Save Tonight
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Save Tonight: Chapter four

E - Words: 3,164 - Last Updated: Feb 26, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Jan 14, 2016 - Updated: Jan 14, 2016
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Author's Notes:

Tell me what you think and what you wish for to happen later on in this story in a review or mail

Lots of love!

When Blaine wakes up, he is immediately confused. Where the hell is he? 

His tired eyes wanders around the room, still as confused, until he hears a sound beside him. The sound of someone muffling their quiet snores into a pillow, head facing Blaine, arm thrown over his chest. 


And then Blaine remembers.

A smile appears on his face while he shifts a little under the weight of Kurt's arm to see his face.

He looks so peaceful like this, Blaine thinks while reaching his hand out to stroke a piece of hair away from Kurt's forehead. He pinches the soft hair, twirling it around his fingers.

How does anyone get their hair to be this soft? Blaine wonders, another smile forming on his face.

The sound of Kurt's calm breathing is probably the most comforting thing Blaine has ever heard. Almost inaudible, but the way his lips are parted relieves it and Blaine can hear the muffled sound. Yeah, It's definitely the most comforting thing he has ever heard. 

Blaine opens his eyes again. The sight of a sleeping Kurt filling his vision. And he just can't stop the smile on his face from appearing. Seeing Kurt like this, all quiet and calm. No witty comments or jokes leaving his mouth every other minute, even though Blaine likes that too. 

No sign of stress in his eyes as he tries to get a new delivery for Mrs.Waldorf right. 

He just is.

And he's so beautiful.

Blaine places his hand against Kurt's spine, slowly stroking up and down his back. Seeing Kurt shivering in his sleep at the touch. And then Blaine smiles again.

He knows that Kurt and him are just friends, that the two of them having sex will not happen again according to Kurt. He also knows about that stupid rule that Mrs.Waldorf came up with. 

But somewhere deep in his mind, he also knows that things will find their way. 

Blaine knows that when he first spotted Kurt at that bar, a little more than a week ago, blue eyes shining brightly towards him. He got this feeling, the feeling of seeing someone he has been missing for a long time. Not that him and Kurt had met before that, even though they had competed against each other in high school. 

But it wasn't like that. It was something more like, not exactly love at first sight, but something like familiarity. Something like 'Oh, it's you. It's going to be you. It's always been you', Blaine thought. Like he had been waiting for Kurt without even knowing it. 

Maybe it's a silly thought, but Blaine allows himself to think it. Several times a day. 

And laying here next to Kurt, only strengthens that feeling. 

The sound of New York City awakening catches Blaine's attention. The sound of people running and yelling down the sidewalk. The sound of cars trying to make their way down the street. 

Maybe this is how it is supposed to be, Blaine thinks. Maybe this is a sight into the future, some day when Kurt does not have to push Blaine away. When he has learned how to love Blaine. Maybe this is what it will be like; the two of them in a apartment with brick walls, waking up to the sound of their city awakening along with them. 

Blaine smiles, yet another silly thought, he thinks. 

He shifts his head again, distracted from his thoughts by the sound of Kurt inhaling deeply. He can feel something warm settle in his chest, beneath his ribs as those bright, blue eyes opens. 

”Hi.”, Blaine breathes, hand still resting against Kurt's spine.

Blaine caresses the skin with his thumb slowly, smiling when Kurt shivers under his touch.

”Hi.”, Kurt whispers, eyes and voice full of sleep. 

”I'm pretty sure friends don't touch each other like this.”, Kurt yawns, he probably meant for it to be a joke but Blaine pulls his hand away.

”Sorry, we were like this when I woke up.”, Blaine lies, gesturing his hand between them.

”Sure.”, Kurt laughs quietly and that warm feeling beneath Blaine's ribs just grows stronger.

Kurt is probably the most beautiful creature he have ever seen. 

And it gets harder and harder trying to ignore that.

”You want to get some breakfast?”, Blaine asks, interrupting his own thoughts.

Kurt shoots him a questioning look.

”As friends.”, Blaine clarifies, rolling his eyes a little.

”Absolutely. I like my coffee strong and hot.”, Kurt shoves his face into the pillow again.

”Yeah, just like you like your men.”, Blaine jokes in a chuckle and Kurt tilts his head up.

”Got an awfully lot of confidence there, Mr. Bowtie.”, Kurt teases and Blaine can't seem to stop grinning, ”Now go make me some breakfast, friend.”


Blaine spends his Sunday afternoon looking up Mrs.Waldorf's company's website. He is looking for that stupid rule saying that colleagues can't date. He'd spent the main part of his day at Kurt's apartment. Drinking coffee and teasing each other while watching Breakfast At Tiffany's. Kurt had made several statements regarding their friendship, and he had mentioned Mrs.Waldorf's useless, stupid rule numerous of times, just in case, he had told Blaine.

Blaine rolls his eyes, continuing his search on the computer before closing it with a sigh.

What is he doing?

Looking up that stupid rule won't make him feel any better. Because Kurt still puts his career before his love life, he has told Blaine that several times ever since they first met. Even Santana made it clear to Blaine that Kurt Hummel never really lets anyone in. And Blaine wonders why. 

Sure, him and Kurt have only known each other for a little more than a week, so maybe it isn't that strange that Blaine does not know every single detail about mysterious Kurt Hummel's life yet, but he wants to. He wants all the good parts, and the bad parts.

He crawls under the covers in his bed. He really should just stop thinking about it. 

Time and patience will solve the problem for him, like his father always used to told him.

Blaine falls asleep, mind spinning with pictures of a bright blue eyed man. 

The man of his dreams. Literally.


”I hope you don't mind the music. I'm having one of my occasional Musical Monday's.”, Kurt laughs as Blaine walks into the office the next day, the soundtrack to Moulin Rogue playing loudly in the background.

Wow, this man is perfect in every way.

”Musical Monday sounds like a great thing to me.”, Blaine smiles, tugging a little at his bowtie before settling down by his desk. 

”Noted. Then I hope you also won't mind it when I cry my eyes out to Come What May?”, Kurt jokes, eyes resting on Blaine.

Blaine smiles again. Because he still finds himself crying to that very song.

”No, I won't mind it.”

It will probably be the most adorable yet heart breaking thing ever.

Blaine bites his lip. 

”Good morning gays.”, the door slams open and Kurt's friend, Santana walks in, a big grin on her face, as usual.

”You sound awfully cheerful for an early morning?”, Kurt points out and Santana rolls her dark eyes.

”I just wanted to see if you two were getting it on in the office.”

”Santana.”, Kurt groans, leaning his head back against his chair.

”Oh come on, Hummel. I know damn well about your secret dream to have someone fucking you bent over your desk.”, her grins widens and so does Kurt's eyes.

Blaine has to bite back a laugh.

”God, Santana!”, Kurt shrieks, making the girl laugh at his dramatic reaction.

”Have a nice day. I'll see you at lunch.”, and then she's out the door again.

”Have you been around her enough times and gotten used to her yet so that I don't have to apologize for her again?”, Kurt turns his chair around, eyes on Blaine who is still biting his lip.

”I told you the very first time, you don't have to apologize.”, Blaine chuckles.

”Is it true?”, Blaine then asks, the word slips out his mouth before he can stop them.

”What?”, Kurt tilts his head in confusion.

Adorable, Blaine thinks.

”That dream of yours that Santana talked about?”, Blaine continues, feeling that warm feeling in his chest again as he sees Kurt blushing.

”God.”, the man groans and Blaine cannot help but to laugh.

”That's a really weird question for friends to ask each other.”, Kurt mutters and Blaine raises an eyebrow.

”It is?”

”If the friends have known each other for just a week, then yes it is.”, he can tell that Kurt is being sarcastic, but he still cannot help himself when he opens his mouth again;

”Even if the friends have had sex?”

Kurt's lips parts a little as his jaw drops.

”Blaine-”, he begins, eyes looking at the floor.

”I'm just kidding, Kurt.”, Blaine assures him, holding up his hands beside his head. 

”Just start working, you jerk.”, Kurt laughs, rolling his eyes a little as he shifts his attention back to the computer screen. 


Blaine's second week at work flies by, filled with Santana's inappropriate comments, Kurt's witty jokes and kind looks. And of course, filled with Blaine catching himself staring at Kurt. 

He is sitting on his couch Saturday night after having dinner with two of his childhood friends, Wes and David. The subject of Kurt never came up during dinner, maybe because Blaine didn't let it. Because Kurt was still Blaine's very own secret. 

He went home earlier tonight, walking down the sidewalk and settled himself in front of the television. If his friends knew how much he is thinking about Kurt, they would probably be worried. And maybe Blaine should be worried himself. Because this weird attraction he got to Kurt, and not just because of his looks, seems to mess with his brain a lot. Kurt haunts every single one of his dreams and they have only known each other for about two weeks. 

It's not normal, he thinks, flinching a little when his phone buzzes in his pocket. 

”Hello?”, he leans back against the couch.

Gay Number Two?”, a familiar drunk voice says into the phone.

”Santana?”, Blaine frowns.

Do not fall in love with Hummel.”, he can barely hear the sound of her drunk mumbling through the phone.

”What?”, he asks, eyebrows raised.

What is going on?

Kurt is ambitious. I admired him when we first met because he was so determined to succeed, and that actually impressed me. And he has been just as determined for these past three years that I've known him, so don't you dare come and screw up his dreams.”, she shouts through what seems like loud club music and into the phone.

”What are you talking about, Santana?”

Just don't fall in love with him, okay? Because he can't love you back. Accept that and you'll save yourself from some serious heartache.”, Santana sighs into the phone.

”I'm not- I mean, We're not-”, he starts.

I see the way you two look at each other like you're soulmates or something like that made up shit, okay? But you can't be, because Kurt Hummel will succeed in this business, and if he gets distracted by you and your squishy ass, than it will ruin his career. He is already staring to have a hard time focusing at work.

Blaine almost gasps into the phone.

”Santana, Kurt and I are not-”

She interrupts him again.

Just please do what I ask you to? Just don't fall in love with Kurt.

And before he can answer her, she hangs up.

What the hell was that all about? Blaine drops his head onto the couch with a groan. And what looks are she referring to? Blaine bites his lip.

Maybe she's right. Because this is what Kurt have been talking about since their very first night together. About that he will always prioritize his career over love. That he isn't looking for love. Blaine bites down harder into his lower lip. Maybe falling for Kurt, and trying to get the man to fall for him, will be a destructive thing to do. It will ruin things for Kurt and his goals with his job, and Blaine will most likely end up heart broken. 

He groans. 

Yeah, maybe the right thing here is to just let these feelings go. These feelings of home and familiarity that Blaine felt the second he saw Kurt. He do not want to ruin things for Kurt.

Yeah, the right thing is probably to try to just be friends with Kurt. Even if it is the last thing he wants for himself.

He falls asleep.


Kurt is focusing on his computer screen as Blaine walks into the office the next Monday. Blaine tries not to look at him for too long, but still, he notices how Kurt's face seems to light up at the sight of him. 

He is probably just imagining it.

”No Musical Monday?”, Blaine asks, putting down his cup of coffee on his desk.

”I figured you could choose the music today.”, Kurt suggests, biting his lip in a smile, ”I need to see if you're taste in music is as good as your taste when it comes to restaurants and food.”

”You'll be pleasantly surprised.”, Blaine grins, opening up Spotify on his computer.

”What about some Disney classics?”, he asks, watching a huge grin take over Kurt's face.

”I never pictured you as a Disney nerd.”, Kurt teases, crossing his leg over the other.

Blaine licks his lips.

”Well my first crush was Prince Eric from The Little Mermaid.”, he shrugs, smiling widely.

”Really? I always thought Aladdin was way hotter.”, Kurt winks, turning his face towards the screen again as Blaine starts the music.

He catches himself sitting and staring at the back of Kurt's head for a little to long. His hands ache to touch that soft hair.

Blaine lets out a quiet sigh.

And then, just as usual, the door slams open and Santana walks in. 

”Are you two still not doing it bent over Kurt's desk?”, she crosses her arms and Kurt sighs.

”Will there ever be a morning where I don't have to listen to your inappropriate comments regarding our friendship?”, Kurt asks her, gesturing with his finger between himself and Blaine.

Blaine raises his eyebrows a little. Why is Santana still showering them with her sexual comments even though she more or less demanded Blaine to not fall for Kurt? Does she think that her talking about them like that will make his crush disappear?

”Probably not.”, the girl shrugs, frowning as she becomes aware of the music.

”Disney, really? God, you two are even more gay than I thought.”, she laughs, walking towards the door.

”Bye, Santana.”, Kurt sighs, eyes on the computer screen. 

The girl walks out the door and Blaine stands up, walking after her, closing the door behind him.

”Santana? Can I talk to you?”, Blaine says before they reach her office.

”What now?”, she turns around, eyebrows raised.

”Why are you still shooting those comments about me and Kurt?”, he asks.

”Why wouldn't I?”, she looks at him confused.

Blaine frowns, doesn't she remember? Wait she was drunk wasn't she? Fuck.

”You, uhm, you called me Saturday night,”, Blaine starts, resting his hands on his hips and Santana crosses her arms.

”You told me to not fall in love with Kurt, several times.”, he explains and by the look on her face, she is trying to remember it.

”I was drunk.”, she recalls.

”I tend to be overly dramatic when I'm drunk, and very straightforward.”, she bites her lip.

”Did you mean it though?”, Blaine can't help himself from asking.

”Look, Bowtie Boy, Kurt will always put his career first, okay? And if you think that he will let go of his dreams and goals just for some guy, then you're delusional.”, she sighs, shooting a warning look at Blaine.

”I don't want to screw things up for him. I would never make him choose between his career and me.”, Blaine says, all of a sudden feeling shy and uncomfortable.

”You know about the rule at this job. Only last year a man and a woman who had both worked here for seven years got fired because Mrs. Waldorf found out they were seeing each other.”, she tells him, almost looking annoyed.

”Why?”, Blaine asks, a shocked and confused look in his warm eyes.

”Because Mrs. Waldorf had noticed both of their work getting worse and worse, and then one day when one of them had forgotten to make a delivery for her, because they were too busy with staring at each other, she had enough and fired both of them.”, she keeps telling him and Blaine nods head a little when he understands where the rule came from.


”And that is why I'm worried about Hummel. He deserves this job, he wants to make it big in this business. And I know he will, but he cannot have some guy distract him.”, she crosses her arms again with a sigh.

”I would never ruin things for Kurt.”

”Good. Then don't fall in love with him, as drunk me told you.”, she opens the door to her office.

”But I will not stop with my comments though, that's just what I do. Plus it might scare Hummel off  from doing something with you that he will regret.”, she continues with a wink before closing the door after her.


Blaine sighs. He thinks he finally understands all this drama about not being able to have a relationship with Kurt. But still, something feels like it's physically pulling him towards the man, waiting and longing for him. And that feeling of familiarity and recognition, as if in every lifetime that they have ever lived, there's always this search for each other. Something they simply cannot miss out on doing. Something they have to do, in every lifetime they will live through.


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