Feb. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
Feb. 26, 2016, 6 p.m.
Something about this story makes me doubt it all the time and kinda regret publishing and I dont know why but it annoys the crap out of me haha!
Anyway, tell me what you think here or mail me at ronja.nj@hotmail.com
”Kurt Hummel, you're a fuck up.”, Santana approaches him the next morning, slamming the door to his office open.
”Good morning on you too, Santana.”, Kurt sighs, fingers drumming against the cup of coffee in front of him.
”Did you and Lady Boy Number Two have sex yesterday?”, she asks while crossing her arms.
Kurt shoots her a confused look.
”What the hell are you talking about?”, he frowns, ”And no. We didn't.”
”Really? Because the bowtie addict walked in a few minutes ago, a disgustingly huge smile on his face and he looked like he just found himself the richest sugar daddy on earth or something-”, the girl starts and Kurt groans in frustration, it is way too early to deal with Santana's ways of expressing herself.
”- but I know that can not be the reason, because I happen to know that most sugar daddy's aren't into the whole Grandpa look your boy have going on. So I figured it must be about you two.”, she continues, grinning towards Kurt, but her eyes are still concerned.
”Just shut up, please!”, Kurt groans, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, ”God, Santana.”
”Look Hummel, you know what I told you about colleagues at this job having relations.”, she starts before Kurt interrupts her.
”We're not in a relationship! Shit, Santana, we went out for dinner last night as friends, if you must know. But other than that, nothing happened.”, he assures her, but she doesn't look to convinced.
”Just don't do anything Mrs.Waldorf will make you regret.”, she says, walking backwards towards the door.
”Bye, Santana.”
Kurt groans.
Why is she like this? Why does she keep telling him about the stupid rule about no relations between coworkers? It does not matter, because he is not having any relationships with any of the other workers here. And Blaine does not count, because they hooked up before they even knew they were working together, and it surely doesn't affect their abilities to work. So why does she keep bringing this up?
Is this some kind of sick game she is playing? Is she trying to get into his head so that he is too distracted to work because she makes him think about this damn thing with Blaine?
No, she wouldn't do that, Kurt decides. She's his best friend in this city, Kurt won't doubt her.
He bites his lip.
Maybe it's he himself that is only using Santana's constant teasing as an excuse to why his thoughts are constantly revolving around a pair of hazel eyes and a crooked smile?
No, he will not do this to himself. He will stop thinking about Blaine, stop thinking about Santana and the only thing he will do is the work he is supposed to do.
These thoughts ends now, he thinks.
Kurt have made it through almost four hours of constant working. Calling clients, checking off lists and all of that usual stuff. He does not let himself get distracted until the door slams open and two men walks in, carrying a wooden desk between them.
”Excuse me?”, Kurt gives the two men a confused look, straightening his back against the chair.
”Hi.”, one of the men answers, as if walking into someones office with a huge freaking desk is the most casual thing in the world.
”Uhm, what are you doing?”, Kurt tries again.
”We're doing our job. What about you man?”
”No, I mean, what are you doing in my office with that desk?”, Kurt is starting to get frustrated.
”That guy in the green suit, Mr. Bloom or something, told us to put it here.”, the other man shrugs, adjusting the hideous cap on his head.
”What?”, Kurt is even more confused now.
”Look man, we don't know anything, we were just hired for today to add a few desks to some of the offices.”, the man with the cap explains, scratching his beard a little.
”Why? I already have a desk?”
”I'm guessing this is for someone else then.”, the guy answers him, shooting him an annoyed glance before walking out again.
Kurt shifts in his chair, glancing towards the other desk placed by the window.
Does this mean he will have to share office with someone? What if this is Santana's idea? What if she is doing this so that she can keep him from doing anything stupid with Blaine? Because even though she always jokes about it, she doesn't want the two of them to do anything that might put their jobs at risk. But still, Kurt is not sure he can deal with having to share this space with Santana, having to listen to her inappropriate comments all day long.
The door opens again, a little more carefully this time.
”Delivery for Kurt Hummel.”, a familiar voice says.
”Blaine?”, Kurt raises his eyebrows a little, looking at the steaming cup of coffee Blaine is holding in front of him.
”Your usual order is nonfat mocha, right?”, he asks, placing the cup in front of Kurt.
Kurt nods, still confused until he is watching Blaine sit down by the newly arrived desk.
”Wait-”, Kurt begins.
”Looks like we'll be sharing this office.”, Blaine says before Kurt can finish his sentence, the look in his hazel eyes are hesitant, almost shy.
”Oh.”, is all Kurt can get out.
Of course it is Blaine who he will have to share office with. Of course the universe will keep screwing with him. And Kurt doesn't know if he is anxious or actually relieved about it.
”Is it alright? I mean, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything.”, Blaine bites his lip, eyes glancing towards Kurt.
”God, no. It's okay. We're friends, remember?”, Kurt manages to force a smile, not knowing why he feels so lightheaded all of a sudden.
Blaine nods, a smile on his face and fuck does he even know what he looks like? With those perfectly shaped lips in the most adorable smile Kurt have ever seen. And those god damned eyes. Hazel mixed with gold and a little green and a hint of pure perfection.
Okay, so Kurt can admit to himself that Blaine is pretty easy on the eyes. But that doesn't mean anything. They've had plenty of good looking workers here. Kurt had even thought Santana was hauntingly beautiful when they both started working here. It's natural, he thinks. To think people look good. But when people looks as good as Blaine does-, he interrupts his thoughts before he can even finish them.
”Would you like to join me for lunch then? I thought I could go and eat while those guys moves some more furniture in here.”, Blaine suggests, putting his grey coat on.
Kurt licks his lips, ”Of course.”
”If you think I'm eating here you're delusional.”, Kurt stops in front of the food truck, shooting a glance towards a laughing Blaine.
”Come on, don't be that person.”, Blaine winks before turning to say something to the man in the truck.
Kurt groans. Because he didn't want to be that person. The uptight city man who looks down on everyone else, he's not that person.
”Just trust me on this, okay?”, Blaine begs him, shooting him a wink.
Why does he keep doing that? They're friends. And it is one thing for Santana to wink constantly at him, but with Blaine, it means something else. Is he aware of that? Because he shouldn't be winking like that towards Kurt when they just talked about this whole thing.
”Close your eyes.”, Blaine suddenly says and Kurt shoots him a confused, hesitant look.
”So that you just let your taste buds do the job. Not your eyes.”, Blaine explains, hiding the food behind his back.
”Fine.”, Kurt sighs, closing his eyes, feeling Blaine's finger trace over his cheek.
Kurt opens his eyes again and shoots Blaine a warning look.
”Sorry, you just had some dirt right there. Just close your eyes again.”
And Kurt does as Blaine tells him to again and opens his mouth when he can smell the food. And wow, it really is delicious. Kurt was not wrong the previous night when he complimented Blaine for his choice and taste when it comes to restaurants and food.
”Delicious, right?”, Blaine laughs as Kurt practically moans while tasting the food.
”What is it?”, Kurt opens his eyes.
Some kind of taco with some kind of pork, practically floating in guacamole and hot sauce, Kurt thinks.
”And you said you didn't miss Taco Bell in Ohio?”, Kurt teases.
”Come on, this isn't just a regular taco.”, Blaine pouts, taking a bite of his own food and Kurt laughs.
And somehow that pout reminds him of seventeen year old Warbler Blaine, singing Raise Your Glass, even though Kurt hadn't remembered that seventeen year old until Blaine mentioned him.
”We are not taking the subway back now. I have to walk this off.”, Kurt says, party sarcastically and party honestly.
”Don't be that person, Kurt.”, Blaine says again with another wink and Kurt rolls his eyes.
”I'm not.”, he protests, watching Blaine tilting his head in disbelief.
”Whatever you say, Kurt, whatever you say.”
”You didn't mention you were such a jerk.”, Kurt teases, smiling towards Blaine, lips covered in guacamole.
”Didn't I? I guess there's a lot of things you don't know about me, Kurt Hummel.”, Blaine says, sounding as if he challenging Kurt. Get to know me, Kurt. See how fast you can fall for me.
Why does Blaine keep flirting like this? And why doesn't Kurt tell him to stop?
”Let's get back to work, Gene Kelly.”
Kurt tries his best to be as productive as possible at work after his lunch with Blaine. His friend. But something about Blaine's presence keeps distracting him. The way he frowns and bites his lip when he is trying to learn how his new computer works. The way his breathing gets louder and quicker as he is about to make his very first call to a client. Kurt bites his lip. He is almost one second away from thinking screw the rules and screw Mrs.Waldorf, but he doesn't. Because Kurt have always been a professional. He always puts his career before his love life, and he will continue to do that. Not that he ever thought about changing his mind. Because he haven't Not really.
And sure he continues to have dreams about Blaine throughout the week. Waking up with an almost painful erection. But it's innocent, it's probably just because Blaine was the last person he had sex with, Kurt tries to convince himself on Saturday morning, waking up hard.
He distracts himself by filling his body with numerous cups of coffee and reading Vogue over and over. What exactly it is that he is distracting himself from, he is not sure about. From thinking about Blaine, his friend? From thinking about how he wakes up hard almost every morning after dreams about that same friend?
Kurt groans. He needs to get out of this apartment and do something. Walking around alone on a Saturday night, overthinking, never helped anyone. So he does the most natural thing for him to do, he calls Santana, asking her if he can come over.
”No way Hummel, the city's most gorgeous lesbian is coming over in fifteen minutes, and unless you want to watch us getting our sweet lady kisses on, you should stay home.”, is the answer he gets from his friend.
Kurt groans. Great, he thinks. He can't just stay inside by himself and rot. He bites his lips as he dials another number on his phone.
He really shouldn't do this.
”Blaine? Hey, it's Kurt. I was, uhm, I was just wondering if you would like to come over or something? I can feel myself starting to fade away out boredom over here.”
”I'll be over in twenty minutes.”
Kurt have filled his body with almost half a wine bottle as Blaine arrives. But he is still sober enough to keep control over his body and over his thoughts.
”Hey you.”, Blaine leans against the door frame.
”Cute bowtie.”, Kurt nods, slurring a little.
”Kurt, are you drunk?”, Blaine laughs, taking one step into the apartment.
”Not yet.”, Kurt sighs, making his way to the kitchen to get Blaine a glass.
”So, friend. How do you like your new job?”, Kurt starts the conversation as they sit down on his tiny couch.
”I like it very much thank you. And the view in from my place in the office is pretty awesome.”, Blaine winks and Kurt almost drops his glass.
Did Blaine just flirt with him again? God, Kurt knew that the two of them sharing an office would be a bad thing.
”Blaine, you can't just say things like that-”
”I meant the view from the office, Kurt. Like the view over Central Park, ever noticed that?”, Blaine quickly interrupts him, but Kurt isn't too sure.
”Fine.”, Kurt sighs, sipping of his wine.
”So, how come you invited me here?”, Blaine asks causally, hazel eyes on Kurt.
It feels like those eyes are burning him. Like the shine from his hazel eyes goes straight to under his skin and just burns him. There's no other way Kurt can describe what he feels when those dreamy eyes are watching him.
”Well, I was bored. And I just wanted to hang out with a friend. New York might be a big, busy city, but it's still a lonely place, you know?”, Kurt shrugs and Blaine smiles.
”Yeah, I know.”, he says quietly, nodding, eyes burning into Kurt's skin again.
And without a warning, Blaine's lips are on his, Kurt's eyes flies open.
”What-”, he starts, pulling away quickly.
This is exactly what wasn't supposed to happen tonight. Blaine and him are friends. Friends who had sex several times that one night, but that doesn't matter, they didn't know each other then.
But then those hazel eyes are on his again and it is Kurt who pulls Blaine's face forward to smash their lips together again.
Their tongues exploring every single bit of each other, teeth clashing and breaths jagged.
Kurt wants to pull away because this isn't supposed to happen, but he physically can't. He tries to force his muscles to work and to pull away, but they don't. He feels a shaky breath into his open mouth before Blaine's tongue is sucking at his bottom lip.
”Shit.”, Kurt can hear himself breathe out before he can stop himself.
Blaine's soft hands are pressing his back, stroking his sweater, nails digging in just a little. Just enough. The loss of Blaine's lips makes him want to whine again, but he bites his lips instead and closes his eyes when he feels those same lips travel along his neck. Biting and sucking gently, enough to leave a perfect little bruise there.
”For God's sake, Blaine.”, Kurt manages to get out, pulling away enough to meet his darkened hazel eyes.
”This isn't supposed to happen.”, Kurt reminds him, breath jagged and his hands still around Blaine's neck.
”Clearly the universe doesn't agree with you.”, Blaine teases, leaning forward to capture Kurt's lips again, but the blue eyed man stops him.
”You mean you don't agree with me.”, Kurt says, voice quiet and he can see Blaine tense up again.
”I'm sorry, Kurt, I just can't-”, the man starts but Kurt jerks up a hand to shut him up.
”Only for tonight.”, the words leaves Kurt's lips before he can even realize that he was holding them in.
But with that, Blaine is latched onto his lips again, the weight of his body pressing Kurt down against the couch. Stroking Kurt's thighs with his thumbs, tongue traveling down his throat and neck and Kurt can hear his own moan echoing between the walls.
”Shit, I want you so bad.”, Blaine's breath is hot against his ear and Kurt feels like a mess underneath him.
He does not want to hear that.
Even though he kinda does.
”This can't happen again after this, okay?”, Kurt whispers, clinging onto Blaine's body like he was an anchor.
”Okay. Okay.”, Blaine whispers and then Kurt is lost.
Lost in their hungry kisses, lost in the touch of Blaine's hand touching every inch of his body, lost in those damn, burning hazel eyes.
Somehow they manage to drag themselves up from the couch and towards Kurt's unmade bed. Bodies pressing together somewhere between all the pillows and sheets. The feeling of their erections rolling together between the fabric of their clothes reminds Kurt of all of his dreams this past week. Maybe he just needs this one more time to get it out of his system, he tries to convince himself.
He barely have the time to catch his breath before he sees his own shirt getting tossed onto the floor along with Blaine's. Their sweaty chests rubbing together and holy shit, Kurt just needs this. Just this one night. Or well, just this second night, he thinks.
Blaine practically shoves his tongue into Kurt's mouth, leaving the man moaning like a mess under him. Kurt digs his fingers into Blaine's bare back and rolls them over. He tugs Blaine's jeans off faster than he have ever gotten a pair of pants off and cups him through his underwear.
”Shit, Kurt.”, Blaine tries to catch his breath, hands fumbling on Kurt's zipper.
His hands joins Blaine's shaky ones, pulling his own pants off along with his boxer briefs, tugging Blaine's off not one second after.
Kurt lets himself get lost in the moment as their hard dicks are sliding together, creating the most amazing kind of friction. Kurt's eyes rolls back as he dips his head down to capture Blaine's lips again before sitting up to straddle him. And without even realizing Blaine have found the lube, he feels a slippery finger press against his entrance.
”Fuck.”, Kurt hisses, tossing his head back, feeling Blaine filling him up with another finger, stroking his dick at the same time.
Okay, so he won't last long at all, Kurt thinks, pushing himself down onto Blaine's lube covered fingers.
”Holy shit, Kurt.”, Blaine breathes against his parted lips and all Kurt can manage to do is to moan in response.
He feels Blaine pulling his fingers out, joining his other hand to roll a condom onto himself. And Kurt cannot help but to watch, eyes dark and hungry, his lower lip caught between his teeth.
He swears he can see Blaine shoot him a smirk before leaning up to kiss Kurt again. Just as hungry and desperate as before and Kurt loves it. He takes a hold around Blaine's erection, hearing the man moan loudly, before sinking down onto his dick.
Tossing his head up at the feeling, arms shaking as he grips Blaine's shoulder, pushing them closer together as Kurt starts rocking.
He can feel Blaine's gaze burning into him as he closes his eyes, quickens the pace and lets out another broken, desperate moan.
God, he bet even his neighbors can hear him by now.
”Fuck.”, a whiny sound leaves Blaine's lips and Kurt continues his pace, fucking himself down onto Blaine's rock hard dick, leaving the man having to chase his breath under him.
He can feel Blaine starting to tense up and shake underneath him, but he does not go slower. Instead, he pushes himself down to Blaine harder and faster than before, receiving a loud moan of his name coming from Blaine.
Kurt feels that familiar feeling in his lower stomach, his muscles tensing up and his eyes rolling back into his head. He bites back a scream as he feels Blaine's hand working over his dick, and before he can even realize it, he is coming hard in Blaine's fist.
He continues to roll his hips on Blaine's body for a few more second until he can feel Blaine coming too, a broken moan escaping his parted, swollen lips.
”Fuck.”, Blaine breathes out as Kurt collapses on top of him, dropping his head onto the other man's naked chest.
”This can never happen again.”, Kurt continues and he can almost swear he can hear Blaine laugh.
Almost like, yeah right Hummel, you know damn well this will happen again.
Kurt inhales deeply, ”I'm serious, Blaine. This was the last time.”
He tilts his head up to meet Blaine's eyes and the man nods, his hazel eyes shining brighter than before.
”Will you just let me stay the night?”, Blaine asks a little hesitant, biting his lip when Kurt looks up at him again.
”Yeah.”, Kurt nods, ”Yeah of course.”
Because that can't hurt, can it? Falling asleep in someones arms is always nice, Kurt thinks.
Especially if it's in Blaine Anderson's arms.