gonna apologize for her this time.”, Kurt sighs and smile when he hears the other man laugh. 

”Don't. I think it was a good thing she told us about the, uhm, the policy.”, Blaine says with a smile, eyes shining towards Kurt.

How the hell does he do that thing with his eyes? They look like they twinkle? 

Kurt swallows.

”Why? Sure, we hooked up, but it was a one time thing, right? There's no need to be worried about getting fired because of having relations with your colleagues, because we don't, remember?”, Kurt tells him, and he is not sure whether he is trying to convince Blaine or himself.

”Right.”, Blaine agrees, but doesn't look too convinced. 

”So, Mr. Anderson, we should get back to work.”, Kurt winks before standing up.

Completely unaware of the longing look a pair of hazel eyes shoots him.


”Hummel. It's time you and me have a little lady chat.”, Kurt is about to lock the door to his office when Santana appears behind him.

”Look, Santana. I just want to go home, have a bath and forget about all of the awkward situations I suffered through today.”, Kurt groans, tossing his bag over his shoulder.

”Seriously, Hummel. You've worked so hard to get this job. Mrs. Waldorf adores you. Don't screw this up.”, she says, crossing her arms and Kurt is surprised because Santana never takes things seriously.

”I'm not screwing it up, okay?”, he hisses, ”You know I always put my career before my love life. I always have.”

”Yeah? How come you look at Bowtie Gay like he is your long lost husband or something?”, she asks him, eyebrows raised and arms crossed.

”Look Santana, I will not let some one night stand ruin my career, okay? I will not let some random guy walk into my life and get me fired, okay? I don't even like him like that!”, Kurt snaps, but he manages to convince Santana as much as he convinces himself; not at all. 

”Just be careful, Hummel.”, she sighs and he nods, teeth clenched. 

”I always am.”


Kurt decides to walk home, the subway is probably crowded and smelling like pee by this time of the day anyway. It usually is. He walks quickly between tall skyscrapers and noisy cars. But it's just the charm of the city. He smiles. Maybe Santana's right, maybe he is too in love with this city to ever fall for someone. He is walking past Starbucks when a door flies open right in front of his face.

”Shit, Sorry- Kurt?”, Kurt looks up at the sound of a very familiar voice.

”We really can't avoid each other, can't we?”, Blaine laughs and Kurt sighs.

”Looks like the universe keeps screwing with me.”, Kurt says and Blaine grins. 

”Maybe it has it's reasons.”, Blaine's eyes shines towards him and Kurt wants to groan.

Why does he have to have those eyes? The most beautiful ones Kurt have ever seen. 

”Look, Blaine. We talked about this. We hooked up, but that's it, okay? We're both working for Mrs.Waldorf now, and we both have to follow the rules. So this-”, Kurt gestures his fingers between the two of them, ”-is not going to happen.”

Blaine bites his lips and Kurt almost feels bad for the disappointed look in the man's hazel eyes.

”I just hope we can be friends?”, Blaine asks him, shrugging a little, ”I really do want to get to know you.”

Kurt sighs.

”Yeah. Yeah, of course we can be friends.”, he starts, ”I could really use another friend in the city who isn't Santana Lopez who making my love life world wide news.”, he jokes.

”So would you accompany me to dinner then?”, Blaine smiles.

Kurt swallows and shifts a little uncomfortably, and Blaine notices.

”As friends, I meant.”, the hazel eyed man corrects himself and Kurt let's out a sigh he didn't know he was holding in.

”Of course.”, Kurt manages to get out and can hear Blaine laugh at his reaction.

How does he do that? Kurt wonders yet again, for the millionth time. How does he have a sexy sounding laugh? Kurt mentally slaps himself.

Just friends, he reminds himself.

”So I thought we could go to Freemans? It's on Eight Rivington Street.”, Blaine suggests and Kurt smiles widely.

”Yeah, I know. I go there all the time.”, Kurt sees Blaine smile a little at his answer, ”Excellent choice. You have a great taste when it comes to food and restaurants, I see?”

Blaine laughs, walking with his hands in the pockets of his high water pants. 

”Well, I've learned to appreciate a great restaurant when I see one. Where I come from originally we pretty much only have one restaurant called Breadstix, and also Taco Bell. So I had a lot of fun exploring a few of the thousands restaurants in the city when I moved her.”, Blaine tells him and Kurt raises his eyebrows.

He knows Breadstix and Taco Bell too well himself.

”Really? Where are you from?”, he asks.

”Westerville Ohio.”, Blaine shrugs, pulling Kurt aside a little when the man almost bumps into another person on the sidewalk. 

”You're kidding right?”, Kurt says, Blaine gives him a confused look, ”I'm from Ohio too. Lima, actually.”

”Seriously?”, Blaine laughs, glancing at Kurt as they walk down the street.

”Wait, you told me about being in a show choir in high school? Don't tell me you joined New Directions after I graduated or something?”, Kurt asks, voice high pitched and excited.

”New Directions? No, I was in The Warblers, I went to Dalton Academy. But wait, were you in New Directions? From McKinley?”, now it's Blaine's turn to sound overly excited, and Kurt can not help but to notice how adorable his eyes look when he is excited. 

”Yes I was. Almost five years ago. So wait, you really were in The Warblers? We competed against them several times!”, this is unbelievable, Kurt thinks. Why didn't they start talking back in high school? 

”I joined them my freshman year. It was about four years ago now, I think.”, Blaine simply smiles, so many weird puzzle pieces falling into place, ”And yes, we must have competed against each other then.”

”This is so odd.”, Kurt laughs, shaking his head.

”I can't believe we've seen each other before but didn't recognize each other?”, Blaine says, gesturing with his hands and Kurt smiles. 

”Well, I don't think you would remember me if you would have noticed me back then. I was sort of in the background, a show choir nerd with a high pitched voice.”, Kurt laughs, thinking back at his high school experience. 

”Are you serious?”, Blaine shrieks and Kurt gives him a confused look, ”Don't tell me you are the guy who sang Blackbird at regionals like five years ago?”

Kurt's jaw drops.

”Well, yes, that was me.”

”Oh my god this is so insane.”, Blaine laughs loudly, ”I was crushing so hard on you.”

Kurt can feel the corner of his lips tugging and he smiles, ”Really?”

”If I remember it right, you had the most amazing voice I had ever heard!”, Blaine continues to laugh and Kurt can feel himself blushing.

Since when does Kurt Hummel ever blush? He thinks.

”You have to sing for me some time!”, Blaine begs, now starting to walk backwards in front of Kurt.

”Slow down now Mister, we're just friends going out to dinner, remember? I'm not gonna serenade you.”, Kurt teases, hands in his pockets. 

”Fine then. But I will get to hear you sing some day. Because from what I can remember, you were kind of amazing.”

”Putting a lot of pressure on me now, aren't you?”, Kurt laughs, ”And by the way, what did The Warblers sing that year? I want to see if I have any memories of seeing you.”

”Well we sang Raise Your Glass, and also Hey Soul Sister.”, Blaine smiles, his hazel eyes shimmering under the dim light of the moon setting.

”Oh god, you were the lead singer, weren't you?”, Kurt exclaims, suddenly remember watching a young, gel haired boy on the stage.

”Indeed I was.”

”God, I should have remember seeing you perform the second I saw you at the bar last night. But all I can remember are those hideous blazers. They really were a distraction from watching your faces and actual performance.”, Kurt teases and Blaine laughs loudly, eyes on the sky.

”They weren't that hideous.”

”They were. I can not even think of a season the last hundred years that they might have been fashionable.”

”I can't believe this. We should have met years ago.”, Blaine laughs, something like longing and nostalgia shining in his eyes.

”We should have.”, Kurt agrees, looking down to see Blaine bite his lips.

”Now let's go order some food, Blaine Warbler.”


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