Save Tonight
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Save Tonight: Chapter one

E - Words: 4,094 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 14, 2016 - Updated: Jan 14, 2016
154 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

What do you think? Should I keep writing this story? Let me know!

Chapter one:

”No, I did not order the sky blue fabric, I'm pretty sure I ordered the sapphire one.”

I'm sorry, Sir. Something must be wrong in your order then. I'll tell someone to look at it and we can get back to you this week.

”No, I'm sorry Miss, I will try to explain this one more time, I ordered the sapphire blue fabric, seven feet and three inches of it to be exact. And I need that fabric to arrive here today, or my boss will kill me.”

Well I'm sorry to hear that, Sir, but shipping the fabric will take a few days anyway. Maybe you can not use the sky blue fabric until the sapphire one arrives?

”Just listen, please, I need that fabric today or Mrs. Waldorf will be extremely upset and probably sue the shit out of your company. While that's not what I personally want for you, she'll probably do it. So my suggestion here is that you get someone to drive here to deliver it, today.”

I'll see what i can do about it, Sir. I'll make sure to send someone to drive the fabric to you today.

”That's perfect, thank you.”

Kurt Hummel groans loudly while leaning back on his office chair. Never in a million years would he think that he would become that kind of person. The kind of person who threatens to sue a company for delivering him something wrong. He laughs. Oh how working in this business changed his attitude. 

He takes a sip of his steaming coffee and lets his eyes wander towards the window next to him. 

He smiles. 

New York is breathtakingly beautiful at fall. Especially when you have a view over Central Park from your window. The man sighs, he will never understand how he got so lucky and ended up here, in this very office, in the city of his dreams.

”Will you stop staring out the window like a child staring at the toy section at Walmart?”, a very familiar voice appears behind him and he turns around with a grin.

”Hello on you too, Santana.”

”Hummel, sometimes I think the reason you haven't got laid in forever is because you're just too damn in love with New York freaking City.”, she teases and Kurt rolls his eyes. 

”The reason I haven't gotten laid in a while is because I'm not constantly horny, like you.”, he shoots back and the girl grins. 

”Hey I can't help it that New York is filled with desperate lesbians.”, she jokes and earns another laugh from Kurt.

”Seriously though Hummel, you should go out with me tonight. We could go to a gay bar or whatever, just somewhere to find you a one night stand.”, she sits up on his desk, grabbing the cup from his hand to take a sip herself.

”While I appreciate your thoughtfulness, Santana”, he rolls his eyes, ”I have to say no. I'm having a Sex And The City marathon tonight.”

”That's more sad and tragic than everything else I expected you to answer.”, she tilts her head.

”Come on Hummel, just for tonight?”, she continues, her dark eyes digging into his own, trying her best to convince him.

”Fine.”, Kurt eventually sighs, because he haven't been going out for a while. 

It might be fun, he thinks.

”Yes! Old Lady Hummel, I'll find you the hottest piece of gay ass this town have to offer.”, and with that, Santana is out the door.

Kurt chuckles to himself. He is glad that he met Santana when they both started working here at the same time. Both new to the city and just as lost. It was nice to have someone to experience the city with, Kurt thought. And so what harm could one innocent night out make?


”You took forever, Hummel.”, Santana points out as he sits down beside her in the taxi.

”At least one of us have to look good tonight, right?”, he teases with a grin, causing his friend to roll her dark eyes.

”Kidding. You look good.”, Kurt glances at her as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

”Of course I do. Now come on, we've got a city to make gay.”, Santana says with a grin and Kurt can not help but to laugh.

Since moving here, he has become used to Santana's different ways of expressing herself. 

”Red wine, Kurt, really?” she laughs as Kurt pulls out a bottle from his bag. 

”You know it makes me feel like more of an extrovert.”, he rolls his eyes.

”No. It just makes you overly flirty and clingy as hell.”, she winks. 

”Here it is.”, Santana says before Kurt can answer her previous comment.

Kurt looks out through the window, eyeing the brick building suspiciously.

”This isn't a gay bar?”, Kurt points out while closing the car door.

”No. But it is full of lesbians anyway.”, she laughs, her red lips stretched in a wide smile.

”I thought the mission here was to get me someone?”, Kurt asks her while walking towards the building.

”Oh come on, Hummel. Auntie snix needs herself some action too.”, she grins before continuing, ”Besides, I'm sure we'll be able to find you a rainbow boy here too.”

And with that they leave the dark sky and the rain behind them, pushing the door to the bar open. 

Kurt has never really been a fan of bars and clubs. The loud music and all the clingy, drunk people, he just doesn't enjoy it. But now that he is already here, why not get a drink? It can't hurt to become one of those clingy, loud drunks just for one night. 


”Another shot for me and the doll right here!”, Santana shouts over the bar desk, receiving another two tiny cups. 

Kurt wrinkles his nose.

”This is disgusting.”, he points out, voice loud to make himself heard over the music.

”Whatever, at least I'm getting you drunk.”, she rolls her eyes and Kurt just groans, swallowing another shot down his throat. 

”Hey, what about Bowtie Gay over there with the gel helmet?”, Santana leans over the table to tell him and he raises his eyebrows.

He looks over his shoulder and can feel his jaw drop. Because sure, the man Santana is pointing at does have a bowtie and his hair filled with an unhealthy amount of gel, but wow, the man is gorgeous. His hazel eyes are shining brightly in the dark room as he laughs along with two dark haired guys. Kurt licks his lips, he thought he was the only one who could pull off a pair of that tight jeans, but apparently Mr Gel Helmet can too.

”You're drooling, Hummel.”, Santana laughs, pulling him out of his thoughts.

”I'm not.”

”Just go talk to him already.”


”Okay fine, I'll come with you, I'll ask his friend for a cigarette or something.”, Santana rolls her eyes and stands up to pull Kurt with her towards the corner of the room. 

Kurt barely hears Santana asking one of the guys for a cigarette, because while walking towards the three men, those pair of hazel eyes meets his own and he can't look away. Keeping their eyes locked together while walking towards him. 

”Hold my drink. I'm going for a smoke.”, Santana hands Kurt her glass and before he can say anything she is walking towards the entrance, also known as the smoking area, with one of the guys. 

”Hey, I'm going for a piss.”, the other drunk, dark haired guy shouts to the gel haired one who just nods, his hazel eyes still on Kurt's.

”They totally did that on purpose.”, Kurt manages to get out between the loud music and the shouts from drunk people.

”They totally did.”, the guy agrees and Kurt's eyes widens just a bit more, because wow, even the guy's voice is completely fucking magical. Soft yet raspy. 

Kurt swallows loudly. 

”I'm Blaine.”, the guy continues with a grin, as if Kurt's stare is that obvious. 

”Kurt.”, he manages to get out before taking the guy's, Blaine's, hand to shake it. 

”Something tells me you're being the third wheel to that girl and her ego tonight.”, gel helmet Blaine laughs, nodding towards Santana standing by the door.

”Your guess is surprisingly right.”, Kurt smiles, glancing towards his friend, who is now standing by a blue haired girl, blowing smoke in her face.

”She'll leave me here within an hour or so anyway.”, Kurt sighs, nodding towards the two girls and Blaine smiles widely. 

”Just got together with her girlfriend over there, I suppose? They look like they're in the honeymoon phase.”, Blaine asks, nodding towards Santana who's now making out with the girl, tugging at her blue hair.

”Nope. Just a potential hook up.”, Kurt laughs, his eyes on the girls.

”Wow, she's working fast.”, Blaine states in another laugh.

How can a person have suck a hot laugh? Kurt wonders. Is it even possible to not sound like a dying duck or something when you laugh?

Kurt bites his lips.

”Can I buy you a drink?”, Blaine asks before Kurt can say anything else.

”Sure.”, Kurt nods, because why not? What harm could one more drink make?


”So you live here in New York?”, Kurt leans closer to make himself heard over the music as they sit down by the bar. 

”I do. I've been going to college here for a few years, but I'm starting at my new job in a few days. What about you?”, Blaine tells him and Kurt takes a sip of his fourth drink of the night.

Kurt opens his mouth to ask where this gorgeous gel haired man works but gets interrupted by Santana's arms around his neck. 

”You getting some tonight, Hummel?”, she yells and Kurt has never wanted to slap his friend more than right now. 

”It looks like you're the one who should be asked that.”, Blaine laughs, nodding towards Santana and then at the blue haired girl, and Kurt turns around to look at him with wide eyes.

Okay, so Mr gorgeous eyes didn't even seem disgusted or uncomfortable by Santana's question?

”Hell yeah I am.”, the girl laughs, spilling a little of her drink onto Kurt's shirt.

”I'm gonna give you so much crap for this on Monday.”, Kurt hisses as he stands up, eyes on the stain on his brand new shirt.

”Maybe Bowtie Gay here can help you clean up some.”, she winks before leaving the two of them alone by the bar again.

Kurt groans loudly, shyly looking up at Blaine, who yet again, does not seem uncomfortable by the drunk girl's words.

”I'm sorry abut that, she does have her, uhm, own special way of expressing herself.”, Kurt sighs, trying to wipe his shirt the best he can.

”Don't worry about it. She's just like any other loud, clingy drunk at this bar.”, Blaine laughs and Kurt swears he can feel his heart swell a little because holy shit this man's laughter is like pure music to his ears. 


”I should go clean this up.”, Kurt starts, biting his lip before looking into those dreamy eyes again.

”I'll help you.”, Blaine says casually and Kurt raises his eyebrows a bit but he does definitely not complain.

Making their way to the men's restroom, Kurt can feel gel helmet's breath in his neck the whole time. He smiles. Even the guy's breath makes him shiver.

”Wow, I can't believe she had the guts to ruin a Dior shirt.”, Blaine says as they reach the light in the restroom.

Kurt glances at him with raised eyebrows.

”How did you know this was Dior?”

Please, I've been drooling over this shirt on their website for months.”, Blaine laughs and Kurt can hear himself swallow way too loud again.


”Well, I think I actually would have preferred you drooling over it rather than Santana spilling her gross drink over it.”, Kurt jokes and earns another laugh from Blaine, leaving him feeling a little lightheaded at the sound.

Because nobody usually laughs this much at his witty jokes. 

At least no one with a magical laugh like that.

And Kurt can't seem to be able to tear his gaze away as Blaine slowly dabs a wet towel to the stain on his shirt.

”I think that'll do it.”, Blaine mumbles, chewing on his lower lip as he keeps his attention on getting the stain away. 

”You're really good at this.”, Kurt compliments with a grin, meeting the pair of hazel eyes again as the man stands up in front of him. 

”Well, It's not everyday you get to clean a Dior shirt.”, Blaine jokes and Kurt can feel his lips shape into an embarrassingly large smile.

The smell of alcohol against his face hits him as Blaine lets out a breathy, quiet laugh.

How the hell can a person be this beautiful?

”That shirt really is gorgeous.”, Blaine nods towards the grey shirt clinging to Kurt's body.

You're gorgeous.”, the compliment is out before Kurt can even register he said it.


Kurt is about to ramble out some pathetic excuse of being drunk, and that he didn't meant to say it. But as he parts his lips to speak, another parted mouth crashes into his own. Hands against his spine are pushing him closer.

And holy shit Blaine sure knows how to kiss.

A soft tongue traces eagerly over his lower lip and into his mouth. Kurt lets out a quiet gasp, and in a normal, sober, state of mind, Kurt would not do this. He would not make out with a stranger at a bar. But right now, he does not care, and he does not know if it's because of the alcohol or if it's because of the fact that this guy is the most gorgeous creature Kurt has ever laid his eyes on. 

He can feel a gentle hand against his neck, fingers digging carefully into his thick hair. 

He let his tongue dart into Blaine's mouth again and quickly jerks a hand up to touch that gel helmet of his. 

”You taste like red wine.”, Blaine's jagged up breath hits his mouth and Kurt opens his eyes to meet those darkened hazel eyes again. 

And holy shit they are beautiful.

Kurt doesn't know if he is more drunk on the alcohol or the excitement running through his body as Blaine's lips are on his again, hot and hungry. A pair of hands are running up and down his back, ending up resting on his ass. A moan slips out between Kurt's lips as those same hands are pressing their bodies even closer together. Nails are digging into his hips, and holy shit, when was the last time someone made him feel this good?

”Wanky.”, Kurt's body jerks back at the sound of a very familiar voice and he shoots a glance towards the door.

”Santana.”, he hisses between clenched teeth, eyes wandering back to Blaine who just looks confused and just as amused.

”Go get some, Hummel!”, she shouts with a huge grin as she walks out the door and Kurt groans loudly. 

”So this is the part where I apologize for my drunk friend, again.”, Kurt rolls his eyes, his ears being filled with the sound of Blaine's laughter. 

”It's okay. Though her timing is really bad.”, Blaine jokes and bites his lower lip slightly as his gaze wanders towards Kurt's swollen mouth.

 ”Or maybe very right. I don't usually do this.”, Kurt admits in a embarrassed laugh and Blaine nods with a grin.

”Yeah, me neither.”

Their gazes hold for too long again, locking together in the most magnificent way. A perfect blend of deep hazel and bright blue.

A moment of silence passes.

”Oh what the hell.”, Kurt breathes out before stumbling forward, gripping Blaine's gelled head and pressing their swollen lips together.

Eager, fast and absolutely delicious. 

A shiver is sent through Kurt's spine as hazel eyed gel helmet moans breathlessly into his mouth. Hands are gripping his hips again and he can feel the other man's hard on through his skin tight jeans.

”Blaine, we're going- Woah, sorry!”, the same dark haired guy who gave Santana a cigarette appears by the door and now it's Blaine's turn to groan loudly.

”Not now, Wes.”, he looks over Kurt's shoulder at the guy, hands still gripping Kurt's hips. 

”Come on Hummel, just take the god damned guy back to your place.”, Kurt turns around quickly as Santana's voice appears in the room again.

”Could you just shut up for one minute, Santana?”, he shoots, eyes wide and annoyed.

She rolls her eyes, ”Whatever lady lips, I'm going home with that blue haired girl anyway.”

And with that, she's out the door along with the dark haired guy. 

”Maybe this is the universe trying to tell me that this is a bad idea.”, Kurt groans and yet again, Blaine laughs.

”Or maybe it's saying something like ”hey you're both drunk and a little foolish right now, but that's okay, and Kurt you should totally invite Blaine over to your house”, or what do you think?”, Blaine says, an innocent grin appearing on his face and Kurt cannot help but to laugh.

This is probably not a good idea, Kurt thinks to himself, his arms still wrapped around Blaine's neck. 

But Santana does this all the time, right? On the other hand, he is not like Santana, nor will he ever be. But what harm can one innocent night of fun make? He thinks.

Kurt bites his lip, ”Yeah, I think that's exactly what it's saying.”

And with that he is out the door, pulling Blaine along with him.


”I take it as you have an intense love for Wicked.”, Blaine states between messy kisses after a glance at the poster on Kurt's wall.

”An intense love for musical theatre in general, I would say.”, Kurt answers, still with his lips glued to Blaine's and his hand fumbling with his adorable bowtie.

”Noted.”, it comes out as a breath against Kurt's mouth and the blue eyed man quickens his pace towards the bed. 

He crawls on top of Blaine the second he is on his back against Kurt's bedsheets. Kissing him messy and fast and moaning right into his ear. And Kurt is just happy that his very first one night stand happens to be this gorgeous man who likes Dior and bowties. Kurt shivers as a hand travels under his shirt and over his back, nails digging into his skin.

”Shit.”, he mumbles as Blaine unbuttons his shirt gently, throwing the shirt away carefully. 

It is Dior after all, and Blaine knows it. 

Kurt is quick to pull off the polo Blaine's been wearing and let his hands wander down to his zipper.

Nails are digging deeper into his back and he moans breathlessly into Mr. Hazel Eyes mouth. 

Kurt's erection is desperately searching for some kind of friction once both of their too tight jeans are off. Another moan slips into his own mouth and his eyes rolls back, his heart pounding loudly in his ears.

Holy shit he is actually doing this, he is going to have sex with a stranger he will probably never see again. 

God, what have Santana done to him?

Blaine rolls his hips up again and Kurt stops thinking when a hand is tugging at his own boxer briefs before pulling them of in one swift movement. And Kurt is pretty sure he has never gotten a pair of underwear off so fast, but not one second later Blaine is fully naked too. 

Their erections sliding desperately together and their moans echoing between the brick walls. 

Kurt lets an eager hand feel Blaine's ass, a finger sliding into the crack. He pauses.

”Do you prefer-uhm- I mean, do you want to-”

”Yes. Just, please.”, Blaine interrupts him, pushing himself back down against Kurt's finger.


He kisses Blaine hungrily as he fumbles with his hand on the nightstand. Finding what he is searching for, he pulls back. Blaine's gaze is on him the whole time while he covers his finger with the white, slippery liquid and Kurt wastes no time before gently pushing a finger inside of him.

Kurt fumbles with his finger and pushes another inside when Blaine tosses his head back against the pillow and moans loudly into his ear. He sucks and bites the skin on Kurt's neck eagerly as Kurt pulls out his fingers, hearing the man whine beneath him.

”Let me.”, Blaine pushes himself up on his elbows, reaching for the condom in Kurt's hand, looking right into his bright blue eyes as he rolls the condom on.

And god, if it isn't the hottest sight Kurt has ever seen.

It definitely is.

Kurt covers his length in that same white, slippery liquid again and positions himself over the other man. He is nudging the hole gently before pushing in completely, receiving another loud moan right into his ear. 

”Holy fuck.”, Blaine groans as Kurt slams his hips against him after pulling out slowly.

They find their pace quickly and work perfectly together. Hips are rolling up, hands are grabbing every inch of body they can reach, and lips are kissing each other hungrily and desperate. 

”Faster.”, Blaine's breath is hot against Kurt's lips and his mind goes blank.

”Shit.”, Kurt can hear himself whimper against Blaine's parted lips as he quickens the pace of his thrusts.

He catches the sight of Blaine's hazel eyes in the dimmed light in the room, hazel mixed with bright blue and Kurt can feel his body tense up already.

He can barely register what he is doing when he wraps his hand around Blaine's throbbing dick, his hand working over it quickly in rhythm with the thrusts of his hips.

”Fuck.”, Blaine whines breathlessly against Kurt's sweaty neck before a shout of Kurt's name leaves the man's lips as he comes all over Kurt's hand and his own chest.

And Kurt cannot help but to follow, coming not two seconds later, thrusting desperately into the man, moaning nonsense into his ear.

”Holy shit.”, Blaine is breathing heavily as Kurt collapses on top of him, his face scrunched up against the other man's sweaty neck. 

Kurt bites his lip. 

Okay, so this is what a one night stand feels like. 


”That was fun.”, Blaine laughs a little awkwardly and Kurt tilts his head up.

”I really don't know what comes next. I'm really not familiar with all the one night stand rules.”, Kurt jokes, still biting his lip a little and Blaine laughs.

”Me neither. But I guess this should be a one time thing and that I should walk away so that we never see each other again.”, Blaine starts and an uneasy feeling settles in Kurt's stomach. 

”Or-”, Blaine continues, eyes on Kurt, ”I can stay a little longer, and we can make this a two time thing?”

His hopeful hazel eyes shines teasingly at Kurt's and the blue eyed man cannot help the laugh that escapes his lips.

”Deal.”, is Kurt's final word, meeting Blaine's smile in a kiss and rolling them over.

Yeah, this was definitely going to be a two time thing. Maybe a three time thing. Hell, maybe a seven time thing for all Kurt knows. 


Just for tonight.


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